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Howard Real Estate


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You mean Howard "why are you filming me covertly" Miller?

I think howard handled that just fine.If someone was filming me i would certainly ask questions and tell them to stop

If you're on Walking Street wearing a costume, I'd reckon you're fair game. If you're in a private setting, it would be a different situation and I agree with you 100%.

I don't know what the guy filming was actually up to, but the clip was funny. Seemed to be a bunch over nothing. When I think "covert" I think someone filming from the rooftop or another vantage point, or with a spy camera. Holding your video camera at waist level and filming doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary to me. But like I said, I don't know the full story, however, it did appear to be pretty harmless. After all, it was Walking Street and Pattaya is a tourist town. Everyone has a camera and films pretty much everything.

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You mean Howard "why are you filming me covertly" Miller?

Yes, that would be me.thumbsup.gif

That video cracks me up. What was the real story behind it anyway? Was the guy up to no good or were you just having a bad day?

What the video fails to show is that guy was following me all night. That wasn't our first exchange. I have no problem with anyone filming me in the usual manner but he was trying to get some secret shots of me and kept hiding his camera on his lap as he sat at a bar nearby. Don't really know why he needed to do that as it was a boring night and all I was doing was sitting around for most of it. When the You Tube video came out it was twisted around and I saw no point in defending myself at the time as no one would have believed me. You are the first person to actually ask me what happened since the video came out 3 years ago.......pretty much says it all really.

Not a very interesting story really and I am sure it's a bit of an anti-climax for many who watched the video.

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What type of weirdo goes to walking street to film another foreigner all night

especially with all those hot girls around

should of smashed his camera someone like that doesn't deserve a camera

maybe he had a secret crush on howard

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What type of weirdo goes to walking street to film another foreigner all night

especially with all those hot girls around

should of smashed his camera someone like that doesn't deserve a camera

maybe he had a secret crush on howard


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Surprising really,thought this issue was dead in the water after the Pattaya Times reported the land offices had been instructed not to accept any documentation from farangs,and only 3 year agreements as to leasehold,nothing longer,...anything bought has to be in Thai nationals name, yeah ,right in a place where I would not trust my own shadow it seems a sensible arrangement


foreign named condos I presume escape the net for a while longer

And the Pattaya Times is a highly respected, highly accurate, highly informed and highly managed, oh and highly circulated newspaper.

You forgot Highly geared towards their own agenda!!

Well it is true,well done the Pattaya Times for reporting it.,was it such painful news for the newly enforced regulations to be publicised? Trip down to the land office confirms all.
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foreign named condos I presume escape the net for a while longer

Indefinitely, I would think. At least until some major governmental change makes them start repealing laws.

The law about farang ownership of condos is very clear indeed and is the only way that I would ever consider putting money into property here.

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foreign named condos I presume escape the net for a while longer

Indefinitely, I would think. At least until some major governmental change makes them start repealing laws.

The law about farang ownership of condos is very clear indeed and is the only way that I would ever consider putting money into property here.

Errr... At the risk of sounding like a doomer, I'm not so sure it is that clear actually Darrel. If I recall correctly back in the days of the Asian economic crisis they changed the laws on foreign ownership of condos in Thailand. Don't quote me on percentages but it was something like foreigners were previously allowed to own 40% of the saleable area of a condo building and they changed it to 49% in a bid to stimulate the property market. However, I think there was a time limit placed on this law change (i.e. it was for 10 years or so...) and I think that time limit expired a few years ago which I suppose could mean that in a worst case scenario anyone who has bought a condo in foreign ownership since the revision to the law expired and at the time they bought their condo the building was more than 40% foreign owned, could be deemed to have no right to own the condo in their name.

I could be wrong about this and would be interested to hear from a real estate professional who can set the record straight (preferably with no spin). Howard, over to you....?

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i think we are getting into a debate that might be better discussed in the real estate forum

i am just starting this post to welcoming howard and to find out his information about his office.

he confirmed.I do not want talking about laws and of people filiming people on walking street

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I too think Howard is a top class guy,bit of a rock amongst the shifting sands.

Maybe an original idea opening an estate agency now the official clampdown has taken place on foreign ownership,a novel idea indeed of a farang operated estate agency selling nothing,(to farangs anyway),could catch on amongst other estate agencies,spread like wildfire

The newspaper article did make mention of a loophole though ,a loophole that will be exploited to its maximum no doubt,and that was to obtain a trusted Thai national,give all your money to him (or her) to make a purchase on your behalf,...can see it now hoards of Thais with placards outside Howard s estate agency with placards stating "I am a trusted Thai" around their necks

Howard s instructions to one of his trusted Thais would be go make an offer on a once valued 20 million baht farang owned property,now reduced to 2.10 gbp, of a take it or leave it offer of 1.10 gbp

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Howard is right to point out that not everyone in the industry is a crook, but you usually don't get to find out till it's too late.

