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How Can I Know What Is She Looking For ?


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I Invited her on facebook like 18 months before, she was not that interested to talk with me just before I bought an air ticket, we met last november I flew from jfk it's very long flights, when I get there she and her sister was waiting for me at the airport, it's North east of bkk, I spent like 2 weeks with her and after 10 days, she invited to visit her family, I could say she is from middle class family, we went to south in the beaches and safari etc and also she invited to visit her grandma's house too, it was very nice respect and also her parents organized party at their house.

But all the expenses are paid by myself, she never asked even one time to share the bills, and she never asked money from me but I can tell she is expecting sum if possible. And she wants to do lots of shopping for her and her family, I think she is thinking that some one from United states are so rich or I don't know. Is that in thai culture husband or boyfriend has to take care of all her family ? or what ???...

And now she wants to get married with me, and I am saying it's too soon to get marry now, but she wants now.... I can't believe why she wants to get married now because I don't think she knows about me that much because she doesn't understand what I am saying, she can understand written but if I said a sentence then she can't, not even one sentence.. And I don't want baby but she wants.....

I really appreciate if you guys drop some good ideas and experiences thanks to all of you guys...


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It is right in front of your face. If this is not a joke then I will suggest you keep her as a internet friend only. Internet friend meaning a fantasy friend and not a real one. In no way does she respect or want to love you. In most cases around Asia there is no such think of Love between a man and woman. there might be real love between her and her baby. What she is after should be easily noticed as what you are after which she knows exactly what you want. She knows you want sex from a teen looking girl and that you will work all your life for it. If you value and love yourself dont move forwards, your time is equally valued as her time so always go Dutch on dates such as: you pay one or two times and a ethical educated woman will pay the third time.

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Contrary to what many will say on this subject, I will say that Thai women in general are not that much different than western women. Their priorities may be a tad different (e.g., family is tops), but what they want in a man is a companion and partner, in addition to a provider. Which means communication is pretty darn important. So if you consider that a Thai woman can communicate perfectly with a Thai man, but not so much (if not zilcho) with a farang, then what does she want out of a relationship with a farang? As the old saying goes, money can't buy love, but it can buy near everything else.

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Contrary to what many will say on this subject, I will say that Thai women in general are not that much different than western women. Their priorities may be a tad different (e.g., family is tops), but what they want in a man is a companion and partner, in addition to a provider. Which means communication is pretty darn important. So if you consider that a Thai woman can communicate perfectly with a Thai man, but not so much (if not zilcho) with a farang, then what does she want out of a relationship with a farang? As the old saying goes, money can't buy love, but it can buy near everything else.

Have to agree, Thai girls or western same same. Sad fat loser comes to Thailand, meets little sweet honey. Asks is it about money. Sad fat loser goes to bar in west in his limo, meets sweet western horny. Asks her if she wants to go to his villa in the med, his private jet is parked at the airport. Would she go it he said my bicycle is outside and I live in a cardboard box under the bridge. Jim
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But all the expenses are paid by myself, she never asked even one time to share the bills, and she never asked money from me but I can tell she is expecting sum if possible.

This is what she expects from you from now until you die. Just leave it alone as she is looking for a free ride and you can bet that during your "relations" she was singing a version of "I've Got a Golden Ticket" in her mind.

'Cause I've got a golden ticket

I've got a golden twinkle in my eye

I never had a chance to shine

Never a happy song to sing

But suddenly half the world is mine

What an amazing thing

'Cause I've got a golden ticket

Chalk it up to experience, you had a nice time and now it is time to move on.

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Hi ‘kaledamai’…….My sincere advice mates………………Keep walking, reading your topic, all I can hear in the back ground is….”Ding-a-ling-a-ling… ding-a-ling-a-ling” and that isn’t church bells.

These relationships start with a rice cooker and end in a house and land……….Don’t understand? Go ahead and keep talking to her…………You will.

Best of luck!

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I think I'll go with jimbeam1 on this one, me too.

Is she really looking for love ? or expecting some financial help. ??

I think you have answered yourself, just read again some of what you wrote.

she was not that interested to talk with me just before I bought an air ticket. Really !!

it's North east of bkk. Issan I guess..

I could say she is from middle class family. Yep !! and a degree in rocket science.

But all the expenses are paid by myself. Really !!

I can tell she is expecting sum if possible. Really !!

she wants to do lots of shopping for her and her family. Really !!

now she wants to get married with me. Really !!

I can't believe why she wants to get married now. Really !!

because she doesn't understand what I am saying. Really !!

And I don't want baby but she wants. Really !!

I really appreciate if you guys drop some good ideas and experiences. Really !!

OK next comedian please. coffee1.gif

Edited by Kwasaki
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Presuming you are not a Troll.

If you are expecting us all to say, 'Yes, it is love.' Forget it.

Use the old and trusted method of telling her you do not have any money. And tell her if she wants to go shopping for the family etc., she can do so and you will meet her later.

We are walking ATM's in 95% of cases. And never forget that.

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Stop being Naive!!! And do not think you have all to attract her besides money.

"She think all Americans are rich " .....In fact, this thought are most of the Thai girls thinking, they are naive too. And as simple as that to reply your title, what is SHE looking for? She is looking for MONEY!!!!!!!!!!

Pay her, spent on her until the very last cent in your bank, and then you will see "real" LOVE soon! Good luck!

ps You expect to share bills when going out with a Thai lady.....Dream on buddy!

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Goodnight ladies

ladies goodnight

It's time to say

goodbye, let me tell you, now

Goodnight ladies

ladies goodnight

It's time to say


Now, all night long

you've been drinking your tequilla

But now you've sucked

your lemon peel dry, so why not get high, high, high and

Goodnight ladies

ladies goodnight

Goodnight ladies

ah, ladies goodnight

It's time to say


Goodnight sweet ladies

ah, ladies goodnight

It's time to say

goodbye, bye-bye

Ah, we've been together

for the longest time

But now it's time to get high

come on, let's get high, high, high

And goodnight ladies

ladies goodnight

Oh, I'm still missing my other half

oh, it must be something I did in the past

Don't it just make you wanna laugh

it's a lonely Saturday night

Oh, nobody calls me on the telephone

I put another record on my stereo

But I'm still singing a song of you

it's a lonely Saturday night

Now, if I was an actor

or a dancer who is glamorous

then, you know, amorous life would soon be mine

But now the tinsel light of star break

is all that's left to applaud my heart break

and eleven o'clock I watch the network news

Oh, woh, woh, something tells me that you're really gone

you said we could be friends

but that's not what's not what I want

Ah, anyway, my TV-dinner's almost done

it's a lonely Saturday night

I mean to tell you, it's a lonely Saturday night

One more word, it's a lonely Saturday night

[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/l/lou+reed/goodnight+ladies_20085310.html ]

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