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I hope you get some replies. I have followed the lives of some fellow Thailand bloggers who have moved on for various reasons but they tend not to wax lyrical on all things Thai after the bloom is off their love affair with Thailand.

My general impression is, not everyone is well suited to being an expat and though they may have a list of external reasons for why they move on, the foundations of their decision are more internal and personal.


I left Thailand the first time because I needed to pursue career opportunities that were only available to me back in th UK. The lack of career/life progression and lack of money whilst I was here led to me becoming increasinly peed off with anyone and everything. The drinking culture of the circles I tended to move in didn't help things either.

I'd even go as far as saying I needed to go home.

Things are much better this time, my circumstances are radically different, although admittedly, it is still very early days.

  • Like 1

I am not ready to commit either my family or myself to ex pat life in Thailand as yet.

I have lived in the kingdom for a few years and I loved it too much but employment prospects, pensions, super, education etc have to be thought of before taking the plunge on a permanent level.

I am loving life as an ex pat in Australia, but also am kept busy working in SE Asia, so I guess I have the best of both worlds.

My Dad on the other hand is more than satisfied with his life in Thailand where he has been for many years and has no plans to move on.

@ Berkshire, its not a question of "not cutting it" its a matter of personal choices and doing what is right for you at a certain time of your life!!

  • Like 2

Pensions are my biggest worry, but working until I am 67 or 68 in the UK, for what in 30 years time will be likely cut to a complete pittance, i'll take my chances here.


This has the makings of (yet another) Thai bashing thread. Perhaps the OP needs reaffirmation that he's not the only one who couldn't cut it...eh, was fed up with all that's wrong with Thailand. I suspect that there may be a few disgruntled expats who would love to come on here and reinforce to themselves that they made the right decision in leaving Thailand, and to remind those of us who stayed that we're schmucks. I do hope that they will share with us the Utopia that they have found....although I always wonder why these guys are still interested in Thailand even after they've left.

Funny thing is when I left the USA, I don't recall going on some USA-centric website to announce that I was leaving and giving a litany of reasons why. I knew I forgot something!

At least some of us who dislike so many aspects of Thailand dont just complain about it whilst living here, we leave or are leaving, Action speaks louder than words

You've been leaving for months now?!?!


I am not ready to commit either my family or myself to ex pat life in Thailand as yet.

I have lived in the kingdom for a few years and I loved it too much but employment prospects, pensions, super, education etc have to be thought of before taking the plunge on a permanent level.

I am loving life as an ex pat in Australia, but also am kept busy working in SE Asia, so I guess I have the best of both worlds.

My  Dad on the other hand is more than satisfied with his life in Thailand where he has been for many years and has no plans to move on.

@ Berkshire, its not a question of "not cutting it" its a matter of personal choices and doing what is right for you at a certain time of your life!!

You're reasoning is very similar to my own. I have lived and worked in several different countries. All of them had good and bad.

I am not much of a drinker, and this seems to be a major part of the expat culture here. A big reason for myself not staying here long term is also the failed attempt at making any decent "trustworthy" friends. In my early days I had made several friends, but all of them turned out to be very dishonest, or just had delusions of grandeur (lying about who they were, etc.).

I have been "almost" conned more times in a year, than I have in my entire life (by Thai and Farang alike). Looking over your shoulder all the time and not being able to trust people much gets tiring.........

  • Like 2

Pensions are my biggest worry, but working until I am 67 or 68 in the UK, for what in 30 years time will be likely cut to a complete pittance, i'll take my chances here.

I don't think anyone in the U.K could seriously be thinking of living off a state pension when they retire say in 20/25 years time, i'm not anyway, instead I am trying to squirel away as much as I can in savings from salary and performance related bonuses from my work, I am lucky to be in a business that is global....I just pray theres no global meltdown.


I have commented on this subject before I lived in Pattaya and worked in the property business for the best part of 8 excellent years that turned sour towards the end, reasons being....

