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Weekly Allowance


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Since it seems there is a bit of flexibility, why not set the goals first and then decide?

You seem to want 2 nights out. 700B does seem to be scraping the bottom to do that without some kind of scrounging. Even in an all-Thai bar and not ordering premium stuff it's easy to spend 400-500B. Maybe you should set that as a baseline and decide if it is ok to go out twice a week, and up it to 1000B. Otherwise I agree with Cdnvic and the others; splurge on one night and watch TV or read the other.

You should take a note who made the op. smile.png

What, I can't give advice to Winnie the K?

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Since it seems there is a bit of flexibility, why not set the goals first and then decide?

You seem to want 2 nights out. 700B does seem to be scraping the bottom to do that without some kind of scrounging. Even in an all-Thai bar and not ordering premium stuff it's easy to spend 400-500B. Maybe you should set that as a baseline and decide if it is ok to go out twice a week, and up it to 1000B. Otherwise I agree with Cdnvic and the others; splurge on one night and watch TV or read the other.

You should take a note who made the op. smile.png

What, I can't give advice to Winnie the K?

I don't think he needs any advices regarding this topic. It's just a topic/thread to get some attention. And nothing wrong with this. smile.png

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Since it seems there is a bit of flexibility, why not set the goals first and then decide?

You seem to want 2 nights out. 700B does seem to be scraping the bottom to do that without some kind of scrounging. Even in an all-Thai bar and not ordering premium stuff it's easy to spend 400-500B. Maybe you should set that as a baseline and decide if it is ok to go out twice a week, and up it to 1000B. Otherwise I agree with Cdnvic and the others; splurge on one night and watch TV or read the other.

You should take a note who made the op. smile.png

What, I can't give advice to Winnie the K?

I don't think he needs any advices regarding this topic. It's just a topic/thread to get some attention. And nothing wrong with this. smile.png

Wish my chums drank coke.

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I don't really like beer, so beer naturally lasts me longer. wink.png

700 bht a week for me and so I have a couple of beers every evening at what I call my pub before going for dinner at home, if that is too much then I'd rather die happy than miserable.jap.gif

Edited by Kwasaki
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1,000 Baht for a good night out includes 100 Baht m/c taxis. Good music, good friendly fun and beers 70 Baht small bottle.

4 nights a week out at 65 for a large bottle and drinking 4 of those either chatting to friends or going to a bar with Filipino singers.

That is a little over 2000 Bhat a week. Not expensive in my opinion for the fun, the chat and the music. If I do take a woman with me the price goes up but not a lot as most women I meet tend to drink very little.

Food wise? 1,000 Baht a week includes everything. I cook and rarely eat out.

I do not consider I spend a lot on my nights out. So to me your 2000 is not a lot and 700 seems a bit miserly, depending on how often you want to go out.

Difference with me is that I am happy being single, going out to chat with friends or out listening to decent music.

We need tp remember too that relaxing is good for you :)

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IanForbes: How much do you usually spend on a night out? (When you don't go home too late, say around midnight-ish.)

Well, tonight was actually fairly expensive. My one girl friend was running short of cash and didn't want to ask me for help... So, I gave her 3000 baht and didn't hang around long enough for her to refuse it. I know she needs it more than me and never asks me for money. But, I know it's pretty hard to support two kids and pay for her room, as well as make motorbike payments each month on a monthly wage of about 6000 baht.

Then I went to the bar and bought my other girlfriend a drink (120 baht) and had one small Chang myself (50 baht). Because I usually only have one beer a night, or often only a juice I give my lady a choice of either 100 baht or I buy her a lady drink (120 baht). But, because I do that on almost a nightly basis it averages out to 200 baht a night. That means I normally spend about 1400 to 1600 baht a week.

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Welcome to the club winnie.

I can assure you you`re not alone when it comes to having t make cutbacks.

With the ever dwindling bahts for foreign currencies and increasing cost of living, I`ve had to drawn the line on lots of things over the last couple of years.

The main thing is, that if you are able to get by with what you already have, then you should have no problems.

