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Thailand Is Caught In The Midst Of A Global Power Play


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A collision course seems inevitable

Thanong Khanthong


Thailand is caught in the midst of a global power play.

BANGKOK: --This follows three bomb blasts in Bangkok on Tuesday allegedly involving Iranians, one of whom blew off his own legs during an attack on police who were in pursuit. The police now indicate that six suspects were involved in a plot aimed at hitting Israeli targets in Bangkok. The Israelis have come out to link the Bangkok bomb incidents with those in India and Georgia recently. The Iranians have categorically denied the claim, saying that it is all a set-up by the Israelis, who may launch a war against Iran.

It is a lose-lose proposition for Thailand no matter how the authorities resolve this bomb incident. Israel, backed by the United States and Nato, could go to war against Iran. At the same time, Iran is flexing its muscles, ready to defend itself against threats from the US and its allies. The US, in particular, is claiming that Iran is building up its nuclear capabilities, which could pose a risk to stability in the Middle East. But Iran claims that it is developing nuclear power for energy - not for weapons of mass destruction. Still, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta recently said that there is a high possibility of an Israeli pre-emptive strike against Iran in the coming months.

As a neutral nation, Thailand can't please either the Iranians or the Israelis in this dangerous game. Every step ahead should be taken with extra caution to avoid resentment from both parties. We have practically nothing to gain from this growing complication in global geo-politics.

The world may now be on the brink of World War III. There is an equal possibility that the Israelis will strike against Iran first, and vice versa. For if the war is to be inevitable, the one who strikes first holds the advantage. After Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, Syria is next in line as far as the Western powers are concerned. Iran is the ultimate prize, which has to be won over at all cost to fulfil the ambition of Western domination over the region.

Let us put ourselves in Iran's shoes. Iran will certainly have learnt a hard lesson from the West's military actions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, who were all static targets of heavy bombardments. Iran is now facing economic sanctions from the Western powers. If Iran were to stay defensive, it would certainly be wiped out. But if Iran were to fight back, it might be destroyed but could still have a chance of survival. Iran might not have developed a nuclear weapons capability as yet, but it can easily source nuclear warheads from the black market, from one or any of the former Soviet states. If either scenario came to pass, Iran and Israel would both be equipped with nuclear weapons, which could easily widen the war and destroy this planet.

If an Israeli-Iranian war were to happen, it would bring in the non-Nato superpowers. Russia and China have clearly indicated that they support Syria and Iran. They would consider an attack against Iran as an attack against their own security. India is another country that belongs to this bloc. Russia, China and India are all nuclear superpowers.

China has recently forged closer relations with Iran through a bilateral barter agreement that circumvents the use of the US dollar as a medium of financial transactions. Iran will sell oil to China for goods, without involving the US dollar. This agreement is a direct challenge to the petrol-dollar system put in place by the US after it de-linked the dollar from the gold standard in 1972. Since then, any trade or transaction in oil has to be conducted in US dollars as the medium of exchange. This allows the US almost a free hand to print the dollar and create a global demand for it.

India has also scored a huge gain by entering into an oil-for-rupee agreement with Iran. Under this deal, India will be able to purchase oil from Iran in rupees rather than the US dollar. China and India are directly challenging the petrol-dollar system.

The economic and financial sanctions against Iran are taking their toll on the Iranian economy. Soon there could be internal turmoil if the government fails to tackle rising prices and economic hardship. If Iran is driven further into the corner as a result of the sanctions, it may retaliate by trying to seal off the Strait of Hormuz, through which oil shipments from the Middle East are shipped to the wider world. At that point, we would certainly witness a military showdown. We all have to hold our breath as a collision course looks inevitable.


-- The Nation 2012-02-17

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All I can say is ... would you want Iran to have control of an atomic bomb with its "ting tong" clergymen in charge?

This is what the main stream media is telling the world and how the US?Israel want you to know that Iran is building a bomb, if so the IAEA would have said it out right, as the have security cameras in every nuclear site watching every move to don't be so naive.

