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There is snooker tourney in Nakhon Sawan if You fancy something like that. Today last 8,tomorrow semis and final sunday 2PM. If I got it right, they play at Nakhon Sawan stadium complex? And sunday after final, You can watch great football 6PM, D2 Nakhon Sawan - Lamphun. :)

Here info about snooker, schedule in .pdf


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Received 23 arrival pictures todAy from the Container Paking CO. to show the condition that it was in when received. The container is due to arrive tomorrow to be packed and delivered to the rail yard on the 12th to make the rail cut for transport to the port. Beynd that I don't have a schedule but will be busy putting together an assembly plan after i receive the dis-assembly pics next week.

I don't think that I "go off" every few minutes, my power does, but I do go off occasionally. I rigged an analog voltmeter to a standard electrical plug and when the lights start dimming I can watch the power flucuate from 220vac to 150vac and sometimes below. Enought to crash my computer and the stereo and I keep forgetting to buy a UPS as it's not a problem when I'm shopping. There's only one transformer for the whole village but there are no heavy loads, I suspect that the problem lies with the gravel pit about 2km away that uses three phase and the heavy equipment loads the phase that the village transformer is connected to. It always happens during the day during the week. I tried to explain the problem to PEA but it never haappens when they are in the aresa and trying to get them to chage the input phase to the village transformer isn't working.

There is an "ignore" option to ignore AOP but I don't have a clue how it works. Have a nice day.

Only hope it's better than Ikea's plans.

I didn't mean you went off I was referring to your Comp: that you seem in the past to have trouble with.

As they have removed one of my posts most peep's wont know what we are talking about.

Don't know what caused my Comp to go off line couldn't get Int: Explorer or Chrome, checked with TOT and they did a check and said everything their end was fine TIT??? but after some faffing about taking several hour's now seems Ok, fingers crossed.

Don't have a problem with power were I am thank Buddha so it wasn't that.

Best of luck with your new arrival.


Thank for the usual sports update H/P alas I don't do Snooker but I'm sure other will fine it interesting. Now if you had told me K.P.P football team had won a game now that would have been a turn up for the book's.

Edited by theoldgit
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Now you're comparing me to Ihea, remember I have a Davey Crocket hat and I'm a degreed electrical engineer and actually have experience in the modification of aircraft structure and electrical interface for adding aftermarket entertainment systems, ie. seat back and arm rest video systems. I don't see how my planning can go wrong. When it's finished and the key is turned, the worst that could happpen is my TV will turn on and the wheels will fall off. The only consequence will be more planning and additional cases of beer.I

I use fire fox but occasionally it futzzes up and won't let me do some things so I switch to Chriome and everything is Okay. My meter is plugged into my computer electrical outlet right now and it's a solid 220vac, but a few minutes ago it was down to 170vac. It's like some big unit, maybe a pump (definitely not mine), is switching on and off every 15 - 20 seconds!

I once had a post removed by a MOD and got peeved so I sent him a PM and told him to put his head back in the sand where it belonged, maybe in not those nice of words and was banned from posting for either 1 or 2 days, so PMs arent private either!

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Wasn't directed at you, I know that you don't live in a city. It's just that everybody from the UK complains continuosly about everything, "it's not like home". I can't get this, I can't get that, the sausage casings at Macro are sh*t, etc. etc. Try getting Som Tom Poo Pa La in Chester, England!! The continual bashing of how life is so unacceptable here gets old after a while.

Ace of Pop's answer: "I suppose leaving anywhere in America is an improvement, so Yanks can only win.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif' Is typical from somebody that doesn't have a clue!! He doesn't even have a grasp of the correct usage of the English Language., instaead of in I think that he meant other than. Get a life and enjoy the country where you have chosen to live without all of the BS complaining otherwise go somewhere else!!

Sorry, rant for the day over, back to my import logistics arragments for my new chariot!

If you read it again you may realise that he said "leaving" not "living", so that makes "in" the correct word. Possibly you now get his drift. You may wish to revise your comments about a grasp of the English Language.