So I think his decision to go into the industry is a good one, he has proven over his years in Pattaya to be a most trustworthy and upstanding member of the local community (The uniform fetish should not be held against him biggrin.png)

As far as I know he doesn't get involved in Expat's clubs or Rotary clubs so that's a good sign of honesty and integrity.

Howard.. I don't need a condo but I'm coming to buy one anyway cos its you!

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Howard is right to point out that not everyone in the industry is a crook, but you usually don't get to find out till it's too late.

Howard.. I don't need a condo but I'm coming to buy one anyway cos its you!

This sounds like a "I am returning to Thailand letter" which of course it is,used mainly to infuse a false demand or interest

I am sure Howard in all his honesty will be pointing out the 49% ruling on condos and a contributor earlier pointed out.on this thread. To me it is obvious that once the Thai authorities have dealt with the fake company purchasers they will in turn, turn their attention to this ruling. The Thai authorities have been very clever to introduce a ban at this time on stand alone property,and will be only a matter of time before the ownership factor has the spotlight turned on it too.Some of these condo blocks in Pattaya must be 100% farang owned

Has all the potential for another Spain to develop,not a pretty sight

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Howard is right to point out that not everyone in the industry is a crook, but you usually don't get to find out till it's too late.

Howard.. I don't need a condo but I'm coming to buy one anyway cos its you!

This sounds like a "I am returning to Thailand letter" which of course it is,used mainly to infuse a false demand or interest

I am sure Howard in all his honesty will be pointing out the 49% ruling on condos and a contributor earlier pointed out.on this thread. To me it is obvious that once the Thai authorities have dealt with the fake company purchasers they will in turn, turn their attention to this ruling. The Thai authorities have been very clever to introduce a ban at this time on stand alone property,and will be only a matter of time before the ownership factor has the spotlight turned on it too.Some of these condo blocks in Pattaya must be 100% farang owned

Has all the potential for another Spain to develop,not a pretty sight

Can you please provide a link to this story, i can't seem to find it anywhere?

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In my fairly limited experiences so far, I have not encountered any problems whatsoever with the purchase of a property by a holding company. Developers I have spoken to have also not encountered any problems. Are there any other real estate agents looking at this thread that could clarify the situation as well?

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In my fairly limited experiences so far, I have not encountered any problems whatsoever with the purchase of a property by a holding company. Developers I have spoken to have also not encountered any problems. Are there any other real estate agents looking at this thread that could clarify the situation as well?

Of course you will never encounter any problems,especially from a developer in purchasing any property,all plain sailing,they would even flog you a 20 year old pram without wheels if they could,"real estate agents looking at this thread" do not make me laff!

The problem comes with attempting to get shut,and an ever increasing amount want and need to get shut and that is now an impossibility... what was a easy buy has become the worst decision of their lives.

Anyway look in two recent publications the "Pattaya Trader" and free sheet "Pattaya TImes" go take a look or ask at the land office on recent developments

What date do you open?

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^ Your dealing with two different subjects and lumping them together as one!

How the house is owned is irrelevant to the fact that it wont sell, the market is dead for houses whether they are Thai owned or company owned! The market doesn't differentiate! :)

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^ Your dealing with two different subjects and lumping them together as one!

How the house is owned is irrelevant to the fact that it wont sell, the market is dead for houses whether they are Thai owned or company owned! The market doesn't differentiate! smile.png

I have had enough of this thread,not commenting any further after this post.
It is entirely relevant how the property is owned, as to any potential selling aspect. If the department responsible will not recognise any documentation because of foreigner company buying method used to circumvent the law, that is now being applied, ,and this has happened in other places close to Thailand,you are trapped possibly for a lifetime,your home becomes your prison.

If the house or flat is foreigner owned (no dodgy buying practice involved ,or attempting to circumvent the law when purchased, then it is possible to sell,of course if a buyer can be found,and that to me is possible way out of the mess, to reduce the price to attract a buyer.,the department will recognise that fact.

Yes I know that houses are not selling ,but it is the thought of being able to sell against not being able to sell that makes the difference,to me anyway

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I heard that some guys own Bars ? others sell suits (Indians with Cockney geezer accents only), some people have a business that actually owns their house....Elvis impersonators.....You missed a few Darrel !

I did.

An estate agent who does Elvis impersonations would indeed be something different.

Selling only jailhouses maybe? whistling.gif

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.....the 49% ruling on condos and a contributor earlier pointed out.on this thread. To me it is obvious that once the Thai authorities have dealt with the fake company purchasers they will in turn, turn their attention to this ruling.