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It's always a mystery to me how the Thais will allow you to walk in to a bar with your own bottle.....if you tried that in Scotland the landlord would take the bottle from you and beat you to death with it.

Anyway, that's the rules and the rules suit me perfectly fine........though I tend to buy in the bars that I drink in and leave the bottle behind the bar. Looks like two bottles of 100 pipers and soda water ( or coke, whatever ) would cost you around 800 baht a week or so......I doubt you would want to go through two whole bottles during two nights out so that's the way I would go, and the leave the tail of the bottle for your first night next week or if you fancy nipping in for a quick drink some night.

On a side note, is there nothing you could do to increase your income even by a few hundred baht a week?

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Welcome to the club winnie.

I can assure you you`re not alone when it comes to having t make cutbacks.

With the ever dwindling bahts for foreign currencies and increasing cost of living, I`ve had to drawn the line on lots of things over the last couple of years.

The main thing is, that if you are able to get by with what you already have, then you should have no problems.

I agree that as money gets tighter we need to cut back. Essential items are hardest to trim, though we can learn and also teach others that we do not need to leave all the lights on in the house when rooms are not occupied. (This was a hard thing to teach any of my female companions).

Do not leave the water running in the shower while you shave, while she trims her armpits. LOL. That can save water.

Put a building brick in the cistern on the toilet (saves a lot of water in a year).

That one or two degree cut in the air con temp helps too.

My last lady used to put the wall fan on high and then lie under a quilt because she was cold !!

Many little things add up to make monthly savings more worthwhile.

I practice many of the above. I also use the m/c (with a box on the back) to go shopping. It is cheaper than the car.

I appreciate my previous post might seem as if I drink a lot, but better that than go stir crazy at home 24/7.

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Just stop drinking. It's such a waste of money.

I haveta agree...when the alcohol stops the bank account increases in greater proportion...but if yer a drinkin' man it ain't no way to live....

I usually drink alone and at home as in our little town there ain't nowhere to drink 'cept down the bus station with cold boddles of Leo...and at home I can look at pornography for as long as I like rather than fantasize about the serving girls' attractive brown thighs...what is it about thai country girls that they like to wear little shorts up to their crotch and are completely oblivious to the admiring stares of the passing men?

well, this passing falang man anyway...thai men take it for granted and don't make a slavering display...there is also something arousing about flip flops in combination with the little shorts...high heels would ruin the effect...

drinking in public in thai country towns can become complicated and dangerous without proper supervision...it ain't worth the money...

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On a side note, is there nothing you could do to increase your income even by a few hundred baht a week?

Sure, I could ask the Mrs. for a budget increase. But I'm committed to reducing costs too; she just bought a house in town that will need furnishing and some minor upgrades before being rented out.

Just stop drinking. It's such a waste of money.

Excuse me, money not spent on drink is wasted........

:thumbsup: Reminds me of the George Best quote. "I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." ;)

drinking in public in thai country towns can become complicated and dangerous without proper supervision...it ain't worth the money...

Why's that?

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I really don't understand how you can ask the Mrs for an upgrade. I have my finances and so has my wife. We both contribute to the household and such (i lot more then her of course) But no way would i let anyone decide for me what i could do with my money. I am not a little child.

As for Pattayadingo and his water, i have to laugh a bit because water is so cheap here. I think we pay 150 bt a month, electricity is what you can save on.

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I really don't understand how you can ask the Mrs for an upgrade.

Me too.

How much can a man lower himself? An allowance from his wife? Cannot believe what I'm reading here.

It is still quite common in Japan. Husband gives his monthly salary to his wife and she gives him some pocket money in return. No wonder, when the children are grown up, those wives hurry to divorce from their super-beta husbands....

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Now this is the wife controlling how much allowance you get? That is not quite the same thing at all. It makes you sound like some child given pocket money each week.

That is a sad stae of affairs in my opinion.

Do you not have your own finances?

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My budget is 1,000 baht per week. That covers everything from food, alcohol, travel, laundry etc.