I opened a business with the wrong person, someone who wasn't prepared to put any hard work in himself, had a champagne lifestyle and lemonade money(and liked to dip into peoples money he was entrusted with)in the space of 2 years he went from living in a studio apartment to driving a porsche cayenne worth 7 million thb and amazingly lived pretty much rent free in peoples properties he had either promised to sell or rent, he then got sick and left me to run the business all the while he and his girl both drew salaries from the company account and paid off their car finances, basically there was no puttting back into the business just taking out.

also, he was very much into the brown nosing of thai police and the like who thought he was a rich man with his car so liked to be seen with him perhaps with the thought that they could get money from him at some point(little did they know that the car was on finance and the down payment was out of money entrusted to him from soemone who worked in the oil business and very rarely came to pattaya, when he did I was expected to deal with him and say this character was too ill to see anyone)

eventually he wanted me to sign over some land I had power of attorney for that I was selling for at that time a family friend, even if it wasn't a family friend I wouldn't do it so my fate in pattaya was omnimus....

I told him I was resigning and taking a break from Pattaya to size up my future plans and that I would be back to sort things out when I was ready, if you can imagine running a business on your own for the best part of a year I think I was pretty much close to some kind of breakdown....

I arrived back in Pattaya after 3 weeks back in the U.K with my family to finalise the sale of my house, that went through and then I was ready to face this person and tell him it was definetly over between us business wise.

I didn't get the chance to do that unfortunately as whilst I was away he had contacted the police and hatched a plan with some media cretin who is still there today to blackmail me for all I was worth, they issued a warrant on me for some trumped up charges that I had stolen from the company, I was awoken at my friends condo that I was staying at early in the morning and raided by the police like I was some villain on the run and whilst they detained me they were getting together all my bank books/chanote for some land I owed and seized my passport, luckily for me I was not alone in that apartment and my father had travelled back with me otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to contact my lawyer and deal with this mess...

I got to the station on soi 9 and was met by a swiss character who claimed to be a lawyer who could sort out my problems....all I needed to do was sign over my land I owned to my former business partner, wasn't going to happen, then former business partner shows up and thinks he can get all aggressive with me and threaten me....luckily for me the police officer in charge who had been paid to detain me and saw another side to this 'supposed victim' of my crimes and was not impressed with his act of intimidation and had what I can only describe as some kind of mercy towards me and told him to leave, if he hit me then I was certain to retaliate so best off no altercation happened...my lawyer then showed up, came in and scooped all my documents up that were laid out on the table told them to charge me or drop it there and then, they charged me and I was slung in the cell whilst my lawyer arranged a deal to get me out, cost me 90k thb bail to get out that day so everyone in the police must have had a nice party on that and my lawyer also took his share I would say...still I was now out buy minus a passport as I was told they were preparing the case to go to court and held my passport so I would not dissapear.

I was fortunate to have many friends that stood by me and even some that went to soi 9 and gave character witness statements saying this was all B.S and they were prepared to stand in court on my behalf, some thai some farang all legit business people.

After 6 weeks and several attempts to get the boys in soi9 to tell me if they were going to charge me I one day walked into the station, sat and waited for the arresting officer for a couple of hours who took me into his office and gave me my passport back...my visa had expired and I was now on overstay, I went straight to immigration, showed them my arrest letter and gave them my passport, paid the overstay fine and got 10 day extension, fair play to the man at the immigration he told me to put the letter away and sorted me out there and then.

I won't bore you anymore but that was 6 years ago, yes I have returned to Thailand since...even Pattaya a few times...it was difficult coming back home to the UK and took me a couple of years to get into a decent job and sort myself out which I am now...

I wouldn't change a thing to be quite honest looking back...would have changed lots at the time it was all happening.

Moral of the story...be careful who you get into business with anywhere in the world and be prepared for people who have nothing and never wanted to put any hard work in to go to any lengths to take your things!

