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Thailand Found Over 10,000 New Hiv/Aids Patients In 2011

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Thailand found over 10,000 new HIV/AIDS patients in 2011

BANGKOK, 10 January 2012 (NNT) - The Public Health Ministry has made public the number of HIV/AIDS patients in 2011, saying over 10,000 new patients were found last year alone.

According to the Public Health Ministry, over 1 million people were infected with the deadly disease in 2011, with nearly half still alive. The statistics from January to November 2011 shows more than 10,000 new patients.

25 percent of the patients are working people aged between 30 and 34, followed by people in 25-29 age range, who account for 22 percent. The tendency of people dying of AIDS has reduced from the past as the medicines and medical technology have improved.

The Ministry has set strategies for national AIDS prevention and resolution in the years 2012-2016, including reducing the number of new patients to only 6,700 in 2016, reducing the death of HIV patients down by allowing them better access to anti-virus, and improving their qualities of life. The Ministry has been providing free blood check to people twice a week at hospitals under the social healthcare program, which, therefore, enables new patients to receive treatments at early stages.

It has also been encouraging people in the society to treat AIDS patients with the same respect as with other people.


-- NNT 2012-01-10 footer_n.gif

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"The Ministry has been providing free blood check to people twice a week at hospitals under the social healthcare program, which, therefore, enables new patients to receive treatments at early stages."

so only for Thai :)


many people(especially women) refuse to take any kind of tests like this or pap test because they're embarrassed. I know this because I'm in my mid 20s and none of my friends have ever had any tests done to check for STIs let alone HIV...

who could blame them for being embarrassed really though, some of the hospital staff here are truly unprofessional. One of my expat friends went for tests last year and the nurses were staring, giggling and gossiping about her right there in the office.


"The Ministry has been providing free blood check to people twice a week at hospitals under the social healthcare program, which, therefore, enables new patients to receive treatments at early stages."

so only for Thai smile.png

Patong Hospital has refused Thais!


Its only just late last year (2011) that they were many reports in the newspapers and I belive from the same bloody Ministry Of Public Health that HIV was under control in Thailand and that they were fever cases?

I know of many thais who are turned away at the red cross and also hospitals when they wish to have excess to check-ups and medications........its all bull-shit and really the Ministry Of Public Health, The Red Cross, GPO and also The FDA department should be heavily scrutised by the public and a lot of old dinosaurs and mafias need to be not only kicked out but also publicly exposed and ostracised.


"One million infected in 2011 with nearly half still alive"

I thought it took ages to die from AIDs ???????

That means 500,000 of the newly infected died in a matter of weeks!

Does that really seem likely?

Most obviously became positive in PREVIOUS years.

It sounds like they are saying a million Thais have been infected in history though. That really sounds low.

The wording could be a lot better!


And a lot of "old farangs" not worry too to become HIV because now it's easy to live 5-15 years with it. Better than use condoms.

Ask the girls how much farangs want to have sex without condoms!!!


Its only just late last year (2011) that they were many reports in the newspapers and I belive from the same bloody Ministry Of Public Health that HIV was under control in Thailand and that they were fever cases?

There ARE fewer cases. They word it strangely in this article and don't give a comparision. 'Over 10,000' in this case is just barely over 10,000, which is siginificantly down from past levels. In the early 90s there were over 150,000 new cases per year and even 5-10 years ago it was 2-3 times current rate.

The US for comparision has 50-60,000 per year, so the infection rate has fallen from African levels in the early 90s to about US levels today.


I made a fake profile on gay romeo looking for sex without condoms, as a way to measure the level of unsafe sex amongst gays in Thailand. My alter ego has had hundreds of acceptances.

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I made a fake profile on gay romeo looking for sex without condoms, as a way to measure the level of unsafe sex amongst gays in Thailand. My alter ego has had hundreds of acceptances.

Darn. You're the one that keeps avoiding my calls. Its not only gays doing unprotected sex in Thailand .
  • Like 2

I made a fake profile on gay romeo looking for sex without condoms, as a way to measure the level of unsafe sex amongst gays in Thailand. My alter ego has had hundreds of acceptances.

