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Funny how things go full circle on threads like these. Quite entertaining.

Lesson learned once again how an innocent article in the press can get spun into internet drama. Best to keep a low profile and shun any type of media coverage lest you become the topic de jour in the blogosphere. Not mentioning the fact that the media cares little about truth or accuracy when publishing, especially in Thailand.

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I'm sure with such a lavish Sin Sot,many Farangs will be thinking he has not done Farangs any Favours, to keep the Sin Sod within the bounds of reason. But little does he know in his ignorance,he has done himself even less of a favour! which he will find out too late,and if ever a Farang needed a wake up call it's him.

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To be completely serious.

Considering the amount of money you spent on her 'big day', she didn't look all that happy.

Personally, I would have been disappointed.

In prior comments, you've stated that you think my wife is unattractive, compared her to an elephant, somehow decided I'm American, and expressed with confidence that Thai women are comfortable with public displays of affection. Given that you have no idea how much money was spent on our "big day", and that this would have no bearing on the happiness of anyone with some substance, I'm quite comfortable dismissing your opinion of her degree of happiness based upon a 3.5 minute video of a day-long event.

I think that people who believe that money should buy happiness are often disappointed.

Ahhh... the first hint that you did get the Sin Sot back?


Be sure to pop over to this thread


and see how their dream wedding ended, they have a video too!

Untrue, irrelevant and misleading. You are attempting to equate shacking up with a hooker with what appears to be a normal wedding between two middle class professionals. There is more to Thailand than bars but maybe not in your Thailand.


I'm sure with such a lavish Sin Sot,many Farangs will be thinking he has not done Farangs any Favours, to keep the Sin Sod within the bounds of reason. But little does he know in his ignorance,he has done himself even less of a favour! which he will find out too late,and if ever a Farang needed a wake up call it's him.

Bad experiences here, huh?coffee1.gif


[untrue, irrelevant and misleading. You are attempting to equate shacking up with a hooker with what appears to be a normal wedding between two middle class professionals. There is more to Thailand than bars but maybe not in your Thailand.

For many years on TV, posters have tried to equate the income, profession and educational levels of women to their suitability as wives/partners.

I have seen no such correlation, if anything the educated, wealthy and/or working women feel they are owed/entitled more on exit.


[untrue, irrelevant and misleading. You are attempting to equate shacking up with a hooker with what appears to be a normal wedding between two middle class professionals. There is more to Thailand than bars but maybe not in your Thailand.

For many years on TV, posters have tried to equate the income, profession and educational levels of women to their suitability as wives/partners.

I have seen no such correlation, if anything the educated, wealthy and/or working women feel they are owed/entitled more on exit.

Briggise makes a valid point which you dodge - why do you seem to relish the idea of someone's marriage failing. I'm not having a dig at you personally, I just question your intentions.I would, however, take exception with your assertion that 'educated, wealthy and/or working women feel they are owed or entitled more on exit'. How do they expect more? More what? Is this a Thai phenomenon or does it occur simply everywhere in the world where this is the case . . . quite logically the case.


[untrue, irrelevant and misleading. You are attempting to equate shacking up with a hooker with what appears to be a normal wedding between two middle class professionals. There is more to Thailand than bars but maybe not in your Thailand.

For many years on TV, posters have tried to equate the income, profession and educational levels of women to their suitability as wives/partners.

I have seen no such correlation, if anything the educated, wealthy and/or working women feel they are owed/entitled more on exit.

Briggise makes a valid point which you dodge - why do you seem to relish the idea of someone's marriage failing. I'm not having a dig at you personally, I just question your intentions.I would, however, take exception with your assertion that 'educated, wealthy and/or working women feel they are owed or entitled more on exit'. How do they expect more? More what? Is this a Thai phenomenon or does it occur simply everywhere in the world where this is the case . . . quite logically the case.

50%+ of all marriages fail, not a fact I relish, merely a fact.

I did not qualify the nationality in my statement, as that does not seem to make any difference to the eventual outcome of any marriage.


I'm sure with such a lavish Sin Sot,many Farangs will be thinking he has not done Farangs any Favours, to keep the Sin Sod within the bounds of reason. But little does he know in his ignorance,he has done himself even less of a favour! which he will find out too late,and if ever a Farang needed a wake up call it's him.

Bad experiences here, huh?coffee1.gif

Not necessarily my own,but seen loads of others bad experiences.


Assuming that this guy makes serious executive manager money (millions) and has a massive pay compensation package to boot then 10 million baht is chump change. On the other hand it really depends on her salary situation at Microsoft as well. For all we know she could be making some really good money too and it's more on equal terms than we suspect.

If they co-habited together for 6 years and he feels he understands and knows her well enough it's not such a gamble. He'd be a fool not to sign a hefty pre-nup though.


First of all ... congratulations on 'coming out'.

You could have sat there quietly fuming at all the nonsense written about the occasion, but had the balls to step forward and right what you saw were wrongs ... much kudos.

Just quietly, what go the Forums ire up maybe was not what you did, marrying an Issan girl (Oh ... I have a big soft spot for Surin girls), but how you did it.

About my situation ... after the first year of our current relationship (with the thai gf) we got around to talking about where to live, Thailand or my home country, and of course about how to take care of the (Thai) family.

