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The Songkhla provincial livestock office has handed out 350 blocks of dried grass to assist more than 700 cows affected by the flood.

350 blocks of dried grass each weighing 25 kilograms are being handed out to cow raisers to feed to approximately 700 cows that have been deprived of food due to the recent flooding. No disease outbreak in animals has yet been reported, aside from the 40 cows reported with the cow version of Hong Kong foot. The provincial livestock office has already deployed mobile medical units to assist the cows and provide initial treatment.

In the meantime, about 10,000 salted eggs purchased from an association of housewives in the province are being distributed to flood-stricken people.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 15 December 2005

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A case of land subsidence has been found in Surat Thani Province, where the Department of Mineral Resources found that the subsidence was 4 meters deep.

Continuous downpours over the province have caused the earth in Surat Thani’s Wiengsa (เวียงสระ) District to subside. The subsidence was almost 2 meters in diameter and 4 meters deep. The subsidense has prompted the local electricity body to cut electricity in the area, as 10 high-voltage power poles nearby have tilted.

Elsewhere in the southern region people are recovering from the flood. Officers in Yala Province are fixing as many as 20 damaged bridges, and long-term solutions to the flood are being carried out. The Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department reported that 60,000 households were affected by the southern flood, and 30,000 RAI of farmland have been damaged.

In the meantime the Meteorological Department is still warning of bad weather that may cause flashfloods.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 15 December 2005

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The Meteorological Department still warns of heavy downpour in the lower southern region as well as the intense winds and waves in the Gulf of Thailand. Meanwhile another fatality has occured from flooding, this time in Nakhorn Si Thammarat province.

Heavy downpour that began on Wednesday night resulted in the 3rd round of flood in Nakhorn Si Thammarat. Water level in some inundated areas were as high as 2 meters. A 46-year-old man died after he slipped and fell into the 50-centimeters high flood water around his home. The flood also severed a major commuting route in the province as well as a rail section in the southern rail line, forcing southbound trains to cease operations.

In Narathiwat province forest flood from the mountains flowed down into Sukhirin (สุคิริน) district and inundated a wide area of farmlands. The flood level averaged between 60-100 centimeters in the province, forcing at least 1,000 families to move their belongings to high ground. At least 10 schools have closed, whereas 20 bridges have been damaged.

In Pattani, several schools are closed again as people are evacuated from the heavy-hit areas. Residents were trying desperately to seal their homes off from the floodwater using sandbags.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 December 2005

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As a monsoon lurks near, the Meteorological Department is issuing warnings of heavy rains and flash floods nonetheless.

The province of Phatthalung has been inundated by the floodwater that flowed down from the nearby mountain ranges. Provincial Governor Prachak Suwannaphakdee (ประจักษ์ สุวรรณภักดี) said the continuous heavy downpours have now caused the flooded areas to extend to almost every district in the province. The average water level is as high as a meter.

The provincial administration is rapidly evacuating people in the heavy-hit areas to safety, but no reports of deaths or injuries have been received. Dried food and other necessities are being sent on flat-bottom boats to residents whom had their commuting routes cut off. The governor noted that almost all commuting routes between villages have been severed.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 December 2005

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Interior Minister KONGSAK WANTHANA (คงศักดิ์ วันทนา) has assigned officers to speedily drain water in flood-stricken areas of the southern region even though the flood situations in most provinces have improved.

Air Chief Marshal Kongsak said that Nakhon Si Thammarat (นครศรีธรรมราช) is the only province that is still confronting with severe flood. Meanwhile, the flood situations in the provinces of Patthalung (พัทลุง) and Pattani (ปัตตานี) have shown improvements. The floods have inundated certain commuting routes in Patthalung.

However, related officers have been assigned to install water pumps in the main areas and to drill canals as a mean to release the floodwater.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 December 2005

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Published on December 17, 2005

Aftermath of rising waters spread disease in stricken areas; full-moon party cancelled as two Swedes die. Seven southern provinces have been hit by heavy flooding brought on by non-stop monsoon rains with nearly 30,000 households affected and another 30,000 people ill with flood related problems.

