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I wonder why so many of you assume she is poor or needs me to buy her a house.

She drives a nearly new BMW, graduated from Chula and lives in a penthouse bought for her by her father, her parents appear to be quite wealthy.

I did meet her parents, her father is a lawyer (my age) and her step-mother is in her late 20s early 30s.

We all get on very well.

You neglected to mention that she was hi-so in your original post rolleyes.gif .

Good to see that you have finally corrected this mistake and, added into the equation that her father and step-mother have a huge age difference....

Heavy sigh.

Edit - Mind you, it is entertaining though - as I've absolutely no doubt you intended.

Are you (and several others) claiming wealthy men in the US never have 'real' relationships with younger women then?


I don't like BK, I don't want to live there.

As Hat Yai seems to have been a windup, the serious suggestions so far are Hua Hin and Chiang Mai.

I quite like the details I am reading about both those places.

Input from her, she likes Chiang Mai.


I wonder why so many of you assume she is poor or needs me to buy her a house.

She drives a nearly new BMW, graduated from Chula and lives in a penthouse bought for her by her father, her parents appear to be quite wealthy.

I did meet her parents, her father is a lawyer (my age) and her step-mother is in her late 20s early 30s.

We all get on very well.

You neglected to mention that she was hi-so in your original post rolleyes.gif .

Good to see that you have finally corrected this mistake and, added into the equation that her father and step-mother have a huge age difference....

Heavy sigh.

Edit - Mind you, it is entertaining though - as I've absolutely no doubt you intended.

Are you (and several others) claiming wealthy men in the US never have 'real' relationships with younger women then?

Your thread has proven to be entertaining. Do not confuse that with being taken seriously and worthy of discussion...


I wonder why so many of you assume she is poor or needs me to buy her a house.

She drives a nearly new BMW, graduated from Chula and lives in a penthouse bought for her by her father, her parents appear to be quite wealthy.

I did meet her parents, her father is a lawyer (my age) and her step-mother is in her late 20s early 30s.

We all get on very well.

So where do you move to? Easy, move into her luxury penthouse in BKK - must be plenty of room. And while you are at, maybe she will let you drive her BMW when she is not using it, and her rich father might even give you an allowance every month as well.

LOL, good point

If you are looking for a new place to live, what will she be doing with the Penthouse?

What about her job...she surely has a good one, she will give that all up to move away and retire with some guy her Dad's age who she just met?

Seriously, you don't see why we are all mocking you?

How is your Thai by the way?? because if you say you don't speak any then this thread just went from kind of amusing to completely nonsensical.


I think the mods should check this guys IP address also.......it's 450am in Maine right now, which means this guy is either a really early riser or a vampire.


And you don't find it odd that she would fall in love in 2 weeks with a guy 40 years older than herself?

A girl like you just described can land just about any Thai or westerner she wants......do you look like George Clooney or something?

Forgive us for being skeptical, but shouldn't a 24-year old in a coffee shop be looking for some guy closer to her own age who will, you know, still be around in 15 years?

Now I am on the side of the wind-up guys....... when something looks or sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

So how come the boys / men she met at chula are not in pursuit, especially if she's wealthy.

The majority of parents of Chula students, especially wealthy ones, will be seriously on the look out / organizing their son's & daughter's social life hoping that the hi-so class & wealth match strikes a 'bing'.


How is your Thai by the way?? because if you say you don't speak any then this thread just went from kind of amusing to completely nonsensical.

As I previously explained, I speak really good Thai (my mother was Thai) but with a strange accent (only having previously spoken it with mother).

I've not returned to Maine yet, but will be doing so later this week to arrange POA for my house sale, and tie up a few things.


I wonder why so many of you assume she is poor or needs me to buy her a house.

She drives a nearly new BMW, graduated from Chula and lives in a penthouse bought for her by her father, her parents appear to be quite wealthy.

I did meet her parents, her father is a lawyer (my age) and her step-mother is in her late 20s early 30s.

We all get on very well.

