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Crimes Against Thaivisa Members

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Crime: Calling yourself Ludditeman on a web forum.

Punishment: Being ludditeman !!

Sorry, someone had to be targetted in this comment !wai.gif

Punishment: Not naming Berkshire in the last comment.

Crime: Something to do with Thainess....or was it finesse...an who cares...hang him anyway!

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2 crimes...

Being a Yellow shirt apologist.

Being a Red shirt apologist.


Being forced to get on your knees and apologize......in front of a gang of ladyboys.

The sh*t some of them spout forth I think they should be on their knees behind the Ladyboys wink.png

"I'd rather be behind the tenors than them behind me"

in the school choir, on not keeping the beat (so to speak)


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2 crimes...

Being a Yellow shirt apologist.

Being a Red shirt apologist.


Being forced to get on your knees and apologize......in front of a gang of ladyboys.

The sh*t some of them spout forth I think they should be on their knees behind the Ladyboys wink.png

"I'd rather be behind the tenors than them behind me"

in the school choir, on not keeping the beat (so to speak)


I always thought altar boys were at the front?

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Being forced to get on your knees and apologize......in front of a gang of ladyboys.

The sh*t some of them spout forth I think they should be on their knees behind the Ladyboys wink.png

"I'd rather be behind the tenors than them behind me"

in the school choir, on not keeping the beat (so to speak)


I always thought altar boys were at the front?

Sorry - I sang amongst the basses - down at the bottom of the deep blue sea.

You're just hanging round this 'crime and punishment' thread for the kinky black hood, aren't you? I'd never had you marked down as a fashion victim...


Edit: I can just see it now, as we walk up to the scaffold "Afternoon, Cowboy, you're looking well. Let me put this little black number over your tremulous visage. Now, two more steps, mind you don't trip - embarrassing to trip and break your neck with all these people watching... Now, Cowboy, you've opted for the blade - Wilkinson Sword, the best a man can get (yes, I know its tacky, but if we don't get the sponsorship, then I'm afraid it would be NHS Catering for you)...

EDIT: "Hanging round" - sometimes, I even surprise myself...

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Can I open a bank account in Thailand?

and then when you've got one

How do I transfer money to my Thai bank account?

I have a punishment for that: Going to the bank and transfer 200 USD outside Thailand.

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Gilette SC...Wilkinson is a bloke who gets on his knees and prays to a set of posts...not a religious idol.

Plenty of crime and punishment there I guess....not enough over the years in my opinion!

I love the way he squeezes one out before every goal. His dietician must be a genius. Do you reckon he has to plan his breaks better than Jimmy White (could be a bit or rhyming slang there...)


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I always thought Davis had constipation back in the day. Mind in black and white it would be difficult to tell if he had let out a smelly one...especially as the sound was fuc_ked on my old telly.

We're left to ponder...how many Steve Davis' do we have on the forum...I reckon Jingthing is a ginger...and maybe Berkshire as well...

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I always thought Davis had constipation back in the day. Mind in black and white it would be difficult to tell if he had let out a smelly one...especially as the sound was fuc_ked on my old telly...

So, hard to tell if he was emitting from the brown at all, I've met Steve a few times (the company I worked for sponsored him for a year or two) Interesting guy, fantastic collection of Blues records, got into trouble one day as he was meant to do a press the flesh event for us and instead we disappeared for a few hours working on the Access DB he had started...... gawd, laugh a minute.

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I always thought Davis had constipation back in the day. Mind in black and white it would be difficult to tell if he had let out a smelly one...especially as the sound was fuc_ked on my old telly...

So, hard to tell if he was emitting from the brown at all, I've met Steve a few times (the company I worked for sponsored him for a year or two) Interesting guy, fantastic collection of Blues records, got into trouble one day as he was meant to do a press the flesh event for us and instead we disappeared for a few hours working on the Access DB he had started...... gawd, laugh a minute.

Proves my point....folks here need to show more tolerance....we most of us have our moment...just have patience....Davis comes across these days as one of the remaining personalities of his sport. No one would have said that in '82...

