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Long Period Water Fasting.


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Anyone ever did a long period water fasting, lets say 30 days? I been reading afew articles and it seems that I had pretty much been misinformed about starvation mode, lower metabolism during fasting, eating 6 meals increase metabolism etc etc

Anyone care to share about if 30 days water fasting would be any beneficial in both health and weight loss if its done in a proper way?

I will be starting this week, aiming to lose some weights, lower down my bp and at the same time quite smoking. I read there are some cases where smokers just don't have any urge anymore, since fasting sort of detox toxins including nicotine addiction or i suppose so

Will keep this thread updated on my journey, will be aiming something more realistic, one day fast, if its fine will be trying out a three day one.

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30 days water fasting??? You mean WATER ONLY???

Well, you definitely loose weight....

You definitely endanger your health (you'll be missing every vitamin etc etc.)

You might end up very dead...

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30 days water fasting??? You mean WATER ONLY???

Well, you definitely loose weight....

You definitely endanger your health (you'll be missing every vitamin etc etc.)

You might end up very dead...

thats what i thought, but it seems not to be the case from what i read. obviously one should not just jump start at it. not too sure if its alright to post links but just google 30 days fast, 90 days juice fast, plentiful of hits

handful of youtubers who posted videos of their journeys. apparently its some form of detox and its primarily focusing for health benefits rather weight loss

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It puts your body under enormous stress. Not healthy. If you are young and with no underlying chronic health issues, you'll probably withstand it OK but it's hardly good for you. If you are older and/or have any underlying health conditions it could be quite dangerous.

It doesn't "detox" anything, it just kicks into motion the various physiological mechanisms evolution has equipped us with the survive starvation.

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C'mon, if we look at a mirror and look ourselves square in the eye, we all KNOW the only healthy way to really lose that weight is diet and exercise. Buy a bike, or walk, swim in the ocean, there are plenty of inexpensive choices.There is a free web site www.livestrong.com that is sponsored by Lance Armstrong and it helps you count your daily calories, both what you eat and what you burn. These quick fix ideas are never healthy, are often dangerous, and won't work in the long run to keep the weight off.

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Really really bad for your glands and organs including your brain. You won't notice damage right away but as you get older you will have problems you may have been able to avoid.

Some of us were meant to be thick and stocky and others long and lean. It's all about genetics. You are what you are.

If you have too much fat, then the solution is simple physics logic.

If your intake exceeds your output, you will gain fat.

If your output exceeds your intake you will loose fat.

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These quick fix ideas are never healthy, are often dangerous, and won't work in the long run to keep the weight off.

Not eating for 30 days will not be quick - it will seem like forever.

It's amazing what people will do to avoid regular exercise and a good diet.

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I tried this once in my early 30s. I must have been more crazy then! Partly to lose weight partly because I had read some spiritually oriented books about the experience of fasting. It was an amazing experience and I don't think I did any permanent damage, but I still wouldn't really recommend it. Your tongue gets coated, you go through real and profound physical changes, after a number of days you no longer really feel hunger for food. OK, lets face it, you are dying. There may be more dreams about food than sex and yes for me it was a meaningful spiritual experience on issues about what we REALLY need in life. But it's an illusion. We need food! I can't imagine doing it while holding down a job but in the earlier days of it I was biking around town, but then I felt I was feeling too dizzy to do that safely.

As far as weight loss, it's a really dumb idea. Yes you lose lots but the need time you eat one cookie, you'll gain 5 pounds!

Also, if this wasn't clear. I don't regret doing it at all because it was so memorable. Kind of like an unpleasant travel experience, it makes for good memories.

Fasting of course is part of a lot of religious traditions. But the kind of limited fasting where you never get to the point where you no longer feel hunger couldn't possibly get you to the place I went with the longer fast.

I reckon anyone trying this would learn about how you need to ease your way back into solid foods after breaking the fast ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I tried losing weight by drinking sugarless soyabean milk to fill me up. I was eating mostly vegetables, no rice or bread. After 4 months I was feeling fine and noticed I had reached my goal. Thereafter I maintained my weight with exercise and less food.

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This sounds like the easiest way to crash your metabolism then once your off this fast gain back tons of weight. The amount of muscle mass you would lose would suck and in general its a horrible idea.

GL update us if you do it, wanna see what starts to fall apart on you.

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People seem to think that the human body needs to be fixed or reset or cleansed. Your body is extremely efficient at keeping you running, most of the time that liver cleanse or colon cleanse is going to be just a wallet cleanse. If your willing to pay for placebo effect (which is real and can be beneficial) then go ahead.

But to think hey, ya know what my body needs to work better? To not take in any fuel.

Car is getting a little slow/broken, better not give it gas or change its oil for a month that ought to do it... madness.

