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Fire On 7th Floor Of FICO Building, Asoke Area: Bangkok


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Isn't it amazing that so many comments already criticise Thai standards.

If you don't like it, here's an idea: go home.

Have some sense and compassion.

Absolutely agree. The country will be a better place.

now they might realize why those pesky farangs have such strict fire codes in their high rises.

Give it a rest. Is there no occasion when pointless racism can be left out of a thread.

they'll blame it on the parts of the building plan they took from farang ideas.

Why wait for something to criticize? Just make stuff up! Saves time and any contact with reality.

No end to stupidity.

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RT @RichardBarrow: Fico Place in Bangkok has commercial space for rent if anyone is interested: 550 Baht/sq.m./month http://bit.ly/xD5bFQ

Aint it a bit expensive or will they include a full renovation in the price cause right now it has water damages, a bit smokey and overall quite run down... rolleyes.gif

Too bad for the owners and my thoughts goes to the people that was in the building and I hope that no one was hurt.

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Meanwhile, brand new fire equipment still sits in a port somewhere thanks to corruption.


Firefighters in BKK do constant maintenance on their 2-3 decade old equipment.

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RT @RichardBarrow: 2:53pm Picture of the fire at the FICO building in Bangkok - RT @Buapuan: ไฟไหม้อาคาร FICO http://bit.ly/xWC0aP

RT @RichardBarrow: 3pm Pic of the fire in the FICO building on Asok. Looks to be on the 7th floor - RT @soolloos: http://bit.ly/AhqLkH

Glad to see the firefighters have the equipment for highrises.

lately with a discusion for a expensive high rise condo in Pattaya the owner defended itwith "the higher te more higher the price"

that time ireply already , "what about the Pattaya firebrigade"???? equippement a New York needed..........!!

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Isn't it amazing that so many comments already criticise Thai standards.

If you don't like it, here's an idea: go home.

Have some sense and compassion.

... but definitely not for those who think that having safety regulations is just hindering the making of money.

And about sense, ah........

My point proven, I think.

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Isn't it amazing that so many comments already criticise Thai standards.

If you don't like it, here's an idea: go home.

Have some sense and compassion.


However, commenting on safety regulations or the lack of same might eventually mean that same would be revised.

Telling someone to stop commenting and advising to go home is not really the way.

Have some sense and compassion?

Indeed for the victims compassion, but definitely not for those who think that having safety regulations is just hindering the making of money.

And about sense, ah........

Agree in principle, but a lot of the people clamouring for regulation on TV forums would be in gaol if Thailand put in all the regulations they should, I am tipping... Like Johnnie99, I too am tired of reading the comments of grumpy old men on these forums. Yeah guys, go home and get a life, or is it too late for that...?

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My wife says, "You Americans think you know it all."

I told her, in no uncertain terms, :"We Americans build our office buildings so high, that airplanes fly into them."

So there...

Edited by thaigold
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"Over ten fire engines rushed to the scene but it was difficult for firemen to reach the seventh floor with the hoses and the fire ladder was difficult to operate at the area had many power cables."

now they might realize why those pesky farangs have such strict fire codes in their high rises.

good luck all - getting out and recovering the damage.

Bangkok uses fire codes based on the USA NFPA codes. The codes are there but enforcing them is a different matter. If the building was sprinkler protected, and I believe it was, and correctly designed!!! then the fire should not have spread between floors. Someone somewhere has been negligent.

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Can't believe that afire in an office block has enabled the usual suspects to come out and bash Thailand. Pretty sure we still have fires back in the UK. My impression of firefighters in Bangkok is that they do a very good job. I'll agree that some of the wiring and power cables aren't exactly great here - but there are a lot of things back home that aren't great. Anyone read about the bloke that drowned in 3 foot of water, as the police and fire brigade looked on, because Health abd Safety rules wouldn't allow then to walk in to the pond to get the person out as they had not done a submersible certificate.

No, but I did read the story with the correct facts, not the tabloid version..

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Isn't it amazing that so many comments already criticise Thai standards.

If you don't like it, here's an idea: go home.

Have some sense and compassion.