All very reasonable and sensible and compromise from both sides ... then the talk was of the Farm House and what to do with it because it floods sometimes.

Well her parents were of the opinion that I would be building a new home.

WHY ... (dare I ask)?

Because I am a rich Farang ... ALL Farangs are rich! (her parents thinking ... not hers because she has lived in my home for a few weeks and knows different)

HUH ... why would I be building a new house?

Parents reply (through the daughter) was that the only other Farang who they have had experience with, built his gf's parents a new home ... so that was the new expectation in the village!

Well, I am happy to report that I have managed those expectations considerably downwards and the only foreseeable building works will be the installation of a pressurised water heater in the bathroom ... because the bucket over the shoulder trick has worn thin with me ... especially in Winter.

Why I am I writing all this personal story when it's your post?

Well what has maybe captured the forums attention is that you have considerably raised the expectations for any Farang who gf or family watched that clip or read the news article and who then believes that if their man truly loves me (or our daughter) he should emulate that lovely Australian man with such a lavish ceremony, Sin Sod etc.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Congrads again for 'coming out'.

I have NO intention of emulating your feat, but support everyone's right to freedom of expression ... even the sometimes maligned Ludditeman!

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I've been trying to decide if it was worth responding to the mostly cynical and negative opinion posted here, and came to the conclusion that the entertainment value is probably sufficient to do so. Yes, I am the groom in the related news stories (the fact they were made public wasn't expected or desired, although having a front-page newspaper story as a memento is nice).

A word of advice: don't believe everything you read in the newspaper (or on the Internet). Those of you who are intelligent enough to figure out there's no Microsoft development office in Phuket are probably also smart enough to take the rest of the "facts" in the published story with a huge dose of salt - even our respective ages aren't reported accurately!

As for the rest of you who have alternated between criticism of my wife's age, appearance, their assessment of my family's joy at our celebration, and cynical assumptions regarding money and the cultural tradition of sinsot; I think you're probably revealing more about yourselves than you imagine - certainly you're far less qualified to judge my own situation than I am.

I'm very happy to have finally married this wonderful woman, and been able to celebrate in fine style with both families in an elaborate traditional style. For those of you who care about such things, doing this in rural Thailand has cost far less than it would in Australia (or most developed countries), and provided my friends and family with a very special occasion to remember. For the cynics who seem to dominate the TV forums, think what you like - I'm glad I don't live in your world.

PS: I must confess I don't understand the OP's title - perhaps it's a colloquialism I'm not familiar with?

You're from Oz but you don't know what "Stuffed" means in this context?

I call bs.

  • Like 1

First of all ... congratulations on 'coming out'.

You could have sat there quietly fuming at all the nonsense written about the occasion, but had the balls to step forward and right what you saw were wrongs ... much kudos.

Just quietly, what go the Forums ire up maybe was not what you did, marrying an Issan girl (Oh ... I have a big soft spot for Surin girls), but how you did it.

About my situation ... after the first year of our current relationship (with the thai gf) we got around to talking about where to live, Thailand or my home country, and of course about how to take care of the (Thai) family.

All very reasonable and sensible and compromise from both sides ... then the talk was of the Farm House and what to do with it because it floods sometimes.

Well her parents were of the opinion that I would be building a new home.

WHY ... (dare I ask)?

Because I am a rich Farang ... ALL Farangs are rich! (her parents thinking ... not hers because she has lived in my home for a few weeks and knows different)

HUH ... why would I be building a new house?

Parents reply (through the daughter) was that the only other Farang who they have had experience with, built his gf's parents a new home ... so that was the new expectation in the village!

Well, I am happy to report that I have managed those expectations considerably downwards and the only foreseeable building works will be the installation of a pressurised water heater in the bathroom ... because the bucket over the shoulder trick has worn thin with me ... especially in Winter.

Why I am I writing all this personal story when it's your post?

Well what has maybe captured the forums attention is that you have considerably raised the expectations for any Farang who gf or family watched that clip or read the news article and who then believes that if their man truly loves me (or our daughter) he should emulate that lovely Australian man with such a lavish ceremony, Sin Sod etc.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Congrads again for 'coming out'.

I have NO intention of emulating your feat, but support everyone's right to freedom of expression ... even the sometimes maligned Ludditeman!

The ceremony was not too out of the ordinary to attract the criticism it has, I have seen Thai merit makers parade to the temple on elephants for merit making, full band alongside too.

On your other point, If a man cannot manage the expectations of his future in laws I feel he was always destined to struggle......as you say, the groom is entitled to his freedom of choice, others should not find the need to use his choices to create a ready prepared excuse for possible trials and tribulations, sin sod situation has always been a possible factor to manage.

I wish the happy couple all the best, amazing how 5 minutes of fame can stir such reaction


You're from Oz but you don't know what "Stuffed" means in this context?

I call bs.

I didn't understand it in this context either - perhaps it was the Pidgin-English style the title was written in.

'All' ?


You're from Oz but you don't know what "Stuffed" means in this context?

I call bs.

I didn't understand it in this context either - perhaps it was the Pidgin-English style the title was written in.

'All' ?

We are..

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