At the same time when your country is surrounded by nuclear ie Pakistan India Israel Kazakhstan Russia and of course lets not forget the US fleet as well as the French/British navy with their nuclear subs you would want to be ready to produce a nuclear bomb at minuts notice. Anyway the Iranian would have loads to lose the Mullahs in power and they don't want to lose it either as they are making so much money that they can not imagine and in the last 30 yrs the EU is been their best friends its only now that under US pressure they have buckled.....

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No, they need nukes for "minor symbolic acts" , to use Deputy-PM Chalerm's wonderful new phrase ! laugh.png

Meanwhile Thailand's policy of being friends with all sides is shown by the recent discoveries of Lebanese bomb-making materials, and apparently-Iranian bombers, to not work in keeping the country safe from extremists. The traditional playing-off of sides against-on-another has failed this time.

Perhaps time to stand up instead for moderation where possible, but to join the global stand against extremist bombers, where necessary ? cool.png

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The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.

Finaly someone with a clear vieuw !

Every soldier should stay in his own country ! Just to defend ,not to attack others to gain bennifits whatsoever !

Sadly it is not common sence that prevails.

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The Nation needs to think long and hard and to ask itself whether or not they love Thailand and its culture. it should consider these words by Buhddist writer Dhammajarat and understand that Iran is controlled by people that despise Buddhist Thailand;

I learned how Islam was particularly unkind and brutal to Buddhists, because to Moslems the Buddhist represented the most reprehensible type of human personality: the "atheist" holding no monotheistic God image as their object of worship and veneration. We were worse even than the far more numerous Hindus, with their vast pantheon of multiple gods. The Buddhists, to the Muslims, only worshipped the image of a man, and no God higher.

Apparently they did not bother to look into the philosophies of Buddhism any more deeply. That was enough for the sword to come down and the fire to be applied. And so they have over the centuries until today.

I remember, some years back, before the gripping situations that we face today had quite come in to focus for many of us, I followed the story of the great Buddhas of Bamiyan, in sad and war torn Afghanistan. The Russian war was over, and the rein of the Taliban was in full force, but they were not content to merely rule the people with an iron hand by the strictest applications of Sharia law. They had to physically erase the "infidel" past, as well.

I remember shedding tears as I saw the footage of those magnificent Buddhas, the tallest ancient statues in the world, being reduced to rubble by explosive charges and artillery shells. I remembered hearing on the news footage, that same cry of "Allahu Akbar!" -- as the dust of Bamiyan settled to reveal the emptiness of the destruction. The same cry that destroyed my meditative absorption under the Bodhi Tree.

Now, I pray we never hear this call in this our home, America. Not until and unless Islam totally and completely reforms itself after over a thousand years of ravaging and sweeping all others before it.

I feel, through my direct experiences of it, that Islam has not changed its ways in the least. In fact it has become more aggressive now than at any time since its period of greatest expansion in the 900s to the 1200s. "Modern" Islam seeks to return humanity to those very same times -- a revival of the dark ages of Islamic slaughter, mayhem, and pillage -- all in the name of Allah.

We Buddhists must realize that we, and our cherished practices, would be swept away entirely and crushed utterly, should Islam ever gain ascendancy in this world in which we live. Islam is the only belief that propagates itself thus -- by the sword.

And it is very patient.


By Dhammajarat

FrontPageMagazine.com Dhammajarat is the pen name of a Buddhist author.

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The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.

You conveniently neglect to mention that many SWIFT transtactions involving Iran violated sanctions agreed to or implemented by the EU. Although SWIFT itself may not be guilty of the initial acts, it is clear that some of its members were and used the SWIFT facility to break EU law. SWIFT claims it was unaware of these sanctions and law violations. As the facility that has enabled the transactions it must take responsibility, particularly since it made money on behalf of its member FIs from these transactions.

I am somewhat surprised that you would rush to the defense of SWIFT as it is often accused by conspiriacy theorists of being part of the illuminati/world domination scheme. So many conspiracy theories to push that people like you sometimes get tripped up.

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Thailand needs to understand they exist in a world of competing interests and beliefs (some good, some bad) and just trying to stay neutral won't keep all bad guys away.