A 20-month-old baby drowned in Nakhon Si Thammarat after falling from the upper level of his home into the flood water, making him the ninth flood casualty in the province.

The average flood level in all districts was 50 centimetres and reached 200 centimetres at its highest points, especially in Thung Song, Ron Phibool and Pak Phanang districts, all of which border the Gulf of Thailand. Fifty-five households in tambon Thee Wang have been isolated and will be evacuated.

The relief agency in Phatthalung said that more than 62,000 residents in more than 27,000 households, 286 villages and 48 tambons had been badly affected by the floods.

A major dam in Pa Bon area is already brimming at 98.6-per-cent capacity.

An estimated 1,500 households were affected in one village in Songkhla’s Hat Yai district along with another 600 in a nearby village.

Traffic in the district has been paralysed since major routes became impassable due to flooding of urban areas early in the morning.

Public Health Minister Pinij Charusombat said more than 30,000 people living in the seven provinces had sought treatment at government clinics and hospitals,60 per cent of them for respiratory problems, mostly in Yala, Pattani and Nakhon Si Thammarat.

Mobile medical teams have been dispatched throughout the entire flood-hit area to provide medical assistance and information on how people can avoid

post-flood illnesses such as leptospirosis, diarrhoea and dengue fever.

In Surat Thani, Pha-ngan district chief Phornlert Chokechai cancelled a beach party popular with backpackers after two Swedish women drowned in the area, officials said.

Known as the “full-moon party”, the monthly gathering attracts thousands of young people travelling through the region.

The two women, identified as Josefin Ossman, 22, and Maria Lindstrom, 22, were swept out to sea near Haad Rin beach in Surat Thani province. Haad Rin is the scene of the monthly party.

The cancellation comes, Monsak said, as authorities continue to warn of heavy rains and rough seas in the area. Six provinces in Thailand’s South, including Surat Thani, have been hit by severe flooding in recent weeks that have killed at least four people and swept away roads, bridges and homes.

Source - The Nation Multi Media

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This morning, the security guard knock on our gate to advise us to park our vehicles on higher ground.

The river behind has over flowed and so has the drainage in front and the roads in front of our house is aboule ankle deep, 3 to 4 inches.

I quickly called some frineds who are in town staying in the hotels in Hatyai City to check especially a couple of them who parked their big bikes in basement carpark of Sakura hotel.

Received replies from them that all is OK in the city.

Hope the water level stays there and not creep up into the house, else its going to be a very tiring day today shifting things to the upper floor. :o

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Was at the City having breakfast with some frineds here and although it was drizzling, there's no sign of flood. Even the drainage seems OK.

About noon, officials came over to our estate to inform us to prepare for highly probable floods. The water level on the road has already increase slowly but surely and is now at my paveway to the gate. It's about 6 inches to the bottom of the gate. All my electrical appliances are up on the uppoer floor except for my computer which I'm using now.

If in the night you don't see me online, means water level has enter my house which is about 2 feet above the present water level.

15 minutes ago, 2 truckloads of soldiers entered our estate. They will be putting up sandbags along the river banks to try to prevent the flood from getting worse.

A few minutes ago, dump trucks carrying sand just came into our estate. Now it's like a semi-construction site.

Keeping my fingers crossed and hope they succeed.

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That sounds better than this afternoons TV reports. I currently see a heavy band of rain on radar just south of the Malaysia border that has been looking stronger so not sure if runoff has to go through Thailand or stays in Malaysia from that area but that might be the concern. Believe the last big flood was from the runoff rather than rain in the immediate area so be careful.

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At 1515 local time Bangkok TV is reporting the city of Hat Yai is being flooded and expected to be under water within the hour.  They have urged people to move ASAP.  Can only hope it is not as bad as the last time.

Here's hoping Lop.

Can anyone give us an update at all?


Last night, the rain was heavy continuing until this morning to about 7.30am.