However, commenting on safety regulations or the lack of same might eventually mean that same would be revised.

Telling someone to stop commenting and advising to go home is not really the way.

Have some sense and compassion?

Indeed for the victims compassion, but definitely not for those who think that having safety regulations is just hindering the making of money.

And about sense, ah........

There are certainly farang who can't wait to criticize.

There are also those who criticize with some logic attached.

Example: We have a Thai relative (cousin) who became successful (nice guy, worked hard, avoided corruption etc.), he employed a driver to take the kids to school etc. Driver is a kamakazi maniac, dives across lanes continuously in congested traffic, drives at speed with about 1 metre between the vehicles, eventually had an accident and the two young children were severely injured.

In the run up to the accident many family members suggested many times that the driver should be fired.

Bottom line, driver is still employed several years on, still drives the same, any attempt at discussion with his 'boss' brings one reply - he needs a job!.

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Although this is not the reason, in hindsight it does make sense to have power cable overhead in regions prone to floods. I could not have survived without power fortunately the water level stopped about 50cm short of the electricity meters.

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RT @RichardBarrow: 2:53pm Picture of the fire at the FICO building in Bangkok - RT @Buapuan: ไฟไหม้อาคาร FICO http://bit.ly/xWC0aP

RT @RichardBarrow: 3pm Pic of the fire in the FICO building on Asok. Looks to be on the 7th floor - RT @soolloos: http://bit.ly/AhqLkH

Glad to see the firefighters have the equipment for highrises.

They probably had the funds for such equipment, but it was embezzled or conveniently lost.

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Smoke seems to have stopped rising from my vantage point. I hope everyone was safe. Seeing some of the fire-fighters in nothing more than flip-flops, shorts and t-shirts....jeesg I hope they didn't go in the building

Bangkok's finest bucket brigade.

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Yes, of course, thank you...I stand corrected...of course it is the fault of the Thai. They force Farang onto planes, to go to whore houses and have sex with children. Yes, it is the fault of the Thai. Yes. Thank you for that. I see the logic in your statement. What was I thinking?

No sir; they merely provide the temptation and facilities for the sick individuals who seek it. Nobody forces them to sell their children.

All for the love of money.

yes...of course...that makes perfect sense. I never realized how awful "they" were...until I got on to TV. Until now, i thought "they" were the great people is see and interface with every day. Thanks for the heads up. Yes, "they" are awful. Happy now?
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It is too bad that so many know so little and think they know so much...Having been in the fire service in CA USA for 30 years, I can say that any major city in the world can suffer major highrise fires at any time, and the firefighters hate them. I also think the Thai haters should go back to wherever they came from. I can recall many highrise fires like MGM Las Vegas and a major hotel in Sao Paulo Brazil that challenge fire departments around the world. Thanks for the hard work firefighters!!!

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In other cities around the world, there are fires in tall buildings, so why do expats start to criticize???? - After all Thailand is a developing country so we can assume fire codes are not check on/ or enforced; fire fighters had difficulty arriving at the sight because of crowds of people blocking the way, utility wires hindering the ladders, and not enough up to date equipment. It is a given.

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Isn't it amazing that so many comments already criticise Thai standards.

If you don't like it, here's an idea: go home.

Have some sense and compassion.

I am "farang" - but one thing I really hate about many other foreigners is the fact that they stay here and are waiting for the next chance to complain about anything in Thailand. You are right: Let them go home - nobody will miss them.

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RT @RichardBarrow: 2:53pm Picture of the fire at the FICO building in Bangkok - RT @Buapuan: ไฟไหม้อาคาร FICO http://bit.ly/xWC0aP

RT @RichardBarrow: 3pm Pic of the fire in the FICO building on Asok. Looks to be on the 7th floor - RT @soolloos: http://bit.ly/AhqLkH

Glad to see the firefighters have the equipment for highrises.

i think they have the absolutely right equipment - but the city infrastructure with all these stupid powerpoles and cables going in all directions does not allow firfighters to do a proper rescue job!

So if there are so many power supplies, how have the firefighters got the right equipment, the power supplies have always been there.

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