Extra measures must be taken to help protect Thailand from terrorists...but of course, the government will need to get the tourism industry approval first...wouldn't want to upset the tourism industry. ermm.gif

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Sometimes I wish simplistic, single-minded generalizations appealed to me as much as they do to many of the posters on this site. It should would clear up a lot of the questions that pester poor, ignoramuses like me. If I remember correctly, the Wikileaks scandal revealed that most of the Middle East had requested that something be done about Iran (including Jordan, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and others). But I suppose that must also be the Western propaganda machine and all those countries just work for America, anyways. They know you know that they know...that you know. See how that works. Whew! It's really, like...n-o-w y-o-u s-e-e! Whoa! My mind is totally blown, dude.

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hahahahah this article shows how smart the journalists of the Nation are, it doesn't matter what happens , Iran doesn't have any possibility the poor guys besides being stupids can not even produce decent gasoline for their own market.

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Sometimes I wish simplistic, single-minded generalizations appealed to me as much as they do to many of the posters on this site. It should would clear up a lot of the questions that pester poor, ignoramuses like me. If I remember correctly, the Wikileaks scandal revealed that most of the Middle East had requested that something be done about Iran (including Jordan, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and others). But I suppose that must also be the Western propaganda machine and all those countries just work for America, anyways. They know you know that they know...that you know. See how that works. Whew! It's really, like...n-o-w y-o-u s-e-e! Whoa! My mind is totally blown, dude.

The reason why those Arab States that you mention want something done about Iran, is that the they see the latter as being too dominant in a region where they feel they should be the major players-- added to this the Iranians are not really Arabs in an ethnic sense, but Persians, so there is still some kind of historical resentment. After all Persia was once a great dominating civilisation with a great empire. I might also add that those states that you mention have sold out their interests to the US a long time ago, and are fully supported by the latter even though the said states are not democracies, and in the case of Saudis extremely repressive. That of course doesn't really matter as long as you serve US interests. For some alternative views to the usual Western led propaganda, check out RT News, a much more refreshing site. I am British and once used to trust the BBC 100% but after all the lies about Libya I have finally opened up my eyes and realised that they are no more than a propaganda arm for their governments interests, anyone who has access to the Net also has the opportunity to do so.

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It is an amazing thing to sit back and watch, as to how Humans start to display the gullible gene.

Here we have three nations in a power play. Despite the USA blatantly lying to all of us (with the proactive reinforcement of the British) in order to justify and get agreement to invade Iraq, a sovereign territory, resulting in the deaths of countless civilians and the death and serious injury of tens of thousands of servicemen, we all say, 'this time it's different'.

Despite Israel having conducted operations that are now well documented, many people still refuse to look at what has occurred, maybe in some sense of denial. The Israeli's bombed and attacked the USS Liberty, an American ship, killing many of it's sailors. The attack went on for hours, despite all efforts made by the ships Captain to get the Israeli's to stop. The US themselves under the representation of the fleets Admiral, unbelievably did not intervene to save their fellow Americans. All this in a bid by Israel to get it's 'big brother' to do all the hard hitting in wars against Egypt and Syria. Yet we all say today 'this time it's different'.

The false flag operations prior to the wreckless war in Vietnam are all now well documented and acknowledged by Scholars, yet today we all say 'This time it's different'.

Iran was a perfectly peaceful nation, the first to have an effective working democracy in the Middle East, yet led by the CIA, a plan was instigated to oust the Government and impose on the people who had been proud of their countries political achievements a ruthless puppet Shah. The only way out of that situation was by revolution and that is when we saw the religious men take control and spout off their recently acquired hatred for all things American and Western. The US and Israel have had their fingers in many terrorist plots, and the Iranians have in my opinion been involved in an atrocity also. I believe the Iranians were responsible for the Lockerbie bombing , not Libya, as a direct and promised action in retaliation for the US Navy shooting down an Iranian passenger aircraft full of people. Isn't it time to stop?

There we have it and now with all the calls of Nukes and even the IAEA saying 'Iran does not have them and we find no evidence that they are making them', the world believes the proven liars. Whilst we all sit in the armchairs and computer chairs, baying for blood, we need to realise that this is not a game being played out in front of our eyes, it is a play for war, a massive conflict. What have we learned of the horrors of the Great Wars that our forefathers sacrificed so much for in order to ensure we could live free? It appears nothing, nothing has been learned at all.

