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PM Yingluck Wants Anti-Graft Measures Strengthened


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PM wants anti-graft measures strengthened

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- At a workshop in Government House yesterday, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra advised all agnecies to come up with a system to prevent corruption in their ranks.

"Agencies should set up a system and assign officers to examine such practices. This could take the form of a 'war room' monitoring corruption under the Justice Ministry's Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission," she said.

The premier explained that graft eradication was one of the government's urgent policies and that all those in charge should closely follow up on anti-corruption measures.

She also asked the meeting to what extent anti-corruption attempts had been implemented, and how many people had lodged complaints about graft so far. She said the process must be transparent and open to examination. Legal amendments could be proposed if necessary.


-- The Nation 2012-04-28

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There is only one way to effectively deal with the graft and corruption inside and out of Thai government: undercover sting operations. They are relatively cheap and extremely effective. Until the Thai government indicates it will and has undertaken such undercover operations, any other initiatives are window-dressing. Or, maybe Thai officials are just that ignorant regarding the use of under-cover operations. There is simply no excuse for corruption to continue so publicly and widely in government.

Further, I don't buy the idea that there aren't enough honest politicians or law enforcement personnel to do it. It would only take a very few committed and honest ones. If you can't find them in Thailand, recruit Thais living and/or studying outside Thailand. Do it....now!

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Yes, they should have an anti graft war room

Yes, they should actually tackle the issue

but this will only be done after the country is

reconciled and the biggest grafter of the all

is given a free pass, pass go, do not go to jail

and collect 200

Then again IMO - it will be same same for generations to come

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Need to start with the police first. Much easier to deal with corruption when you have "relatively" honest police. Otherwise, forget it.

Next step would be to actually prosecute offenders rather than just shuffeling them off to "inactive" posts. If put in jail, and given a BIG fine, corruption would decrease dramatically.

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So the government that allowed people to be paid to vote for them wants to end corruption, lets start with free, incentive payment free elections, then clean house of all the politicians with thier hands in other people's pockets, from every political party, then take a scourer to the law enforcement and immigration agencies, then move down through the various levels of local goverment, then onto the corporations then finally into the populace, of course it may only take a millenium to fully impliment.

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Just more fantasy window dressing by Wonder Woman. Corruption starts from the top and eradication of same corruption would need to start from the same place. Unless the whole Government are going to resign and admit their thievery whilst hanging their heads in shame, how can they ever expect other 'Agencies' to implement any measures to combat further thefts?

As for 'Transparent and open'; since when did any Government in this country employ such honest practices?

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Perhaps D-PM Super-Chalerm could add this to his task-list ? rolleyes.gif

But to be slightly more-serious, yes of course all ministries need to take steps against graft & corruption, one can only wish PM-Yingluck success with her exhortations, and wonder what practical-steps might be implemented, apart from the 'corruption war-room' joke.

Perhaps strengthen the government's internal-audit function, strengthen tax-investigations & the accountancy-profession, and raise penalties to send a signal that it is no-longer socially-acceptable to be corrupt ? (But of course, it still is, isn't it !)

It would also help if the guilty were to be transferred to unpaid inactive-posts, in future. But I won't be holding my breath. cool.png

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She also asked the meeting to what extent anti-corruption attempts had been implemented, and how many people had lodged complaints about graft so far.

The problem with lodging a formal complaint about graft, is that it is either not taken seriously, or it is akin to paining a bulls eye on your back.

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She also asked the meeting to what extent anti-corruption attempts had been implemented, and how many people had lodged complaints about graft so far.

The problem with lodging a formal complaint about graft, is that it is either not taken seriously, or it is akin to paining a bulls eye on your back.

Exactly and we just saw what happened to the whistle blower on the Alpine Golf course.
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"Agencies should set up a system and assign officers to examine such practices. This could take the form of a 'war room' monitoring corruption under the Justice Ministry's Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission," she said.

What exactly is "monitoring corruption" supposed to mean? Corruption isn't monitored, it is investigated and prosecuted, pure and simple.

Corruption in Thailand can not be approached publicly in this way. Because there is so much corruption, public efforts are bound to fail because corrupt officials and employees will undermine any such efforts.

Again, the only real, meaningful, and effective methods will be secret, ie., via undercover sting operations. Any other approaches will waste time and erode public confidence further. Thailand needs a series of high-level, high profile 'perp walks' showing corrupt leaders and politicians....just like it does with those low-level street criminals shown on TV all the time.

Do it now!

Edited by Jawnie
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When the country has demonstrated time and again to having virtually no effective anti graft structure, how in gawds name do you stengthen that which is non existent?

Ok, I follow the thinking/thai logic, we can follow the campaign promise procedure and finalization. I would wager (not much), that most of the poloticans are such cronic liars, that they could not be caught out with a poloygraph, administrated by a honest person.

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The first goal of any anti graft 'war room' should be the arrest and imprisonment of Thaksin Shinawatra. Any war room set up by this bunch will only be to ensure that they are getting their cut of the graft.

Edited by DP25
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A Corruption War Room?


Goes along with her Internet War Room


Her Energy War Room


Her Flood Control War Room


Her Joint Red Shirt/Pheu Thai Censure Debate War Room


hubba hubba

Hub of War Rooms


It´s going to be another ZERO result.blink.pngbah.gif
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Fantastic--just relish the thought. 55555555555 Ha Ha Ha. The corrupt stamping out the corruption, Walking out of your house you are faced with it, within minutes ,a road block and check,police. local administration. Village head man. Hospital, schools, National parks, gambling dens, drugs, Highways, Airports, all the scams that are allowed, University results, and a thousand more. The government officials are some of the main culprits, the FAMILY in power are not without court visits, And it's them who are saying lets clean it all up. PRATS-is this a new version of tall story club ??????

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Yingluck (you little cutie) to have an impact upon graft, corruption, extortion etc you will need to ruthlessly clean out the government first. So, after the house is empty, what then?



I suppose she could try shouting at her fellow politicians 'If you don't stop being naughty boys I'll scream and scream until I'm sick." but I doubt it would work. Maybe she should find out from BB why they became politicians in the first place?

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After the rigorous take-no-prisoners anti-corruption crusade following the Taksin coup that lead to absolutely nowhere it now seems part of the government of the days standard announcement package. Corruption here is from the top to the bottom with many with their snouts in the trough. It isn't going to change, nor realistically has anyone any desire to change it. Corruption cannot exist with government, government (and all its appendages) is the source of all corruption pure and simple, as government benefits the most there is no desire to change the status quo. Look at all the extra benefits the bureaucracy gets here, keep the created Frankenstein monster happy and onside.

In all fairness though does anyone not think the financial industry in the US is now untouchable, spreading the money, and reaping the rewards in billions out of a completely corrupt and collapsing system? Again government is the problem, not the solution. If you can accept that argument then take it a step further, a smaller, simpler government will steal less, while a massive bureaucratic system will steal anything that isn't nailed down, and their thirst for new taxes in insatiable, too many parasitic snouts at the trough.

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Yingluck (you little cutie) to have an impact upon graft, corruption, extortion etc you will need to ruthlessly clean out the government first. So, after the house is empty, what then?

Family, family, family!!!!

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