As at now (10.00am), the water level outside my house on the roads is thigh depth. Water has already seeped in beyond my main gate and inside to my driveway at ankle depth. It still hasn't gone into the compound or house yet, but signs are that it is rising.

2 friends who came here a few days on bikes are now stuck in Hatyai City, Sakura GV hotel as the water level on the streets are now just above ankle. Have checked for them that they are not able to ride to the border as many parts of the roads are flooded and transportation has ceased. Also advised them to quickly go and buy some food like bread and water as the coffeehouse biz there also going to be sold out.

Weather report is the flood will get higher so anybody intending to come to Hatyai within the next few days, forget it. Don't try.

Will keep you all updated.

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Last night, the rain was heavy continuing until this morning to about 7.30am.

As at now (10.00am), the water level outside my house on the roads is thigh depth. Water has already seeped in beyond my main gate and inside to my driveway at ankle depth. It still hasn't gone into the compound or house yet, but signs are that it is rising.

2 friends who came here a few days on bikes are now stuck in Hatyai City, Sakura GV hotel as the water level on the streets are now just above ankle. Have checked for them that they are not able to ride to the border as many parts of the roads are flooded and transportation has ceased. Also advised them to quickly go and buy some food like bread and water as the coffeehouse biz there also going to be sold out.

Weather report is the flood will get higher so anybody intending to come to Hatyai within the next few days, forget it. Don't try.

Will keep you all updated.

Source - thaivisitor Live From Hatyai :o

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Flash floods continue to wreck havoc in South

NARATHIWAT: -- Flash floods brought on by heavy rain continued to wreak havoc in Thailand's southern provinces Sunday as several thousand Narathiwat residents homes were under water.

Thirteen districts in Narathiwat province were hit by flash floods while more than 4,000 families whose houses lined the banks of the Sungai Kolok River were living a nightmare after their homes were inundated.

Main roads linking districts were cut as the floodwaters rose higher than 1.5 metres. Two areas experienced mudslides and officials cut power to electrical lines after transformers were covered by floodwaters, and power poles were knocked down by strong currents.

Officials said a 29-year-old villager of Waeng district apparently drowned after slipping and being carried away by strong currents. His fate was still unknown as soldiers and other rescue workers searching for him had not recovered his body.

Meanwhile, Livestock Development Department officials in Nakhon Si Thammarat province were preparing to deliver fodder to cattle farmers in seven districts now affected by severe flood, without access to grass to feed their livestock.

--TNA 2005-12-18

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7-11 cannot now say that they open 24 hoursa day & 7 days a week, or use their slogon "always close but never closed", kekekekekekekekeke

Rain has now stop but water level is rising slowly but surely.

Power in certain areas are cut off for safety reasons, but not in many areas in the City itself.

My house water situation is worst than the City and I'm still online, but don't know for how long.

I now have the swimming pool my children always wanted in my driveway and onto my compound too but not inside my front door yet.

My ground floor toilet is also flooded as water seeped in from the drainage pipe, but luckily we have another 2 toilets upstairs.

Source: thaivisitor Live Updates :o

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Hi Thai Visitor,

Any updates on Hat Yai, just heard from a friend that Robinson was runsack? How is the situation now?

Hope everything in Hat Yai is under control and hope you are fine.



7-11 cannot now say that they open 24 hoursa day  & 7 days a week, or use their slogon "always close but never closed", kekekekekekekekeke

Rain has now stop but water level is rising slowly but surely.

Power in certain areas are cut off for safety reasons, but not in many areas in the City itself.

My house water situation is worst than the City and I'm still online, but don't know for how long.

I now have the swimming pool my children always wanted in my driveway and onto my compound too but not inside my front door yet.

My ground floor toilet is also flooded as water seeped in from the drainage pipe, but luckily we have another 2 toilets upstairs.