I see no reason why this should happen.

As far as I know the 49/51 rule has been applicable since condos first became popular and there has never been any serious question of making it more restrictive. Quite the opposite in fact.

OK, they may do something about company-name units (which are invariably bought with the sole purpose of bypassing the 49/51 rule) but I cant see why they would want to alter the basic rule. Indeed many condo buildings in Pattaya never sell all of the non-Farang quota, so why make it worse? Recent local reports were of requests by local developers and estate agents to increase the ratio to 70/30 in order to boost sales.

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Howard is right to point out that not everyone in the industry is a crook, but you usually don't get to find out till it's too late.

Howard.. I don't need a condo but I'm coming to buy one anyway cos its you!

This sounds like a "I am returning to Thailand letter" which of course it is,used mainly to infuse a false demand or interest

I am sure Howard in all his honesty will be pointing out the 49% ruling on condos and a contributor earlier pointed out.on this thread. To me it is obvious that once the Thai authorities have dealt with the fake company purchasers they will in turn, turn their attention to this ruling. The Thai authorities have been very clever to introduce a ban at this time on stand alone property,and will be only a matter of time before the ownership factor has the spotlight turned on it too.Some of these condo blocks in Pattaya must be 100% farang owned

Has all the potential for another Spain to develop,not a pretty sight

I guess there are indeed condo blocks in Pattaya that are 100% foreign owned.At one time,after the economic crisis of 1997,there was a law introduced exclusively for Pattaya that allowed to build a condo with 100% foreign ownership.

I don't have a link to the law and doubt it is still effective, but there were requirements to the maximim size of the land and the maximum amount of floors and appartements in the building.

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According to a newsletter I read this agency is to specialise in new condos. We will see. But for me such places aren't proper real estate agencies at all, just someone jumping on the 8% commission bandwagon like all the other pale-faced zombies one sees sitting behind "condo for sale" stalls in Central Festival.

Any idiot can drive a client to the developers showroom, let the developer sell the property and then pocket the commission, and if I was buying a new condo I would cut out the middle man, take a taxi to the showroom and then negotiate an extra 8% price cut based on the commission saved.

Edited by Darrel
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]I guess there are indeed condo blocks in Pattaya that are 100% foreign owned.At one time,after the economic crisis of 1997,there was a law introduced exclusively for Pattaya that allowed to build a condo with 100% foreign ownership.

As far as I know the rule was stretched to 70/30, but no further. I may be wrong.

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According to a newsletter I read this agency is to specialise in new condos. We will see. But for me such places aren't proper real estate agencies at all, just someone jumping on the 8% commission bandwagon like all the other pale-faced zombies one sees sitting behind "condo for sale" stalls in Central Festival.

Any idiot can drive a client to the developers showroom, let the developer sell the property and then pocket the commission, and if I was buying a new condo I would cut out the middle man, take a taxi to the showroom and then negotiate an extra 8% price cut based on the commission saved.

my experience from working in this business was a bit different to just driving people to an office...what you fail to appreciate is the fact that not everyone knows the nooks and cranny's of pattaya and where the best value can be found, I also did a lot of rentals in my time as well as sales and on both sides of it to people new to the area, what some estate agents can provide is local knowlege and their own experience of getting things done...one example I will give you is one of my clients many moons ago after moving into his house and being in town for a good month asked me 'how do you post a letter in this place' I replied do you know soi post office...he replied yes and I kid you not I still had to tell him there was a post office down there,....I became a life partner of some sorts for a lot of people who would stop by the office on a regular basis....out and about of an evening having dinner at a restaurant with family and friends and people would still come and ask you silly questions....

Just because you know where to go and have lived here for a bit doesn't mean everyone does, granted there are some estate agents like you describe but theres many others who can offer a great deal more.

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my experience from working in this business was a bit different to just driving people to an office...what you fail to appreciate is the fact that not everyone knows the nooks and cranny's of pattaya and where the best value can be found, I also did a lot of rentals in my time as well as sales and on both sides of it to people new to the area, what some estate agents can provide is local knowlege and their own experience of getting things done...one example I will give you is one of my clients many moons ago after moving into his house and being in town for a good month asked me 'how do you post a letter in this place' I replied do you know soi post office...he replied yes and I kid you not I still had to tell him there was a post office down there,....

You seem to have done a bit more than many, probably because you weren't just selling new builds.

I'm not convinced that all of those new-build-only condo salespersons know where the Post Office is either. Many of them seem to be fresh off the banana boat and hence it's a case of the blind leading the blind.

I suppose that the market can be thankful that buyers like the ones you mention exist.

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