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Bomb Materials Meant For The Mideast: Thai Police


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"A lot of the material that police found in my storage facility had been placed there, most likely by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad," the newspaper quoted him as saying.

Yeah, sure. giggle.gif

Laugh your way to the bagel shop, mate, but funnily enough, it was also Mossad who alerted the Thai authorities.

I wonder how they knew about the fertiliser.

Sounds like a typical Mossad setup to me, as documented by Ari Ben-Menashe, a disgruntled ex-Mossad operative in Profits of War: The Sensational Story of the World-Wide Arms Conspiracy, and by Gordon Thomas in Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad, not to mention Victor Ostrovsky, another former Mossad case officer, in By Way of Deception, and The Other Side of Deception.



Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent, says its motto is "By way of deception, thou shalt do war"


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Incredible how some folks here are so ready to criticise the Thai authorities almost to the point of suggesting that all of them are buffoons. I sometimes wonder why you choose to live in Thailand if that's how you feel about the place and its people. It's quite possible that this man's intent really was to ship ammonium nitrate to a middle east destination where it is not available or is banned outright (see http://www.cbc.ca/ne...um-nitrate.html). Because of the large agrarian sector and large foreign 'population' and perhaps looser oversight, he would have a better chance of doing so from Thailand than from a place like Sweden or Australia or Canada. And sure, the government's recognition of Palestine at this time is probably intended to keep Thailand off the hit-list of Muslim extremists now that it has arrested a Hezbollah associate, but I suspect that it also doesn't represent an about-face for government policy.

And before some of you get so outraged about the apparent stupidity of the Thai authorities (in your minds), remember that some of you come from countries (with all of your sophisticated intelligence apparatus) that invaded another nation on the pretext of seizing WMDs that were never found. Of course, the rationale then changed to liberating a people oppressed by an evil dictator (unfortunately, at the cost of many thousands of lives).

Well said. I agree with you and do wonder why so many expats here complain as they do about the Thai. No system or nobody is perfect. Your point that so much that goes on here is not unique to Thailand is well taken.
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Incredible how some folks here are so ready to criticise the Thai authorities almost to the point of suggesting that all of them are buffoons. I sometimes wonder why you choose to live in Thailand if that's how you feel about the place and its people. It's quite possible that this man's intent really was to ship ammonium nitrate to a middle east destination where it is not available or is banned outright (see http://www.cbc.ca/ne...um-nitrate.html). Because of the large agrarian sector and large foreign 'population' and perhaps looser oversight, he would have a better chance of doing so from Thailand than from a place like Sweden or Australia or Canada. And sure, the government's recognition of Palestine at this time is probably intended to keep Thailand off the hit-list of Muslim extremists now that it has arrested a Hezbollah associate, but I suspect that it also doesn't represent an about-face for government policy.

And before some of you get so outraged about the apparent stupidity of the Thai authorities (in your minds), remember that some of you come from countries (with all of your sophisticated intelligence apparatus) that invaded another nation on the pretext of seizing WMDs that were never found. Of course, the rationale then changed to liberating a people oppressed by an evil dictator (unfortunately, at the cost of many thousands of lives).

Well said. I agree with you and do wonder why so many expats here complain as they do about the Thai. No system or nobody is perfect. Your point that so much that goes on here is not unique to Thailand is well taken.

Hear Hear !!

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"A lot of the material that police found in my storage facility had been placed there, most likely by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad," the newspaper quoted him as saying.

Yeah, sure. giggle.gif

Laugh your way to the bagel shop, mate, but funnily enough, it was also Mossad who alerted the Thai authorities.

I wonder how they knew about the fertiliser.

Sounds like a typical Mossad setup to me, as documented by Ari Ben-Menashe, a disgruntled ex-Mossad operative in Profits of War: The Sensational Story of the World-Wide Arms Conspiracy, and by Gordon Thomas in Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad, not to mention Victor Ostrovsky, another former Mossad case officer, in By Way of Deception, and The Other Side of Deception.



Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent, says its motto is "By way of deception, thou shalt do war"


You are wrong of course.

By his own words:


He quoted Hussein as saying that the three-storey building was used to stock ingredients for explosives but that his network has never had any intention of attacking Thailand.