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theblether would like to report that he is a Hansdum Man

He knows that he is a Handsum Man because his beautiful lady said......."theblether, you are a very handsum man"

My lady is a Good Buddhist lady ( well for 3 minutes every day at least ) and she says...........

"I am Thai girl............I cannot lie

The Crime.................believing that Thai girls cannot lie

The Punishment........Living in hope. jap.gif

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Now that made me laugh Mr Blether...its the total confidence that they can never be caught out that creases me...even when the evidence is irrefutable.

A whole nation trained to look the other way. Pure class.

I totally agree......then we get the refrain........"You think too much" wacko.png

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Now that made me laugh Mr Blether...its the total confidence that they can never be caught out that creases me...even when the evidence is irrefutable.

A whole nation trained to look the other way. Pure class.

Indeed, living the 2 mottos :

If you can't see it, it's not there.


If you don't admit it, it didn't happen.

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I always thought Davis had constipation back in the day. Mind in black and white it would be difficult to tell if he had let out a smelly one...especially as the sound was fuc_ked on my old telly...

So, hard to tell if he was emitting from the brown at all, I've met Steve a few times (the company I worked for sponsored him for a year or two) Interesting guy, fantastic collection of Blues records, got into trouble one day as he was meant to do a press the flesh event for us and instead we disappeared for a few hours working on the Access DB he had started...... gawd, laugh a minute.

People thought of him as boring, but in fact he had a keen interest in databases and no doubt could wax lyrical thereon. I can well imagine you and Steve creasing yourselves with referential links and secondary keys while the flesh waited pressing. I find it hard to stay away from the fleshpots myself, no matter what database I have to occupy my thoughts


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theblether would like to report that he is a Hansdum Man

He knows that he is a Handsum Man because his beautiful lady said......."theblether, you are a very handsum man"

My lady is a Good Buddhist lady ( well for 3 minutes every day at least ) and she says...........

"I am Thai girl............I cannot lie

The Crime.................believing that Thai girls cannot lie

The Punishment........Living in hope. jap.gif

I am on that punishment constantly!

dam_n, there must be one out there.....

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lol..guess we are all guilty sometimes...

punishment scould be an annoying paperclip man office assistant pop up..

"Hi hansum man....you seem to be typing another inane done to death post...are you drunk again..need both hands to find your ..?...please use TV/google search....TV will now search for a solution to your #$%^ problem.... this may take a long while as you obviously have us mixed up with someone who actually gives a....."

Could be animated and stay centre screen for a predetermined time based on the severity of the crime..


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The crime - allowing a moderately entertaining thread deterierate with mindless babble about old English sporting nobodies and other silly babble.

The punishment - Having all your posts, for as long as you last, moderated by Livinginkata.

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The crime - allowing a moderately entertaining thread deterierate with mindless babble about old English sporting nobodies and other silly babble.

The punishment - Having all your posts, for as long as you last, moderated by Livinginkata.

The crime: Offending the Samui forum

The punishment: Life sentence...commuted to 40 years if you apologise.


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I think the OP has unintentionally encouraged the 'crime' threads' ohmy.png !

Have you seen the first page on General Topics? 'Scum tuk-tuk driver' / Goodbye UK - Hello Thailand' / I just met this girl'......

The theblether apologizes for antagonizing the less tolerant members of TV, the theblether agrees that there seems to be an influx of topics of lesser virtue.

The Crime...................encouraging malcontent's to post vitriol on the General Forum.

The Punishment.........a commitment to post some more stupid topics on said forum.

At this point several members are shouting noooooooooooooooooooooo!!

But theblether insists.........it's the least he can do.

ps. theblether is very lacking in self awareness, but theblether is not aware of it.

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I think the OP has unintentionally encouraged the 'crime' threads' ohmy.png !

Have you seen the first page on General Topics? 'Scum tuk-tuk driver' / Goodbye UK - Hello Thailand' / I just met this girl'......