Source: thaivisitor Live Updates :o

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It seems we have two threads covering the same aspect; this one and the 7 drown in Hadyai....? having asked a question in the second one I will ask the same question in this one. I am slated to drive to Songkhla 21 December. The answer in the first forum was that the water is receeding but there might be trouble around Trang. On thursday I will drive on to Malaysia. The trains are not running but the question is whether the main roads are so flooded that driving is not possible? I would love to postpone but have already booked the hotel in October and would hate to pay without using the booking.

Cheers..........kandt :o

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My GF got back to Hat Yai safely early this morning from Kuala Lumpur. Heard the water n Hat Yai town has receeded and no flooding has reported today in Hat Yai but there is going to be a depression later tonight or tomorrow coming from Vietnam. Not sure how it will affect Hat Yai but at the moment its good I guess.

My GF house near Hat Yai hospital flooded till knee height but receeded on Monday afternoon.

I will have to get into Hat Yai next week on 27 morning hope it will be alright during that time.

But if you are driving to Kuala Lumpur I would suggest you to check the highway website http://www.plus.com.my/index.asp and call them for update infomation. The national papers indicated that a large part of northern peninsula region is below water (http://www.thestar.com.my/)

Have a safe journey

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I am some 80kms off shore, almost directly east of Kohta Bharu, Northern Malaysia, working on the Thai/Malaya border in the Gulf of Thailand. Just a quick word of warning to all in Southern Thailand/Nort. Malaysia, it is pouring down out of the heavens here at the moment,(00:30 on 22nd), winds being driven from the ene, so it looks as if the already affected areas are going to get some more water in the near future.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, just trying to forewarn people.

Good luck.

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I'm back!!!

On 18th December, the flood was terrible as it entered my house up to knee depth. I guess outside was waist or even chest depth. I evacuated my family to the second floor and by midnight, the electricity was cut off followed by water supply.

19th December, we could only stayed upstairs as the flood continued. Fear was that my children may get sick, hungry and thirsty, as food and drinking water is limited. We had no choice but to hope for the best as our limited candles supply slowly ran out.

20th December, the rain stopped and the water level receded a bit but there were warnings that the rain will be bakc from 21st to 24th December, this time heavier. Due to the shortage of food, I had to do something about it. So I waded thru about 200 to 300 metres of waist level water to reach out to the main road which was higher ground and where I parekd my pickup and motorbike. I could not move my pickup out due to the numerous cars all parked there so I took my motorbike and ride thru about 1 foot of water to try to find a way out of my area into Hatyai city where the flood level was under control.

After moving thru a few dead ends filled with waist level water, I finally found a way thru and manage to reached Hatyai City to check the area. Once I have confirmed that Hatyai city is safer, I rode back to evacuate my family.

Leaving behind my 11 yr old sont to take care of my 5 year old son, I had to carry my 2 months old son, wrapped completely in towels and napkins as it was drizzling slightly, together with my wife to wade thru the water to my motorbike. From there, I took both of them over to a safe place near Srikarin Hospital to wait for me as I go back to fetch my 2 sons.

Next was my 5 year old son as I carried him on my shoulders and wade thru the water, balancing myself as not to let him fall. With ihm safely with his mother, I fetch my 11 yr old son which is easier as he is quite tall.

With my family together, we tried to flag down a tuk tuk but the price quoted by him was ridiculous as he was clearly taking advantage of the flood. We rejected and after a while, a pickup stopped by and a kind gentleman gave my family to the Hatyai Merlin Hotel where we booked a room there. My family had a good bath, warm meal and tugged in early after a very tiredsome day.

The next day 21 December, the sun was shining and I took a tuk tuk back to where I left my bike and headed to see the situation in my area. The flood has receded to ankle depth outside my house and my house has no more flood. The security guard informed me that the electricity and water will be back by the afternoon. I managed to get my pick up out, with the help of some people pushing the parked cars a little to make way for me. As I drove to fetch my family, I passed by Raj Uthit Road and see the damamges done there. I saw the 7-11 sotres and K&K store close, and thru the glass panels saw the stores empty. It's definitely not "sold out" as I can see the damages done to the stores.