Last I heard that he was in a wheelchair....but he was probably on some kind of con!!!

O yes , If you go into business with a Thai you are asking for BIG trouble and if he/she has thai police connections.. well need I say more

  • Like 2

I have commented on this subject before I lived in Pattaya and worked in the property business for the best part of 8 excellent years that turned sour towards the end, reasons being....

I opened a business with the wrong person, someone who wasn't prepared to put any hard work in himself, had a champagne lifestyle and lemonade money(and liked to dip into peoples money he was entrusted with)in the space of 2 years he went from living in a studio apartment to driving a porsche cayenne worth 7 million thb and amazingly lived pretty much rent free in peoples properties he had either promised to sell or rent, he then got sick and left me to run the business all the while he and his girl both drew salaries from the company account and paid off their car finances, basically there was no puttting back into the business just taking out.

also, he was very much into the brown nosing of thai police and the like who thought he was a rich man with his car so liked to be seen with him perhaps with the thought that they could get money from him at some point(little did they know that the car was on finance and the down payment was out of money entrusted to him from soemone who worked in the oil business and very rarely came to pattaya, when he did I was expected to deal with him and say this character was too ill to see anyone)

eventually he wanted me to sign over some land I had power of attorney for that I was selling for at that time a family friend, even if it wasn't a family friend I wouldn't do it so my fate in pattaya was omnimus....

I told him I was resigning and taking a break from Pattaya to size up my future plans and that I would be back to sort things out when I was ready, if you can imagine running a business on your own for the best part of a year I think I was pretty much close to some kind of breakdown....

I arrived back in Pattaya after 3 weeks back in the U.K with my family to finalise the sale of my house, that went through and then I was ready to face this person and tell him it was definetly over between us business wise.

I didn't get the chance to do that unfortunately as whilst I was away he had contacted the police and hatched a plan with some media cretin who is still there today to blackmail me for all I was worth, they issued a warrant on me for some trumped up charges that I had stolen from the company, I was awoken at my friends condo that I was staying at early in the morning and raided by the police like I was some villain on the run and whilst they detained me they were getting together all my bank books/chanote for some land I owed and seized my passport, luckily for me I was not alone in that apartment and my father had travelled back with me otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to contact my lawyer and deal with this mess...

I got to the station on soi 9 and was met by a swiss character who claimed to be a lawyer who could sort out my problems....all I needed to do was sign over my land I owned to my former business partner, wasn't going to happen, then former business partner shows up and thinks he can get all aggressive with me and threaten me....luckily for me the police officer in charge who had been paid to detain me and saw another side to this 'supposed victim' of my crimes and was not impressed with his act of intimidation and had what I can only describe as some kind of mercy towards me and told him to leave, if he hit me then I was certain to retaliate so best off no altercation happened...my lawyer then showed up, came in and scooped all my documents up that were laid out on the table told them to charge me or drop it there and then, they charged me and I was slung in the cell whilst my lawyer arranged a deal to get me out, cost me 90k thb bail to get out that day so everyone in the police must have had a nice party on that and my lawyer also took his share I would say...still I was now out buy minus a passport as I was told they were preparing the case to go to court and held my passport so I would not dissapear.

I was fortunate to have many friends that stood by me and even some that went to soi 9 and gave character witness statements saying this was all B.S and they were prepared to stand in court on my behalf, some thai some farang all legit business people.

After 6 weeks and several attempts to get the boys in soi9 to tell me if they were going to charge me I one day walked into the station, sat and waited for the arresting officer for a couple of hours who took me into his office and gave me my passport back...my visa had expired and I was now on overstay, I went straight to immigration, showed them my arrest letter and gave them my passport, paid the overstay fine and got 10 day extension, fair play to the man at the immigration he told me to put the letter away and sorted me out there and then.

I won't bore you anymore but that was 6 years ago, yes I have returned to Thailand since...even Pattaya a few times...it was difficult coming back home to the UK and took me a couple of years to get into a decent job and sort myself out which I am now...