My rent is then 5,000 baht per month.

I sometimes go over budget when I splash out or buy things for my apartment but its not a regular occurance.

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The man is entitled to pool resources with his wife, and entitled to agree investment and costing strategies with his wife.

It is only remarkable that anyone would find that remarkable.

If you say so, in general the man will make more money. So id say he has more to say then his wife. The moment my wife starts to tell me what to do with money or vice versa its the end of the relation.

Sure we pool our resources but anything over that is our own. If you have to beg for 300 bt a week id say that is crazy. If you are buying a car or house together or something else of real value. Sure then its normal that both man an wife discuss it. But talking about pocket change is a different thing.

If you have agreements then you dont have to ask again because its already discusses. This sounded to much like she had control.

Edited by robblok
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The man is entitled to pool resources with his wife, and entitled to agree investment and costing strategies with his wife.

It is only remarkable that anyone would find that remarkable.

If you say so, in general the man will make more money. So id say he has more to say then his wife. The moment my wife starts to tell me what to do with money or vice versa its the end of the relation.

Sure we pool our resources but anything over that is our own. If you have to beg for 300 bt a week id say that is crazy. If you are buying a car or house together or something else of real value. Sure then its normal that both man an wife discuss it. But talking about pocket change is a different thing.

If you have agreements then you dont have to ask again because its already discusses. This sounded to much like she had control.

I am aware that different relationships have different dynamics, but within all those differences of relationships and dynamics there is certainly space for people who pool resources and agree budgets.

I would suggest that the majority of people that I know that have been in " Swan " relationships ( and I know many ) this pooling of resources is the norm.......in fact they would look at any other type of financial relationship as being weird.

Then again the demographics on Thaivisa would indicate that there are very few " Swan " relationships here so that would account for the level of incredulity at the concept of a man trusting his wife.

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The man is entitled to pool resources with his wife, and entitled to agree investment and costing strategies with his wife.

It is only remarkable that anyone would find that remarkable.

If you say so, in general the man will make more money. So id say he has more to say then his wife. The moment my wife starts to tell me what to do with money or vice versa its the end of the relation.

Sure we pool our resources but anything over that is our own. If you have to beg for 300 bt a week id say that is crazy. If you are buying a car or house together or something else of real value. Sure then its normal that both man an wife discuss it. But talking about pocket change is a different thing.

If you have agreements then you dont have to ask again because its already discusses. This sounded to much like she had control.

I am aware that different relationships have different dynamics, but within all those differences of relationships and dynamics there is certainly space for people who pool resources and agree budgets.

I would suggest that the majority of people that I know that have been is " Swan " relationships ( and I know many ) this pooling of resources is the norm.......in fact they would look at any other type of financial relationship as being weird.

Then again the demographics on Thaivisa would indicate that there are very few " Swan " relationships here so that would account for the level of incredulity at the concept of a man trusting his wife.

It has nothing to do with trusting your wife if you let yourself be treated like a little child. You either know you can afford something or you don't. If you can't afford it then don't go for it.

I pool my resources, i pay my share of the house food and other costs, so does she. I usually pay her so she can pay the bills. But the rest of the money is mine. There is no money left after the bills are paid and each saves on her own account from the money they have left after paying their share of the costs.

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How much can a man lower himself? An allowance from his wife? Cannot believe what I'm reading here.

It is still quite common in Japan. Husband gives his monthly salary to his wife and she gives him some pocket money in return.

Thailand too, in many cases.

Not sure that managing money is all the manly; men are for the hunting. Then when it comes to actually cooking or using the loot to make sure everyone gets fed and clothed, that's the woman's business. Micro-managing money like some office bean counter is kind of gay.

If you say so, in general the man will make more money. So id say he has more to say then his wife. The moment my wife starts to tell me what to do with money or vice versa its the end of the relation.

Sure we pool our resources but anything over that is our own.

Speaking for myself only, we don't have a 'my money' or 'her money', we have just our money. She would ask me before setting a budget for non-essential spending, and I do the same.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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