The security guard called me once the electricity came back at about 2pm and I brought my family back to my house and spent the afternoon and evening cleaning and washing my house to bring it back to normal.

Last nigt, it started raining just pass midnight til about half an hour ago. But this morning, as I sent my 2 sons to school, I find no signs of any impending floods. Later I will take a drive round to check it out again as the moment I sense any flooding, I'm going to immediately evacuate my family out and not wait for the worst.

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HAT YAI FLOOD RELIEF: Businesses 'helped before residents'

Published on Dec 22 , 2005

Locals accuse authorities of doing more for those in the city centre than for people whose homes were flooded; more rain predicted all along the southeast coast. As the floodwater slowly receded around Hat Yai yesterday, locals began to voice upset that the authorities' efforts centred on protecting the "business zone" in the centre of town, while neglecting residents.

Weather reports also warned that all 11 provinces along the southeast coast would continue to face further heavy rain and flash floods - at least until tomorrow. As well as Songkhla, Chumphon, Surat Thani, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phattalung, Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat, Krabi, Trang, and Satun will also be affected.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said yesterday he would visit the flood-ravaged region this morning, if the situation does not improve. He will then attend the tsunami services in Phang Nga on Monday.

Thaksin defending not heading to the crisis zone, saying he visited the area recently and chaired a meeting of mayors to discuss solutions to the flooding, before inspecting the region by helicopter.

He directed relief operations and ordered drainage ditches to be cleared. Since then he has been overseen relief work in the area by phone - and was confident that current measures would handle rain over the next few days.

Sanya Sanyawong, a villager from Hat Yai whose home has been under a metre of floodwater since December 18, said water levels had now decreased.

But he said many people in the neighbourhood believed that the municipality had made the inner city - "a special economic zone" - their priority, while leaving the other areas submerged.

"Otherwise, why has the floodwater in outer areas drained so much slower than the inner city?"

A member of the provincial assembly, Anan Boonsopon, said the reinforced embankments on both sides of the U-Tapao canal have been built at different levels, with the embankment wall on the business side 90-centimetres higher than the one on the Hat Yai side.

Chatchai Rattanachai, a lecturer from the Prince of Songkhla University, urged the authorities to pay compensation to villagers whose homes have been inundated by floodwater.

In Phattalung, villagers in Tambon Lampa in Muang district urged the premier to visit the area himself to get first-hand look at the situation and make plans to tackle the problem accordingly.

The number of individuals suffering from flood-related illnesses in the South currently stands at 130,000, with most suffering from common colds and "Hong Kong Foot".

Each of the flood-ravaged provinces has also been sent 10,000 basic medicine sets, with a further 100,000 sets stored at Hat Yai as a back-up, said Public Health Minister Pinij Charusombat.

Pinij will visit Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phattalung, and Songkhla today to help prepare a post-flood rehabilitation programme.

The floods have claimed 43 lives since the beginning of this month with two people still reported missing.

Agriculture Minister Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan yesterday ordered specific adjustments to the flood-draining efforts in Songkhla - including the installation of 20 water pumps to drain water from the eastern side, before moving over to the western

side where Songkhla Lake is situated.

The decision came following the discovery that areas such as Ranot and Krasae Sin districts remained inundated due to the high tide.

Authorities are currently assessing the damage to farmland in order to provide compensation in time for the next crop producing season's investments.

The sum was initially predicted to reach some Bt400 million for nearly 800,000 rai of damaged land.

The Nation

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Just a slight update on Hatyai Weather/Flood conditon.

Rained last night and main part of this morning. Schools are closed today (instrcutions given yesterday when I picked up my kids) for fear of impending flood but all is well today with no floods.

A friend of mine drove from Ipoh in Malaysia to the border and parked his car there, took a taxi and arrived in Hatyai with no problems. Buses that ply Singapore/Malaysia - Hatyai routes arrived this morning with no problems. Was told only part of Malaysian Highway was flooded and they use some smaller roads.

Although sky was grey, it looks OK for the time being. Hopefully it remains this way.

Source: thaivisitor Live weather Report :o

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