Well..to be honest it's time for your "come out " When do people realize that sexuality is something which should be up to everybody??

I made a fake profile on brain romero looking for some people with a brain, but couldn't find them......jap.gif


I made a fake profile on gay romeo looking for sex without condoms, as a way to measure the level of unsafe sex amongst gays in Thailand. My alter ego has had hundreds of acceptances.

Well..to be honest it's time for your "come out " When do people realize that sexuality is something which should be up to everybody??

I made a fake profile on brain romero looking for some people with a brain, but couldn't find them......jap.gif

Whatever you do, don't go to Mensa club parties. Those people are total prats! Better odds at a menstruation club ... if that exists.
  • Like 1

I made a fake profile on gay romeo looking for sex without condoms, as a way to measure the level of unsafe sex amongst gays in Thailand. My alter ego has had hundreds of acceptances.

Well..to be honest it's time for your "come out " When do people realize that sexuality is something which should be up to everybody??

I made a fake profile on brain romero looking for some people with a brain, but couldn't find them......jap.gif

You must have a fake brain then........clap2.gif


I made a fake profile on gay romeo looking for sex without condoms, as a way to measure the level of unsafe sex amongst gays in Thailand. My alter ego has had hundreds of acceptances.

And, your point is?

The topic is pretty much sad to make jokes about it. Many of my friends in Europe died because if Aids. Because they were using a medication in the beginning that wasn't really proofed long enough. What actually had happened was that the medicine, not a virus killed them. Took a long time to figure that out, in this time millions of people died. People from Southeast Asia and other countries bought the -at this time-very expensive killer medicine, just to die earlier.

The name was AZT, a medication found around seventy years ago, actually to fight cancer. It disappeared because it was to toxic, and came back when they' were looking for the "Super Medicine" to fight HIV. There was a lot of money involved,all institutions wanted to find THE medicine to make money...A good friend of mine, a doctor also made a blind study, where 50 % of his patients received Placebos and the others the medication, had shown that those who took the real pills died within 5 months.

having Aids in Thailand is a very scary thing, as I've seen five HIV positive people in my wife's village dying. Some of their relatives didn't even wash them because they were too scared to touch their suffering bodies. I said goodbye to some of them and was crying, couldn't believe the Thai society, their lies and way of thinking. We would treat sick dogs better.

One of my relatives has got the virus for around 13 years and it's pretty rough for those to tell the family about it. Most people think to be positive disables them to talk about it, and they keep quiet. But I've met loads of foreigners here in LOS who made such comments as well, discriminating people who are already suffering.

Now I'm trying to help people with my knowledge what to do, what to check, etc. .

I'm always in touch with my friend the doc back in Europe to be up to date. For those carrying the virus don't panic, it doesn't change anything. Try to live with it, I know people where the virus can't be tested any more. Cheers- jap.gif

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Thai’s and westerns are completely naive about HIV/AIDS. Westerners come over to Thailand for one main purpose, to have sex and maybe do a little shopping. Some have HIV/AIDS and some don’t. Though, the ones who have HIV/AIDS do not tell newly found G/F or B/F, they have it and often refuse to use a condom or they don’t feel comfortable practicing safe sex. Kind of like playing Russian roulette.

One of my good friends has HIV/AIDS and is struggling with it every day. Though, he’s keeping a very positive attitude about having it. He is gay and said he picked it up when a French man whom he had a relationship refused to use condoms and infected him. The French man took off back to his home country when he was confronted with this issue by his bf. My friend said, he took the risk and now paid for it.

Klong Toey has this major problem also and Thai government refuses to do anything about it. Father Joe one of the main spokes persons about this issue, brought this to light many years go. He created “The Mercy Center” and its garnered worldwide recognition from Presidents, Mother Teresa. He has even created a school for those who live in that area. When I first came back to Thailand a couple years ago, I went to see Father Joe and the children spotted me and their first words was “Teacher, hello.” That was a very emotional moment for me.

If Thai’s really want to clamp down on this issue of increased HIV/AIDS infections in their country. They should conduct health checks on all visitors arriving in Bangkok and if someone has the disease, then escort them out back to the plane they came in on.

