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Is There A Yaba Epidemic In Thailand?


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similar to how a young low paid policeman can purchase a 5 million thb house ,a new mercedes and a harley davidson and nobody ever asks .....How?

it will be another decade or two before thailand is up to speed with modern western countries ,probably a bit longer for cambodia and the likes .........

Yeah it's a joke the corruption and vice is so rooted in this country that it's endemic at every level so even the term money laundering has no meaning. It's this very normalization of corruption which allows these cartels to flourish. It'll never change there's just too much "black" money everywhere in Thailand and part of Thailand's prosperity hinges on these people running it. Too many powerful Thais have income streams tied to vice for there to be anything done about it. I'm going to extend your decade projection to probably never. There would have to be a complete overhaul in government, culture, and education for anything to be done about these issues.

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I cannot speak for the rest of Thailand but where I live it's common knowledge that the police are the biggest suppliers. One is currently being investigated for being 'unusually wealthy' and a couple of others have been transferred out of the area after being caught dealing. Not jailed mind, merely transferred to a less lucrative area.

The problem will never go away until the police clean up their own act first and that is just never going to happen.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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