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Chalerm: Isaan Set To Become Drug-Free Region


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Hahahahahaha this <snip> has jumped out of turn I think you will find it was Chuwits turn to make the dumbest statement of the week! although god knows why they don't just team up and run the show like the dumbarsed pair of Burt and Earnies they are.

Edited by metisdead
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JB.  YES these 2 are -and must be the dumbest pair on the planet. &lt;deleted&gt; ridiculous to say the least.  This is far more than a joke, it is behond words-and only makes the kingdom look more stupid internationally. Better give up commenting on these threads, total waste of time until there are people that are sane enough to run the government.

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Hmmm lets see here. The last time this absurd statement was made by Thaksin, it cost the lives of 2500 people, one of whom I witnessed. The consensus feeling at the time by sharp farangs was that the police were basically eliminating their competition in the drug business. So if you are dealing drugs for the police, with this latest proclamation, let the good times roll !! If you are a independent dealer, time to close up shop for a while.... :-)

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I wish to see Issan a lao khao (white whisky)-free region. It is the scourge of many a family, the government should either increase the tax to match the alcohol content or lower the taxes on beer to make it financially viable for low earners.

Generally speaking, people under the influence of lao khao are far nastier than those drunk on beer.

Apologies for off topic remarks.

Speak for yourself...

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I wish to see Issan a lao khao (white whisky)-free region. It is the scourge of many a family, the government should either increase the tax to match the alcohol content or lower the taxes on beer to make it financially viable for low earners.

Generally speaking, people under the influence of lao khao are far nastier than those drunk on beer.

Apologies for off topic remarks.

Alcohol is not a drug, although is as bad. So it is very easy to make the prices very low so people get hook to alcohol instead of the drug

Aha, therein lies the consbeeracy, hic, it's a joint initiative of Singha, Leo, and Chang, hic.

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If we no longer call these substances "drugs", then technically the region really will become drug free. Just like the government no longer uses the term terrorist to describe certain people seeking violence and mas destruction. Congratulations Chalerm, you're brilliant !

He learned from Obama, no doubt, who called the Ft. Hood massacre of 13 by Islamist Nidal Hasan, workplace violence. Or, perhaps, he learned from the LA media that stoked the flames of unrest into full scale rioting when they repeatedly called Rodney King--a convict on parole that led police on a 30 minute hot pursuit at speeds in excess of 100mph and resisted arrest--when they referred to him as "motorist Rodney King."

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I wonder if Chalerm will ask the death penalty for....mmm...killing a cop in a disco in Pattaya for exemple

Or if he will say that soon the whole country will be " do you know whose son i am"-wannabe free too?

Could somebody give more details about this.........I remember hearing somebody mention it but I never got the full story.
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History shows that the poorest demographic (uneducated) are the biggest users of drugs

Chalerm is just feeding their support base more promises to make up for all the failed ones.

Notch this up as another.

Actually high stress occupations have the highest drug use, for example Air traffic controlers use a lots of downers, stock brokers and artists use a lot of coke. However, Doctors have the highest drug use of all the professions and the main drug used is alcohol.

Edited by waza
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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

God forgive them, because they don't know what they do. Who turned this guy into such an idiot? jap.gif

Chalerm is a self made man.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Apart from the absurdity of the statement, the one line that makes it scary foe me is:

"Udon Thani is expected to be the first among the 20 northeastern provinces to be free from drugs."

As soon as you start putting pressure on the provincial police forces to make quotas (this will be the next step) to show that their war on drugs is working, then you will get the innocents brought into the affray. This is the main reason why so many died needlessly during Thaksin's attempt at stopping drugs. Numbers required lead to concentration of manpower seeking the foot soldiers which, IMHO is not what is needed to even dent the problem,

Until this government, or any other for that matter, targets the money men and Hi-So drug barons in this country through intelligence gathering then nothing is going to happen mid to long term.

The other thing that strikes me is why Issan? Why restrict it to the East when the major transit of drugs comes from our western neighbours?