I am not aware of anyone "continuosly" complaining or saying that life here is unacceptable, but it is a much debated point whether it is correct to point out any shortcomings or ignore them and assume that Thais are incapable of doing anything properly. I find the latter approach to be a bit patronising.

Ref The Walk opening time, whether it is eight, nine or ten is of no consequence to me as I will not be there for any of them. Sorry about that Davey. (You are not the Davey who used to drink in the Yellow bar by any chance)?

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Now you're comparing me to Ihea, remember I have a Davey Crocket hat and I'm a degreed electrical engineer and actually have experience in the modification of aircraft structure and electrical interface for adding aftermarket entertainment systems, ie. seat back and arm rest video systems. I don't see how my planning can go wrong. When it's finished and the key is turned, the worst that could happpen is my TV will turn on and the wheels will fall off. The only consequence will be more planning and additional cases of beer.I

I use fire fox but occasionally it futzzes up and won't let me do some things so I switch to Chriome and everything is Okay. My meter is plugged into my computer electrical outlet right now and it's a solid 220vac, but a few minutes ago it was down to 170vac. It's like some big unit, maybe a pump (definitely not mine), is switching on and off every 15 - 20 seconds!

I once had a post removed by a MOD and got peeved so I sent him a PM and told him to put his head back in the sand where it belonged, maybe in not those nice of words and was banned from posting for either 1 or 2 days, so PMs arent private either!

Just a quick one as out soon.

I also have a degree in electrical fixing.

Take yesterday I had to fit a new remote switch in my bedroom enable's me to turn on and off the TV light's etc while I'm in bed, all went well I did have a bit of faffing about as it wasn't the same type as before. All connected I pressed the remote it lit up and low and behold nothing worked not a thing bugger all.

Had several go's at it and in the end I found out what I had done well not done as the case maybe I had not turned on the main's power.

H/M is available to help you if would like me to pop along and have a go at your thing when it arrives you only have to ask.


Do we all get a Davey Crocket hat or should I supply my own.

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Now I have been schooled by the "English" professor, a Brit no doubt! If "in" is the correct word then pleae explain the entrire phrase "leaving in"! When youleave someplace you leave from, not in, so "leaving from" would be acceptable but "laeving in" make apbsolutely no sense at all! When you leave, you exit, you don't go in!

I don't know or care about the walk and I,m certainly not the "Davey " that used to drink in the Yellow bar as I have lived here fro 16 years and have never been in a bar in Nakhon Sawan or KPP province.

I'm not sure about your statement of Thai Bashing as I live in a small village with Thais everyday.

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Water here is a problem also, I have 12 ongs that we fill with rain water. The water was off last week for a couple of days but now it;s back to it's normal drip. The road to my house is now dry and the sugar and corn have been harvested but in rainy season it's a "E" ticket disneyland ride at times.

Buying and shipping the beast has been a real experience and the assembly once it arrives will be fun, a multimillon baht erector set. Maybe I'll have an assembly party, BYOW (bring your own wrench), beer will be on the house.

Now that sound like a plan to me and I may take you up on it. I do have calibrated hammers of various sizes and a 14 lb sledge hammer for those difficult to fit bits.

I was an aircraft radio engineer in one career and a builder of cell phone base stations in another.

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Now I have been schooled by the "English" professor, a Brit no doubt! If "in" is the correct word then pleae explain the entrire phrase "leaving in"! When youleave someplace you leave from, not in, so "leaving from" would be acceptable but "laeving in" make apbsolutely no sense at all! When you leave, you exit, you don't go in!

I don't know or care about the walk and I,m certainly not the "Davey " that used to drink in the Yellow bar as I have lived here fro 16 years and have never been in a bar in Nakhon Sawan or KPP province.

I'm not sure about your statement of Thai Bashing as I live in a small village with Thais everyday.

(1) (Sighs) Read it again, the phrase was "leaving anywhere in America" which was presumably said lightheartedly and makes perfect sense. You could always just accept that you were wrong.

