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I was in Chiang Mai in November and needed some painkillers for a dodgy leg. In the UK I buy Cocodamol (500mg Paracetamol/8mg codeine) over the counter. I went to a pharmacy and asked for some. The Pharmacist told me I'd need to go to a hospital to get them but he could offer me Tramadol instead. Looking Tramadol up on the 'net seems it's an opiod like codeine and possibly stronger. You do need a script to get Tramadol in the UK. So how come you can get Tramadol but not Cocodamol OTC in Thailand?

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Tramadol should not be sold OTC here either. This being Thailand though, many pharmacies do, along with every other type of prescription med. Be careful with it, it can give you panic attacks if you have too high a dosage and it is also very addictive.

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I've taken tramadol for years. It is horrible to come off of. Wish I hadn't but I can barely walk without it. Unlike other drugs it doesn't seem to dull my sense or my alertness.


I had to take it after buggering up my back a few months ago. I concur that it leaves your head pretty clear while deadening pain in the rest of the body. Avoid alcohol though as it turns one glass of wine into three.


When I take tramadol for my infrequent, but intense, headaches, I *do* get light-headed and slightly disoriented. It doesn't totally numb the pain -- I can usually still feel a "sensation" where the headache was, but it's not pain any more. (Hard to put that into words. Kind of like I still feel the headache, but it doesn't hurt any more.)

I was prescribed tramadol when I ruptured a disk in my lower back. There was no mention then about it being addictive, but I since learned (here on this forum) that it can be quite addictive, so I'm careful to only take when needed.

Last purchase, though, I could only find it in 100mg dose. Almost always 50mg/day is enough, though occasionally I have needed to take a second one later in the day.


It does seem strange that any drug containing codeine is unavailable here, even, apparently, 'under the counter', yet is widely available from pharmacies in Europe but drugs like valium and Xanax are.


Having Ankylosing Spondilitis, I take 600mg (occasionally 800mg) tramadol per day for chronic pain plus NSAID for the underlying inflammation (alternating between aspirin and ibuprofen). I’ve been on this self-prescribed regime for nearly 4 years. I have no problem consuming alcohol at the same time (I consume 3 units of alcohol most evenings, occasionally up to 10 or so, with no apparent interaction) and have no difficulty in coming off tramadol (came off it for 14 days as an experiment with only mild withdrawal symptoms in first week).

Tramadol has only ever taken the edge of my pain but it allows me to function much better.


Well perhaps I was exaggerating the dreadful coming off. It wasn't like TV depicts of heroin withdrawals. I was just extremely restless, at night could not sleep, and felt as if I had a low grade fever.

The second time I quit taking it. I was on a 10 day bender in BKK, so I felt like crap regardless.

To the poster taking it for headache relief. I think tram needs to accumulate in your body. I don't think it works well as an instant relief.

Nothing odd about buying anything here. It's widely known you can buy anything you want if your willing to pay. I for one am glad I don't require a prescription to buy medicine.


Reactions to tramadol are highly individualistic. Some people react quite badly, even have drug-induced psychosis, others do fine on it.

As to why it is available OTC in Thailand, perhaps because although narcotic-like in its effect in pain, it is not in fact an opioid.



It is very addictive, even at low dosage.

It also affects other parts of your body.

A secondary use is as a cure for premature ejaculation.

For normal people, the effect can be extreme, unable to have sex within 24hrs of taking.


People taking painkillers like tramadol for chronic pain and pain flare ups are often concerned about becoming addicted to them.

Not saying that it can't happen, but I've heard from at least a couple of doctors though that pain sufferers are much less likely to become addicted than people who use them recreationally for reasons other than pain.


It is very addictive, even at low dosage.

It also affects other parts of your body.

A secondary use is as a cure for premature ejaculation.

For normal people, the effect can be extreme, unable to have sex within 24hrs of taking.

You can have sex. You just have to work like a Marine to finish.


Tramadol is indeed stronger that cocodamol.

But very addictive. I have overcome an addiction from it after I was prescribed it in the UK after having my kidney removed. Coming off it was horrendous and horrible process. I still have tramadol in my medicine box but I only take it when I'm in severe pain and only 50 mg at a time once a day.

I find cocodamol to be ineffective with my pain but obviously it depends what your pain is.


In my earlier post I indicated I usually take 600mg and occasionally 800. I've just realised my typo: should have read 300/600, i.e. between 6 and 8 capsules @50mg.

