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Facebook Partly The Cause Of Unwanted Thai Teen Pregnancies: NESDB


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That reminds me another related event a little while ago. The unborn children being disposed off at a temple. There is a lot more then just unsafe sex. Plenty needs to be explored.

Edited by metisdead
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Before it was rock music from the west, then magazines, Radio, TV shows, movies, video games, mobile phones and now Facebook cause teens to have sex. 150 years ago it was demons in the water! Blame game of the under educated or uneducated.

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I love the way Thai's continue to blame anyone and everything for their problems.

It's like their attitudes to car accidents. If I as a foreigner am involved in a car accident, it's automatically my fault because (by their logic) if I wasn't here, the accident wouldn't have happened lol

Got to love Thailand <grins>

True, its the ThaiWay of life...BUT please, dont blame it on the Thais...they just dont know it better, the people in Power and Religion

educated them beeing like this.... ....has someone mentioned Thaksin yet? giggle.gif ....things will change when HE is finally back and

then the educating will start..jap.gif

Really, I didn't see much change in education in his first 6 years in charge. I do seem to remember endless reshuffles of ministers so they could all get their snouts in the trough.

It would be nice if they appointed somone to head of the ed ministries that has Phd in education or at least some kind of real world working experience in the field of educaiton.

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Well i think it's time to ban all internet from thailand as there is no condom big enough to cover it LMAO

Well the MICT may well be edging towards that..numerous posts on web pages this month on the Thai Governments positive reaction to 'twitter' being censored!I am not game enough to post that on visa' due exactly to this..don't want to drop anyone in it!

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This is totally a garbage article. If the figures are to be believed then Thailand would have infant mortality rates of over 50% !!! - The highest in the world. Once again, never believe anything that gets reported by the Thai government. Clearly they have their own agenda - it's got nothing to do with truth, and all to do with censorship of every area of the web.

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The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. The NESDB said that the figure shows that a number of mothers decided to have abortion.

When a baby is born, then dies, how does abortions contribute to this number? I must be dense?

The only contributing factor to having a baby is "SEX", at least last time I checked. Maybe there is a new Facebook "APP" I don't know about???

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In 1998, 54% of abortions in Thailand were performed on women under 25 years old, 17% on women under age 20, according to the Family Planning and Population Division, Department of Health, MOPH.

Index Mundi lists the Thailand infant mortality rate at 1.6% for 2011, down from 3.1% in 2000.

Thailand does not report abortion statistics to any worldwide organization I could find.

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Partly, maybe, A significant part? Hardly.

Always ready to believe something other than the fact Thai kids,

like most kids, are horny as hell and have sex.

Coincidentally FB is an early adopters thing in any culture

and the same demographic wanting hot sex in their youth

is ALSO the same that joins FB early too.

If they want to blame something,

blame the reduction in sex education and anti-AIDS education,

brought on from the complacency after there was a very successful

campaign years ago. If they did it again, and consistently, teenage

pregnancies would be lower.... but will NEVER stop, human nature

is at play, and no governmental edicts can stop that fundamental force.

Well put !

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Par for the course with this government...

  • Minister of Education says ok to accept bribes
  • Massage parlor kind wants to stamp out prostitution
  • Thai minister who's house was robbed was under investigation for unable to show his where his wealth came from....now cleared
  • Now Facebook causes unwanted pregnancies

I can't wait for the sun to rise tomorrow to see what else comes up. Maybe we can predict tomorrows headlines:

  • Short skirts in universities causes unwanted pregnancies
  • Western tv causes unwanted pregnancies
  • Western fast food restaurants meeting place for teens.....and causes unwanted pregnancies
  • Thai TV declared wholesome and imparting Thai values to Thai families

and the list goes on, and on, and on...

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OK… let’s look at the article again, this time with an ounce (just one ounce) of critical thinking at work:

According to the NESDB, Thai mothers under 20 years old accounted for 14% of all mothers who delivered babies in 2009 and 2010. The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. The NESDB said that the figure shows that a number of mothers decided to have abortion.

  • So they’re citing 2009/2010 data and blaming Facebook? Just how big was FB in those years in Thailand? Big enough to cause a 54% abortion rate?

  • Did they mean there were 411,000 people who died in Thailand in the year 2010? If 411,000 babies died in 2010, that would mean 1126 babies per day dying in Thailand. If that doesn’t include the death tolls for young children, teenagers, university students, young professionals, and senior citizens’… holy crap! That’s a lot of dead people!!!

This raises the question: are Thai people actually childlike and naive? Or is it this &lt;deleted&gt; reporting with little/no logic that confuses them so much that they can only listen in awe and wonderment and act like automatons to the sensationalistic d*ckh**ds that write this drivel?

Edited by americaninbangkok
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Life partly the cause of teen pregnancies.

''The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. The NESDB said that the figure shows that a number of mothers decided to have abortion.'' ; More Thaiglish -Thats a lot of abortions after birth.

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OK… let’s look at the article again, this time with an ounce (just one ounce) of critical thinking at work:

According to the NESDB, Thai mothers under 20 years old accounted for 14% of all mothers who delivered babies in 2009 and 2010. The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. The NESDB said that the figure shows that a number of mothers decided to have abortion.

  • So they’re citing 2009/2010 data and blaming Facebook? Just how big was FB in those years in Thailand? Big enough to cause a 54% abortion rate?

  • Did they mean there were 411,000 people who died in Thailand in the year 2010? If 411,000 babies died in 2010, that would mean 1126 babies per day dying in Thailand. If that doesn’t include the death tolls for young children, teenagers, university students, young professionals, and senior citizens’… holy crap! That’s a lot of dead people!!!

This raises the question: are Thai people actually childlike and naive? Or is it this &lt;deleted&gt; reporting with little/no logic that confuses them so much that they can only listen in awe and wonderment and act like automatons to the sensationalistic d*ckh**ds?

Neither; they cant do math, so they dont pay any mind to what they read. This is only a reading excercise for Thai.

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