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Mushroom Farming

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"not sure getting attention is the way to go for farang."

Wow your addition to this thread helps so much. Thanks for sharing.

ok i leave you to worship your holy cows.

but just one thing before i go, i would have said 100% positive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_sulfide but that was without knowing of the cassava substrate. with that additional info Packdees hydrogen cyanide could be more likely, or a combo of the two. lack of oxygen as the primary cause is not at all likely with the fast multiple knock downs reported.

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"not sure getting attention is the way to go for farang."

Wow your addition to this thread helps so much. Thanks for sharing.

Me I don't sale anything. I pay for a lot of things Thai's don't seem to mind that muchcheesy.gif

Seriously the wife sales the brother in Law and house keeper does the selling My main duty these days are spot check for repairs, doing research and doing the books. I take no money for myself, simply don't need it. All the people doing the selling get a 10% commission, since that is above their normal duties.

I try to be as fair as possible, in all my duties, to the community and the workers. We have a small ignored nitch and still have room to expand within that. I don't want to take from some farmer who making a living from this.

That might change when the day comes that, I'm no longer in the picture and the wife needs to earn a living. The advantage to me is it keeps me occupied, and therefore not bored. Learning is a lifetime pursuit if you want a measure of happiness,.

With the Brother in Law working part time now I have time to get out on my bike for some rides and as I wish. I missed that in the first two years. That is the one thing I do that I only think about what I'm doing and nothing else. Thats is also wwhere I have social contact, lots farrangs ride here in Udon

I stay under the radar. we only small motorcycles right now, one with a side car. If U go up it will be to a tuk tuk. Like I said we. all have different situations we deal with.

Right now I haven't stepped on anyone toes and I have a very balanced lifeclap2.gif

The photos actually reminded me of Jeep Nees in the P.I. never been to India

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well seems like you find new things all the time a loacl producer here uses a hermione treatment. The names ar is Thai so I donl know the names. One Bottle has a green liquid and the other red. To be sprayed every other day. She swears by it for additional production and she is not selling it so worth a try,

Have yuo heard of it before Col.?

If it works we have found the supplier, in Chaing Mai

Edited by ray23
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Ray, there are some different supplements for boosting mushroom growing.

The detail is in this page. (sorry it is in Thai)


Ask for only one, the SuperMix.

Thai is better the Brother in law is the one who really needs to learn. I don't have much involvement now, mainly research. Spot checking that's about it. Our last three buys have been disappointing a much a month before you can open them and the week to wait, Running about three to four kilos a day now, we have about 4K that are new now the other 4K are on their last legs. I was trying to for a 2K repalcement per month. to keep the flow constant.

But with the wait period that is really messed up right now. A much different experience then we are used to.

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for such scenario, arent there multiple suppliers in Udon?

i know we are also waiting right now a bit longer for some more than i planned, but nothing major...in the meantime trying to deal with the sudden appearance of thai copycats.

we started to sell mushrooms in the market as there was some growers in the region, but non really care to sell in the market...now after my wife doing it a while, it suddenly seems to change.

the only trouble that the little market here what kind a supported her, not and wont provide enough business for 4 sellers!

so, now more focus to direct selling home to home, more pocket money to my son.

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Well there is not as many a before, we only know of two now and both ended with the same results. We don't push them on the time of delievery, we sit a date a few monthas in advance expecting we will sit on them a week before production. So it's hard to understand, why we are geting mushrooms such a we see now..

The best product we have seen was from the guy from Korat. But, no pick up now so no delivery. We don't have a pickup and I'm not really ready to buy one. Or I would drive down and pick them up. For two thousand you need the side rails. so renting a pickup would not work.

A friends wife has started into making her own. She will ge deliberey if rubber Saw dust in Oct. Comes from the south. so at best probably November before we see that.

We primarily sale to vendors at the markets and friends. More then we can produce right now. We ever get up to speed i have thought about door to door. But we neeed consisten product before we consider that. We are running about 350 baht a day now. We need about a 1,000 baht day to see decent profit and pay expenses. That's fish and mushrooms, we may be able to start fishing in October. That will ease things up a bit. That is really my hobby, But. it does produce money.

As a hooby it's fun w hav our own worm farm for bait. Thai will come out and fish we cahrge the same a if we were selling at the market. They just seem to have fun doing it. I know it's fun to watch them.

The Col. had mentioned using premixed compound. That might be an answer and pay her for making them. Give the Brother in Law a chance to learn and us to see how he does. actually I had just thought of that as I was sitting her writing. might explore that. That could be good for both if us, till she gets her delivery.

Anyway we will see what happens the wife is making the call.

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Col if yuo have anymore Thai sites I was able to print that out for my brother in law. So he can learn. If you don't want post them here. Just e-mail them to me please.

Language barrier is tough with him and the wife, so that could be a great help.



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Thank yuo Col. I will order the CD and he can learn that way.

Well the lady agreed that if we pay for the material she make some for us. she doesn't want to use the premixed a she has neve domnne it that way.

I need 2,000 and I need them before November. So I will buy, may cost a bit more, But, you lose customes when yuo don't deliver product.

The other thing I printed out, the brother is happily putting it to use today.

So that mihgt be the key to making things better.

I can't thank you enough Col.


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Looks like our latest venture is mushrooms and gotta admit the only involvement that I have ever had was buying them in Morrisons.