The general idea of even mentioning an action against drugs, let alone publishing it, is in itself a heads-up to stop operations for a couple of weeks to these people. Until governments are serious about their agendas, I for one can't take it to heart,

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

God forgive them, because they don't know what they do. Who turned this guy into such an idiot? jap.gif

Chalerm is a self made man.

Is that tongue in cheek humor ??? I would be willing to bet money that if you hired a team of investigators, and went back through every baht he made since he has been in the political arena, this " self made man " illusion would fall apart pretty quickly.....

Pretty much the same as Thaksin. My girlfriend told me in red shirt media in Isaan, they are persisting in the fantasy that Thaksin was a poor policeman, who pulled himself up by the bootstraps to become rich. Apparently no mention is made of his rich and powerful family in Chiang Mai.....

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Me thinks he knows not what he says.

In order to make a region drug free, he needs to provide the people with alternatives.

A key point is keeping people on the wagon is activity. If they have nothing else to do

or nothing else to kep them busy, they will turn to drugsond alocohol. If they see they

are bored and not happy and see themselves negatively, they will turn to drugs.

Unless this Govt makes changes to peoples lifestyles, they will fail.

That said .... does not matter what they do ... the idea of Isaan being drug free is

noting but a pipe dream ... or should I say crack pipe dream

why would they have nothing to do ?, ... thailand has such low unemployment right ?.........mmmmmm

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Lets leagalize marijana get the kids off the ya baa and switch them to weed, I think this would solve thailands drug problem also ban lao khao.

take your point but,...the horse has already bolted , once your onto harder drugs there is no turning the clock back , these "speedfreaks" will not be persueded to use weed over yaba , also the powers that be know that weed makes you lazy ,.... the main reason why they came down on it in the 80s when companies started investing in thailand , we all know its harmless in comparison to yaba/ice etc, but not good for a workforce looking for foriegn investments ..................yaba keeps you alert and full of energy, good for long hours of work ,.......also an incompitent police force who are already taking their cut are not interested in stopping it, ....a few "token" arrests seem to do the trick, same as the token busts on the "copies"..................so dream on chalerm , it aint gonna happen !

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

God forgive them, because they don't know what they do. Who turned this guy into such an idiot? jap.gif

Chalerm is a self made man.

Is that tongue in cheek humor ??? I would be willing to bet money that if you hired a team of investigators, and went back through every baht he made since he has been in the political arena, this " self made man " illusion would fall apart pretty quickly.....

Pretty much the same as Thaksin. My girlfriend told me in red shirt media in Isaan, they are persisting in the fantasy that Thaksin was a poor policeman, who pulled himself up by the bootstraps to become rich. Apparently no mention is made of his rich and powerful family in Chiang Mai.....

Or the many failed enterprises he attempted, he has only ever made money from corruption, insider trading and fraud. People forget he said, "its the duty of every Thai citizen to rip off farrangs".

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

God forgive them, because they don't know what they do. Who turned this guy into such an idiot? jap.gif

Chalerm is a self made man.

Is that tongue in cheek humor ??? I would be willing to bet money that if you hired a team of investigators, and went back through every baht he made since he has been in the political arena, this " self made man " illusion would fall apart pretty quickly.....

Pretty much the same as Thaksin. My girlfriend told me in red shirt media in Isaan, they are persisting in the fantasy that Thaksin was a poor policeman, who pulled himself up by the bootstraps to become rich. Apparently no mention is made of his rich and powerful family in Chiang Mai.....

I take it you are an American?

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

God forgive them, because they don't know what they do. Who turned this guy into such an idiot? jap.gif

Chalerm is a self made man.

Is that tongue in cheek humor ??? I would be willing to bet money that if you hired a team of investigators, and went back through every baht he made since he has been in the political arena, this " self made man " illusion would fall apart pretty quickly.....

Pretty much the same as Thaksin. My girlfriend told me in red shirt media in Isaan, they are persisting in the fantasy that Thaksin was a poor policeman, who pulled himself up by the bootstraps to become rich. Apparently no mention is made of his rich and powerful family in Chiang Mai.....