I wouldn't change a thing to be quite honest looking back...would have changed lots at the time it was all happening.

Moral of the story...be careful who you get into business with anywhere in the world and be prepared for people who have nothing and never wanted to put any hard work in to go to any lengths to take your things!

Last I heard that he was in a wheelchair....but he was probably on some kind of con!!!

O yes , If you go into business with a Thai you are asking for BIG trouble and if he/she has thai police connections.. well need I say more

Oh no my friend...he was Australian!

This has the makings of (yet another) Thai bashing thread. Perhaps the OP needs reaffirmation that he's not the only one who couldn't cut it...eh, was fed up with all that's wrong with Thailand. I suspect that there may be a few disgruntled expats who would love to come on here and reinforce to themselves that they made the right decision in leaving Thailand, and to remind those of us who stayed that we're schmucks. I do hope that they will share with us the Utopia that they have found....although I always wonder why these guys are still interested in Thailand even after they've left.

Funny thing is when I left the USA, I don't recall going on some USA-centric website to announce that I was leaving and giving a litany of reasons why. I knew I forgot something!

At least some of us who dislike so many aspects of Thailand dont just complain about it whilst living here, we leave or are leaving, Action speaks louder than words

You've been leaving for months now?!?!

no not true never set a date, actually 23rd April depart, You are monitoring my posts but I can understand why they are so informative and enlightening about LoS


I have commented on this subject before I lived in Pattaya and worked in the property business for the best part of 8 excellent years that turned sour towards the end, reasons being....

I opened a business with the wrong person, someone who wasn't prepared to put any hard work in himself, had a champagne lifestyle and lemonade money(and liked to dip into peoples money he was entrusted with)in the space of 2 years he went from living in a studio apartment to driving a porsche cayenne worth 7 million thb and amazingly lived pretty much rent free in peoples properties he had either promised to sell or rent, he then got sick and left me to run the business all the while he and his girl both drew salaries from the company account and paid off their car finances, basically there was no puttting back into the business just taking out.

also, he was very much into the brown nosing of thai police and the like who thought he was a rich man with his car so liked to be seen with him perhaps with the thought that they could get money from him at some point(little did they know that the car was on finance and the down payment was out of money entrusted to him from soemone who worked in the oil business and very rarely came to pattaya, when he did I was expected to deal with him and say this character was too ill to see anyone)

eventually he wanted me to sign over some land I had power of attorney for that I was selling for at that time a family friend, even if it wasn't a family friend I wouldn't do it so my fate in pattaya was omnimus....

I told him I was resigning and taking a break from Pattaya to size up my future plans and that I would be back to sort things out when I was ready, if you can imagine running a business on your own for the best part of a year I think I was pretty much close to some kind of breakdown....

I arrived back in Pattaya after 3 weeks back in the U.K with my family to finalise the sale of my house, that went through and then I was ready to face this person and tell him it was definetly over between us business wise.

I didn't get the chance to do that unfortunately as whilst I was away he had contacted the police and hatched a plan with some media cretin who is still there today to blackmail me for all I was worth, they issued a warrant on me for some trumped up charges that I had stolen from the company, I was awoken at my friends condo that I was staying at early in the morning and raided by the police like I was some villain on the run and whilst they detained me they were getting together all my bank books/chanote for some land I owed and seized my passport, luckily for me I was not alone in that apartment and my father had travelled back with me otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to contact my lawyer and deal with this mess...

I got to the station on soi 9 and was met by a swiss character who claimed to be a lawyer who could sort out my problems....all I needed to do was sign over my land I owned to my former business partner, wasn't going to happen, then former business partner shows up and thinks he can get all aggressive with me and threaten me....luckily for me the police officer in charge who had been paid to detain me and saw another side to this 'supposed victim' of my crimes and was not impressed with his act of intimidation and had what I can only describe as some kind of mercy towards me and told him to leave, if he hit me then I was certain to retaliate so best off no altercation happened...my lawyer then showed up, came in and scooped all my documents up that were laid out on the table told them to charge me or drop it there and then, they charged me and I was slung in the cell whilst my lawyer arranged a deal to get me out, cost me 90k thb bail to get out that day so everyone in the police must have had a nice party on that and my lawyer also took his share I would say...still I was now out buy minus a passport as I was told they were preparing the case to go to court and held my passport so I would not dissapear.

