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Bomb Rocks Hat Yai Hotel, Over 200 People Trapped


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Sad but true. The only way this is going to be resolved is if Muslims or ethnic Malays (whichever term you like to use) are segregated from buddhists (Esan imports I have heard mostly). The vicious cycle has started and it will not end. Irrelevant who started it but some would say it started of with the Thai government killing innocent Muslims - hundreds of them. But the fact is there are two sides killing each other and it won't ever stop - 5,000 dead, 10,000 coming soon. Muslims won't kill Muslims and Budhists won't kill Budhists unless they are seen as collaborators. Clearly the melting pot is not working. And remember the buddhists were sent to the far South to dilute the Malay population like the Chinese are sent to Tibet to dilute the Tibetan culture. Perhaps it is time the buddhists went back to Esan in the name of peace even though of course many were born here now. The Muslims say every Muslim is my brother or sister like Christians. The buddhists say everyone else is below or above me regarding re-incarnation. The Muslims or Malays, whatever you call them, are incompatible with the Buddhists. The Thai government should swallow their pride and send the Buddhists back and admit the dilution problem was wrong. I am agnostic but I am a realist and I want peace. I hope the Chinese will do the same with Tibet. What kicked this off it seems was the 4 innocents coming home from prayers killed by soldiers which spiked the killed in February to 39. It is a no brainer - segregation. Again, the melting pot is not working.

Are you saying all countries that have Muslims give up part of their country for peace.?

Do you really think that will work?

Maybe all countries unite to get rid of Muslims in the name of peace?

Stalin and Mao and Hitler killed many in the name of Peace did you get your idea from them?

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I'm surprised at the number of farangs posting who are in Hat Yai. Well I guess some could be Chinese or other Asians or even Thais for that matter. But I did see a number of farangs in the video clips posted. Last time I was there visiting family I spent about 22 days in Hat Yai. In 22 days I may have seen a total of 6 farangs the entire time I was there. People often stared at me as though they had never seen a farang before. On day trips to Songkhla I might have seen 2 in an entire day, while on overnight trips to Pattani, I was always the only farang. Are there some new foreign corporations/job opportunities for foreigners in the region or something? Just curious as to the change in demographics of the region since I was there last in 2008-2009.

Those that are on-site contributing are doing an excellent job. Thanks for your efforts; all of you.

Hat Yai is a Visa running destination for a lot of Farangs (and some Thais) installed in Malaysia.

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And If it was a bomb from moslem insurgents the silence of condemnation from their religious comminity will be deafening

The "silence" is due, in big part, to the lack of coverage of those who condemn the bombings. "Islam versus the West" is big business. News is big business.

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Sad but true. The only way this is going to be resolved is if Muslims or ethnic Malays (whichever term you like to use) are segregated from buddhists (Esan imports I have heard mostly). The vicious cycle has started and it will not end. Irrelevant who started it but some would say it started of with the Thai government killing innocent Muslims - hundreds of them. But the fact is there are two sides killing each other and it won't ever stop - 5,000 dead, 10,000 coming soon. Muslims won't kill Muslims and Budhists won't kill Budhists unless they are seen as collaborators. Clearly the melting pot is not working. And remember the buddhists were sent to the far South to dilute the Malay population like the Chinese are sent to Tibet to dilute the Tibetan culture. Perhaps it is time the buddhists went back to Esan in the name of peace even though of course many were born here now. The Muslims say every Muslim is my brother or sister like Christians. The buddhists say everyone else is below or above me regarding re-incarnation. The Muslims or Malays, whatever you call them, are incompatible with the Buddhists. The Thai government should swallow their pride and send the Buddhists back and admit the dilution problem was wrong. I am agnostic but I am a realist and I want peace. I hope the Chinese will do the same with Tibet. What kicked this off it seems was the 4 innocents coming home from prayers killed by soldiers which spiked the killed in February to 39. It is a no brainer - segregation. Again, the melting pot is not working.

Are you saying all countries that have Muslims give up part of their country for peace.?

Do you really think that will work?

Maybe all countries unite to get rid of Muslims in the name of peace?

Stalin and Mao and Hitler killed many in the name of Peace did you get your idea from them?

The issue is not muslim people, The issue is the policy which has been implemented in the three ex sultanates which were autonomous until the 70's.

I will compare the situation with the Spanish issue in the "Basque" region and the ETA insurgency. The decision to centralise is at the root, nowadays to defuse it is a lot more complex....

Extract of Wikipedia:

"Patani is historically similar to sultanates such as Singgora (Songkhla), Ligor (Nakhon Si Thammarat), and Lingga (near Surat Thani): Patani was a semi-independent Malay sultanate paying tribute to the Siamese kingdoms of Sukhothai and Ayutthaya. After Ayutthaya fell to the Burmese in 1767, the Sultanate of Patani gained full independence, but under King Rama I, it again came under Siam's control.

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We should not be trapped; to bring the issue under the religious thema is exactly what want the insurgency because it enlarges their base.

Area like Satun are mostly muslim but also belongs to Thailand without any discussion. Satun is a quiet area. Those who brings the discussion on the religious affair chapter are helping the terrorists.

The three sultanates issue is a centralised policy: the traditional Sultanate Hierarchy has been deprived from power and replaced by a Thai centralised administration: this is the root.

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