Be careful as I had the almost the same experience 20 years ago. I met a wonder lady whos family lives in Bangkok and well off, she drove a new benz as did her father and brother. They had 2 businesses and doing well. We dated for about 5 months and I knew about the Thai culture and can speak and write Thai. I passed all the tests the Thai family and friends do to see if i am worthy for her hand. While at their home for dinner one evening the father said i now had to quit working at the University in Chian mai, move to Bangkook and work in the family business. They knew I started many businesses in the USA and sold them for a nice profit now it was my turn to do the samr for their family.

I thought about it for a couple of weeks and respectfully refused. I was dropped like a bad dream and they never talked to me again. I try to contact and telephone her but the mother always answered the phone and said she was not there. End of story.

I am sure your girlfriends family has a reason for wanting you around and it has nothing to do with love. The problem is you cannot speak Thai, know their culture, customs and family traditions so I am affraid there is something wrong going on here. Don't be fooled bu thinking they hqave money every is fine. Take your time, meet other ladies, go out and have fun. Don't pick the first flower you see.

Just my advice.


How is your Thai by the way?? because if you say you don't speak any then this thread just went from kind of amusing to completely nonsensical.

As I previously explained, I speak really good Thai (my mother was Thai) but with a strange accent (only having previously spoken it with mother).

I've not returned to Maine yet, but will be doing so later this week to arrange POA for my house sale, and tie up a few things.

I think you are winding everyone here up and this is all B.S. just to see what others post.

My observation.


how do u keep adding things to this story, having a good time???

Bottom line, IF this was true,( which i seriously now doubt) what could she possible see in u that would overcome a 40 year difference ??



Does she drive the BMW to her job at Starbuck's

Was she surprised that you became fluent in Thai without ever leaving America?

Why don't you ask her family where you should live in Thailand since you are fluent and you all get on so well?


Please hold on do not do all this. she is so much younger than you. We all here have seen so many crash dive on situations just like this.

slow down please


I am sure your girlfriends family has a reason for wanting you around and it has nothing to do with love. The problem is you cannot speak Thai, know their culture, customs and family traditions so I am affraid there is something wrong going on here. Don't be fooled bu thinking they hqave money every is fine. Take your time, meet other ladies, go out and have fun. Don't pick the first flower you see.

Just my advice.

Both a great post and advice although I only quoted a small part of it. What people also need to realize is that there is nothing wrong about expecting some "good will" from the wealthy foreigner their daughter is dating. It is human nature to long for greater things to come. Of course there are good and bad people but take that aside, just keeping your head straight and remembering some important lessons will get you a long way and to a happy relationship.


What I believe has happened is that no-one has given you a serious reply because they suspect you are winding them up, & nobody wishes to be taken in by a troll.

However in the event that you are not winding us up, the consensus here, surely, would be that 24-year-old girls do not generally fall in love with 63-year-old men - tho it has been known to happen, it is rare - & that you should be extremely careful that you are not about to lose your hard-earned wealth. This has happened countless thousands of times to Western men in Thailand. We have all been hearing the stories & meeting the victims for many years. Sometimes ATM cards are emptied, sometimes the girl asserts (or is given!) legal title to a piece of real property, sometimes one is persuaded to put cash into her or her family's business...there are many variations. Being a foreigner, there is not much legal protection for you once it takes place.

One reason this happens so repeatedly is that we Westerners simply lack the radar to pick up deception, as practised here. Deception as practised back home is comparatively easy: the person won't make eye contact, will have a strained smile, won't know what to do with his hands, will wear gold jewellery, & will speak frequently of Jesus. Here you will be charmed out of thousands of dollars via tears of devotion and smiles that light up the sky.

By all means enjoy your relationship, but protect yourself financially in advance.

22 replies, none of them about where to live, apart from Mr. Canada who I believe was joking.

1 moderator reply, having remove who knows what.

Are the posters on this forum really so unhelpful?

Quite disgraceful!

I would have thought some people here would have some idea of a nice place to live.

Was it my fault, let me be more specific.

Looking to live somewhere with good Internet access, coffee bars, restaurants American and Thai.

Not too rural, where I could buy or build a house for 4-10Mbht on a few rai of land, money is not really a problem.

Could I have some serious suggestions from people who live in places like this


Maybe ... just maybe ... he's not a troll. In which case, I can only say: "Lust is blind."