The theblether apologizes for antagonizing the less tolerant members of TV, the theblether agrees that there seems to be an influx of topics of lesser virtue.

The Crime...................encouraging malcontent's to post vitriol on the General Forum.

The Punishment.........a commitment to post some more stupid topics on said forum.

At this point several members are shouting noooooooooooooooooooooo!!

But theblether insists.........it's the least he can do.

ps. theblether is very lacking in self awareness, but theblether is not aware of it.

Thou dost blether a lot .

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I think the OP has unintentionally encouraged the 'crime' threads' ohmy.png !

Have you seen the first page on General Topics? 'Scum tuk-tuk driver' / Goodbye UK - Hello Thailand' / I just met this girl'......

The theblether apologizes for antagonizing the less tolerant members of TV, the theblether agrees that there seems to be an influx of topics of lesser virtue.

The Crime...................encouraging malcontent's to post vitriol on the General Forum.

The Punishment.........a commitment to post some more stupid topics on said forum.

At this point several members are shouting noooooooooooooooooooooo!!

But theblether insists.........it's the least he can do.

ps. theblether is very lacking in self awareness, but theblether is not aware of it.

Thou dost blether a lot .

I wasn't aware of that huh.png

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I think the OP has unintentionally encouraged the 'crime' threads' ohmy.png !

Have you seen the first page on General Topics? 'Scum tuk-tuk driver' / Goodbye UK - Hello Thailand' / I just met this girl'......

The theblether apologizes for antagonizing the less tolerant members of TV, the theblether agrees that there seems to be an influx of topics of lesser virtue.

The Crime...................encouraging malcontent's to post vitriol on the General Forum.

The Punishment.........a commitment to post some more stupid topics on said forum.

At this point several members are shouting noooooooooooooooooooooo!!

But theblether insists.........it's the least he can do.

ps. theblether is very lacking in self awareness, but theblether is not aware of it.

Thou dost blether a lot .

I wasn't aware of that huh.png

Yep, ''To theblether'', could end up a medical term, spooky eh. cowboy.gif

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The theblether apologizes for antagonizing the less tolerant members of TV, the theblether agrees that there seems to be an influx of topics of lesser virtue.

The Crime...................encouraging malcontent's to post vitriol on the General Forum.

The Punishment.........a commitment to post some more stupid topics on said forum.

At this point several members are shouting noooooooooooooooooooooo!!

But theblether insists.........it's the least he can do.

ps. theblether is very lacking in self awareness, but theblether is not aware of it.

Thou dost blether a lot .

I wasn't aware of that huh.png

Bugger me bleather ... what are you on about?

Did you miss your medication this morning?

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The theblether apologizes for antagonizing the less tolerant members of TV, the theblether agrees that there seems to be an influx of topics of lesser virtue.

The Crime...................encouraging malcontent's to post vitriol on the General Forum.

The Punishment.........a commitment to post some more stupid topics on said forum.

At this point several members are shouting noooooooooooooooooooooo!!

But theblether insists.........it's the least he can do.

ps. theblether is very lacking in self awareness, but theblether is not aware of it.

Thou dost blether a lot .

I wasn't aware of that huh.png

Bugger me bleather ... what are you on about?

Did you miss your medication this morning?

Blether-ing crazy if he did. coffee1.gif

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I think the OP has unintentionally encouraged the 'crime' threads' ohmy.png !

Have you seen the first page on General Topics? 'Scum tuk-tuk driver' / Goodbye UK - Hello Thailand' / I just met this girl'......

The theblether apologizes for antagonizing the less tolerant members of TV, the theblether agrees that there seems to be an influx of topics of lesser virtue.

The Crime...................encouraging malcontent's to post vitriol on the General Forum.

The Punishment.........a commitment to post some more stupid topics on said forum.

At this point several members are shouting noooooooooooooooooooooo!!

But theblether insists.........it's the least he can do.

ps. theblether is very lacking in self awareness, but theblether is not aware of it.

Thou dost blether a lot .

I wasn't aware of that huh.png

Nothing wrong with a bit of Blethering ;)

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