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Is It Normal To Not Acknowledge You If You Give Them Way?


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It would be wrong to generalize and say that all Thais are polite, or that they are all rude, but in my experience I would say the majority are pleasant and well mannered.

Exactly. And the Thai image of "polite" and "considerate" is not that different to the West.

There is a certain amount of rude people here. And it is not only farangs who complain about it. My GF always complains about rude and selfish behaviour from other Thais.

The apologists in this forum would certainly tell her: "go back where you came from if you don't like it" :)

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One more thread compaining about Thai behaviour compared to other west cultures. Massive generalisation of Thai people (+60 milj) and demands of changes to make things better. For who?

About the original question, what is "normal" depends of how you are raised and educated and in what culture. There is no such things as a global "normal". But I suppose you mean "is it normal in Thai culture". I would say YES, it is normal to show gratitude and thankfulness in Thai culture. But in many tourist district like Pattaya there are so many rude foreigners with lack of respect for Thai people that they come to meet up with the same attitude. I don't meet this attitude in Korat. The Thai people is smiling here!

In Thailand the way to show gratitude is to raise your hands together and bend your head, how often have you done this?

Dont try this when driving!
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I do the nod and get good response esp around the village at which I live.

I dont take this "no acknowledgement" to seriously and I certainly am not a Thai hater. I look at this way, to acknowledge might lead to a conversation which might show either you dont speak Thai or Thai does not speak English ( Dont want any loss of face, pass on this one).

As said Thais are often unaware of what is or going on around them, in our western view this is often seen as rude and inconsiderate, we do, of course, see this at our homelands as well, as well as dawdling along in front of you when you are in a hurry. It is no different. There was talk recently of having slow and fast walking lanes for people on Oxford Street, London so the locals can get where they are going quicker.

If you dont want to get would up play the same game the world over, walk slowly in front of the near death experience on legs, stop and look around for no reason, take out the phone and attempt to make a call, then just observe the silliness of it all and the look on peoples faces.

Also a prime place for full stop or chat is at the end of escalators.

Be on the lookout for a Thai acknowledgement and return it!

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In my opinion it should have something to do with the OP appearance and personal hygiene. Ask any Thai and the majority of those leaving near big falang settlements will tell you that falang smell bad. sick.gif

First western bodies are not used to the local temperature and sweat profusely. Then how many foreigners take at least two showers a day as the average Thai do ? Use deodorant with antiperspirant ? mad.gif

And the way farang dress ! annoyed.gif


If the Thai tend to avoid you in the street, maybe there are a few points you should check first

So, the west is entirely in the temperate zone; we don't know how to shower and despite owning the fashion industry we should wear clown pants?

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Don't move to Thailand and expect it to be like your Motherland, it is not.

Indeed. That's the whole point in moving here.

Seems that for many, the point in moving to Thailand is to spend every waking hour in front of a computer complaining.

and criticising other people.

Personally, I'm not too bothered whether people acknowledge me when I hold a door open for them. I get a little annoyed when the person behind them assumes I will hold the door open for them as well, but as often as not I'll just barge through in that case, which kind of defeats the whole point of being polite in the first place...

Anyway, enough people smile and acknowledge a bit of politeness to make up for the ones that don't, and they seem genuinely appreciative. And I always like to get a smile from old ladies and fat blokes and everyone else; the pretty girls I smile at, whether I hold the door for them or not...


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Every country has its set of social norms. For the most part, it isn't better or worse than everywhere else. It just 'is'.

Thai's don't bitch or moan or view slow walking, lack of overt graciousness etc etc as offensive. It is just part of your day. If others aren't being offended by it, why should you?

Remarkable though, if the shoe was on the other foot, this thread would be full of hotheads complaining about how immigrants back home don't fit in and thus as a result, how the country is going to the dogs etc etc.

How very true.

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a good example of true thainess is when they drive. Hidden behind a silver or tinted window and they will show there true colours. Risking everything to save a few seconds. Never giving way. Flashing there lights at you whilst tail gateing (in other words, get the fck out my way)

Have you ever driven a vehicle in your own or other countries? Motorists are the same everywhere.

This is not correct, in the UK I find other drivers to be very gracious compared to the selfish drivers in Thailand..

Oh, no, hang on I've got that the wrong way round..

This is very true,in my experience,but by the same token make a small error,or some display of lack of concentration,and you will soon see a window wound down,and become the recipient of some choice language!