I take it you are an American?

dam_n !!! What gave me away ? My dislike of people who pretend they pulled themselves up by the bootstraps ?? But anyway back to the subject. Given the myriad of serious problems that Thailand is facing right now, I am a bit surprised at this new gambit of taking on drugs in Isaan. How about taking on corruption if they want to gain points with the international business community ?? Is this like a magician who gets your attention with his right hand, then performs some trickery with his left hand ?? :-)

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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BANGKOK, 22 February 2012 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

Dept. PM Chalerm is already in charge of the policy (?) of making Thailand drugs free in the current 'War on Drugs'. 135,000 people arrested in four months, 300,000 more to follow.

So please tell me, why announce a (new) policy of making a limited number of provinces drug-free areas? Does our esteemed Pol. Captain Chalerm implicitly concede defeat. Will other provinces be non-drug-free areas by similar government policy? It is too difficult around the Myanmar border? Too many (important) people like a hands-off in Bangkok?

Puzzling, to say the least huh.png

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

God forgive them, because they don't know what they do. Who turned this guy into such an idiot? jap.gif

Chalerm is a self made man.

Is that tongue in cheek humor ??? I would be willing to bet money that if you hired a team of investigators, and went back through every baht he made since he has been in the political arena, this " self made man " illusion would fall apart pretty quickly.....

Pretty much the same as Thaksin. My girlfriend told me in red shirt media in Isaan, they are persisting in the fantasy that Thaksin was a poor policeman, who pulled himself up by the bootstraps to become rich. Apparently no mention is made of his rich and powerful family in Chiang Mai.....

Or the many failed enterprises he attempted, he has only ever made money from corruption, insider trading and fraud. People forget he said, "its the duty of every Thai citizen to rip off farrangs".

Did he really say that?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

God gave man a penis and a brain, unfortunately, did not give sufficient blood supply to run both at the same time.

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A key point is keeping people on the wagon is activity. If they have nothing else to do

or nothing else to kep them busy, they will turn to drugsond alocohol. If they see they

are bored and not happy and see themselves negatively, they will turn to drugs.

Unless this Govt makes changes to peoples lifestyles, they will fail

yaabaa is the drug of choice for those that work double shifts, triple shifts, shitty shifts. it is not a 'recreational drug' for those taht haave nothing to do.

yaa baa is a huge success among the thai workers here. hubby's cousin , here for five years, now w/o work visa, is working illegally for 15 NIS!!!! , not been in contact with wife for months, calls us five times aday, now addicted to yaa baa with no money to get home, and doesnt want to go back, lives in shittier conditions that the normal visa'd thai workers. two months ago, a guy from a goat farm (the onely thai worker there) was arrested when he had a box delivered to his employer's address - filled with yaa baa smuggled in among ground chilis (his employer was 'caught' by the police-- thai workers pay up to 10 000 shekels to other thais to use employer's addresses to smuggle in yaa baaa here, to distribute among the thai workers and sudan ese workers. down the road, another dealer. a lawyer we used for hubby (caught drivng after drinking two beers, in israel, a huge and costly offense) told us his partner is presently working on two thais caught from same moshav, dealing.

it seems that recently, one out of three workers here is using yaa baa, and thai yaa baa smuggling is on the radar here. btw, hubby (korat) claims it is all udon thani guys that are in the business... i thought he was just being korat snobby.

rumour has it that there are undercover workers here (probably snitches that got sent here instead of jail in thailand) being used to 'catch' dealers. i am now blatantly refusing to accept any boxes sent from thailand to us, for other people.

yaa baa has become an international crime and there is no way in hell that anywhere in issaan will ever be yaa baa free since too many people are making money off it, also over in other countries.

whiskey and hi lo are the next two major problems here as it is in issaan. grass would just have all the thai workers lazing around not working. how do people think thai workers can work in a 50 deree celsius green house for 15 hours a day w/o being drugged up?

corruption corruption ....

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