I was fortunate to have many friends that stood by me and even some that went to soi 9 and gave character witness statements saying this was all B.S and they were prepared to stand in court on my behalf, some thai some farang all legit business people.

After 6 weeks and several attempts to get the boys in soi9 to tell me if they were going to charge me I one day walked into the station, sat and waited for the arresting officer for a couple of hours who took me into his office and gave me my passport back...my visa had expired and I was now on overstay, I went straight to immigration, showed them my arrest letter and gave them my passport, paid the overstay fine and got 10 day extension, fair play to the man at the immigration he told me to put the letter away and sorted me out there and then.

I won't bore you anymore but that was 6 years ago, yes I have returned to Thailand since...even Pattaya a few times...it was difficult coming back home to the UK and took me a couple of years to get into a decent job and sort myself out which I am now...

I wouldn't change a thing to be quite honest looking back...would have changed lots at the time it was all happening.

Moral of the story...be careful who you get into business with anywhere in the world and be prepared for people who have nothing and never wanted to put any hard work in to go to any lengths to take your things!

Last I heard that he was in a wheelchair....but he was probably on some kind of con!!!

O yes , If you go into business with a Thai you are asking for BIG trouble and if he/she has thai police connections.. well need I say more

Oh no my friend...he was Australian!

Read your own posts. You said you were cheated by "thai and Falang" and the police "hatched a plan " and raided your condo" Thai or Aussie police?


I have commented on this subject before I lived in Pattaya and worked in the property business for the best part of 8 excellent years that turned sour towards the end, reasons being....

I opened a business with the wrong person, someone who wasn't prepared to put any hard work in himself, had a champagne lifestyle and lemonade money(and liked to dip into peoples money he was entrusted with)in the space of 2 years he went from living in a studio apartment to driving a porsche cayenne worth 7 million thb and amazingly lived pretty much rent free in peoples properties he had either promised to sell or rent, he then got sick and left me to run the business all the while he and his girl both drew salaries from the company account and paid off their car finances, basically there was no puttting back into the business just taking out.

also, he was very much into the brown nosing of thai police and the like who  thought he was a rich man with his car so liked to be seen with him perhaps with the thought that they could get money from him at some point(little did they know that the car was on finance and the down payment was out of money entrusted to him from soemone who worked in the oil business and very rarely came to pattaya, when he did I was expected to deal with him and say this character was too ill to see anyone)

eventually he wanted me to sign over some land I had power of attorney for that I was selling for at that time a family friend, even if it wasn't a family friend I wouldn't do it so my fate in pattaya was omnimus....

I told him I was resigning and taking a break from Pattaya to size up my future plans and that I would be back to sort things out when I was ready, if you can imagine running a business on your own for the best part of a year I think I was pretty much close to some kind of breakdown....

I arrived back in Pattaya after 3 weeks back in the U.K with my family to finalise the sale of my house, that went through and then I was ready to face this person and tell him it was definetly over between us business wise.

I didn't get the chance to do that unfortunately as whilst I was away he had contacted the police and hatched a plan with some media cretin who is still there today to blackmail me for all I was worth, they issued a warrant on me for some trumped up charges that I had stolen from the company, I was awoken at my friends condo that I was staying at early in the morning and raided by the police like I was some villain on the run and whilst they detained me they were getting together all my bank books/chanote for some land I owed and seized my passport, luckily for me I was not alone in that apartment and my father had travelled back with me otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to contact my lawyer and deal with this mess...