All of you who agree that Israel should go to War over this, with the inevitable hand holding from big brother need to seriously consider what it is you are hoping for, as it will be a 2 min decision to go to War and decades to regret it. Nobody is questioning Israel's right to stay in their land unhindered, but likewise leave the Iranians to get on with their lives and stop the conflict. These bombers may well be Iranian citizens and passport holders, but there are half a dozen known terrorist organizations in Iran that the CIA work with and give financial support to. The MEK holds particular favour with the CIA and Israel, and both it and the other organizations in Iran will gladly act as henchmen to encourage an attack that would see the current regime overthrown. The fact is, ...it's non of our business.

Being patriotic does not mean following blindly into any conflict your government leads you in to, particularly when your sons and daughters will be laying their lives on the line for nothing more than corporate and political gain. being patriotic is making sure your government works for you, as elected to do so by the people, and if they lie, then you make them accountable and get rid of them.

There is a smell as strong as Billingdale Fish Market on a hot summers day about all of this, and this time 'it's not something different', it's fish, rotten fish.

Bombs go off every week in the south of Thailand and the US and Israel don't give a s**t even though they are planted by Muslim extremists. Why are they interested now?

Are you referring to the "Billingsgate" Fish Co in Uxbridge?

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amazing how many think that Iran is making a bomb, or even close to having a bomb. The CIA says they dont have a bomb nor are making one. The group that does the inspections on an international level say they don't have a bomb nor are they making one. Pakistan, Israel and other nuclear powers with bombs are not a part of the international proliferation act, and Pakistan is selling nuclear technology to north korea, but no problem there.

What the US is after has nothing to do with nuclear anything, it's about a country with a ton of oil that is going to sell it for something other than the US paper coupons aka "the dollar".

Instead to off becoming a country of integrity again, the US continues on it's bullying empirical nation building, looting and murder. Drop the corruption and start representing the people, problem is they have been bought, doped up by pseudo wealth and are now slaves. mad.gif

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Sometimes I wish simplistic, single-minded generalizations appealed to me as much as they do to many of the posters on this site. It should would clear up a lot of the questions that pester poor, ignoramuses like me. If I remember correctly, the Wikileaks scandal revealed that most of the Middle East had requested that something be done about Iran (including Jordan, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and others). But I suppose that must also be the Western propaganda machine and all those countries just work for America, anyways. They know you know that they know...that you know. See how that works. Whew! It's really, like...n-o-w y-o-u s-e-e! Whoa! My mind is totally blown, dude.

The reason why those Arab States that you mention want something done about Iran, is that the they see the latter as being too dominant in a region where they feel they should be the major players-- added to this the Iranians are not really Arabs in an ethnic sense, but Persians, so there is still some kind of historical resentment. After all Persia was once a great dominating civilisation with a great empire. I might also add that those states that you mention have sold out their interests to the US a long time ago, and are fully supported by the latter even though the said states are not democracies, and in the case of Saudis extremely repressive. That of course doesn't really matter as long as you serve US interests. For some alternative views to the usual Western led propaganda, check out RT News, a much more refreshing site. I am British and once used to trust the BBC 100% but after all the lies about Libya I have finally opened up my eyes and realised that they are no more than a propaganda arm for their governments interests, anyone who has access to the Net also has the opportunity to do so.

Yes, my wife is half-Iranian, so I'm aware of the Persian vs. Arabic distinction. RT News has admitted it has an agenda (pro-Russia, a country well known for it's honesty and fairness in business, politics, etc.), so objectivity isn't much of a consideration (if the stated objective is to be "alternative" for the purpose of being "alternative", I'm skeptical of the reliability of such source). Also, Reporters Without Borders and Human Rights Watch have raised serious concerns about RT News' coverage, especially during the Georgia-Russia War.

If you weren't in Libya, and I'm assuming you weren't, how could you have known whether BBC, RT News or anyone was/has been 'honest' about the goings on there. It sounds to me like if we are going to start doubting the veracity of very reputable sources based on unclear reasoning, we ought to doubt everything (What, exactly? What is it that suddenly convinced you the entirety of international relations is suddenly a Western scheme to deceive and destroy the world?). It seems very simplistic, as well, to keep referring to this as all West vs. East. That's a convenient way of oversimplifying the dizzying complexity of modern geopolitics. Australia is Western or Eastern? And Hugo Chavez? He most certainly isn't "Western" in the way that you mean "Western".

