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You Think Thailand Is Bad? Try The Uk Pensions Lot!


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I wonder how many people would find themselves in difficulty if the Thai authorities increased the financial level for those expats who wanted to extend their permission to stay based on retirement?

I think that old Square Face, who you recall was humiliated by the UK refusing him entry, reverting to his customary spiteful vendetta mode is more of a worry.

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Also, far more secure with the backing of 3 pension funds than your average UK expat

Most of us have at least three pension funds ...... company, private, state.

If you had less, you would be guilty of poor planning and only have yourselves to blame, coming on here winging, blah, blah .........

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I'm still not sure what you expect the government in the UK to do about the problems you perceive.

The ordinary UK guy in the street, worked, paid his dues, doesn't give a shit about Iraq or Afghanistan or folk trying to get into the UK for the freebee's, they just want to be looked after on retirement as is written in legislation. NOT want to listen about, OH the UK must now take care of poor EU countries or Africa, and some that retire on a state pension many years before UK folk, all <deleted>.

UK work force has worked, strike-d and fought for what it has BUT sadly taking care of the non natives with a problem is more important.

100% correct, transam

Understand exactly what you say but not sure about the legistation bit we seem to been shafted from boys and girls from elsewhere and am not sure when the law changed to allow this happen, anyone know when we got shafted in favour of new voting arrivees?

Can't put a date on it,it was a slow progression, of giving in, to all and sundry, but bear in mind we were too busy working + overtime hours to pay our dues and keep the family afloat. some had all the time in the World to Pressure, Lobby,and Fill in the Claim forms,and all in the interests of the Cuckoos, Aided by the PC, Bleeding heart Liberal Brigades,with lots of help from Europe and the Human Rights Bills......we didn't have time to see it coming,it just kind of bit us on the a**,and woke us up,....by then it was too late, and on went the Gags.

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I wonder how many people would find themselves in difficulty if the Thai authorities increased the financial level for those expats who wanted to extend their permission to stay based on retirement?

I think that old Square Face, who you recall was humiliated by the UK refusing him entry, reverting to his customary spiteful vendetta mode is more of a worry.

Actually it's even worse,the UK allowed him entry,and let him buy Manchester City Football Club, later they revoked his UK Visa,he then had to leave the Country.

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They WERE a declared entitlement on the part of the UK government and, every person making a NI contribution did so in the belief that (subject to qualification) they would receive the OAP (+ other benefits).

It is at least as reasonable to include OAP in your pension planning as it is to include, say, an Equitable Life pension policy.

I do share the view that it is nice to consider the OAP as a ' bonus' - but in 10 years time I DO expect to receive it.

I totally agree with you. The problem now is that we people still in the workforce are seeing the retirement age disappearing further and further into the distance as the baby boomers pull up the ladder.

More and more responsibility is getting loaded onto fewer and fewer people, and these current pensioners are standing with their noses at the trough saying "Please Sir, can I have some more?".

Never a thought for the fact that they have left the rest of us in the Poor House.

Crivvens! Thank Hivvens for the Poles...


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Seriously.......maybe the current pensioners should take some responsibility for the state you believe the UK is in. It is your generation that was in power ) even now to an extent ) when the Industrial Relations went into the gutter, when we had the Winter of Discontent, when we had to go cap in hand to the IMF to pay our bills in 1976, and it was you that voted us into the Common Market.

Do you really believe that the common man voting decides the government and government policy.

As far as I can see an 'elite' group rule the UK, every few years the population get to choose which of those 'elite' sit in Parliament.

The 'elite' don't use the NHS, don't use government schools, and have nothing whatsoever to do with the population in general.


Wrong. It's beyond parody that you believe that

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Also, far more secure with the backing of 3 pension funds than your average UK expat

Most of us have at least three pension funds ...... company, private, state.

If you had less, you would be guilty of poor planning and only have yourselves to blame, coming on here winging, blah, blah .........

I accept the admonishment, I only have 2 - does the private shareholding, generating GBP 25k p.a. of dividends count as planning ?

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Also, far more secure with the backing of 3 pension funds than your average UK expat

Most of us have at least three pension funds ...... company, private, state.

If you had less, you would be guilty of poor planning and only have yourselves to blame, coming on here winging, blah, blah .........

I accept the admonishment, I only have 2 - does the private shareholding, generating GBP 25k p.a. of dividends count as planning ?

No you can share the dividends with me for you impudance! ( Well done!)
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The "I'm alright jack's" might not like it but there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel if this publication is to be believed.

I'm not holding my breath but the fact that this group was invited to discuss the issue with Treasury officials is a good sign.

