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UK pensions

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30 minutes ago, pastprime said:

     Again, it does not go directly  from a source outside of Thailand         Transfer does not go directly into your Thai bank,it goes majority of times into TMB bank,then distributed,  needs direct deposit  from outside Thailand     Makes no difference 'fully traceable'     Am damned sure immigration will sit down a while and trace your traceable source

That's fine. I've got my opinion and you've got yours. Not even worth debating at the moment. TI have not even confirmed whether proving an income is going to be an option in the future.


But out of curiosity, you said 'needs direct deposit  from outside Thailand'. who has said that? where have you got that from that you can quote as 100% accurate information?


One thing's for sure, TI will definitely not make any decisions based on our discussions here.


Time will tell. 

Edited by sumrit
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30 minutes ago, sumrit said:

That's fine. I've got my opinion and you've got yours. Not even worth debating at the moment. TI have not even confirmed whether proving an income is going to be an option in the future.


But out of curiosity, you said 'needs direct deposit  from outside Thailand'. who has said that? where have you got that from that you can quote as 100% accurate information?


One thing's for sure, TI will definitely not make any decisions based on our discussions here.


Time will tell. 

If you look on the other threads doing the rounds,local immigration centres,have indicated in detail,to various foreign individuals of likely scenario and direct deposit from outside Thailand into Thai bank will be a requirement....which at the end of the day is why the embassy income letters were stopped,confirmation

Edited by pastprime
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9 hours ago, pastprime said:

If you look on the other threads doing the rounds,local immigration centres,have indicated in detail,to various foreign individuals of likely scenario and direct deposit from outside Thailand into Thai bank will be a requirement....which at the end of the day is why the embassy income letters were stopped,confirmation

Your comments are pure speculation without any concrete evidence whatsoever. The only 'official' information released so far has come from the Embassies who say they intend stopping the income letters in their present form because they can't verify that the financial information they've been given by individuals is 100% accurate. Information that has always been a requirement but, in the past, never insisted on by TI.


After more than twenty-five years, I have been in Thailand long enough to realise and understand that, when asked a question, Thai people in authority  will (almost) never say 'I don't know'. They will always suggest they know what they're talking about and offer an answer, even if they can't back it up with facts and it's simply come out of their own minds. This is why we end up with so many different interpretations of the rules by various different (and sometimes badly trained) Immigration Offices around the country.


Yes a couple of individual people have reported they have been told they can put 65k baht into their Thai account every month (without being told any detail) BUT some others report being told only 800k baht in a Thai bank, seasoned for three months, is acceptable. While yet more report being told income letters will not be valid after the 1st January 2019, to name just three of the various options being 'reported'.


As yet TI have not released any official information as to what rules will apply in the future. Personally I think there will be an income based option to accommodate those who currently use and need it, but, until TI release that option requirement, we can only speculate, with our own individual requirements influencing that speculation.


OR, instead of speculating without any foundation, WE CAN JUST WAIT. TIME WILL TELL.

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I dont know if i am of any use in this discussion ,or if its relavant ,but i use the 800,000 in bank for three months , any money i transfer goes into my other bank account in Thailand ,when the time is right i have always transfered money from that ,or my wifes account into the one i use for the 3 month in bank ,never had a problem .

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On 11/15/2018 at 9:53 AM, nong38 said:

So what you are saying is that the DWP rely on people being honest and telling them where they live or on informers, you might very well be right. The " I am still alive" card comes out at random every 5-10 years is their other card but with the march of technology one does wonder what the future holds with newish auto barriers at Immigration able to track your whereabouts at any given time.

Spain is not a bad idea, just make sure you understand the rules of "foreigners" and their property, always thought the Canaries was very nice, not in the EU as a full member though, its an associate like the Channel Islands.

Hello nong, I am hoping you can answer a quick question. Does being legally married to a Thai lady entitle you to the married couple pension, rather than the single man rate?


Thanks in advance.

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8 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

I dont know if i am of any use in this discussion ,or if its relavant ,but i use the 800,000 in bank for three months , any money i transfer goes into my other bank account in Thailand ,when the time is right i have always transfered money from that ,or my wifes account into the one i use for the 3 month in bank ,never had a problem .

Yes this is OK,but did not want to put large amount into Thai bank. You have done OK too with exchange rate,but I think opposite now with election due...plus will have to raid piggy bank in UK which is tied up with ISA s to get required amount

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13 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

I was lucky,if my dad had waited a few more months wouldnt have got it lol

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Wondering at the stroke of midnight 2020,waking up to 10 years or more of frozen pension will do to the coffers.  Its all getting ,with new visa rules, worth hanging on. its only the dirt cheap renting here over UK, that's a feature ,plus weather,that's worth the effort

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On 11/23/2018 at 8:18 AM, pastprime said:

Wondering at the stroke of midnight 2020,waking up to 10 years or more of frozen pension will do to the coffers.  Its all getting ,with new visa rules, worth hanging on. its only the dirt cheap renting here over UK, that's a feature ,plus weather,that's worth the effort

I am not hanging on but living fairly comfortably with my Thai wife and son, in my wife's house on my wife's land doing my best to comply with all the rules and regulations.


I pay no rent, and since Brexit I have cut back a fair bit but I would much rather be living in Thailand than in the UK.


If the worst case happens and I have to go back to the UK I shall probably squat outside my ex-wife's house and try to melt her heart to let me in.

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

I am not hanging on but living fairly comfortably with my Thai wife and son, in my wife's house on my wife's land doing my best to comply with all the rules and regulations.


I pay no rent, and since Brexit I have cut back a fair bit but I would much rather be living in Thailand than in the UK.


If the worst case happens and I have to go back to the UK I shall probably squat outside my ex-wife's house and try to melt her heart to let me in.

Hello Billd,wondered when this thread would pick up again

 There will be a fair few going back I imagine,looks as if the die is cast as to requirements, I meet them,but do not want to,might marry Thai GF ,known her for years, but  again I just do not want to, as its just to get cheaper visa extension   


Means putting my mutts to sleep tho, thinking the what was the unthinkable a year or so ago. I would have been gone years ago without them,may keep one,say goodbye to the others,just ain't the place it ever was

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

I am not hanging on but living fairly comfortably with my Thai wife and son, in my wife's house on my wife's land doing my best to comply with all the rules and regulations.


I pay no rent, and since Brexit I have cut back a fair bit but I would much rather be living in Thailand than in the UK.


If the worst case happens and I have to go back to the UK I shall probably squat outside my ex-wife's house and try to melt her heart to let me in.

Hello Billd,wondered when this thread would pick up again

 There will be a fair few going back I imagine,looks as if the die is cast as to requirements, I meet them,but do not want to,might marry Thai GF ,known her for years, but  again I just do not want to, as its just to get cheaper visa extension   


Means putting my mutts to sleep tho, thinking the what was the unthinkable a year or so ago. I would have been gone years ago without them,may keep one,say goodbye to the others,just ain't the place it ever was

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I think nowhere is the same as it was things are always changing, some say that "everything changes so that things can stay the same." Interesting thought.

The UK has changed and if anyone has to go back they will recognize some things as being familiar but see a lot of new things which they may not like, "fings aint what they used to be." 

I remember all the good things, places and times but find it hard to locate them when I go back, thought I knew my way about!

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I think something that has been missed this week is the Bank of England statement that if UK leaves Europe without a deal the £ will drop by 25%! This was from the Governor , so imagine that happens the £ will be worth B31 to £ ! That is scary as your B800,00/B400,000 equates to £25800 and £12900 respectively or your monthly income of B65000 is £2096! 

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