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Looking For A "Lost" Lawyer Here In Phuket

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I have been comning to Phuket for several years and own properties and business intersests here. I have not been here for some time and need to contact my lawyers (whose email,etc is not being returned/bouncing back). I have been to their what what was their offices but it is now a languages school??? They were "macevily and collins". Any information would be helpful and appreciated. I need to contact the principals there who control all my holdings with their Thai nominees and and off-shore BVIs.

Thank you in advance!


Quick search of the internet shows that this particular practice merged with a large SE Asia based law firm in 2010 - they have offices in Bangkok.

Further searches show that one of the former partners also has his own practice based in the north of Phuket.

Hope this helps somewhat, even though when it comes to lawyers, one never wants to name names!


Thanks for that but are you talking about the Tilleke and gibbens firm out of Bangkok again? I know those guys are big here and in other countries and up at laguna but now closed? I am looking for the name partners of that firm I mentioned.


I know that Mcevily & Collins have their Bangkok office in the Pacific Place building, and pretty sure I saw their sign on a building in Kamala last time I was in Phuket.


Appears that you are right - it has been a while since I was in their office in Bangkok / saw them in Phuket.

However, you might try Google search. Amazing technology. If you type "Mcevily & Collins" in the little box provided and press the enter button, their website comes up at the top of the list.

From there, click on the menu item that says "Offices". Apparently they have moved to the Interchange Tower in Bangkok, and Plaza Del Mar - Cherng Talay in Phuket.


Thanks for that but are you talking about the Tilleke and gibbens firm out of Bangkok again? I know those guys are big here and in other countries and up at laguna but now closed? I am looking for the name partners of that firm I mentioned.

I wasn't referring to the above firm (and do not recollect posting about them in the past either).

There are several articles on the internet about a merger written in 2010.

Growing legal and tax professional firm DFDL Mekong have merged with Thailand's McEvily & Collins, which will be integrated into the former brand name. Existing M & C offices in Phuket and Samui will now be renamed and the Bangkok offices of the two merged.

If you search further for some of the names of former Phuket and Koh Samui Partners of McEvily & Collins you will find them at a new practice in Cherng Talay.


There was already a whole thread on this: http://www.thaivisa....et-cherngtalay/

And there was this reply that I guess the OP missed even though the OP posted on this very thread after this post:

Thank you for your post. On behalf of Tilleke & Gibbins, I can confirm that Tilleke & Gibbins International Phuket Ltd. is now in the process of ceasing its operations in Phuket. However, the firm’s other offices in Bangkok, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City are not affected by this closure, and we are continuing to serve our clients.

The former managing director in Phuket, John Howard, is opening a new firm in the same location under the name HOWARDS Phuket. If you need assistance or any further information, I invite you to contact either John or me personally at 02 653 5547.

Best regards,

Andrew Stoutley

Manager, Marketing & Communications

Tilleke & Gibbins


And there was this reply that I guess the OP missed even though the OP posted on this very thread after this post:

Actually, I think you missed it. This thread is not about Tilleke & Gibbons.


And there was this reply that I guess the OP missed even though the OP posted on this very thread after this post:

Actually, I think you missed it. This thread is not about Tilleke & Gibbons.

Whoops! You're right, it is about another missing "law firm!"


My dear friend,

There's no problem here.

The Law-Firm you were dealing with has NOT disappeared, they simply amalgamated with another prestigious firm named

DFDL-Mekong Law Co., Ltd., which has offices in Phuket, Bangkok, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong-Kong et al.

Please simply contact my good friend Mr. Marcus Collins LLB at 081-867 12 17 or at his e-mail: <removed>

There's also a web-site: www.dfdlmekong.com which will give you all of their information, okay ?




My dear friend,

There's no problem here.

The Law-Firm you were dealing with has NOT disappeared, they simply amalgamated with another prestigious firm named

DFDL-Mekong Law Co., Ltd., which has offices in Phuket, Bangkok, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong-Kong et al.

Please simply contact my good friend Mr. Marcus Collins LLB at 081-867 12 17 or at his e-mail: <removed>

There's also a web-site: www.dfdlmekong.com which will give you all of their information, okay ?



Thank you Jaap but I am looking for the main partner from Mr Collins firm, unless he too has control of the Thai nominees in my company and the BVI companies they charge me for every year that own my blue books and building permits here???


My dear friend,

There's no problem here.

The Law-Firm you were dealing with has NOT disappeared, they simply amalgamated with another prestigious firm named

DFDL-Mekong Law Co., Ltd., which has offices in Phuket, Bangkok, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong-Kong et al.

Please simply contact my good friend Mr. Marcus Collins LLB at 081-867 12 17 or at his e-mail: <removed>

There's also a web-site: www.dfdlmekong.com which will give you all of their information, okay ?



Thank you Jaap but I am looking for the main partner from Mr Collins firm, unless he too has control of the Thai nominees in my company and the BVI companies they charge me for every year that own my blue books and building permits here???

Try phoning Marcus Collins - it was/is his company I have no doubt he would be able to point you in the right direction.

My dear friend,

There's no problem here.

The Law-Firm you were dealing with has NOT disappeared, they simply amalgamated with another prestigious firm named

DFDL-Mekong Law Co., Ltd., which has offices in Phuket, Bangkok, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong-Kong et al.

Please simply contact my good friend Mr. Marcus Collins LLB at 081-867 12 17 or at his e-mail: <removed>

There's also a web-site: www.dfdlmekong.com which will give you all of their information, okay ?



unless he too has control of the Thai nominees in my company

So they are not real partners coffee1.gif


My dear friend,

There's no problem here.

The Law-Firm you were dealing with has NOT disappeared, they simply amalgamated with another prestigious firm named

DFDL-Mekong Law Co., Ltd., which has offices in Phuket, Bangkok, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong-Kong et al.

Please simply contact my good friend Mr. Marcus Collins LLB at 081-867 12 17 or at his e-mail: <removed>

There's also a web-site: www.dfdlmekong.com which will give you all of their information, okay ?



Thank you Jaap but I am looking for the main partner from Mr Collins firm, unless he too has control of the Thai nominees in my company and the BVI companies they charge me for every year that own my blue books and building permits here???

If not Mr Collins who are you looking for?


Dear "ooanndehnarak",

I am certain that Marcus will be able to sort-out your 'connection' problem.

If you have difficulty reaching him, please call me at 081-847 35 76 and I will assist you, no problem, okay ?

Marcus has been my Attorney & Sailing-Buddy for almost 20 years - and I am in constant touch with him.



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