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[Can't put a date on it,it was a slow progression, of giving in, to all and sundry, but bear in mind we were too busy working + overtime hours to pay our dues and keep the family afloat. some had all the time in the World to Pressure, Lobby,and Fill in the Claim forms,and all in the interests of the Cuckoos, Aided by the PC, Bleeding heart Liberal Brigades,with lots of help from Europe and the Human Rights Bills......we didn't have time to see it coming,it just kind of bit us on the a**,and woke us up,....by then it was too late, and on went the Gags.

Actually Enoch was warning about it, but of course the loony left did him in.

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The "I'm alright jack's" might not like it but there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel if this publication is to be believed.


A step in the right direction, lets see what happens and hope the best.

So what do you think we can do to help the exchequer out of the hole in which he currently finds himself? I'm doing a little bit for the balance of payments by pouring money into the Black Hole of Dennistoun, 20% of which my agent hands over to the exchequer as an unpaid revinner, and I employ a couple of bankers to sit on my pitiful savings.

Its not a lot, and I fear it earns scant appreciation, but I do my best. Sometimes, though, I feel a little lonesome so doing...


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I'm 65 in April,last September I notified UK pensions of my address in Thailand,later they sent me the forms to make a claim,sent them back to them and have now had my monthly payment amount to be started paying in May,no probs.They also sent me a letter saying that a company by their a that I worked for in the 60's-70's are trying to get in touch with me to pay me a pension.I can't fault the UK pension system at all.

Wait and watch for the yearly inflation increases, they will be conspicuous by their absence, you might think differently then.

But I won't be in the UK to worry about the the inflation increases,I'll be in Thailand with three pensions going into the bank,and also paying VAT at 7% not 20%,car payed for,house payed for,m/c payed for and the cost of living in Thailand a dam sight less then than the UK.Do you think that I am better off living in Thailand or the UK?,answers on a post card please.

Let's hope the UKP doesn't fall to 1UKP to 10BHT, else you and your three pensions might come a cropper.

Let's also hope none of your pension funds fail, another serious future possibility.

Do you think I will be the only one to strugle if we get 10 baht to the pound.At least I am honest and tell the UK goverment where I live not like some others.
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I'm 65 in April,last September I notified UK pensions of my address in Thailand,later they sent me the forms to make a claim,sent them back to them and have now had my monthly payment amount to be started paying in May,no probs.They also sent me a letter saying that a company by their a that I worked for in the 60's-70's are trying to get in touch with me to pay me a pension.I can't fault the UK pension system at all.

Wait and watch for the yearly inflation increases, they will be conspicuous by their absence, you might think differently then.

But I won't be in the UK to worry about the the inflation increases,I'll be in Thailand with three pensions going into the bank,and also paying VAT at 7% not 20%,car payed for,house payed for,m/c payed for and the cost of living in Thailand a dam sight less then than the UK.Do you think that I am better off living in Thailand or the UK?,answers on a post card please.

Let's hope the UKP doesn't fall to 1UKP to 10BHT, else you and your three pensions might come a cropper.

Let's also hope none of your pension funds fail, another serious future possibility.

Do you think I will be the only one to strugle if we get 10 baht to the pound.At least I am honest and tell the UK goverment where I live not like some others.
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I'm 65 in April,last September I notified UK pensions of my address in Thailand,later they sent me the forms to make a claim,sent them back to them and have now had my monthly payment amount to be started paying in May,no probs.They also sent me a letter saying that a company by their a that I worked for in the 60's-70's are trying to get in touch with me to pay me a pension.I can't fault the UK pension system at all.

Wait and watch for the yearly inflation increases, they will be conspicuous by their absence, you might think differently then.

But I won't be in the UK to worry about the the inflation increases,I'll be in Thailand with three pensions going into the bank,and also paying VAT at 7% not 20%,car payed for,house payed for,m/c payed for and the cost of living in Thailand a dam sight less then than the UK.Do you think that I am better off living in Thailand or the UK?,answers on a post card please.

Inflation does not just apply to the UK it will erode your savings here as well, you just dont know what you dont know, things could change tomorrow and you would not look so smug then, I do however congratulate you on having the good planning sense to have aquired what sounds like a good pension plan so I hope it works out as you plan.

I didn't think I was being smug, I was just stating the facts of my position as it is,I came over here in 2002 when the rate was good, now I don't think I would be able to do what I did with todays baht rate.
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I suppose you're point, rather than gloating, was to highlight the efficiency and excellence of the UK pension service. Others may have had less satisfactory experiences, but theirs are not necessarily the norm.


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Also, far more secure with the backing of 3 pension funds than your average UK expat

Most of us have at least three pension funds ...... company, private, state.

If you had less, you would be guilty of poor planning and only have yourselves to blame, coming on here winging, blah, blah .........