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Lifes a HOOT here dont you think its how much you choose to adapt and how much you want to say " I dont take that sort of s__t from anybody.

At my age I maybe should not, but I am a well established personality now as most intruders are likely to find out

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Why hold a door open for anyone? Why let someone pull out in front of you? Leave your stupid manners in the west where they are (mostly) appreciated. I love the pushing game when using public transport and ALWAYS win. smile.png

I hate pushing always worry i push too hard.

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a good example of true thainess is when they drive. Hidden behind a silver or tinted window and they will show there true colours. Risking everything to save a few seconds. Never giving way. Flashing there lights at you whilst tail gateing (in other words, get the fck out my way)

Have you ever driven a vehicle in your own or other countries? Motorists are the same everywhere.

I beg to differ. Go drive in Manila or Sao Paulo or Bogota or Mexico City, then Bangkok and tell me drivers are the same everywhere.

Driving 80 MPH in a 70 today on the Interstate in Texas in moderate to heavy traffic and I had cowboys in their pickup trucks riding my bumper trying to fly up my ass, so Thailand is not unusual in that regard. I eventually moved over when I could work my way into the slower lanes without delaying us to let them pass.

Pfft. You were only doing 80 and were in the fast lane? Surprised they didn't bump you to move you out of the way. I was driving in Texas a while back and was in a pack of cars running 85-90 mph, speed limit was 65. A state trooper comes up from behind and passes all of us doing over 100 mph. Not lights, no sirens, just business as usual in Texas.

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Don't move to Thailand and expect it to be like your Motherland, it is not.

Indeed. That's the whole point in moving here.

Seems that for many, the point in moving to Thailand is to spend every waking hour in front of a computer complaining.

Rather ironic, as a greater percentage of members/posters aren't residents of The Golden Land - perhaps 75% wannabes.

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Rather ironic, as a greater percentage of members/posters aren't residents of The Golden Land - perhaps 75% wannabes.

Since you didn't post any 'facts' for your statement here are the stats from the last survey. I suppose 43% could have left the country in the last 8 months. wink.png

70% of respondents are expats (3,045 responses), with most indicating have been so for 5-10 years. Survey results showing 68.5% (3,038) of respondents are in Thailand is therefore not unexpected.

Thaivisa Survey 2011

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Don't move to Thailand and expect it to be like your Motherland, it is not.

Indeed. That's the whole point in moving here.

Seems that for many, the point in moving to Thailand is to spend every waking hour in front of a computer complaining.

Rather ironic, as a greater percentage of members/posters aren't residents of The Golden Land - perhaps 75% wannabes.

Or was wannabes, and are now Notwannabes?

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Leave your western thoughts behind.

...and his Western sensitivities.

Think too much.

I don't think there's anything wrong with expecting some polite acknowledgement of your courtesy and manners. Having said that I've encountered both, both here and back home, little difference..

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op where abouts are you in thailand? im in the northeast and dont have a problem,ok its not the same as in the uk but we all do things differantly.I have noticed some thais dont say thanks but when you hold a door for someone pushing a wheelchair or an old lady,someone carrying a box,they always say thankyou and half the time in english.

When im on a bus sat down and a lady older than me gets on and has to stand i always give up my seat,im not saying that the thai men are rude maybe they just dont think cos the thai women are tough old buggers.

One thing that really annoys me though is when you see an ambulance flashing and the cars infront dont get out of the way to let it through,to me thats just unbelievable!

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I'm not complaining about Thais blocking escalators in Thailand, my comment is in response to the Thai apologist who said "Why do you move half way round the world and then expect people to behave in the same way as the place you moved from?"

In what way are the words in quote marks apologist? On the contrary they're simple common sense.

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op where abouts are you in thailand? im in the northeast and dont have a problem,ok its not the same as in the uk but we all do things differantly.I have noticed some thais dont say thanks but when you hold a door for someone pushing a wheelchair or an old lady,someone carrying a box,they always say thankyou and half the time in english.

When im on a bus sat down and a lady older than me gets on and has to stand i always give up my seat,im not saying that the thai men are rude maybe they just dont think cos the thai women are tough old buggers.

One thing that really annoys me though is when you see an ambulance flashing and the cars infront dont get out of the way to let it through,to me thats just unbelievable!

