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Are You Happy Saddam Hussein Was Captured?


Are You Happy Saddam Hussein Was Captured?  

33 members have voted

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I think in all fairness membrane, this poll is stacked in its results.

I think everyone didnt like Saddam and yes it is great he is not in power now - but he is only a bonus to the reasons you went in there.

I think we could pick 5 country leaders at the moment who are as bad as Saddam, but you guys are not going after them?

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Never mind, the other pro-terrorist voter should be gentle-dummy. I keep forgetting that after whining and crying about how he was going to quit this forum :o , (because everyone else was so much more clever than him) he came back after a few days. He's quite easy to forget actually! :D

Oh no...is that gentle-dummy whining in the background again? Is that even English that he is speaking? Well close...

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Actually, I don't bother with your posts unless they are about something that I am concerned with. If I did, I would be following you all over the board ridiculing your posts about other subjects.

You have to understand that I was quite relieved during our truce. I actually feel sorry for you, because of your lack of education, until you were foolish enough to come down on me about something.

I watched the posts that you made during that time, and I noticed that although you try to be a gentleman every once in a while, you would often attack people, who hadn't said anything bad about you, but it seemed like you thought that they had -as if you misread their posts.

That's why I know that you are uneducated (or have a screw loose), and get so offended when you accuse other people of it.

That is a fact.

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I think in all fairness membrane, this poll is stacked in its results.

I think everyone didnt like Saddam and yes it is great he is not in power now - but he is only a bonus to the reasons you went in there.

I think we could pick 5 country leaders at the moment who are as bad as Saddam, but you guys are not going after them?

But we ARE going after them. That's if they don't take themselves out of action like Gaddifi did. And it looks like Kim ill is coming around too.

If you can name 3 other country leaders aside from those ######s in Iran - name 'em. :o

Boon Mee

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I think in all fairness membrane, this poll is stacked in its results.

I think everyone didnt like Saddam and yes it is great he is not in power now - but he is only a bonus to the reasons you went in there.

I think we could pick 5 country leaders at the moment who are as bad as Saddam, but you guys are not going after them?

But we ARE going after them. That's if they don't take themselves out of action like Gaddifi did. And it looks like Kim ill is coming around too.

If you can name 3 other country leaders aside from those ######s in Iran - name 'em. :o

Boon Mee

pick an African country - dont be smug with your smiley - just because it isnt on CNN, there are plenty of countries within Africa or South America who are run by military leaders who kill there people for fun - ever been there? Go to Nigeria or Angola and help out, nothing to gain there is there!

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pick an African country - dont be smug with your smiley - just because it isnt on CNN, there are plenty of countries within Africa or South America who are run by military leaders who kill there people for fun - ever been there? Go to Nigeria or Angola and help out, nothing to gain there is there!

So... you want the U.S. to be the world's police, after all? Is that right? You know, you can't have it both ways! If we go in and finally boot Saddam out of power, then you're not happy. But if we don't go in to the places you name, then you're not happy.

...Just another inconsistency in the world's view of the U.S. and your thinking and how--no matter what--the U.S. can't please everyone.

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Actually g-dummy, there is oil in Africa. Maybe you should check out CNN for real facts instead of wasting time on those wacko Commie sites (of course, some basic reading lessons should come first).

your in education? watch CNN for real facts.. You do make me laugh fat bloke as in your last 30 posts I dont think you have actually came up with anything to offer other than crap, not one statistic or fact, just general insults.. your probably not online now as I am sure Nana Plaza is calling. You used to be a teacher, says a lot, doesnt it - great wages and a great life...

Us dummys are living on the beach in nice houses and have all of our toys... go clock in fatty, your one bedroom condos rent has to be paid. Its great to be dumb.

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I think in all fairness membrane, this poll is stacked in its results.

How could a simple yes/no question be stacked?

Don't be silly!

Many of the polls on the forum are pretty ridiculous.

How could a simple yes/no question be stacked?

How about:

Were you drunk when you beat up your wife?



Assuming you didn't beat up your wife.

Oh, here is an even better one (absolutely hypothetical, of course):

Did you realize Membrane was a knee jerk right wing reactionary on a weekend?



The very loaded implication of the Saddam poll question is that if you are happy that Saddam was captured, you must also be happy about the way in which the war was sold and implemented. A kind of "does the means justify the end?" twist.

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Actually g-dummy, there is oil in Africa. Maybe you should check out CNN for real facts instead of wasting time on those wacko Commie sites (of course, some basic reading lessons should come first).

your in education? watch CNN for real facts.. You do make me laugh fat bloke as in your last 30 posts I dont think you have actually came up with anything to offer other than crap, not one statistic or fact, just general insults.. your probably not online now as I am sure Nana Plaza is calling. You used to be a teacher, says a lot, doesnt it - great wages and a great life...

Us dummys are living on the beach in nice houses and have all of our toys... go clock in fatty, your one bedroom condos rent has to be paid. Its great to be dumb.


What's with this guy and his flagrent flaming? Calling people fat, dumb, stupid etc. Check out HIS sentence structure, spelling... Talk about the pot/kettle.

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Actually g-dummy, there is oil in Africa. Maybe you should check out CNN for real facts instead of wasting time on those wacko Commie sites (of course, some basic reading lessons should come first).

your in education? watch CNN for real facts.. You do make me laugh fat bloke as in your last 30 posts I dont think you have actually came up with anything to offer other than crap, not one statistic or fact, just general insults.. your probably not online now as I am sure Nana Plaza is calling. You used to be a teacher, says a lot, doesnt it - great wages and a great life...