I got to the station on soi 9 and was met by a swiss character who claimed to be a lawyer who could sort out my problems....all I needed to do was sign over my land I owned to my former business partner, wasn't going to happen, then former business partner shows up and thinks he can get all aggressive with me and threaten me....luckily for me the police officer in charge who had been paid to detain me and saw another side to this 'supposed victim' of my crimes and was not impressed with his act of intimidation and had what I can only describe as some kind of mercy towards me and told him to leave, if he hit me then I was certain to retaliate so best off no altercation happened...my lawyer then showed up, came in and scooped all my documents up that were laid out on the table told them to charge me or drop it there and then, they charged me and I was slung in the cell whilst my lawyer arranged a deal to get me out, cost me 90k thb bail to get out that day so everyone in the police must have had a nice party on that and my lawyer also took his share I would say...still I was now out buy minus a passport as I was told they were preparing the case to go to court and held my passport so I would not dissapear.

I was fortunate to have many friends that stood by me and even some that went to soi 9 and gave character witness statements saying this was all B.S and they were prepared to stand in court on my behalf, some thai some farang all legit business people.

After 6 weeks and several attempts to get the boys in soi9 to tell me if they were going to charge me I one day walked into the station, sat and waited for the arresting officer for a couple of hours who took me into his office and gave me my passport back...my visa had expired and I was now on overstay, I went straight to immigration, showed them my arrest letter and gave them my passport, paid the overstay fine and got 10 day extension, fair play to the man at the immigration he told me to put the letter away and sorted me out there and then.

I won't bore you anymore but that was 6 years ago, yes I have returned to Thailand since...even Pattaya a few times...it was difficult coming back home to the UK and took me a couple of years to get into a decent job and sort myself out which I am now...

I wouldn't change a thing to be quite honest looking back...would have changed lots at the time it was all happening.

Moral of the story...be careful who you get into business with anywhere in the world and be prepared for people who have nothing and never wanted to put any hard work in to go to any lengths to take your things!

Last I heard that he was in a wheelchair....but he was probably on some kind of con!!!

O yes , If you go into  business with a Thai you are asking for BIG trouble and if he/she has thai police connections.. well need I say more

Oh no my friend...he was Australian!

Read your own posts. You said you were cheated by "thai and Falang" and the police "hatched a plan " and raided your condo"  Thai or Aussie police?

Regardless, this story is f*#$ed up! I spent some time in Western Africa, and the level of corruption amongst police there was nowhere near this!


Pensions are my biggest worry, but working until I am 67 or 68 in the UK, for what in 30 years time will be likely cut to a complete pittance, i'll take my chances here.

I don't think anyone in the U.K could seriously be thinking of living off a state pension when they retire say in 20/25 years time, i'm not anyway, instead I am trying to squirel away as much as I can in savings from salary and performance related bonuses from my work, I am lucky to be in a business that is global....I just pray theres no global meltdown.

My pension was a nice public sector final salary one.....except I doubt it'll exist like that in 5 years, let alone 25 years.


I have commented on this subject before I lived in Pattaya and worked in the property business for the best part of 8 excellent years that turned sour towards the end, reasons being....

I opened a business with the wrong person, someone who wasn't prepared to put any hard work in himself, had a champagne lifestyle and lemonade money(and liked to dip into peoples money he was entrusted with)in the space of 2 years he went from living in a studio apartment to driving a porsche cayenne worth 7 million thb and amazingly lived pretty much rent free in peoples properties he had either promised to sell or rent, he then got sick and left me to run the business all the while he and his girl both drew salaries from the company account and paid off their car finances, basically there was no puttting back into the business just taking out.

also, he was very much into the brown nosing of thai police and the like who thought he was a rich man with his car so liked to be seen with him perhaps with the thought that they could get money from him at some point(little did they know that the car was on finance and the down payment was out of money entrusted to him from soemone who worked in the oil business and very rarely came to pattaya, when he did I was expected to deal with him and say this character was too ill to see anyone)

eventually he wanted me to sign over some land I had power of attorney for that I was selling for at that time a family friend, even if it wasn't a family friend I wouldn't do it so my fate in pattaya was omnimus....