Its normal here, I see it a lot and when cars pull over to let it through some thicko thinks this is the time to make up some time and pulls out to overtake and blocks the ambulance, its a thai mentality that I do not condone but its not unusual.
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I don't have any major problem with most Thais, and I'm a thai myself. I live in soi Ari & regularly use BTS to do and buy things everywhere.

I have seen people getting up for old ladies and children all the time. And also have seen people holding door or elevator for other strangers. Yes I acknowledge that not all will "verbally" say thank you, but some will just smiles, and some will simply nodding/bowing their heads at diff degree. There are many gestures or ways for the thais to say "thank you", and it may not always be verbal....if only you take the time to notice those little different ways.

Most thais are quite polite people actually....this comes across all socioeconomic groups. We're one of very few countries that quite welcome and friendly to many foreigners....(well until they got very pissed off by those foreigners, that is smile.png )

Just saying.....that in Thailand, there are many forms of communication, and some thais prefer or feel comfortable with non-verbal gestures/ acknowledgement. Don't be so quick to judge and blanket all thais from just a few of your bad experiences...whatever they may be. There are many happy and less complained(constantly) foreigners all over thailand, but they are mostly happily doing all sorts of things outside and less time chatting their time away on the internet. You just have to find them and ask for their insight ...of how they adapt/adjust of living here, when most things are diff than back home. Don't expect people to come to your aid or help solving all your problems instantly, 'cause you're not that special.....just a "one dot" in thailand.

If you want to understand things, you have to be first an open mind person, then find the right people for advices (both thais & foreigners), and don't be too quick to blanket that all thais are like that, then you will see things from different perspectives.

Ok I'm off for more bags/shoes gathering again....and yes I usually don't have much problem with those salepeople stalking me (as much talked about here)happy.png

Edited by doji
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I'm not complaining about Thais blocking escalators in Thailand, my comment is in response to the Thai apologist who said "Why do you move half way round the world and then expect people to behave in the same way as the place you moved from?"

In what way are the words in quote marks apologist? On the contrary they're simple common sense.

It is common sense. Or should be to anyone with an IQ above tree bark. But don't mind Kilgore. He hates everything about Thailand and takes it personal if anyone defends the Thais on any issue.

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I am very happy to live in Thailand and be away from the ratrace!I have slowed down a lot in many ways and dont even want to get upset anymore.In traffic i will let anyone do as they please,i have a lot more free time than most people i think.

We live in a very quiet place and my Thai neighbours are always nice to us and invite us to their parties.

I always have avoided rude people and dont meet very many now.

The things that used to make me upset now just make me smile!!!

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I'm not complaining about Thais blocking escalators in Thailand, my comment is in response to the Thai apologist who said "Why do you move half way round the world and then expect people to behave in the same way as the place you moved from?"

In what way are the words in quote marks apologist? On the contrary they're simple common sense.

It is common sense. Or should be to anyone with an IQ above tree bark. But don't mind Kilgore. He hates everything about Thailand and takes it personal if anyone defends the Thais on any issue.

Not true at all; I just get annoyed at double standards.

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I'm not complaining about Thais blocking escalators in Thailand, my comment is in response to the Thai apologist who said "Why do you move half way round the world and then expect people to behave in the same way as the place you moved from?"

In what way are the words in quote marks apologist? On the contrary they're simple common sense.

It is common sense. Or should be to anyone with an IQ above tree bark. But don't mind Kilgore. He hates everything about Thailand and takes it personal if anyone defends the Thais on any issue.

Not true at all; I just get annoyed at double standards.

If I am wrong, I stand corrected. I just don't recall you ever saying anything positive about Thais or Thailand. Of course, I don't exactly comb these pages every day looking for your posts. But it appears to be consistent, very much like that Awoh guy and a few others.

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I made a similar observation on Thai Visa a while ago.

It's pretty much the norm to get no response, at least not a Western one. If anything, you may get a shy look, or they may try to get small (bend low and crouch) which I guess could be construed as respectful.

Personally, I tend to err on the side that I will continue to act with Western courtesy even to Thai folk. Just don't expect anything in return. But I have noticed that Westerners tend to respond with smiles and kind word. This is something that I miss from Western culture and when I see it, I enjoy the moment.

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I don't think it's any different in Thailand than any where else. Sometimes people say thanks nod smile wave or beep their horn other times you could be a drying piece of fecal matter as far as the acknowlegement you receive.

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