I've only lived here for three years, but I've already seen several friends and acquaintances (mostly retirees or recently divorced) succumb to the charms of physically beautiful and charming but morally corrupt and predatory Thai women who have conned them out of almost every penny they owned.

Be very very cautious.


how do u keep adding things to this story, having a good time???

Bottom line, IF this was true,( which i seriously now doubt) what could she possible see in u that would overcome a 40 year difference ??


He is a rich guy who speaks, "really good Thai." He is in his 60's. He is not fluent in Thai, or speaks Thai well, but he speaks, "really good Thai." Anyone who would say I speak really good Thai is what age, do you think? Sounds to me like a grade school grad who is pushing 28 years old. Good story though.


Sorry - your question on where to live:

Lived in Chiang Mai for 3 years. I love it, but the 2-3 months of smoke haze each year made it impossible in the end, so I decamped to Cambodia.

I tried the Krabi area before leaving Thailand, & found it very pleasant but socially dull. Bangkok doesn't appeal to me, except for visits.

So for me there isn't anywhere to live in Thailand, other than Chiang Mai between April and November. This is very subjective though.


I can't believe that you guys have fed this troll for 12 pages. I just had to come back to see how it was going along, so I guess I am just as bad!!!


I've only lived here for three years, but I've already seen several friends and acquaintances (mostly retirees or recently divorced) succumb to the charms of physically beautiful and charming but morally corrupt and predatory Thai women who have conned them out of almost every penny they owned.

I knew a girl in BKK in 2003......she met a guy through a dating site and on the VERY 1ST DATE the guy fell head over heels for her. The next morning he deposited 3000 US dollars in her bank account and took her shopping at Emporium, even though she wasn't even a hooker [ahem]. He was 58, just retired and had some pretty good coin. She was 21 and from Chiang Rai province and would have trouble rubbing 2 baht together.

Long story short, since we all know these kind of stories and could litter this forum with similar tales, she ran up 50K in credit card charges and other bills on the guy, got herself a Honda Accord, took trips with friends and bought expensive gifts for herself. How do I know all this? Because she was screwing ME on the side and telling me all about it! When the phone would ring and his U.S. number would appear, she would make a scrunched-up face and tell me to shhhhhh, then answer and be sweet as pie for 10 minutes, all giggles and "I love you too, honey", etc.......then she would hang up and make a shiver motion all over her body and say "Ewww, I HATE that man". But as long as the payments came in, she'd keep him around. Less than a year later, he was gone; heartbroken, poor and mystified, and she had moved on to victim number 2, then 3, then.....well, you know. Once these girls do it one time they want it again and again, like collecting trophy's and land up-country.....and she was smart, she had a degree from Ramkhamheang in engineering and her english was perfect. She never got me because I'm broke LOL......dinner and a few drinks was all I could ever afford.

Still not sure if this is a wind-up troll or not, but the thread sure got me interested and reminiscing, so maybe the OP has gotten what he wanted after all; 12 pages of replies and a good chuckle for himself.

Bottom line, IF this was true,( which i seriously now doubt) what could she possible see in u that would overcome a 40 year difference ??

Oh, there are many members on this forum in the same situation, but they will not give you an answer to your question. My personal guess would be they are either very good looking or very active in the bedroom, probably both. tongue.png


I suggest AnotherOne American learn the rudiments of the Thai script, so he can at least read simple words. If he's only learnt Thai from his mother, there'll be a lot of gaps in his vocabulary. He can practice reading signs and notices when he's in a Thai town or city.

Bottom line, IF this was true,( which i seriously now doubt) what could she possible see in u that would overcome a 40 year difference ??

Oh, there are many members on this forum in the same situation, but they will not give you an answer to your question. My personal guess would be they are either very good looking or very active in the bedroom, probably both. tongue.png

I'd tell you but mine is only 30 years. Big difference.


how do u keep adding things to this story, having a good time???

Bottom line, IF this was true,( which i seriously now doubt) what could she possible see in u that would overcome a 40 year difference ??


