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Does It Really Happen....?


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I heard some people talking about some cases where a driver, after being involved in an accident with say a motorbike rider or pedestrian, would sometimes run over the victim again, thereby killing him/her (assuming it's dark and no obvious witnesses) to avoid having to pay hefty AND continuous money to the victim? In the case of death, it would normally only be a one time payment whereas if the victim is injured/paralysed, the onus of maintenance falls on the wrong party (in this case, the driver).

Can this possibly be true?

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Somebody said Trucking Companies instruct their drivers to do this 'to finish the job', as the company will pay a lot less if the victim dies. Until we see it happen....who knows?

Yes, this is often with reference to trucking companies for exactly the same reason you stated. I just wonder if any TV members have heard something similar from their extended families.

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The article I posted said it's a problem in China because of no national health care. Which they have here in Thailand. If they victim didn't die, they would have to pay health care costs, potentially, for the rest of the victims life. Sad.

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The father of a Thai friend of mine was run over and seriously injured by a car several years ago. A witness said that the driver then backed up, killing him.

It may have been an accident initially followed by the finishing off or there was talk at the time that it may have been because of a personal dispute.

The family themselves are not sure and the driver remains unknown.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Somebody said Trucking Companies instruct their drivers to do this 'to finish the job', as the company will pay a lot less if the victim dies. Until we see it happen....who knows?

Yes, this is often with reference to trucking companies for exactly the same reason you stated. I just wonder if any TV members have heard something similar from their extended families.

I will add to my earlier post in so much as the two or three times over the years i've been told about this it was with reference to truck companies.

mindyou no one said they actually saw the incident themselves.

Edited by carmine
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Yes they will, especially a truck driver. It is cheaper to pay for a death than the possibility of a lifetimes care. Last incident I know of was about 4 years ago when I was involved with a family who owned trucks.

I suppose it makes sense in some ways.

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Sadly I think it does sometimes happen. A Thai cousin of mine was killed in the Bang Bon area about four years ago. I believe he was knocked off his motorcycle when a pickup joined the main road at speed from a side road. His father told me that witnesses watching from a distance saw the vehicle back up and run over him again, crushing his chest. He died in hospital a few hours later. The driver was never caught.

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It's usually three times, as the driver has to go forward again to go in the direction he was originally.

it would be worse if he stopped his pickup spun the wheels on top of the top of the victim ,this making some tomato puree

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I heard that in England their is a gang you can call that will run over him again. or even kill him in the Hospital

Oh those English

Was it an ex-sas member who told you that? Then again, he would of killed you after he told you. rolleyes.gif

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It's usually three times, as the driver has to go forward again to go in the direction he was originally.

it would be worse if he stopped his pickup spun the wheels on top of the top of the victim ,this making some tomato puree

coffee1.gif That would be funny if i was a 10 year old, but im not! How old are you? Just checking out your grammer skills, gives me a rough idea... 10, 11 years old?

What a complex and indepth sense of humour you have.

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I doubt anyone that has just accidentally killed someone will be 'sane' enough to think "If they catch me, it will cost me less if the victim is dead"... Fleeing the scene in the hope they won't be caught happens all the time though.

I worked for a few years in the Claims Dept of an insurance company, and it was undoubtedly true (in the UK) that killing someone in a traffic accident would cost a fraction of the compensation compared to if they were seriously injured.

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In that case the best insurance is No insurance-Whats the risk?????

I like your avatar but i think you will be told to change it.

I don't normally have insurance when i go to Thailand. I should really because if you don't die it could be very very expensive.

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