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Why A Thai Passboard Never Show The Day Of Birth?

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Can someone explain me, why a Thai passboard also a new one, never show the day number of birth?

When my Thai girlfriend come to Europe , the Imigration. At boarder always ask she we passboard not show day of born every passboard must have this information inside!,the Imigration in Europe says!

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I have run into some Thais who didn't have a birth date -- only a year -- on their official documents. Usually, though, they are older (60+) and from rural areas where official birth documentation may have been unavailable or lost at that time.


my MiL is such a person she only has a Year (as DoB) on her Thai Identity Card. She doesn't have a Passport so can't comment on that.

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My wife's Thai passport is due renewal the later half of 2012 but it only lists the year of birth also...under the day and month headings there are just X's. No where else on the passport is the day or month of birth listed. If I remember right all of her previous passports were like that also, but the full date of birth (day, month, and year) was also put on the applications and was on supporting documents. Heck, at the last renewal it was done in person while in the States at the Thai Consulate in L.A. Some Thai passports just don't have the day and month entered, although the information was on the applications forms....as mentioned, my wife's passport is approaching the 5 year renewal point so maybe the rules have changed and the new one will include a day and month...we'll find out later in the year when she renew's here in Bangkok. Always remember, This Is Thailand when it comes to documentation standardization.

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Have my wifes passports in front of me back to 1984 and all have full day, month, year (handwritten in the 1984 passport). It could be if a birth certificate could not be supplied only the year, as on ID card, might be entered for your wife? Or does her ID card have full date?

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Well, let me update my previous post based on lopburi's post. From looking at her Thai ID (and Thai drivers license) it does not have a day or month...only the year. I then looked at the translated to English Thai birth certificate from our getting-married days way back and it only has the year also. So, I guess the answer is the original Thai birth certificate had the year of birth only....that was under 60 years ago in a province bordering Bangkok. But when traveling on her Thai passport back and forth between Thailand and the U.S. for many years it has never been an issue; even when she only had the one Thai passport....now as a dual citizen she has Thai and U.S. passports and uses the U.S. passport to enter/exit the U.S. and the Thai passport to enter/exit Thailand. The U.S. passport has the day/month/year of birth...probably because during the getting-married part way back and doing the related U.S. required paperwork at some early point a day and month was attached to her year of birth...like her first military dependent ID card which had the full date.

Edited by Pib
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Exact time and date keeping has been a product of 9/11 and the lovely TSA.

I remember about 15 years ago talking to my wife's grandfather who was reputed to be 115 years old and born 5 years after King Chulalongkorn. He could remember many real fascinating facts of the Chula era.

When I pushed him for his birth day and year he sad he was born around rice harvest time in the year of the Rabbit. Can you imagine putting that in your passport? How would the TSA react?

Precise dates and land borders are a product of the bad old 20th century!

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