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Christian Evangelicals In Thailand


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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller.

Pretty wacky, but no more so than most other religions.

Ah, a glimmer of realism.

How about extending it to all religions ???

Wackiness abounding........

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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller.

Pretty wacky, but no more so than most other religions.

It seems wackier on the face of it because it is MUCH newer, that we know it's founders were criminal scoundrels, and the outlandishness of ascribing Christian type holiness to provincial American locales. Oh look I found some Golden Holy Plates of Fried Rice in South Pattaya at the Bumlooker Bar! But actually I didn't but I am saying I did. The truth will be revealed!unsure.pngcrazy.gif Edited by Jingthing
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I think it's great. The average Thai will simply envelop Christianity into their Buddhist and animistic cosmology. That's got to drive the Bible thumpers nuts!!! laugh.png

Catholicism had pretty much beat the christianity out of me by the time I was an adolencent, so when I stumbled across Buddhism in my 20s, I was pretty much an empty vessel. Forty years later I can see it. Christianity is a subset of Buddhism!

So I don't care if they come here and try to make converts. It's apples and oranges from my standpoint.

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The discussion about Christian Evangelicals in Thailand really comes at a very critical time when the presumptive Republican Candidate for Presidency of the USofA is a Mormon. What is interesting is how his being a Mormon will play in his chances of being elected - or perhaps the green colored paper will rule the day.

For many CEs in Thailand, I believe it is the latter.

Google for Missionary Aggression (Christian Aggression - Assault on India). Very interesting read about how things are done. Many parallels with what is happening in Thailand.

I am not sure if I can put the link for that here on TV. But hopefully Farang000999 would take time to look at that article I am referring to. Many other similar links there as well. Enjoy!

Edited by toybits
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I am an evangelical Christian, I do share my faith with others but only those who show an interest, I do not force anybody to listen nor do I drone on when no-one is listening, I do not like many of the tv evangrlists who give a ten minute sermon and a fifty minute sales pitch. As a christian I cannot force anybody to believe what I believe, that would be counter productive. If I talk to someone and the subject about what I believe comes up and I can see there is no interest outside of polite attention, then I will stop talking about my beliefs and let the conversation go in a different direction. The best evangelistic tool I have is the way I live my life, I cannot justify telling others to live righteously while living unrighteously myself, if you do not do as you say, you cannot expect others to do what you say without seeing what you do first. Christians are persecuted and killed in parts of the world where there is religious intollerance, in Northern India it is at the hands of zealous Hindus, in the Middle East and Northern Africa it is at the hands of Muslims, China often has regular raids on underground churches which can often lead to lengthy prison terms without trial, in the West it is the athiestic interest groups that want to silence the church in countries that were founded on Christian principles. Here in Thailand there is religious tollerance and all religious groups have the right to promote their brliefs, which is as it should be.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I must say this is the most well thought out response I have ever seen on TV............. clap2.gif

+1 thumbsup.gif

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Guidance from up above perhaps...

That's what the Catholic Inquisitors thought too. The ones who boiled and burned people (heretics, people who refused to convert, Jews, etc.) alive.

That was during the 'dark ages' when religion replaced faith and men decided that the Pope was God's representative on earth and God was effectively removed from the picture, the Catholic Church decided to do things for God without doing what God wanted, when people stop doing what God wants and start doing what they think God wants while referring to the guidelines man establishes instead of God's word, then the problems begin. There are numerous instances throughout history where people have decided they want to do things for God with little or no knowledge of God's word or will.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Frankly, I'm speechless......ohmy.png

Now, if we could only get them to be.

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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller.

Thanks for the link. I had forgotten how racist Mormonism is at its core. Amazing how Americans can overlook this.

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Guidance from up above perhaps...

That's what the Catholic Inquisitors thought too. The ones who boiled and burned people (heretics, people who refused to convert, Jews, etc.) alive.