He is a rich guy who speaks, "really good Thai." He is in his 60's. He is not fluent in Thai, or speaks Thai well, but he speaks, "really good Thai." Anyone who would say I speak really good Thai is what age, do you think? Sounds to me like a grade school grad who is pushing 28 years old. Good story though.

and a lot of americans and even brits speak questionable english ........:)


I've only lived here for three years, but I've already seen several friends and acquaintances (mostly retirees or recently divorced) succumb to the charms of physically beautiful and charming but morally corrupt and predatory Thai women who have conned them out of almost every penny they owned.

I knew a girl in BKK in 2003......she met a guy through a dating site and on the VERY 1ST DATE the guy fell head over heels for her. The next morning he deposited 3000 US dollars in her bank account and took her shopping at Emporium, even though she wasn't even a hooker [ahem]. He was 58, just retired and had some pretty good coin. She was 21 and from Chiang Rai province and would have trouble rubbing 2 baht together.

Long story short, since we all know these kind of stories and could litter this forum with similar tales, she ran up 50K in credit card charges and other bills on the guy, got herself a Honda Accord, took trips with friends and bought expensive gifts for herself. How do I know all this? Because she was screwing ME on the side and telling me all about it! When the phone would ring and his U.S. number would appear, she would make a scrunched-up face and tell me to shhhhhh, then answer and be sweet as pie for 10 minutes, all giggles and "I love you too, honey", etc.......then she would hang up and make a shiver motion all over her body and say "Ewww, I HATE that man". But as long as the payments came in, she'd keep him around. Less than a year later, he was gone; heartbroken, poor and mystified, and she had moved on to victim number 2, then 3, then.....well, you know. Once these girls do it one time they want it again and again, like collecting trophy's and land up-country.....and she was smart, she had a degree from Ramkhamheang in engineering and her english was perfect. She never got me because I'm broke LOL......dinner and a few drinks was all I could ever afford.

Still not sure if this is a wind-up troll or not, but the thread sure got me interested and reminiscing, so maybe the OP has gotten what he wanted after all; 12 pages of replies and a good chuckle for himself.

You write as if you are proud of your actions. I'm glad I don't know anyone lacking such moral decency to behave in such a manner.

On the otherside of that coin: I'm sure many girls do this, it is something the Op should be aware that girls like this and guys like you exist.


I've only lived here for three years, but I've already seen several friends and acquaintances (mostly retirees or recently divorced) succumb to the charms of physically beautiful and charming but morally corrupt and predatory Thai women who have conned them out of almost every penny they owned.

I knew a girl in BKK in 2003......she met a guy through a dating site and on the VERY 1ST DATE the guy fell head over heels for her. The next morning he deposited 3000 US dollars in her bank account and took her shopping at Emporium, even though she wasn't even a hooker [ahem]. He was 58, just retired and had some pretty good coin. She was 21 and from Chiang Rai province and would have trouble rubbing 2 baht together.

Long story short, since we all know these kind of stories and could litter this forum with similar tales, she ran up 50K in credit card charges and other bills on the guy, got herself a Honda Accord, took trips with friends and bought expensive gifts for herself. How do I know all this? Because she was screwing ME on the side and telling me all about it! When the phone would ring and his U.S. number would appear, she would make a scrunched-up face and tell me to shhhhhh, then answer and be sweet as pie for 10 minutes, all giggles and "I love you too, honey", etc.......then she would hang up and make a shiver motion all over her body and say "Ewww, I HATE that man". But as long as the payments came in, she'd keep him around. Less than a year later, he was gone; heartbroken, poor and mystified, and she had moved on to victim number 2, then 3, then.....well, you know. Once these girls do it one time they want it again and again, like collecting trophy's and land up-country.....and she was smart, she had a degree from Ramkhamheang in engineering and her english was perfect. She never got me because I'm broke LOL......dinner and a few drinks was all I could ever afford.

Still not sure if this is a wind-up troll or not, but the thread sure got me interested and reminiscing, so maybe the OP has gotten what he wanted after all; 12 pages of replies and a good chuckle for himself.

Sounds like you were in on her scam too. Very sad. angry.png

Oh, there are many members on this forum in the same situation, but they will not give you an answer to your question. My personal guess would be they are either very good looking or very active in the bedroom, probably both

How many 60+ year old Farang have u seen in Thailand that fit this description?