Among the ingredients found in the building, which had been rented by Hussein for about a year, were 396 kilograms of fertilisers and liquid ammonium nitrate.

"The suspect said the substances were usually shipped out of the country hidden in electric fan boxes," Priewphan said.

"The suspect asked me to tell Thai people not to worry because there would indefinitely be no terrorism attack in Thailand," he said.

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Lastly, we're talking about a Lebanese guy who apparently goes to Sweden just long enough to get married and gain Swedish citizenship, and then zip back to Lebanon... And only return to Sweden again just long enough to supposedly renew his expiring Swedish passport in 2005.... Wonder what his motivation might have been to do that???

Having a Swedish citizenship/passport would mean better economic oppertunities, ease of travel and having a safe place to run to. All perfectly reasonable considerations if you live in Lebanon (or most 3ed world countries, for that matter). Doesn't necessarily imply ill intentions.

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for all you guys that bashed the good ol us of a about the warnings should feel pretty bad and may have saved your life !

most probably it was a setup to catch someone the USA doesn't like. It does not look like a real terrorist thing.

What does a "real" terrorist "thing" look like?

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Incredible how some folks here are so ready to criticise the Thai authorities almost to the point of suggesting that all of them are buffoons. I sometimes wonder why you choose to live in Thailand if that's how you feel about the place and its people. It's quite possible that this man's intent really was to ship ammonium nitrate to a middle east destination where it is not available or is banned outright (see http://www.cbc.ca/ne...um-nitrate.html). Because of the large agrarian sector and large foreign 'population' and perhaps looser oversight, he would have a better chance of doing so from Thailand than from a place like Sweden or Australia or Canada. And sure, the government's recognition of Palestine at this time is probably intended to keep Thailand off the hit-list of Muslim extremists now that it has arrested a Hezbollah associate, but I suspect that it also doesn't represent an about-face for government policy.

And before some of you get so outraged about the apparent stupidity of the Thai authorities (in your minds), remember that some of you come from countries (with all of your sophisticated intelligence apparatus) that invaded another nation on the pretext of seizing WMDs that were never found. Of course, the rationale then changed to liberating a people oppressed by an evil dictator (unfortunately, at the cost of many thousands of lives).

Well said. I agree with you and do wonder why so many expats here complain as they do about the Thai. No system or nobody is perfect. Your point that so much that goes on here is not unique to Thailand is well taken.

Hear Hear !!

Total crap, so in your mind it is ok for Thailand to be a hub for terrorist activity and the Thai govt should just take the money and turn a blind eye. Everybody living under the Thai govt has the right to criticize them when they mess up, how else will they ever get better?

And the coalition did not attack Iraq the second time just because multiple intel agencies as well as Saddam himself said he still has WMD, he did use them on the Kurds, but also because he violated the terms of the ceasefire of the first gulf war by firing on the aircraft enforcing the no fly zones among other violations and violated the terms of the weapon inspectors. The full blame of gulf war2 lies squarely with Saddam, as was the first gulf war.

IMHO, Iraq could have Kuwait, why should anybody care. which is probably what Saddam thought, just as Hitler thought nobody would care about his invasion of Poland.

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Hear Hear !!

Total crap, so in your mind it is ok for Thailand to be....<snip>

I can only guess if your asking me but since mine was the last quote you quoted.......

Yes in my mind Thailand can do as they please....They decide not me what to do with THEIR country...None died & made me the president of Thailand

BTW: why not post in your real log on? You dont think anyone believe's you joined TV just to post these last few thread eh?

Stand up for what *you* believe

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Hear Hear !!

Total crap, so in your mind it is ok for Thailand to be....<snip>

I can only guess if your asking me but since mine was the last quote you quoted.......

Yes in my mind Thailand can do as they please....They decide not me what to do with THEIR country...None died & made me the president of Thailand

BTW: why not post in your real log on? You dont think anyone believe's you joined TV just to post these last few thread eh?

Stand up for what *you* believe

It wasn't directed at you, it was directed at the first poster and those that agree with that posterm which is not limited to you. Seemed obvious to me.

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