I agree with Sheryl that reactions to tramadol vary from individual to individual. I don't think it is helpful and certainly not accurate to state it is addictive. A great many people, such as myself do not find it addictive; read the research. I think it is more useful and honest to simply describe personal experience, resisting the temptation to believe that one's experience is typical.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


I've been taking Tramadol on and off for 10 years, using it instead of coedine when my back is just hurting rather than really hurting. I've never known any pharmacy here in Thailand say anything about it being restricted or had any problems obtaining it. Usually, it's OK for me with no side-effects, but occasionally - for no reason I can pin down - it knocks me sideways; very light-headed and spaced out for several hours. It's not different brands with differing dosage, it's been happening since I first started taking them in Australia. Maybe every 9th or 10th time I have them. Kept a journal for a few months once at my GP's request, detailed everything medicinal, herbal and alcoholic consumed prior to an 'episode' as she called it, but no pattern at all. Just every now and then. There is a huge problem with it being abused in Malaysia at the moment, and I believe that they are trying to stop over the counter sales of it.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


People taking painkillers like tramadol for chronic pain and pain flare ups are often concerned about becoming addicted to them.

Not saying that it can't happen, but I've heard from at least a couple of doctors though that pain sufferers are much less likely to become addicted than people who use them recreationally for reasons other than pain.

Similar responses I have heard, pain acts as a counter weight to the medicine, so those in actual pain rarely become addicted, however those that are no longer in pain and feel they need to continue with pain relief, not Tramadol in particular, may become addicted.

I have never had a reaction to Tramadol, however have known adverse reaction in others.


There I go again: 300-400mg! I don't think the Thaivisa App has a post-message edit function.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

If it's an Android phone or tablet, just push and hold for a second, then a bar with options, including EDIT will pop up.


I have been eating loads of Tramadol and have not seen any trace of addiction,

now 6 months since i needed them after a trip.


I always feel very sick after taking Tramadol, so getting additive will not be an option for me.

many of these types of medicines can create an unbearable dizziness

what are the alternatives?


I have been taking tramadol for about 10 years now for chronic back and shoulder pain without any reactions! It does not erase pain but does ease enough to function. I take as needed sometimes evey 4 hours all day sometime only once a day! You can buy over the counter no problem at drugstores here in Thailand. I have been able to get all my meds if needed at pharmacy, except my sleeping pills, (zolpidem), and those I get from hospital!


Nothing odd about buying anything here. It's widely known you can buy anything you want if your willing to pay.

Not true. Try buying demerol or Oxycontin,sometime.


Posters are reminded about rules on posting about illegal activities. Which buying controlled substances OTC is.

(Tramadol though is legally OTC)


When I was hospitalized for four operations on my broken leg, the Orthopedist ordered a medicine from the US which, when I anaylized its content, found it to be merely Tramadol and Paracetamol. 500 mg. of Paracetamol and 50 mg. of Tramadol. Very effective, and when I got the generic version as separate pills, the cost was drastically reduced and yet just as effective.

Now, when the leg or hip act up I prefer a generic version of Norgesic. Again, mostly paracetamol, but instead of Tramadol, the other ingredient is a muscle relaxer and I don't get the narcotic affect that I do with Tramadol while obtaining the desired result which is the relief of soreness and muscle pain.

A least five years ago, if I recall correctly, Codeine was banned in Thailand during a crackdown on drug users, as it is my recall that Codeine was being used recreationaly by students on an epidemic basis. Australia permits Codeine in muscle relaxers and they also add an antihistamine, the combination of all three has a mood elevation component as well. Australia requires a script for Tramadol I believe.

  • 3 weeks later...

Can anyone in Thailand who buys tramadol report on the price? I would imagine it's off patent now so any company can make it.

Thanks in advance.

  • 2 months later...

MERCK- 20baht for a tray of Tramadol Thai Generic. That is 12 or 10 pills 50mg each depending on the size of the tray.

I use it occasionally when I am in need of a pain killer. Available at any pharmacy. It may be even cheaper that is just what I pay... every time. (I think a tray is 12 tabs but cant really remember so just saying 10 in case... pretty sure a tray is 12 tabs).

(edit was changing a Typo from 500mg back to 50mg as it should be).


I just went to a late night pharmicist in my town and they charged an extra 5 baht total cost 25 baht for Madol 50mg Tramadol HCL

normal green and yellow capsule. I have never seen the Tramadol SR tablet or the ampule. I have never inquired about the ampule injectible and only inquired on one occasion about the SR with no success.

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