I accept the admonishment, I only have 2 - does the private shareholding, generating GBP 25k p.a. of dividends count as planning ?

No you can share the dividends with me for you impudance! ( Well done!)

Sorry, exeter, I exaggerated - the dividends are only GBP 20k, nothing spare to share :)

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I accept the admonishment, I only have 2 - does the private shareholding, generating GBP 25k p.a. of dividends count as planning ?

No you can share the dividends with me for you impudance! ( Well done!)

Sorry, exeter, I exaggerated - the dividends are only GBP 20k, nothing spare to share smile.png

One is not much of a man if one does not have a shilling to spare

Unless one does not have a shilling.


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To SC. I think its a good sign that at least the Treasury have had meeting which may be fruitful to all the pensioners who currently are affected, lets be optimistic about that. Nothing changes until it changes but we live in hope that we might at some time get a nice surprise and fairness will break out. Now who was the influetial cabinet figure whi is on our side? My guess is its IDS, he is an honest, fair and honourable man who does not shut up when he is told to, esp when he thinks he is right,

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Wonderful thread, keep it coming!!

An update:

After phone call No ?5? I was promised a return call from an IT man. Well last night at about 8.00 pm I got a call. The gist was 'I don't know why your money has been stopped, I don't know when you might get it' This was a full rate call from the UK.

You might imagine, I asked him how he expected me to eat, of course he did not know. He said someone would call me again today, to which my succinct ( and slightly irate) reply was sort of' 'I don't want phone calls , I want the money'. But joy of joys!! at 3.00 pm our time ( 8.00 am UK time) when I phoned yet again I am told I am no longer 'pending ' as I have been for about 3 weeks ( don't try it-shortens your life!!) and am now 'issued'. Which they tell me means the money will appear 'soon'( 3-5 working days)

I now want all TV readers to hold their breath!

Hopefully just one more post from me when I am 'sabaai sabaai'

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Wonderful thread, keep it coming!!

An update:

After phone call No ?5? I was promised a return call from an IT man. Well last night at about 8.00 pm I got a call. The gist was 'I don't know why your money has been stopped, I don't know when you might get it' This was a full rate call from the UK.

You might imagine, I asked him how he expected me to eat, of course he did not know. He said someone would call me again today, to which my succinct ( and slightly irate) reply was sort of' 'I don't want phone calls , I want the money'. But joy of joys!! at 3.00 pm our time ( 8.00 am UK time) when I phoned yet again I am told I am no longer 'pending ' as I have been for about 3 weeks ( don't try it-shortens your life!!) and am now 'issued'. Which they tell me means the money will appear 'soon'( 3-5 working days)

I now want all TV readers to hold their breath!

Hopefully just one more post from me when I am 'sabaai sabaai'

Sounds serious! I hope that at least you have an emergency fund to pay for your ticket back home, in the event that you never get any more money.

That's my plan B if for whatever reason the finances get too low in LOS- go home and off to the social welfare office ( that is the extent of MY financial planning ).

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Wonderful thread, keep it coming!!

An update:

After phone call No ?5? I was promised a return call from an IT man. Well last night at about 8.00 pm I got a call. The gist was 'I don't know why your money has been stopped, I don't know when you might get it' This was a full rate call from the UK.

You might imagine, I asked him how he expected me to eat, of course he did not know. He said someone would call me again today, to which my succinct ( and slightly irate) reply was sort of' 'I don't want phone calls , I want the money'. But joy of joys!! at 3.00 pm our time ( 8.00 am UK time) when I phoned yet again I am told I am no longer 'pending ' as I have been for about 3 weeks ( don't try it-shortens your life!!) and am now 'issued'. Which they tell me means the money will appear 'soon'( 3-5 working days)

I now want all TV readers to hold their breath!

Hopefully just one more post from me when I am 'sabaai sabaai'

Excellent news.........

I've never seen a graph from anyone showing the amount of difference it would make to someone's income if the pension freeze was ended.

Does anyone have the figures? I'm not interested in the cost to the government, I'm interested in the actual financial difference to individuals.

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Wonderful thread, keep it coming!!

An update:

After phone call No ?5? I was promised a return call from an IT man. Well last night at about 8.00 pm I got a call. The gist was 'I don't know why your money has been stopped, I don't know when you might get it' This was a full rate call from the UK.

You might imagine, I asked him how he expected me to eat, of course he did not know. He said someone would call me again today, to which my succinct ( and slightly irate) reply was sort of' 'I don't want phone calls , I want the money'. But joy of joys!! at 3.00 pm our time ( 8.00 am UK time) when I phoned yet again I am told I am no longer 'pending ' as I have been for about 3 weeks ( don't try it-shortens your life!!) and am now 'issued'. Which they tell me means the money will appear 'soon'( 3-5 working days)

I now want all TV readers to hold their breath!