I told him I was resigning and taking a break from Pattaya to size up my future plans and that I would be back to sort things out when I was ready, if you can imagine running a business on your own for the best part of a year I think I was pretty much close to some kind of breakdown....

I arrived back in Pattaya after 3 weeks back in the U.K with my family to finalise the sale of my house, that went through and then I was ready to face this person and tell him it was definetly over between us business wise.

I didn't get the chance to do that unfortunately as whilst I was away he had contacted the police and hatched a plan with some media cretin who is still there today to blackmail me for all I was worth, they issued a warrant on me for some trumped up charges that I had stolen from the company, I was awoken at my friends condo that I was staying at early in the morning and raided by the police like I was some villain on the run and whilst they detained me they were getting together all my bank books/chanote for some land I owed and seized my passport, luckily for me I was not alone in that apartment and my father had travelled back with me otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to contact my lawyer and deal with this mess...

I got to the station on soi 9 and was met by a swiss character who claimed to be a lawyer who could sort out my problems....all I needed to do was sign over my land I owned to my former business partner, wasn't going to happen, then former business partner shows up and thinks he can get all aggressive with me and threaten me....luckily for me the police officer in charge who had been paid to detain me and saw another side to this 'supposed victim' of my crimes and was not impressed with his act of intimidation and had what I can only describe as some kind of mercy towards me and told him to leave, if he hit me then I was certain to retaliate so best off no altercation happened...my lawyer then showed up, came in and scooped all my documents up that were laid out on the table told them to charge me or drop it there and then, they charged me and I was slung in the cell whilst my lawyer arranged a deal to get me out, cost me 90k thb bail to get out that day so everyone in the police must have had a nice party on that and my lawyer also took his share I would say...still I was now out buy minus a passport as I was told they were preparing the case to go to court and held my passport so I would not dissapear.

I was fortunate to have many friends that stood by me and even some that went to soi 9 and gave character witness statements saying this was all B.S and they were prepared to stand in court on my behalf, some thai some farang all legit business people.

After 6 weeks and several attempts to get the boys in soi9 to tell me if they were going to charge me I one day walked into the station, sat and waited for the arresting officer for a couple of hours who took me into his office and gave me my passport back...my visa had expired and I was now on overstay, I went straight to immigration, showed them my arrest letter and gave them my passport, paid the overstay fine and got 10 day extension, fair play to the man at the immigration he told me to put the letter away and sorted me out there and then.

I won't bore you anymore but that was 6 years ago, yes I have returned to Thailand since...even Pattaya a few times...it was difficult coming back home to the UK and took me a couple of years to get into a decent job and sort myself out which I am now...

I wouldn't change a thing to be quite honest looking back...would have changed lots at the time it was all happening.

Moral of the story...be careful who you get into business with anywhere in the world and be prepared for people who have nothing and never wanted to put any hard work in to go to any lengths to take your things!

Last I heard that he was in a wheelchair....but he was probably on some kind of con!!!

O yes , If you go into business with a Thai you are asking for BIG trouble and if he/she has thai police connections.. well need I say more

Oh no my friend...he was Australian!

Read your own posts. You said you were cheated by "thai and Falang" and the police "hatched a plan " and raided your condo" Thai or Aussie police?

I went into business with an Australian who brown nosed Thai police, hatched a plan with a danish media mogul in Pattaya who has strong police connections to blackmail me of my property....you said about going into business with thai people which I do not disagree with...hope that clears things up

We moved back to the USA on the assumption that it was the best long term option for our daughter. My Thai wife is very happy with this decision. I must admit as well that it is in our daughter's best interest.

Thailand has many faults but it gets into your heart like a worm in an apple. You will never stop missing it. You will never be whole again.