Thailand government really doesn’t care about Thai citizen’s health wise, because they view it as, “NOT MY PROBLEM.” So, it comes to outside agencies such as NGO’s, religious agencies (Christian, Buddhist and Muslim’s) to help support HIV/AIDS prevention projects in Thailand. Also the gay community is putting up fund raisers to bring in funds to give to charities throughout Thailand.

One such business is a place in Silom Soi 4 called, Telephone Pub. I’ve been in their once at and looked at the walls and there were pictures of different charities they helped raise money and a donation box right where customers can see it. They include a basket with condoms, lube and information about resources.

HIV/AIDS isn’t going to go away that easy. It’s a plague like any other plague in our global history and we just have to think and ride it out.

  • Like 2

"saying over 10,000 new patients were found last year alone.". How did they get lost in the first place?


Thai’s and westerns are completely naive about HIV/AIDS. Westerners come over to Thailand for one main purpose, to have sex and maybe do a little shopping. Some have HIV/AIDS and some don’t. Though, the ones who have HIV/AIDS do not tell newly found G/F or B/F, they have it and often refuse to use a condom or they don’t feel comfortable practicing safe sex. Kind of like playing Russian roulette.

One of my good friends has HIV/AIDS and is struggling with it every day. Though, he’s keeping a very positive attitude about having it. He is gay and said he picked it up when a French man whom he had a relationship refused to use condoms and infected him. The French man took off back to his home country when he was confronted with this issue by his bf. My friend said, he took the risk and now paid for it.

Klong Toey has this major problem also and Thai government refuses to do anything about it. Father Joe one of the main spokes persons about this issue, brought this to light many years go. He created “The Mercy Center” and its garnered worldwide recognition from Presidents, Mother Teresa. He has even created a school for those who live in that area. When I first came back to Thailand a couple years ago, I went to see Father Joe and the children spotted me and their first words was “Teacher, hello.” That was a very emotional moment for me.

If Thai’s really want to clamp down on this issue of increased HIV/AIDS infections in their country. They should conduct health checks on all visitors arriving in Bangkok and if someone has the disease, then escort them out back to the plane they came in on.

Thailand government really doesn’t care about Thai citizen’s health wise, because they view it as, “NOT MY PROBLEM.” So, it comes to outside agencies such as NGO’s, religious agencies (Christian, Buddhist and Muslim’s) to help support HIV/AIDS prevention projects in Thailand. Also the gay community is putting up fund raisers to bring in funds to give to charities throughout Thailand.

One such business is a place in Silom Soi 4 called, Telephone Pub. I’ve been in their once at and looked at the walls and there were pictures of different charities they helped raise money and a donation box right where customers can see it. They include a basket with condoms, lube and information about resources.

HIV/AIDS isn’t going to go away that easy. It’s a plague like any other plague in our global history and we just have to think and ride it out.

Thanks for the nice post! Let's face reality, many foreigners as you have already mentioned do have HIV, but don't talk about it. Some of them do infect others even knowing that it's another type of killing somebody. I've been near Nong Khai around eight years ago,where a priest from the UK was helping kids with HIV.I had a very hard time to control my emotions, he had to cremate three kids on one day and none of their relatives showed up...

Thai authorities brought kids from many other provinces to his full house, without leaving any financial or other help, but he helped them and did what he could. Respect for people like him as he's a guy who isn't asking.

If there's anybody out there, knowing somebody here in LOS, there was a very good hospital, ran by WHO organization in Bangkok, almost free for AIDS treatment, doctors from Europe, States, Australia etc....

Considering the fact that an accident/surgery with a blood transfusion could also infect you should make people think how easy it is to have Aids...jap.gif

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They should conduct health checks on all visitors arriving in Bangkok

takes weeks my friend

Even then impossible thinking what had happened a few years ago, when a one legged German guy ( no discrimination or racist comment, just fact) infected loads of Thai girls *( that's what they said after one had accused him),and got arrested and deported. But he came back two weeks later. Thai immigration at this time still Don Mung made a statement that they must have had a computer problem.. jap.gif


I'm not wonder in a country like Thailand have so many HIV cases... The number of gays, ladyboys, sex workers are pretty high and the society doing little or close to nothing to deal with the issue. Even they think its cool or fashion to be gay or lesbian (tomboy).