(2)The Davey in question is the poster "davyboy" who was enquiring about The Walk.

(3) You brought up Thai bashing/moaning Brits, I was commenting on that.

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I will never accept that I am wrong, being wrong is a fatal flaw!

Have you ever heard about implied prepositions? To make the sentance gramatically acceptable the you are impliying that the preposition "from" is inserted between leaving and America. It is an acceptable interpretation but is certainly not gramatically correct and not one that I woyld think that a proper Englishman would accept. I learned not "learnt" the English language in America, and actually taught Engish Grammer in a secondary school for 6 years, not the UK so if it suits you fine and you can tell AOP that you are sorry that I am an A**!

As far as Davey, you quoted my post and you brought up the Davey question! Does your elevator fail to reach the top floor sometimes.

I brought up moaning Brits but in no way did I ever say anything about Thai Bashing! Saying that Brits continue to whine that everything is not like home is not Thai bashing, it's more like Brit bashing which the whiners well deserve.

Muskets at 20 meters at noon! Just kidding, have a niece day and let us both get on with what's left of our lives!

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Water here is a problem also, I have 12 ongs that we fill with rain water. The water was off last week for a couple of days but now it;s back to it's normal drip. The road to my house is now dry and the sugar and corn have been harvested but in rainy season it's a "E" ticket disneyland ride at times.

Buying and shipping the beast has been a real experience and the assembly once it arrives will be fun, a multimillon baht erector set. Maybe I'll have an assembly party, BYOW (bring your own wrench), beer will be on the house.

We have 20 ongs interlinked plus 6 spares but our water went off a couple of weeks or so ago and I am on my last 8 plus 3 that got got topped up yesterday from the fire truck. I am not expecting the water to return until after songkran as usual.

When you have finished your rebuild of the monster you may have enough bits left over for one of these.


or this


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I'm out tomorrow with a submersable pump to see exactly how much water is left, most of my ongs are less than half full, but haven't had to get any brought in yet.

I'm working on a modification to the corn harvester to detect Kippers. I'm going to patent it and call it a "Kipper Sniffer" and see if I can rig the beast to seek out and "encapsulate", not destroy, those from Kipperland for furture exploytation I wouldn't mind having someone in the barn that smelled like fish if we are overrun with stray cats!!

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I'm out tomorrow with a submersable pump to see exactly how much water is left, most of my ongs are less than half full, but haven't had to get any brought in yet.

I'm working on a modification to the corn harvester to detect Kippers. I'm going to patent it and call it a "Kipper Sniffer" and see if I can rig the beast to seek out and "encapsulate", not destroy, those from Kipperland for furture exploytation I wouldn't mind having someone in the barn that smelled like fish if we are overrun with stray cats!!

This is my water storage farm.

The simplist way of finding the water level is with a stick ot some 3/4 blue water pipe as a dipstick. My ongs are 1,700 litres but as the outflow is about 6 inches off the ground I figure 1,500 useable litres.


My drinking water is in 2 x 3,000 litre s/s tanks that generally last between the wet seasons.


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My ongs are not neat like yours. They only collect rain water from the roof gutter during rainy season. I have one plumbed for drinking water and pump the others into it when needed or into the tank that supplies washing water for the house. This yaer has been bad as the local water supply has been broken and my wife keeps "stealing" water for her restaurant. The result of my adventure this morning is that I now have 3 full ongs and 9 empties. I'll try to keep the full ones for drinking and most likely will have to purchase water to fill the others as the water supply is off again.

My wife is upset that the 3 that I filled don't have faucets on them and if she wants to "steal" water she has to use a hose and siphon it out. There might have been a method in my madness as it quite enjoying to watch her suck on the hose!

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My ongs are not neat like yours. They only collect rain water from the roof gutter during rainy season. I have one plumbed for drinking water and pump the others into it when needed or into the tank that supplies washing water for the house. This yaer has been bad as the local water supply has been broken and my wife keeps "stealing" water for her restaurant. The result of my adventure this morning is that I now have 3 full ongs and 9 empties. I'll try to keep the full ones for drinking and most likely will have to purchase water to fill the others as the water supply is off again.