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This has the makings of (yet another) Thai bashing thread. Perhaps the OP needs reaffirmation that he's not the only one who couldn't cut it...eh, was fed up with all that's wrong with Thailand. I suspect that there may be a few disgruntled expats who would love to come on here and reinforce to themselves that they made the right decision in leaving Thailand, and to remind those of us who stayed that we're schmucks. I do hope that they will share with us the Utopia that they have found....although I always wonder why these guys are still interested in Thailand even after they've left.

Funny thing is when I left the USA, I don't recall going on some USA-centric website to announce that I was leaving and giving a litany of reasons why. I knew I forgot something!

At least some of us who dislike so many aspects of Thailand dont just complain about it whilst living here, we leave or are leaving, Action speaks louder than words

You've been leaving for months now?!?!

no not true never set a date, actually 23rd April depart, You are monitoring my posts but I can understand why they are so informative and enlightening about LoS

I think 'monitoring' your posts is rather overstating the matter by a large factor. I pay more attention to the jing-jok on my kitchen wall - and frankly, he is more interesting. But what makes your posts stand out is your relentless negativity to the point of looking for problems where none exist.


Interesting post, am at the 3 year stage with no thoughts on leaving, the state of the UK right now does aid that thought. I have not sold everything back home, so going back is always an option.

One thing the OP mentioned was attempts at being ripped off by other farangs. Have never had that happen, and I always wonder where do these parasites hang out

As for his list of reasons, did not think they were Thai bashing at all, pretty valid actually, but whenever things get to me, I grab a Singha and tell myself I think too much tongue.png

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O yes , If you go into business with a Thai you are asking for BIG trouble

Well that didn't take long did it...


I left Thailand 7 years ago after living and working in Pattaya and Koh Samui as a dive instructor and Restaurant manager for 6 years prior to that. At the end of my stint in Thailand things were starting to go bad for me as regards to drinking and partying too much. I had a couple of bad accidents on my bike and wrapped my pick up truck round a concrete electric pole. My girlfriend who is now my wife was gonna leave me because of my antics and I can honestly say that if I had stayed in Los I think I'd be pushing up daisies now. When we moved back to the UK things were tough to start with trying to get back on the property ladder and furnishing a house but we got there in the end.

I think I was a immature 35 year old before and was on to a good thing in Los but just couldn't stop the boozing and whoring with mates.

7 years on we're thinking of making the move back, but thinking of moving to Wichinburi in Petchabun.the only things that worry me is that the grass is always greener and after a couple of years I'll get cheesed off and want to move back again.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


My girlfriend who is now my wife was gonna leave me because of my antics and I can honestly say that if I had stayed in Los I think I'd be pushing up daisies now.

I think I was a immature 35 year old before and was on to a good thing in Los but just couldn't stop the boozing and whoring with mates.

Ditto....exactly the same as my story out here, except I was 31 when I left the first time.


This has the makings of (yet another) Thai bashing thread. Perhaps the OP needs reaffirmation that he's not the only one who couldn't cut it...eh, was fed up with all that's wrong with Thailand. I suspect that there may be a few disgruntled expats who would love to come on here and reinforce to themselves that they made the right decision in leaving Thailand, and to remind those of us who stayed that we're schmucks. I do hope that they will share with us the Utopia that they have found....although I always wonder why these guys are still interested in Thailand even after they've left.

Funny thing is when I left the USA, I don't recall going on some USA-centric website to announce that I was leaving and giving a litany of reasons why. I knew I forgot something!

At least some of us who dislike so many aspects of Thailand dont just complain about it whilst living here, we leave or are leaving, Action speaks louder than words

agreed. action in this instance is to be commended.

However, when i leave a party i say goodbye to my friends and colleagues.

I don't stand up on my chair, put a spoon to my wineglass and begin a litany of all the reasons i am choosing to depart. nor do i call for the contributions of other who are thinking of going home too.

its an international flounce of sorts.

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