Maybe there is a problem also with all of those young girls who not work in bar, but love to have different good looking farang guy every weekend to hang out what they so called only "friend". Maybe there is a problem with the government to let the bars open with bitchy bargirls. All the dating sites are about sex&money, who know facebook also coming that way soon.

The bars, cheap girls magnify a lot sexpats who love to have different girls everyday of course most of them without condoms. There is huuuuge problems within this country and all related back to corruption, lack of law enforcement, lack of culture, tradition, family roots, etc. It's started with the Vietnam war and all of those army guys who created Thailand into this what it is now. I dont blame it's anybody's fault, its just the way of life...

The big difference between the riches and poors, the media, the fashion, the western style hypes, the society creates a sick matrix of lifestyle here and this could be the no.1 factor why things go wrong, not just the HIV issue. How bad is that if in Europe most ppl think if someone go to thailand for vacation its only because want to have cheap girl for sex. The Tourism Authority should do some better campaign for the next decade but i dont it will change anything...

I dont think there is much hope to cope with this issue, unless somebody's close relatives or friends die or get infected because of HIV. The society also shy about this, in Europe or US an HIV patient easily can walk into any hospital for a check, here most likely they will gossip him/her and gets embarrassed.

The thai TV never talk about this, just showing the soap dramas and gossip news, loveclips and cookshows with funny, cool superstars and tons of ads. Those innocent young girls they think it's only about dreaming to be rich and hoping one day can catch some guy who will love them forever... Need more education, dont be gay and dont go to sleep with first guy, first night, but i can be pastor, or monk it doesnt matter, they prefer the money more than keep good health.

Most people think its not their problem, but would be great if some smart scientist come up with an instant solution how to check those dieseases like HIV or STD before they come into action. Something similar to the pregnancy tester would solve this issue worldwide. However lets keep this problem for those who stupid enough to play russian roulette like this.

I was reading somewhere on the internet before, this AIDS virus is only created to reduce the world's population and to make new profit/market for the pharmaneutical companies, well quite successfull if we look at the number of infected people is still very high and Thailand is one of the top countries...


They should conduct health checks on all visitors arriving in Bangkok

takes weeks my friend

Yes !

And what about the Countries the visitors are returning to? as it takes so long for Aids to show up?

A tourist could have been to a dozen Countries,and had several HIV Tests, before being diagnosed with HIV many weeks later.


When it comes to HIV there seems to be some weird denialism in the farang community. Like, "I screw the nastiest skanks without protection and I have not tested positive yet, therefore it most be a conspiracy that HIV exists!!!!". Seems like many of our users could benefit by seeing a therapist.


They should conduct health checks on all visitors arriving in Bangkok

takes weeks my friend

Yes !

And what about the Countries the visitors are returning to? as it takes so long for Aids to show up?

A tourist could have been to a dozen Countries,and had several HIV Tests, before being diagnosed with HIV many weeks later.

The incubation period can be six months. Some tests show a "positive" result without having the virus. but good money for all pharmaceutical companies who are involved.....jap.gif


I made a fake profile on gay romeo looking for sex without condoms, as a way to measure the level of unsafe sex amongst gays in Thailand. My alter ego has had hundreds of acceptances.

Don't worry, being gay is OK in Thailand. You don't need to use fake name.


The topic is pretty much sad to make jokes about it. Many of my friends in Europe died because if Aids. Because they were using a medication in the beginning that wasn't really proofed long enough. What actually had happened was that the medicine, not a virus killed them. Took a long time to figure that out, in this time millions of people died. People from Southeast Asia and other countries bought the -at this time-very expensive killer medicine, just to die earlier.

Often people have an unfounded belief in the medical establishment due to the marketing tactics of Big Pharma. These companies have abandoned research on HIV all together, hence 30 years have passed with no cure. Co-Morbidity is a big cause of death, where the patient dies of another related cause like cancer, or heart disease due to the anti-viral pills.

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