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About Letting Gf Answer Your Mobil And How To Stop Inn-Biz

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Yesterday,in my car,my mobile rang and I gave it to my gf to answer.After some short "uhuu",she closed it before giving me a chans to know /give any comment to whatever it was about.She said,it probably had to do with something to do with my subscription of airtime for my computer via another mobil as modem,and also that I had to answer within 3 days,otherwise cancelation.Not the first time this has happened;that she end the call without consulting with me first.For the wise guys;I do not have any gf "on the side".save the jokes...Anyway,now I get sms every hour from something calling it self INN-BIZO,probaly news.It´s in Thai,so I do not know for sure.When I ask my gf,she doesn`t seem to know either....(She is not as dum as it may look here,but sometimes,you know...) Now the important question;does anybody know about INN-BIZO and,more importantly,how to put an end to these messages??? Have tried different actions,but no succes.


Go to providers office and ask that ads etc are stopped. Takes a few days.

better yet:

1) call your providers call center and have it done over the phone instantly.

2) check your call log to see who she was actually talking to.

3) answer your own phone.

I reckon if you have had time to find a girlfriend and acquire a car, all three pieces of advice should fall under the category of common sense.

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Take some control of the situation, if she hangs up your calls without having the courtesy to tell you who it was calling I would start answering calls on my own again and she would be banned from using my phone, you should pick up her phone next time it rings, listen a few seconds and then hang up, if she asks who was that just say 'wasn't important' and not another word


Go to providers office and ask that ads etc are stopped. Takes a few days.

better yet:

1) call your providers call center and have it done over the phone instantly.

2) check your call log to see who she was actually talking to.

3) answer your own phone.

I reckon if you have had time to find a girlfriend and acquire a car, all three pieces of advice should fall under the category of common sense.

I reckon that not answering the phone himself while driving falls under the category of common sense !

I had a similar issue with MMS's from MCOT news, they actually resulted in a B6000 bill as I was receiving these while overseas. I refused to pay the bill as I had not requested such messages, AIS accepted this and I didn't have to pay the charges for the MMS messages. I also asked them not to permit any further adverts through.

Their response was that they cannot control who sends me an SMS or MMS. However, I get very few if any adverts or news etc now. I suspect they know the numbers of the usual call centers and block their messages.

Give your network provider a call and see what they can do.

Talk to your girlfriend about how she handles your calls when you need her to answer the phone.


Exactly the same thing happened to me. The gf answered the phone, talked to someone and the next thing I'm receiving up to 40 sms messages a day from this INN - Biz mob. As stated, it seemed to be a news update service.

Couldn't send a message back to cancel as they had no return number.

Eventually got the GF to take the phone to a phone shop and they knew how to stop it. I still don't.


Have you tried texting back STOP or the Thai equivalent to the number? Did you check if money is being deducted for each message?

This does the trick and yes, you get charged for ever txt they send you. At least I did until I stopped them.


Checked online and it appears others are receiving the same messages. This one I done a Google translation from German. See here:



The problem is that there are scores of outfits with the name INN-BIZO in their titles, many with African connections, so you need to be a lot more specific with the details?

My advice is, visit a mobile phone shop and ask one of the whiz kids in there if he/she can describe what this is to you.


Well,some useful info,thanks! And also some,not so useful...First,I did check the call log,but have not yet been able to contact them;automatic answer.Try again monday.Second,I also tried to reply with sms,but the mobil did not act,when I pressed "send".Third,I searched on internet on their name,but as one poster says,many with this initials.So I have tried the obvious "common sense" actions! Regarding answering the phone myself;as another poster pointed out (thanks!),I was driving at the time.And in bad wether as well.Another fact,which i didn`t mention earlier,since i didn`t think it mattered,is,that 99 % of the very few calls I get,are automated calls from some salescompany,somebody calling wrong number or a relativ to my gf,who cant reach her on her phone.In all cases,somebody speaking Thai,which I am not good at.So my "common sense" told me,that it was better to let gf answer!Regarding "take control of the situation" YipYipYa,I guess you a rather young and also new to this country and perhaps not so experienced with the women here.Sounds good in theory,but be careful,in practis,it usually turns out the opposit way...And to your idea,that Thai,women and logic has anything to do with each other,well.....Thanks anyway,your post is wellmeaning!Finally,I will try the ideas about contacting my provider,although I doubt they will act,and also to find somebody who knows how to fix the mobil,which,in fact,was what I was hoping for when I posted my OP.


Well,some useful info,thanks! And also some,not so useful...First,I did check the call log,but have not yet been able to contact them;automatic answer.Try again monday.Second,I also tried to reply with sms,but the mobil did not act,when I pressed "send".Third,I searched on internet on their name,but as one poster says,many with this initials.So I have tried the obvious "common sense" actions! Regarding answering the phone myself;as another poster pointed out (thanks!),I was driving at the time.And in bad wether as well.Another fact,which i didn`t mention earlier,since i didn`t think it mattered,is,that 99 % of the very few calls I get,are automated calls from some salescompany,somebody calling wrong number or a relativ to my gf,who cant reach her on her phone.In all cases,somebody speaking Thai,which I am not good at.So my "common sense" told me,that it was better to let gf answer!Regarding "take control of the situation" YipYipYa,I guess you a rather young and also new to this country and perhaps not so experienced with the women here.Sounds good in theory,but be careful,in practis,it usually turns out the opposit way...And to your idea,that Thai,women and logic has anything to do with each other,well.....Thanks anyway,your post is wellmeaning!Finally,I will try the ideas about contacting my provider,although I doubt they will act,and also to find somebody who knows how to fix the mobil,which,in fact,was what I was hoping for when I posted my OP.

99% of your calls you recieve are automated from a sales company?



Update: I followed the advice to contact call center and ask them to cancel the INN BIZ thing,which they confirmed is a newscorporation of sort.They agreed to do it and I received a message shortly after,confirming the cancelations.Yes,they had canceled my subscription with BKK post as well....OK,no big deal,was fed up with that too,actually! To Wana:If you read my post again,you will see,that it was not only calls from salescompanies,but also from other sources.It may be a surprise to some,but there are a lot of other things you can use a mobil for,other than to chatt on! Modem for your computer,MAKE calls,take pictures,make calculations and so on.It is also a security thing,if something happens to you,especially when you are as old as I am...But the picture was fun!Finally;again,thankyou all for advice!!

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