Hopefully just one more post from me when I am 'sabaai sabaai'

Excellent news.........

I've never seen a graph from anyone showing the amount of difference it would make to someone's income if the pension freeze was ended.

Does anyone have the figures? I'm not interested in the cost to the government, I'm interested in the actual financial difference to individuals.

At a guess, theblether, I'd suggest it's probably similar to a graph showing the impact of inflation . . .

Incidentally, while it appears to be good news that the government is looking into this, it's curious that the impact of exchange rates hasn't been mentioned once in this entire thread. We have 13 pages of people moaning that UK pensioners in Thailand are not getting an inflation linked increase every year, but the reality is that the most important factor in a Brit living on a state pension in LOS is probably exchange rate movements.

Edited by bendix
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Wonderful thread, keep it coming!!

An update:

After phone call No ?5? I was promised a return call from an IT man. Well last night at about 8.00 pm I got a call. The gist was 'I don't know why your money has been stopped, I don't know when you might get it' This was a full rate call from the UK.

You might imagine, I asked him how he expected me to eat, of course he did not know. He said someone would call me again today, to which my succinct ( and slightly irate) reply was sort of' 'I don't want phone calls , I want the money'. But joy of joys!! at 3.00 pm our time ( 8.00 am UK time) when I phoned yet again I am told I am no longer 'pending ' as I have been for about 3 weeks ( don't try it-shortens your life!!) and am now 'issued'. Which they tell me means the money will appear 'soon'( 3-5 working days)

I now want all TV readers to hold their breath!

Hopefully just one more post from me when I am 'sabaai sabaai'

Excellent news.........

I've never seen a graph from anyone showing the amount of difference it would make to someone's income if the pension freeze was ended.

Does anyone have the figures? I'm not interested in the cost to the government, I'm interested in the actual financial difference to individuals.

At a guess, theblether, I'd suggest it's probably similar to a graph showing the impact of inflation . . .

Incidentally, while it appears to be good news that the government is looking into this, it's curious that the impact of exchange rates hasn't been mentioned once in this entire thread. We have 13 pages of people moaning that UK pensioners in Thailand are not getting an inflation linked increase every year, but the reality is that the most important factor in a Brit living on a state pension in LOS is probably exchange rate movements.

I started my affair with Thailand in 2009, the rate then when I first came was around 45 bts, the best I have seen was briefly about 56 so the days of the 70 bts to the £ is something I never experienced. If I had done my calculations on 70 then suddenly found it was 50 that would have been a very rude awakening indeed, who would have factored in a drop of that magnitude? We must hope that it is not repeated, there are enough variables to take into account already and most of them are out of our control.
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At a guess, theblether, I'd suggest it's probably similar to a graph showing the impact of inflation . . .

Incidentally, while it appears to be good news that the government is looking into this, it's curious that the impact of exchange rates hasn't been mentioned once in this entire thread. We have 13 pages of people moaning that UK pensioners in Thailand are not getting an inflation linked increase every year, but the reality is that the most important factor in a Brit living on a state pension in LOS is probably exchange rate movements.

Actually it is not, the biggest factor is the Inflation Rate as it applies to Farangs in Thailand (that is the inflation rate on the goods and services foreigners use in Thailand - which is markedly higher than the Thai base inflation rate)

And the ability or lack thereof, to be able to maintain one's assets and savings under your own control.

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Let's not forget either that secure retirement in Thailand (where we are guests) has to be based on the ability to repatriate to where ever we came from should our guest status be removed. Or if you want to play the game again, move on to the next country one step lower on the development ladder.

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Actually it is not, the biggest factor is the Inflation Rate as it applies to Farangs in Thailand (that is the inflation rate on the goods and services foreigners use in Thailand - which is markedly higher than the Thai base inflation rate)

And the ability or lack thereof, to be able to maintain one's assets and savings under your own control.

Well the answer to the first point is pretty obvious, don't you think?

And I have no idea what you mean by the second. Why shouldnt one have the ability to maintain control over your own assets and savings?

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Well the answer to the first point is pretty obvious, don't you think?

And I have no idea what you mean by the second. Why shouldnt one have the ability to maintain control over your own assets and savings?

You've been around here long enough to know that most of the money and assets taken off foreigners in Thailand were handed over by the foreigner with a big smile on his face.

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Well the answer to the first point is pretty obvious, don't you think?

And I have no idea what you mean by the second. Why shouldnt one have the ability to maintain control over your own assets and savings?

You've been around here long enough to know that most of the money and assets taken off foreigners in Thailand were handed over by the foreigner with a big smile on his face.

Ahhhhhhhh . . . well, you can't protect idiots from themselves, I guess.

And neither should you try.

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