Us dummys are living on the beach in nice houses and have all of our toys... go clock in fatty, your one bedroom condos rent has to be paid. Its great to be dumb.

Hi Georgie,

I will be in Bangkok next week on business, I would love to meet with you and have a beer and discuss our political views.

It would be great to see the guy I am jostling with and it would be great to have direct contact rather than this forum. What do you think?


The Gentleman.

It is rather difficult for me to understand why someone would post the top post, and then PM me the second one, but I'm sure the "gentleman" has his reasons.

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<pick an African country - dont be smug with your smiley - just because it isnt on CNN, there are plenty of countries within Africa or South America who are run by military leaders who kill there people for fun - ever been there? Go to Nigeria or Angola and help out, nothing to gain there is there! >

Would somebody pass the Bong please?.... :o

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Let's see how many really nasty heads of state/governments there are who are deserving targets:-

1. The Chinese Communist Party. Nasty and oppressive. No chance of them being a target, though.

2. The Government of Vietnam. Not a threat to western interests, but still very unpleasant.

3. The de facto government of Myanmar. Not exactly squeamish when it comes to killing its own citizens. Or raping and enslaving them. Again, not a threat to western interests.

4. The Government of Laos. A clone of the Vietnam Government. Not a threat to western interests and has nothing of commercial value to offer.

5. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. I realise he could die today from illness, but his party is still intact. Not a threat to western interests, unless you count the white settlers.

6. The Government of Angola. Truly horrible regime, but is backed by the US in return for oil concessions.

7. The Government of Sudan. Very oppressive to the Christians in the South. Makes a living from slavery. Osama Bin Laden has/had cannabis plantations there with Christian slave labour. Poses a threat to western interests through its Al Quaeda connections.

8. The dictator who has run Togo for the past 30 odd years. Nasty man, but rules an irrelevant country as far as western interests are concerned.

9. The Government of Syria. Assad may be about to make concessions. Then again, maybe not. Poses a threat to western interests through its sheltering and financing of Muslim terrorists. Still occupies Lebanon.

10. Yasser Arafat. He may be old and sick and perhaps not technically a head of state, but he can still obstruct peace and threaten western interests.

11. The Saudi royal family. Very complex issue, but they must be "dealt with" one way or another. Vital to western interests.

12. Hosni Mubarak and the Egyptian Government. Dissent is simply not tolerated.

The world's largest arab state is very oppressive. Needs true democracy, but could be taken over by Muslim extremists. Poses a threat to western interests because so many terrorists and potential terrorists are Egyptian.

13. Jean Baptists Aristide and the Haitian Government. Dreadful record of oppression, but irrelevant to the west.

This list is in no particular order. I've left out several "stans" in central Asia with very oppressive governments. Also ommitted were Somalia, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Congo on the grounds that they don't really have governments. Nigeria is improving slightly, and the President does seem to genuinely want better things for his people. Indonesia only just kept out of the list on the grounds it is harbouring plenty of Muslim terrorists and some elemnts in the Government support them. Pakistan could also qualify, but I'd like to give Musharraf time to honour his commitments. North Korea and Iran were counted elsewhere. I don't know enough about Latin America to comment.

Still, that leaves plenty of targets for interventionists.

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Davidm, pls remove Hosni Mubarak from your list ... he really helps in making sure the "islamist" or "Muslim extremist" are not running the country ... a bit like in Algeria ...

... and how could you forgot Castro ! :D ... a bit closer ... will cut on airfare cost ! :o

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Mr. Gentleman - yeah, I was overlooking the "Stans" and some others but the rest of those "toss-pot" countries like Zimbabwe, Togo, Haiti etc aren't exporting terrorism. Castro's about gone and Vegas is warming up in the bull-pen to move back in.

Must of been some of that "Khon Kan Crippler" I was smoking. I'll try to do better...

Boon Mee

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pls remove Hosni Mubarak from your list ... he really helps in making sure the "islamist" or "Muslim extremist" are not running the country ... a bit like in Algeria ...

There's more than one way of looking at his role. Some might say the Muslims would take over if his regime were not in charge. Others might counter the fanatics will eventually take over precisely because of what Mubarak is doing.

My one consolation is that if the extremists do take over, they may introduce amputations for theft. Hopefully, including pickpockets. If they need a volunteer to wield the machete, I'll be over in a flash.

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pls remove Hosni Mubarak from your list ... he really helps in making sure the "islamist" or "Muslim extremist" are not running the country ... a bit like in Algeria ...

There's more than one way of looking at his role. Some might say the Muslims would take over if his regime were not in charge. Others might counter the fanatics will eventually take over precisely because of what Mubarak is doing.

My one consolation is that if the extremists do take over, they may introduce amputations for theft. Hopefully, including pickpockets. If they need a volunteer to wield the machete, I'll be over in a flash.

I had a friend who lived there for a while, and told me about a new law in the country, requiring everybody to have an extinguisher in their car. I thought it was a great idea, and would be useful in case your car start burning ... then he told me who actually own the company who manufactured the devices :o

When I went there on Holiday, people where quite reluctant to talk about politics in public.

But the people were really nice.

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Let's see how many really nasty heads of state/governments there are who are deserving targets:-.

Interesting list. 13 and more, to go.

Nuke them all, that should be a lesson for them to learn democracy and than live a better life. :o

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