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All I can say is ... would you want Iran to have control of an atomic bomb with its "ting tong" clergymen in charge?

As much as I wouldn't want the war mongering western powers to have control of one either. Again there is no proof of weapons and bombs being built a view supported by the CIA.

Remember Iraq ~ To this day they still haven't found weapons of mass destruction!!

amazing how many think that Iran is making a bomb, or even close to having a bomb. The CIA says they dont have a bomb nor are making one. The group that does the inspections on an international level say they don't have a bomb nor are they making one. Pakistan, Israel and other nuclear powers with bombs are not a part of the international proliferation act, and Pakistan is selling nuclear technology to north korea, but no problem there.

What the US is after has nothing to do with nuclear anything, it's about a country with a ton of oil that is going to sell it for something other than the US paper coupons aka "the dollar".

Instead to off becoming a country of integrity again, the US continues on it's bullying empirical nation building, looting and murder. Drop the corruption and start representing the people, problem is they have been bought, doped up by pseudo wealth and are now slaves. mad.gif

Spot On!!

Edited by Tafia
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All I can say is ... would you want Iran to have control of an atomic bomb with its "ting tong" clergymen in charge?

As much as I wouldn't want the war mongering western powers to have control of one either. Again there is no proof of weapons and bombs being built a view supported by the CIA.

Remember Iraq ~ To this day they still haven't found weapons of mass destruction!!

amazing how many think that Iran is making a bomb, or even close to having a bomb. The CIA says they dont have a bomb nor are making one. The group that does the inspections on an international level say they don't have a bomb nor are they making one. Pakistan, Israel and other nuclear powers with bombs are not a part of the international proliferation act, and Pakistan is selling nuclear technology to north korea, but no problem there.

What the US is after has nothing to do with nuclear anything, it's about a country with a ton of oil that is going to sell it for something other than the US paper coupons aka "the dollar".

Instead to off becoming a country of integrity again, the US continues on it's bullying empirical nation building, looting and murder. Drop the corruption and start representing the people, problem is they have been bought, doped up by pseudo wealth and are now slaves. mad.gif

Spot On!!

Actually, the WMD's were found in Iraq. Over 500 artillery shells loaded with Sarin gas. Check Google for several links.

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All I can say is ... would you want Iran to have control of an atomic bomb with its "ting tong" clergymen in charge?

As much as I wouldn't want the war mongering western powers to have control of one either. Again there is no proof of weapons and bombs being built a view supported by the CIA.

Remember Iraq ~ To this day they still haven't found weapons of mass destruction!!

amazing how many think that Iran is making a bomb, or even close to having a bomb. The CIA says they dont have a bomb nor are making one. The group that does the inspections on an international level say they don't have a bomb nor are they making one. Pakistan, Israel and other nuclear powers with bombs are not a part of the international proliferation act, and Pakistan is selling nuclear technology to north korea, but no problem there.

What the US is after has nothing to do with nuclear anything, it's about a country with a ton of oil that is going to sell it for something other than the US paper coupons aka "the dollar".

Instead to off becoming a country of integrity again, the US continues on it's bullying empirical nation building, looting and murder. Drop the corruption and start representing the people, problem is they have been bought, doped up by pseudo wealth and are now slaves. mad.gif

Spot On!!

And what of the yellow cake uranium that was removed from Iraq and transported to Canada?


And what of the chemical and biological weapon residues that are now poisoning Iraqis?


You conveniently neglect the fact that Iraq used poisonous gas in its war with Iran.

Iran is proceeding with the development of a nuclear weapon courtesy of Pakistan, amd with the indirect assistance of China and Russia.

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All I can say is ... would you want Iran to have control of an atomic bomb with its "ting tong" clergymen in charge?

As much as I wouldn't want the war mongering western powers to have control of one either. Again there is no proof of weapons and bombs being built a view supported by the CIA.

