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Are The Thai Police Getting Worse ?


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I just heard a story from a thai girl who lives in my building .She met a young farang while out drinking with her office friends on

kho san rd last week and they went to sukhumvit soi 20 to some club down there

on the way down/or back they were stopped and searched by the sukhumvit police

the police planted and then "found" a small bag of cannabis in the pocket of the farang , and between the two of them decided he would have to pay 50,000 or 5 years in jail ,that was his only options ......

he protested but it was useless and he was arrested and took the station and thrown in a cell

at the station ,his "cannabis" was photographed and paperwork was prepared for him to be formaly charged

he spoke to the police "boss" to try and protest and they asked him how much he could pay

he was able to get 40,000 from the ATM and in the end they accepted it, had him sign a confession in thai (weird) and released him on bail from the station a day later

at no time was he offered a solicitor ,interpreter ,or even food or water

has this shit happened anyone else ?

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Everytime I hear about some really bad story about the police, it's never by a first hand witness, always someone who heard from a reliable friend ...

Sorry, here I think we have a very poor troll thread and I will give a 3 out of 10.

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Sorry Wana, nothing personal, just my opinion .

i have no interest in being a troll ,il leave that to medium paced bowler and the others ,this forum has turned into a witch hunt ,i havent ever made a troll thread and i have near 2000 posts in the last 5 years

its out of control and IMO you have let the trolls win by starting to suggest every thread is a troll attempt

i only said here what she told me and what would she have to gain from lying about a farang being stitched up the bkk police ?

anyway ,mods,lock the thread plz!

lets get back to discussing dirty old men and exotic hi-so chinese......


I was just trying to lighten up the forum on this Saturday night.

Sorry you take it so personally, I will from now on refrain to comment on your posts.

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I am not doubting our wana`s word because as he said; he only knows what he has been told.

Firstly, we don`t know if the drugs were planted on the guy or not, the assumption that he was stitched up by the police is only hearsay, as is this whole story.

What doesn’t ring true to me is that, if the farang became pwned by the police and he was facing a possible 5 year jail sentence, than the police would have tried to extort a lot more than 40000 baht from the guy in order to get himself off the hook.

If this farang was caught and apprehended carrying drugs, than the under the counter fee for buying his way out of a 5 year prison term was the bargain of a lifetime and the guy should consider himself extremely lucky.

Nothing personal to wana, but I am finding this to be rather a tall story.

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Whether the story told to the OP is true or not, most people who live in Thailand will find it believable, which is a very sad reflection upon the reputation of our police force.

Have to feel sorry for the honest police officers here.

Yes; because there are less than we could count on our fingers !

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It sounds very similar to a story I heard about two weeks ago.

A farang was taking a taxi home and when the taxi stopped at Asoke junction two men ripped the door open and dragged him into a nearby van. They claimed to be plain clothes police and said that they were charging him with illegal possession of drugs. He denied , of course and they produced a plastic bag with drugs and took a photo.

The demand was (I think I remember correctly) 400,000 baht. They took his mobile and called some of the numbers on the phone. They managed to collect 40,000 Baht and released him.

The victim is a "friend of a group of friends" (sorry but it's true).

One of the other guys told me that the affair may be related to some kind of business relationship involving the investment of a large sum of money and that maybe they thought he was carrying a large amount of cash.

The story may not be related to the Op's story as the these guys were probably not real police.

Edited by petedk
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I don't know why anyone would doubt this story. The BIB have been running this scam for as long as Farang have been here. Outside Bus Stations are always a good hit point in the daytime and beware if you are a lone traveler with a backpack. Usually it's around a thousand Baht a shot or go to court etc etc and get duffed up on the way to jail for the night. In the evenings they get easy meat with all the young, and dare I say naive Farang who are likely to get pulled at any time. They can make up any figure they like as they know you will have to pay. If they can get a biggy now and then they don't have to bother any more that week.

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Sorry Wana, nothing personal, just my opinion .

i have no interest in being a troll ,il leave that to medium paced bowler and the others ,this forum has turned into a witch hunt ,i havent ever made a troll thread and i have near 2000 posts in the last 5 years

its out of control and IMO you have let the trolls win by starting to suggest every thread is a troll attempt

i only said here what she told me and what would she have to gain from lying about a farang being stitched up the bkk police ?

anyway ,mods,lock the thread plz!

lets get back to discussing dirty old men and exotic hi-so chinese......


I was just trying to lighten up the forum on this Saturday night.

Sorry you take it so personally, I will from now on refrain to comment on your posts.

its not personal ,i dont take anything i read online personaly ,and especially not this forum of all places rolleyes.gif

i was just answering your troll accusing post with my side of the story and i m not personally injured so

no need to appologise but thanks anyway

please comment as little or as much you see fit ,tis the internet after all ,i am not the owner of it


but it gets kinda retarded when every post is either a troll or someone accusing him of trolling ,in fact ,sometimes the genuine troll posts are more entertaining than the ones complaining about them...how does that work ....ermm.gif

but one troll who is more retarded than the others is this latest reject who pretends english is not his first language and hes attempting to talk like a eastern european or russian and includes HA HA HA in all his sad excuses for posts

if i had the powers of moderation ,that guy would be gone in a flash wai.gif

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I don't know why anyone would doubt this story. The BIB have been running this scam for as long as Farang have been here.

