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Uk Fiancee Visa Application- How To Refer To Myself And Fiancee?

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Just getting all the documents together with explanations. Should I use the 3rd person and describe my fiancee and myself as Sponsor and Applicant, or is it best to use names/fiancee? Have been using the 3rd person and it comes across slightly impersonal. Any ideas or any general advice? Thanks!

- I haven't booked a ceremony yet but have got correspondence from registry office and a reverend friend who will also be playing a part in our wedding, most likely in the form of a blessing. There's also pictures of venue and prices, should this suffice? I don't want to set anything in stone until visa acquired..

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If you don't want to marry her unless she gets a visa I guess you could refer to her as "my purchase" biggrin.png

I've probably got the wrong end of the stick completely!

To be more serious, the visa application is meant to be by her and the language should probably be formal, so Sponsor and Applicant is probably appropriate. I have always taken the view that the Sponsors letter is much more personal so I have always used every day language like "I" and "[first name]" (having explained my relationship with [first name] [family name] in the first paragraph. Either way it's probably not vital provided the visa Agent is clear about who is who.

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The only places in a visa application that are written, rather than answering questions, are the additional information for the applicant and the letter from the sponsor.

You are both trying to show that you have a strong relationship, which is the reason for your application for a Fiancée visa. Therefore, your language should be in a personal vein. After all, you want to take her to the UK to marry her, demonstrate that in the paragraphs that warrant it; use I...we...us

Other paragraphs will be purely factual.

The applicants additional information should be factual. Note that the on line application has limited space for the applicants additional information. When we made a successful Visitor visa application, we included an extra page of additional information for my gf. (applicant)

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Thanks for the replies. I perhaps should have made it clearer but I've made an index for the supported documents as there's around 50 pages to cover the last 7 years of our relationship. In the index I've used sponsor/applicant but in my sponsor's letter for the ECO I've used more personal terms ie fiancee. I didn't realise that the supporting documents had to be submitted online as well. Last time I thought the form was completed online but the supporting documents were taken to VFS. I may be wrong, mind.

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Thanks for the replies. I perhaps should have made it clearer but I've made an index for the supported documents as there's around 50 pages to cover the last 7 years of our relationship. In the index I've used sponsor/applicant but in my sponsor's letter for the ECO I've used more personal terms ie fiancee. I didn't realise that the supporting documents had to be submitted online as well. Last time I thought the form was completed online but the supporting documents were taken to VFS. I may be wrong, mind.

Your application will be made as last time, the form is completed on line and the supporting documentation is taken to the VFS at the time of your appointment.

What I was pointing out is, that it can be useful to use the "additional information" section of the application form to expand the answers to some of the questions on the form. They allow you quite limited space, but you can always include an expanded version with your submission.

I would suggest that you supply the supporting documentation in two separate files; one for applicant, and one for sponsor; each with its own index at the front so the ECO can see at a glance what you have included. There are so many stories of ECO's "missing" vital information.

I would also suggest that you include a set of photo-copies of important documents that you submit, for retention by the UKBA should they so wish. If you don't, they may retain the original (which you may require for a future application).

I hope this helps.

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Back again,

On filling in the application, if a visa has been refused in the past but then the decision was overturned, does this count as a refusal? I think it does but would just like to check that.

In my opinion, if the visa was issued, it cannot count as a refusal. It is analogous to being found guilty at trial but being found innocent on appeal.

I'm sure the lawyer members will give definitive advice.

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Back again,

On filling in the application, if a visa has been refused in the past but then the decision was overturned, does this count as a refusal? I think it does but would just like to check that.

In my opinion, if the visa was issued, it cannot count as a refusal. It is analogous to being found guilty at trial but being found innocent on appeal.

I'm sure the lawyer members will give definitive advice.

The answer is yes, it was a refusal. You can explain that it was overturned in your supporting letter. Also, the Embassy already has a record of the decision being overturned, so you don't have to go into a long explanation - just answer yes in the appropriate place, with a short explanation.

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Thanks for confirming that, I'll put the appeal no. in the explanation. My last (i think..) query is about the question "do you intend to work..." For a fiancee visa I am assuming the answer should be "no" and not "yes- when i have received a marriage visa", would that be correct?

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Thanks for the advice Visasplus, just about got everything together now. Will get an up to date P60 for the last tax year then should be set. My fiancee seems to think that I have to fill in a Sponsorship decleration form online. I hfound one somewhere on the UKBA for printing off and signing but I didn't think this was necessary for a fiancee visa or am i wrong?

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