My wife is upset that the 3 that I filled don't have faucets on them and if she wants to "steal" water she has to use a hose and siphon it out. There might have been a method in my madness as it quite enjoying to watch her suck on the hose!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You are the man wayned, we will have no more talk of elevators and you may have the last words:-

and actually taught Engish Grammer

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My ongs are not neat like yours. They only collect rain water from the roof gutter during rainy season. I have one plumbed for drinking water and pump the others into it when needed or into the tank that supplies washing water for the house. This yaer has been bad as the local water supply has been broken and my wife keeps "stealing" water for her restaurant. The result of my adventure this morning is that I now have 3 full ongs and 9 empties. I'll try to keep the full ones for drinking and most likely will have to purchase water to fill the others as the water supply is off again.

My wife is upset that the 3 that I filled don't have faucets on them and if she wants to "steal" water she has to use a hose and siphon it out. There might have been a method in my madness as it quite enjoying to watch her suck on the hose!

It took me a while to convince my wife that we really NEEDED those 20 ongs and to get that concrete slab built. When it was done I could get between all the ongs in each direction but it is a bit harder now as inflation has set in on my body plus crapped out kneecaps and a bad back don'y help much either. The "spare" ongs I had brought down from my wifes closed down shop/restaurant and are not connected. This week I have to take my pump and crossfeed from them to my existing tanks.

Somewhere I have some photos of my Ford Ranger with a 1300 litre water tank in the bed c/w a pump and pipes that I used to use as a water carrier a few years ago when I used to go to the klong to fill the ongs myself. I also dug up a bit of my neighbours drive to bury a 1 inch blue water pipe. That ran from my ongs behind my MiL small house to the fence, down towards the road before turning under my neighbours drive, through a drain under the road, across somebody elses land to my Chinese "Honda" water pump and then to the klong. It used to take over an hour to fill an ong and the pump had to be topped up with gas every 2 hours. It was about a 300 metre run of hard blue water pipe and that 1 1/2 inch flexible hose on a roll.

Today the klong is about 1 metre wide and only 2 od 3 inches deep so we can't do that any more.

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The local water supply came on intermittantly over the last two days and I managed to fill three ongs so I'll be okay for a while.

This morning was spent taking apart FIL's motor bike as he put deisel in it rather than gas. I have a container of deisel in a yellow used motoroil container and a 12 liter container of gas in a green container. The gas was finished so he put in the deisel!!! It actually ran for a while as the deisel mixed with the gas that was in the tank but finally clogged up. It could have neen worse, my wife has a friend that filled up her boyfriends truck with 95 octane and , guess what, the truck was deisel. Supposedly you can't put a gas pump filler in a deisel filler on a car but this truck had been retrofitted with a deisel engine. New engine was over 50k baht.

In reflecting on things that I have screwed up in my life this was just a minor setback!

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Beast has been dis-assembled, packed and is on a train to Long Beach for loading on the ship. I have 153 SCARY pictures like the one above and no "connect the dots" re-assembly instructions yet as "they are in the mail", but have received the tech and operators manuals.

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I found the photos of my Ford Ranger water tanker.

My wife is joining with a couple of friends and starting a small restaurant in Klong Lan and asthere doesn't seem to be any clean water supply there I have lost my tank though I haven't used it for a couple of years. To top it up they will have to takethe truck and a couple of blue plastic 200 litre water barrels to the local tessaban, fill the barrels and then pump the water across into the big tank. I think I will have to buy her a small submersible pump for that.

I am also working on doubling my water storage as well.




New water tank v02.xls

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The new McDonalds is situated just through a set of traffic lights about 15 kms south of the city and pretty good it is as well, I called in there on saturday for the official opening along with Pope Billios, Elvis Prestley, Abrams Lincoln and that fat bird from Thai tv, all had a hamburger and went on our way! Jolly busy must say although a big sign said hunting types in red jackets not welcome, probably because of the manure, not really the thing we expect here you know.