Remember Iraq ~ To this day they still haven't found weapons of mass destruction!!

amazing how many think that Iran is making a bomb, or even close to having a bomb. The CIA says they dont have a bomb nor are making one. The group that does the inspections on an international level say they don't have a bomb nor are they making one. Pakistan, Israel and other nuclear powers with bombs are not a part of the international proliferation act, and Pakistan is selling nuclear technology to north korea, but no problem there.

What the US is after has nothing to do with nuclear anything, it's about a country with a ton of oil that is going to sell it for something other than the US paper coupons aka "the dollar".

Instead to off becoming a country of integrity again, the US continues on it's bullying empirical nation building, looting and murder. Drop the corruption and start representing the people, problem is they have been bought, doped up by pseudo wealth and are now slaves. mad.gif

Spot On!!

And what of the yellow cake uranium that was removed from Iraq and transported to Canada?


And what of the chemical and biological weapon residues that are now poisoning Iraqis?


You conveniently neglect the fact that Iraq used poisonous gas in its war with Iran.

Iran is proceeding with the development of a nuclear weapon courtesy of Pakistan, amd with the indirect assistance of China and Russia.

Amazing that it took Iran to get GK and Animatic on the same page clap2.gif

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Let's not forget Irans 7 year war against fellow muslims, Iraq.

Fought to a draw after 100's of thousands died,

but USA whipped that same Iraq in a week.

And who started that one Animatic?

Yea right Iraq under Sadam with the support and supply of the great USA who finished it off by shooting down an Iranian civilian aircraft as has already been noted.

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Think about a Iranian dirty bomb that doesn't make it to Israel.

It would put radioactivity over much of the world oil supply.

As that would make oil company staff run for the hills hoping for survival,

the pumps run dry in months.

As that happens the world economy collapses, since it is still oil driven.

The time lag to get crews safely back in to pump oil would be too long,

and VERY expensive.

Iran with nukes or even partial nukes is a recipe for world economic collapse.

Not just like the current banking crisis recession, but 100 times as bad.

Forget the Chinese and India's side deals, sanctions or not.

If the above happens NO ONE GETS OUT OK.

So we have hardcore religious zealots trying for decades to get

enough power to throw their weight around, and rule the middle east,

who think even other Muslims not in their sect are apostates, and

all others infidels not worthy of existence if it benefits their sect,

and are willing to attack anyone they disklike in any other country they chose,

regardless of collateral damage to innocent bystanders.

And then they get the ability to rocket nukes or dirty bombs across the whole region.

Let's not forget Irans 7 year war against fellow muslims, Iraq.

Fought to a draw after 100's of thousands died,

but USA whipped that same Iraq in a week.

And internal pressure on the Iran government because of the

very young median age of the internet media informed populace,

means they have huge internal pressure to look powerful against their

stated enemies or they can fall because of massive internal disent.

A recipe for biblical levels of destruction.

Your concerns about oil are wrong. If Iran stopped producing oil tomorrow, the worlds other producers could easily make up the shortfall. Prices would be higher, but that is all. The problem is that Iran is producing oil and it doesn't want the US dollar anymore, and why would it. If Iran continues to flourish and world super powers buy its oil in currencies other than the dollar (China, India, Russia) then it will be the US economy in tatters (sorry I mean in even more tatters than it already is!).

As regards Irans 7 year war with Iraq, as has already been pointed out you are grossly misguided. Iraq was the aggressor that went on the offensive, sponsored by the USA. It was Iraqs 7 year war with Iran.

And what of the yellow cake uranium that was removed from Iraq and transported to Canada?


And what of the chemical and biological weapon residues that are now poisoning Iraqis?


You conveniently neglect the fact that Iraq used poisonous gas in its war with Iran.

Iran is proceeding with the development of a nuclear weapon courtesy of Pakistan, amd with the indirect assistance of China and Russia.

And where did all the Chemical and Biological residues come from? Who supplied the gas that Iraq used to poison the Kurds and Iranians? That is the fact that we seem to have conveniently neglected.

As for your last sentence the IAEA and CIA say that it is not, so best you take your superior intel to the NSA.

Yellowcake is produced by all countries in which uranium ore is mined, it is the first step in preparing material for civilian nuclear power, which is what they have always said they are doing.

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