That was during the 'dark ages' when religion replaced faith and men decided that the Pope was God's representative on earth and God was effectively removed from the picture, the Catholic Church decided to do things for God without doing what God wanted, when people stop doing what God wants and start doing what they think God wants while referring to the guidelines man establishes instead of God's word, then the problems begin. There are numerous instances throughout history where people have decided they want to do things for God with little or no knowledge of God's word or will.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Unfortunately, Christianity was preempted by the end of the 4th century thanks to non-Christians attempting to stamp out Christianity, and more diabolically, Christians attempting to consolidate the power of the Church. Too bad more writings did not survive the conflagrations. My guess is that Jesus probably had it right, but not in the way depicted in that highly edited and nebulous tome of writings referred to as the bible which (imho) was the result of the intercession by the early church in order to bring the “flock” under the church’s rule, authority, power, and control (which has almost nothing to do with spirituality and everything to do with the worst in man). So what really is "God's word?" The key probably went up in smoke 1700 years ago. But then again, TomTao, maybe it didn't. wink.png

Edited by connda
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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller.

Thanks for the link.

If even partially accurate, we're fxxxkd

Next to the video should be a link to the video featuring Bill Maher, one of America's most acerbic commmentors. The point Maher correctly makes at the end is that all of the major monothesitic religions contain the same type of nonsense. I mean once you posit that there is an invisible man above, well the sky is the limit to the addenda.

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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller.

Thanks for the link.

If even partially accurate, we're fxxxkd

Next to the video should be a link to the video featuring Bill Maher, one of America's most acerbic commmentors. The point Maher correctly makes at the end is that all of the major monothesitic religions contain the same type of nonsense. I mean once you posit that there is an invisible man above, well the sky is the limit to the addenda.

There should also be a link to George Carlin as in:

"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money!..." -- George Carlin

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Well in the old days the Christian missionaries managed to "save" the Akha hilltribe people near Chiang Rai .

They now read their bibles and go to churches .

Prisoners of a White God is a documentary about the Akha people, produced and distributed by Twin Star in September 2008. The documentary is about a Czech researcher, Tomáš Ryška, who goes to the Thai and Laotian mountains in order to search and document the causes of wrong doing and violence done to the indigenous peoples and their children by Christian missionaries.

Yes they did a lot of harm , the missionaries, if you have a chance watch the documentary.

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Well in the old days the Christian missionaries managed to "save" the Akha hilltribe people near Chiang Rai .

They now read their bibles and go to churches .

Prisoners of a White God is a documentary about the Akha people, produced and distributed by Twin Star in September 2008. The documentary is about a Czech researcher, Tomáš Ryška, who goes to the Thai and Laotian mountains in order to search and document the causes of wrong doing and violence done to the indigenous peoples and their children by Christian missionaries.

Yes they did a lot of harm , the missionaries, if you have a chance watch the documentary.

Should really ask about what the CEs in Pak Chong are up to! They often TALK ABOUT CHILDREN OF HILL TRIBES and the good that they are doing. Makes you wonder.

Somehow the video does not suprise me. sad.png 80% of CEs interested only in sex? WOW CEs the ultimate sex tourists? LOVE the cacking laughs of the CEs in the video. Creepy!

Edited by TheKeeNok
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Well in the old days the Christian missionaries managed to "save" the Akha hilltribe people near Chiang Rai .

They now read their bibles and go to churches .

Prisoners of a White God is a documentary about the Akha people, produced and distributed by Twin Star in September 2008. The documentary is about a Czech researcher, Tomáš Ryška, who goes to the Thai and Laotian mountains in order to search and document the causes of wrong doing and violence done to the indigenous peoples and their children by Christian missionaries.

Yes they did a lot of harm , the missionaries, if you have a chance watch the documentary.

Should really ask about what the CEs in Pak Chong are up to! They often TALK ABOUT CHILDREN OF HILL TRIBES and the good that they are doing. Makes you wonder.

Somehow the video does not suprise me. sad.png 80% of CEs interested only in sex? WOW CEs the ultimate sex tourists? LOVE the cacking laughs of the CEs in the video. Creepy!

Yes it is really a shocking documentary , and what do we know if its still the same CMs still operating in the area.

I really hope they have cleaned up the mess up there.

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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller.

Pretty wacky, but no more so than most other religions.

It seems wackier on the face of it because it is MUCH newer, that we know it's founders were criminal scoundrels, and the outlandishness of ascribing Christian type holiness to provincial American locales. Oh look I found some Golden Holy Plates of Fried Rice in South Pattaya at the Bumlooker Bar! But actually I didn't but I am saying I did. The truth will be revealed!unsure.pngcrazy.gif

I ran out of "Likes", but I'll have you know that you caused me to spew Coca Cola through my nostrils due to serious laughter.