With a 40 year dif its all about the money and since he says she has money, good looks, education and good job

whats the attraction??

Bullshit !!! A Thai of his description, her parents would NEVER allow or accept


World War I?

Sorry for the typo, WWII of course.

Pattaya, no thanks heard of it and not really into places with girls of that sort.

So far two sensible suggestions, Hat Yai and Chiang Mai, thanks for those.

One hundred and forty odd silly replies, would one of the forum moderators care to delete all of those?

I met her at Starbucks.

Thai ID or not, as an American you can own a Thai company 100% through the Amity Treaty. A company can own land and lease it out to you. A foreigner can own a house, but not the land under the house.

Before you invest in company set-up, land and house, take a tour around Thailand and maybe try to live at attractive places for some month in a rented house, to see if you like the place. There are many options, especially as you seem to be financially Okay. If you are not for a big city like Bangkok or bars like at Pattaya, you may look at Chiang May and Hua Hin as suggested. Other options may be the Phuket area or Koh Samui/Koh Phangan.

A remark to all the advises about young Thai ladies. We hear a lot about the bad stories - they are true and there are many of them - but we hardly hear any of the success stories, as they do not sell headlines. Be careful and keep your feets solid on the ground, however a "practical" Thai relationship between an "older" man and a young girl may work very well, if you are aware of the conditions and can set your limits. I can tell you, from my own experience, that it can work out fine.


Oh, there are many members on this forum in the same situation, but they will not give you an answer to your question. My personal guess would be they are either very good looking or very active in the bedroom, probably both

How many 60+ year old Farang have u seen in Thailand that fit this description?

With a 40 year dif its all about the money and since he says she has money, good looks, education and good job

whats the attraction??

Bullshit !!! A Thai of his description, her parents would NEVER allow or accept

I don't know what the obsession with looks is about. They aren't interested in that stuff as much as men are. Women are primarily interested in financial security. They aren't interested in sex. Appearances aren't really important unless you are extremely old or very fat. Let's be honest, nobody wants to be seen with such people.


I've only lived here for three years, but I've already seen several friends and acquaintances (mostly retirees or recently divorced) succumb to the charms of physically beautiful and charming but morally corrupt and predatory Thai women who have conned them out of almost every penny they owned.

I knew a girl in BKK in 2003......she met a guy through a dating site and on the VERY 1ST DATE the guy fell head over heels for her. The next morning he deposited 3000 US dollars in her bank account and took her shopping at Emporium, even though she wasn't even a hooker [ahem]. He was 58, just retired and had some pretty good coin. She was 21 and from Chiang Rai province and would have trouble rubbing 2 baht together.

Long story short, since we all know these kind of stories and could litter this forum with similar tales, she ran up 50K in credit card charges and other bills on the guy, got herself a Honda Accord, took trips with friends and bought expensive gifts for herself. How do I know all this? Because she was screwing ME on the side and telling me all about it! When the phone would ring and his U.S. number would appear, she would make a scrunched-up face and tell me to shhhhhh, then answer and be sweet as pie for 10 minutes, all giggles and "I love you too, honey", etc.......then she would hang up and make a shiver motion all over her body and say "Ewww, I HATE that man". But as long as the payments came in, she'd keep him around. Less than a year later, he was gone; heartbroken, poor and mystified, and she had moved on to victim number 2, then 3, then.....well, you know. Once these girls do it one time they want it again and again, like collecting trophy's and land up-country.....and she was smart, she had a degree from Ramkhamheang in engineering and her english was perfect. She never got me because I'm broke LOL......dinner and a few drinks was all I could ever afford.

Still not sure if this is a wind-up troll or not, but the thread sure got me interested and reminiscing, so maybe the OP has gotten what he wanted after all; 12 pages of replies and a good chuckle for himself.

Sounds like you were in on her scam too. Very sad. angry.png

I wasn't in on any scam and I wasn't 'proud' of anything, just telling a story......BTW, she was screwing me, some other farang guys, had a Thai boyfriend and also stringing these western saps along.

Grow up - it happens in this country daily.

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