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Falang Go Home . . .


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I have often read that many expats feel that the Thais do not want them here in Thailand. Has anyone every been told by a Thai to leave Thailand and to go back to where you come from ? I am sure at times you can feel unwanted here however I would like to know if you have been told as much...

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I have often read that many expats feel that the Thais do not want them here in Thailand. Has anyone every been told by a Thai to leave Thailand and to go back to where you come from ? I am sure at times you can feel unwanted here however I would like to know if you have been told as much...

Never in more than 20 years.

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There's one old woman, face like she's sucking on lemons, who tells me, in Thai, to go home, every time I walk past her shop.

Just like my own country, there are some xenophobic/racists about - no need to worry too much about it. There are plenty of people I know who'd like the Polish/Africans/Germans/Indians/Pakistanis/Chinese out of my country. The majority, both here and in England, are welcoming though.

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i have got the feeling of being unwelcome by certain times by certain individuals as if its a major hassle to have to deal with me (oho noo ,this bastard farang has walked into my shop and i have to interrupt my televison program to sell him a bottle of beer )

but 99% of the people are fine

some are just lazy and think a farang is more difficult to deal with than a thai \

(we get stereotyped ,it works both ways ,many farang beleive thai have no common sense and vice versa )

overall ,i think i like the place more than i dislike it and thats why im still here :)

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"Thais telling falang go home(leave thailand) "? A large number Thais i have met and speak English wish THEY could leave their country.

It's funny you say that as I have encountered a few Thais that felt that way. Most recently a guy here in Chiang Mai who has just retired, has plenty of property, and has interacted a lot with foreigners over the years. My impression is that he, and others like him, are quite frankly mystified as to why we choose to live here.

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Ain't that the truth, Samran. Every Thai I know in the United States (who has lived in the USA for an extended period of time) is always making plans to return to Thailand. I don't know of a Thai who wants to stay in the USA forever. Usually it's "I want to work and save money to bring back to Thailand."

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The only people that tell me that I should go home are the posters here on Thai Visa.

It's the "Thaier than Thai " Farangs that want rid of those that have lost their rose tinted spectacles. I really don't think that the majority of real Thais actually care much.

It's not only the "Thaier than Thai" crowd.

There is quite a number of farang male haters here in the forum. Often those PC types who are looking down at those "smelly, fat, old, sleazy" men.

Secretly - they would never admit - they believe when all farang men leave the country, they can get the hot chicks they have.

But they can't and that's why they are bitter. :)

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I don't recall a Thai person EVER explicitly telling me to go home. However, it is common to encounter Thais who ASSUME I am going to go home soon, and after when learning I'm not, look like they're not processing the information.

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Again, never happened to me personally in the few years I have been here.

The only people I have seen receiving instructions of where to go and what to do with themselves when they get there, are the Falangs that bring it upon themselves, mostly through arrogance and uncanny ease at losing face.

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Not yet. But I've seen a few falangs I wish would go home. More specifically, I've smelt a few on the BTS that I wish would either go home or at least invest is some deoderant.

One this morning had both hands on the overhead hand-rail to give us all the benefit of his sweaty arm pits.

Falang bai ab-naam!

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Not yet. But I've seen a few falangs I wish would go home. More specifically, I've smelt a few on the BTS that I wish would either go home or at least invest is some deoderant.

One this morning had both hands on the overhead hand-rail to give us all the benefit of his sweaty arm pits.

Falang bai ab-naam!

Falang Minn ! :D

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Other than the occasional claim that Thailand in sports or anything else is better than anywhere else, have not heard or dare say will hear that phrase. I don't volunteer info about my home country unless asked and always, i'll try to make it grim so as not to sound better. It's only the well travelled Thais who knows the truth about where i come from and that's where conversation becomes more interesting. Other than that, am just a passing hermit as far as the locals are concerned.

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