The same thing happened to me a couple of days ago.

I often get stopped by the police because of my dreadlocks and (I guess) because I'm half-Jamaican.

Anyway, this time they planted 12kg of cocaine in my Bob Marley rucksack and demanded a fee of 12 million baht.

I was gonna pay, but then I remembered that my exotic pan-Asian girlfriend's father is a politican. So I called him and luckily he got me off without having to pay.

But yeah -- the local police!!!! All rotten!!!! All corrupt!!!!!!!!

And yeah -- all Thai women are whores!!!!!!!!!!! And all Thais stink!!!!!!!!!

And the only place you get to hear any sense -- and I mean REAL sense -- is here on ThaiVisa.

Peace, brothers. I'm off to listen to some Stones and Led Zep and Lou Reed and King Crimson.

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The victim is a "friend of a group of friends" (sorry but it's true).

These stories are always friend of a friend. They've been going through the farang rumour mill for years. I don't think the OP is trolling, but I don't think this happened to the girl either. Most likely it's a story she heard from a friend or from a farang in Khao San that she changed to include herself. And you know, guys do actually get caught with weed in Khao San Road all the time. There was a poster here recently who admitted to it, most will lie and claim innocence. I have been stopped and searched for drugs about a dozen times (I'm not sure why they single me out but it happens a lot) and never had a problem. Most of my friends have been searched many times as well. I've also seen farang in khao san smoking weed in the street (soi rambutri actually but close enough), and have had strangers come up to me and try to sell to me as well, so there are plenty of targets for the police to go after without fabricating them

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but one troll who is more retarded than the others is this latest reject who pretends english is not his first language and hes attempting to talk like a eastern european or russian and includes HA HA HA in all his sad excuses for posts

if i had the powers of moderation ,that guy would be gone in a flash wai.gif

Oh that idiot needs to "get got" big time. Personally, I'd trace his IP and go round with a baseball bat laugh.png

On the issue of the poor sod in the story, if it actually did happen, I'd assume the police planted it on him in a plastic bag. Obviously it's too late now cos they guy's weighed off the money to make the problem disappear but wouldn't any trial require proof the bag was his by way of fingerprints or is it really a case of a copper's "word" above all else?

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I have related on this forum about a naive Nigerian that was relieved of $5000 by a well known guy that parades himself as a cop, I went to the phayathai police, they said he is not one of them or a fake, fine I said, I am going to also make a report there, and one at the tourist police near banglamphu, and if I run into this guy, armed with these two reports that I will bring him in or get the money from him.

The next day the money was returned shorting about $200, all in Thai baht. He have already been to the money changer.

There are a few bad eggs, but some many members of the Thai police are normal and upright. I was very flamboyant for several years in bkk, my business was an open secret, a lot of cash flow, I never had any experience despite all the warnings that friends gave.

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It sounds very similar to a story I heard about two weeks ago.

A farang was taking a taxi home and when the taxi stopped at Asoke junction two men ripped the door open and dragged him into a nearby van. They claimed to be plain clothes police and said that they were charging him with illegal possession of drugs. He denied , of course and they produced a plastic bag with drugs and took a photo.

The demand was (I think I remember correctly) 400,000 baht. They took his mobile and called some of the numbers on the phone. They managed to collect 40,000 Baht and released him.

The victim is a "friend of a group of friends" (sorry but it's true).

One of the other guys told me that the affair may be related to some kind of business relationship involving the investment of a large sum of money and that maybe they thought he was carrying a large amount of cash.

The story may not be related to the Op's story as the these guys were probably not real police.

I agree, if the story is true, that these guys weren't most probably police

I believe that a number of foreigner believe in these horror stories about the police (I, and everybody I know, was never arrested for an offense we didn't commit) and a few crooks take advantage of this by impersonating police officers and extorting money from gullible foreigners. I also believe that these foreigners are not as "innocent" as they claim to be and they were usually caught in places they shouldn't be or with stuff they shouldn't have.

Edited by JurgenG
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I can verify these stories to be true.

It happened to a very good and reliable friend of mine, only it was much worse. He was walking down soi 11, was stopped by two cops who planted a milligram of cannabis on him, and was arrested. They wanted 100 million baht (sorry, MPB), but he didnt have it so instead he was sentenced to death, executed and only then released.

I met him a day after and he told me the whole thing.

He didnt seem to mind. He just chuckled and said TiT.

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I don't know what to believe. I do believe its possible here and in other countries. But i think the BIB can make enough money from real criminals. I doubt they have to do this. But i won't say its totally impossible because it is something i do worry about sometimes.

I wonder how it would look if you asked to be tested for any kind of drug and came out 100% clean. Would that give you more credibility.

Like others have said it usually happens to a friend of a friend, never the person posting here. Also do remember its better to say something is planted then to admit you were stupid enough to buy it and get caught.

I don't believe Wana is a troll he sounds above board but that does not garantee his story because its not his one but hear say.

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The Thai police are not getting worse because they have always been corrupt and always will be. A police job is a way to get rich, these people have the chance to make big money if they are clever enough.

And as for the shake down thing, its been going on for at least 40-50 years, nothing changes, same old methods, same old demands, but real police doing the planting and extortion racket.

As for the members who disbelieve these stories then you people are plaining living in a fool's paradise, got your head's stuck up your own asses, as there are none so blind as the fool who refuses to see(or even listen).

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