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Well in the old days the Christian missionaries managed to "save" the Akha hilltribe people near Chiang Rai .

They now read their bibles and go to churches .

Prisoners of a White God is a documentary about the Akha people, produced and distributed by Twin Star in September 2008. The documentary is about a Czech researcher, Tomáš Ryška, who goes to the Thai and Laotian mountains in order to search and document the causes of wrong doing and violence done to the indigenous peoples and their children by Christian missionaries.

Yes they did a lot of harm , the missionaries, if you have a chance watch the documentary.

Should really ask about what the CEs in Pak Chong are up to! They often TALK ABOUT CHILDREN OF HILL TRIBES and the good that they are doing. Makes you wonder.

Somehow the video does not suprise me. sad.png 80% of CEs interested only in sex? WOW CEs the ultimate sex tourists? LOVE the cacking laughs of the CEs in the video. Creepy!

Thank you for this, really shocking and far worse than I had thought before.

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Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try

No Hell below us

Above us only sky.

J. Lennon

I would have given you a tick for this,except Lennon was alledgedly a Catholic IRA Supporter.

Edited by MAJIC
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Poor old Christian missionaries.

Everyone is always picking on them.

Well, no-one is nailing them to trees anymore, so that is an improvement (for them at least).

Just as an aside I wonder if christianity would have gotten so popular if the Romans had used impalement instead of crucifixion?

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Poor old Christian missionaries.

Everyone is always picking on them.

Well, no-one is nailing them to trees anymore, so that is an improvement (for them at least).

Just as an aside I wonder if christianity would have gotten so popular if the Romans had used impalement instead of crucifixion?

I would have to question that popularity business - as in: voluntarily under one's own will popular.

Mass hypnotic suggestion and deep social engineering techniques might be a better guess.

A very anxious crowd, to say the least.

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Poor old Christian missionaries.

Everyone is always picking on them.

Well, no-one is nailing them to trees anymore, so that is an improvement (for them at least).

Just as an aside I wonder if christianity would have gotten so popular if the Romans had used impalement instead of crucifixion?

I would have to question that popularity business - as in: voluntarily under one's own will popular.

Mass hypnotic suggestion and deep social engineering techniques might be a better guess.

A very anxious crowd, to say the least.

Christ on the cross is a very powerful and emphatic symbol for missionaries to use. It portrays a kind of visually manageable suffering and sacrifice.

Christ on a stick? Not so much, methinks. A much less decorative item.

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Should really ask about what the CEs in Pak Chong are up to! They often TALK ABOUT CHILDREN OF HILL TRIBES and the good that they are doing. Makes you wonder.

Where is this ??...I'm asking.

I have seen a sign on some land out the back somewhere for 'bibleland'.

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coffee1.gif I'm not going to comment any further than to say something about my personal experience with the Mormons.

When my Thai wife and her family lived in Thai Public Housing (Government apartments) the Thai Government couldn't be bothered to provide play areas for children of the Thai government housing tenets.

The Mormans had an area which they made available for the tenet's children to play in. They set up a few swings, some places to climb on, and a small area for the children to play football in. They also provided adult supervision for the Thai children playing there. My wife's young children played there often.

They considered this as there required "service to the community" that their religion requires.

As far as I know they never made any attempt to "convert" anyone. But I wasn't living there at the time. so I can't say for sure.

The others can be a real pain in the ---, I agree.

But I must admit I respect the Mormons for that time, which I personally witnessed.

And I am not, or ever was a Mormon.


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With all that money being bandied about I would gladly set up a Church of the Latter Day Beer Guzzlers to solicit donations so that I may spread the word. The only problem is that I am an atheist teetotaller. sad.png But when has not having religion ever been an excuse.

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Some time back, I was in Soi Cowboy and saw a group of those religious bible clutching zealots dressed in their suits and ties. They had a pretty fair group of girls for an audience. I stopped to listen and when the girls started asking them to go inside and buy a drink they obviously refused and the girls vanished. I grinned at them when I finally walked past them.

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I loved Lennon's music, but the peace stuff was just fashion. Those who knew him said that he was quite conservative politically as he got older.

I agree about his music,but the man himself left a lot to be desired!

can't give you the many links available,too much off topic.

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