Worth a stop if you are dressed appropriately.

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The new McDonalds is situated just through a set of traffic lights about 15 kms south of the city and pretty good it is as well, I called in there on saturday for the official opening along with Pope Billios, Elvis Prestley, Abrams Lincoln and that fat bird from Thai tv, all had a hamburger and went on our way! Jolly busy must say although a big sign said hunting types in red jackets not welcome, probably because of the manure, not really the thing we expect here you know.

Worth a stop if you are dressed appropriately.

H/M also went passed Saturday on my way back from BKK as you said Dave all up and running I happened to be at the lights front row must say lot's of lights and adverts. Did I stop not on your life. Glad to say I don't have to do Pizza or Beef burgers. I did have a KFC once many years ago some 10 if I remember right found it over priced and at best rubbish.

Mrs H/M and H/M + all the clan 1 are orf this Thursday for a bit of a holiday only for just over a week. Not sure where yet but as we have to call into that Hole Pattaya the town where no bugger smiles. Friend not been to well going to cheer him up, might have to have a few day's there. Just a thought maybe they don't smile because you Dave go on your good will trips there a bit to often. Yes that'll be it.

Come on then what are they doing to the by-pass in N/S lot's of digging standing around looks like the usual N/S miss mash.


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The new McDonalds is situated just through a set of traffic lights about 15 kms south of the city and pretty good it is as well, I called in there on saturday for the official opening along with Pope Billios, Elvis Prestley, Abrams Lincoln and that fat bird from Thai tv, all had a hamburger and went on our way! Jolly busy must say although a big sign said hunting types in red jackets not welcome, probably because of the manure, not really the thing we expect here you know.

Worth a stop if you are dressed appropriately.

H/M also went passed Saturday on my way back from BKK as you said Dave all up and running I happened to be at the lights front row must say lot's of lights and adverts. Did I stop not on your life. Glad to say I don't have to do Pizza or Beef burgers. I did have a KFC once many years ago some 10 if I remember right found it over priced and at best rubbish.

Mrs H/M and H/M + all the clan 1 are orf this Thursday for a bit of a holiday only for just over a week. Not sure where yet but as we have to call into that Hole Pattaya the town where no bugger smiles. Friend not been to well going to cheer him up, might have to have a few day's there. Just a thought maybe they don't smile because you Dave go on your good will trips there a bit to often. Yes that'll be it.

Come on then what are they doing to the by-pass in N/S lot's of digging standing around looks like the usual N/S miss mash.


Hmmm! "that Hole Pattaya"!!! Well I see you are planning to eat at a decent sea food restaurant, that is if you can find one!!!

Why not just plonk yourself down in a deck chair on the beach and stop one of the beach venders that are selling sea food all day long?

It should suit you hillbillies just fine!!! (lol)

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Hillbillies. You could at least have put upper crust Hillbillies.

Sorry if you don't agree but it is at best a hole I used to live near there and it drove me out some 8 years ago.

I was there for 3 day last week had things to do in BKK, it was the same as usual feted drain traffic horrendous and not one bugger smiled well only in the hotel.

Regards the so called beach that washed away years ago, so that's put pay to eating anything there, even Mrs H/M wont eat orf the beach and she eats anything.

Yes am looking for a decent seafood restaurant even the local don't seem to know to many but have come up with a couple fingers crossed I wont end up with food poisoning as I seem to get a touch of that every time I go there.

It could of cause be having to share a room with Mrs H/M for several days.

Note to self keep an eye on what she put in my morning tea.


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Hillbillies. You could at least have put upper crust Hillbillies.

Sorry if you don't agree but it is at best a hole I used to live near there and it drove me out some 8 years ago.

I was there for 3 day last week had things to do in BKK, it was the same as usual feted drain traffic horrendous and not one bugger smiled well only in the hotel.