Figure out how many calories you need to live, tons of calculators out there and if you post what your stats are a general goal can be assessed. Once you know that just eat 500calories less, boom thats 1lb one week guaranteed.

No magic, no pill, no special diets, no running 100 miles backwards with a bead behind your ear. Over complicating your body.

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Once you know that just eat 500calories less, boom thats 1lb one week guaranteed.

I guarantee it won't work like this. You'll lose weight, but it won't be a precise amount. Your body will soon adjust to the calorie deficit and will start maintaining itself at the deficit by slowing down the metabolism to compensate. As you said "Your body is extremely efficient at keeping you running". Worse still - when you get back to your usual calorie consumption (which 99% of dieters do) - you'll end up fatter than before you started to diet.

You need to exercise. If you don't, you'll put the 1lb and more straight back on as soon as you eat a bit more - literally overnight. If you exercise a lot, you won't.

It's very important you lose weight slowly by a combination of SLIGHT calorie restriction and exercise so you that you can easily maintain the new bodyweight when you've reached your goal. This method is too slow and too much like hard work for most people so they're looking for quick fixes which are doomed to failure.

Edited by tropo
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No it wont be a lb a week for months on end but that's because you are losing fat and some muscle that is needed to burn these calories. But that is a slow change, 50 over 2 weeks generally does it, or you can just add/up your cardio a bit. 1lb is keeping it very safe and slow and also generally not a massive change to peoples everyday routine.

If you want to go quicker that's always possible, but the biggest problem is see constantly is people restricting to much, you cant fulfill cravings and then end up binging.

I can say from personal experience I started at about 325-335lbs (you get to a size where you say fuc_k it and stop weighing yourself as we all know) and am currently about 190, currently cutting to fully see abs. I did the first 80lbs on a 600 calorie diet, did that for 1 month dropping nearly a lb a DAY. Ate 1 mini water melon and 2 apples a day so pretty much zero protein. By the end of the month I was sick, nearly 40lbs lighter, but my god did i lose a MASSIVE amount of muscle mass. Looking back it was one of the stupidest things ive ever done, even worse then gaining all that fat. Takes a very long time to build muscle but its very very fast to lose.

I only post in threads like this to urge people to not be the absolute moron that I was, it WILL wreak havoc on your body.

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No it wont be a lb a week for months on end but that's because you are losing fat and some muscle that is needed to burn these calories. But that is a slow change, 50 over 2 weeks generally does it, or you can just add/up your cardio a bit. 1lb is keeping it very safe and slow and also generally not a massive change to peoples everyday routine.

If you want to go quicker that's always possible, but the biggest problem is see constantly is people restricting to much, you cant fulfill cravings and then end up binging.

I can say from personal experience I started at about 325-335lbs (you get to a size where you say fuc_k it and stop weighing yourself as we all know) and am currently about 190, currently cutting to fully see abs. I did the first 80lbs on a 600 calorie diet, did that for 1 month dropping nearly a lb a DAY. Ate 1 mini water melon and 2 apples a day so pretty much zero protein. By the end of the month I was sick, nearly 40lbs lighter, but my god did i lose a MASSIVE amount of muscle mass. Looking back it was one of the stupidest things ive ever done, even worse then gaining all that fat. Takes a very long time to build muscle but its very very fast to lose.

I only post in threads like this to urge people to not be the absolute moron that I was, it WILL wreak havoc on your body.

I'm very impressed with what you achieved, and bow to your experience on moving tons of lard.

I suppose when you carry that amount of excess fat, losing a pound or kilogram of fat per month would not feel like progress at all - you can worry about all the exercise and muscle once you've lost the first 50 - 100lbs.

Now I understand how you became a whey protein connoisseur.

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If your putting on 2kg per 6months of solid muscle your working with some great genetics or have some "assistance". And i 100% agree tropo 1-2lbs a week will feel like a crawl but when your done you will look so much better, I would easily would have looked ripped at 200-210 now 180s is going to be that range for now.

I just hope all these recent juicing diet and water fasting and new bead diets are short lived and people get on a real life changing program, because nothing less then that will show real changes.

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I don't gain 2kg per month for 6 straight months.. like you said that is real hard to do. With assistance other things are possible and everyone has to decide that for themselves if its worth it.

Right now im just loosing weight not sure i will ever strive to gain a lot of extra muscle. I think im big enough, but that might chance if i ever get ripped.

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I think im big enough, but that might chance if i ever get ripped.

Come on Rob, change to that "when you get ripped".

Sorry, typo. I meant: change that to....."when you get ripped".

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I think im big enough, but that might chance if i ever get ripped.

Come on Rob, change to that "when you get ripped".

I know possitive thinking, so far i have never made it to that point. But i must say things are looking up. Good diet, good exercise and plenty of time. So I will see.

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