Regards the so called beach that washed away years ago, so that's put pay to eating anything there, even Mrs H/M wont eat orf the beach and she eats anything.

Yes am looking for a decent seafood restaurant even the local don't seem to know to many but have come up with a couple fingers crossed I wont end up with food poisoning as I seem to get a touch of that every time I go there.

It could of cause be having to share a room with Mrs H/M for several days.

Note to self keep an eye on what she put in my morning tea.


H/M recommende me the Palm Garden in Patters and we stay there everytime now, lovely place, nice pool and no one from KPP theregiggle.gif .

We did go to Koh Larn one day and the wife had a BBQ squid, it came back that night so be warned also on the way back I got bitten by a snake in the bog at Chonburi Motorway services so if you feel the urge choose the loo wisely!

I did get into Witherspoons in Soi Buckhao and they do indeed have "Old Speckled Hen" on draught its the past your eyes version with a head to the bottom but it was pretty good, 100 bts a half and keep the drip mat.

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Hillbillies. You could at least have put upper crust Hillbillies.

Sorry if you don't agree but it is at best a hole I used to live near there and it drove me out some 8 years ago.

I was there for 3 day last week had things to do in BKK, it was the same as usual feted drain traffic horrendous and not one bugger smiled well only in the hotel.

Regards the so called beach that washed away years ago, so that's put pay to eating anything there, even Mrs H/M wont eat orf the beach and she eats anything.

Yes am looking for a decent seafood restaurant even the local don't seem to know to many but have come up with a couple fingers crossed I wont end up with food poisoning as I seem to get a touch of that every time I go there.

It could of cause be having to share a room with Mrs H/M for several days.

Note to self keep an eye on what she put in my morning tea.


H/M recommende me the Palm Garden in Patters and we stay there everytime now, lovely place, nice pool and no one from KPP there:giggle: .

We did go to Koh Larn one day and the wife had a BBQ squid, it came back that night so be warned also on the way back I got bitten by a snake in the bog at Chonburi Motorway services so if you feel the urge choose the loo wisely!

I did get into Witherspoons in Soi Buckhao and they do indeed have "Old Speckled Hen" on draught its the past your eyes version with a head to the bottom but it was pretty good, 100 bts a half and keep the drip mat.

Yes Dave I did recommend the Palm gardens good value for the monies and as you say quite a nice pool good to see that they are still ok.

Sorry to say I don't use them anymore. They made a bugger up of the reservation on our fishing trip and at the eleventh hour we had to run around sorting out a new one, had to pay a bit more but a little bit better rooms and breakfast. On my return Tomorrow shall be staying at Boss Suites it's more central and can walk every ware.

Not really as upmarket as H/M is used to but you have to consider I shall be with Mrs H/M and I would hate her to get above her station and become a real snob one in the family is 1 to many. That last bit isn't quite true they wont let Mrs H/M into any decent hotel.

The G/L got a touch of the Pattaya bring it all back syndrome sorry to hear that hope she ok now.

And you got a snake attack, I would like to ask what is any self respecting Snake doing in the Bog hope you made a claim against them.

H/M had roast beef in Witherspoons the other week and very nice it was too didn't try any of their beer as they do quite a good red wine for a change and a couple of glasses with the meal went down well.

Anything else about my trip there I cant remember to much about suffice to say that the 1,000bt fine I got on the elevated BKK Chong Buri motor way still grates somewhat.

Update needed on what they are doing regarding the N/S by-pass does anyone know.


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Hmmm! "Palm Garden hotel". It's about 15 years since I stayed there and it was then well past it's sell by date both the rooms and the pool/gardens. I hope that it has had a make-over since then as I am sure that Nong coming from this "heavenly city" is used to better things than what it was, although it was probably ok for a bunch of hillbillies on a fishing trip.

Let us have a report on The Boss Suites when you return Fred. and this time make it a "FULL" report please!!!

BTW Fred, how do you walk "every ware" as opposed to "everywhere"?

Enjoy your trip mate!

Edited by davyboy
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