Anyway ...as part of our village "collective" .we have build the outhouse/s with a couple of Oil Drum "ovens" .. .looks good for making pizzas...plus installed the machine for punching the holes in the top of the bags before sealing (filled with sawdust/mixture) .and have just boiled /completed our first 2500 bags which are shelved in the first Bamboo Bar/hut (second being built) for I believe the next 40 days.(hard to get info)...however with 17 pages on the subject please bear with me until I read up.

The idea is to have 10,000 on the go before our next Joli back to the smoke and according to Wifes "committee" got agents waiting for them but I tend to think...lets see....

....will start reading backwards...

Tried to upload picts but aircard too slow

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Looks like our latest venture is mushrooms and gotta admit the only involvement that I have ever had was buying them in Morrisons.

Anyway ...as part of our village "collective" .we have build the outhouse/s with a couple of Oil Drum "ovens" .. .looks good for making pizzas...plus installed the machine for punching the holes in the top of the bags before sealing (filled with sawdust/mixture) .and have just boiled /completed our first 2500 bags which are shelved in the first Bamboo Bar/hut (second being built) for I believe the next 40 days.(hard to get info)...however with 17 pages on the subject please bear with me until I read up.

The idea is to have 10,000 on the go before our next Joli back to the smoke and according to Wifes "committee" got agents waiting for them but I tend to think...lets see....

....will start reading backwards...

Tried to upload picts but aircard too slow

What do you think your cost was per bag? Based on what we have done you grow um you can sale them. We don't sale to an agent but, do OK. Donlt even know if there is one in the Udon area.

The best poduct we have gotten is from a suplier in Sikunakorn, 8 baht a bag but, good production. Last time I posted information about him, he didn't have pick up. Well he now he has one again and we ordered 1K from him. 089-570-5879

We have purchased locally for 6 or 7 baht. But 7K in production and two kilos day just don't get it. we have had wait for up to six weeks to open them as they had not turned white. Tha would not be so bad except we still have to pay the worker.

I finally gave up today and fully opened about 500. that is something I would normally do when they were on their last legs. Get faster production, I hope. But, it also will reduce the length of time they produce.

It was funny we met with another local producer today, turns out they buy form the same place we do. But, 150 at a time. They also buy Nong Rom, not Nong Faa and say that production in days not weeks.

The Nong Rom was a really pretty soild white, they are selling them at the same price we sale Nong Faa

I don't have the first clue why things are working so well for them.

I think they have a total of 300 and get two kilos a day. 4,000 and that is what I'm getting.

Not sure It's in the watering the worker is doing or we just got two bad batches.

Anyway we will be trying the more expensive guy. we do have another local supplier lined up for November.

It would be a huge step for us to start doing our own. I wanted to wait until we at least got through this year. before taking that step. The Col has been very kind in guiding us along.

Wish you luck they sale.

Forgot what area do you live in?

Edited by ray23
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Looks like our latest venture is mushrooms and gotta admit the only involvement that I have ever had was buying them in Morrisons.

Anyway ...as part of our village "collective" .we have build the outhouse/s with a couple of Oil Drum "ovens" .. .looks good for making pizzas...plus installed the machine for punching the holes in the top of the bags before sealing (filled with sawdust/mixture) .and have just boiled /completed our first 2500 bags which are shelved in the first Bamboo Bar/hut (second being built) for I believe the next 40 days.(hard to get info)...however with 17 pages on the subject please bear with me until I read up.

The idea is to have 10,000 on the go before our next Joli back to the smoke and according to Wifes "committee" got agents waiting for them but I tend to think...lets see....

....will start reading backwards...

Tried to upload picts but aircard too slow

What do you think your cost was per bag? Based on what we have done you grow um you can sale them. We don't sale to an agent but, do OK. Donlt even know if there is one in the Udon area.

The best poduct we have gotten is from a suplier in Sikunakorn, 8 baht a bag but, good production. Last time I posted information about him, he didn't have pick up. Well he now he has one again and we ordered 1K from him. 089-570-5879

We have purchased locally for 6 or 7 baht. But 7K in production and two kilos day just don't get it. we have had wait for up to six weeks to open them as they had not turned white. Tha would not be so bad except we still have to pay the worker.

I finally gave up today and fully opened about 500. that is something I would normally do when they were on their last legs. Get faster production, I hope. But, it also will reduce the length of time they produce.

It was funny we met with another local producer today, turns out they buy form the same place we do. But, 150 at a time. They also buy Nong Rom, not Nong Faa and say that production in days not weeks.

The Nong Rom was a really pretty soild white, they are selling them at the same price we sale Nong Faa

I don't have the first clue why things are working so well for them.

I think they have a total of 300 and get two kilos a day. 4,000 and that is what I'm getting.

Not sure It's in the watering the worker is doing or we just got two bad batches.

Anyway we will be trying the more expensive guy. we do have another local supplier lined up for November.

It would be a huge step for us to start doing our own. I wanted to wait until we at least got through this year. before taking that step. The Col has been very kind in guiding us along.

Wish you luck they sale.

Forgot what area do you live in?

Hi Ray thanks for the Input...will see if I can get some answers....

Location. is .Mae-On.... on the hills/mountains about 40 Klms outside Chiang Mai.


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That's great we wish we had a buyer in this area that would make it a lot simplier.

I don't what they pay. But, we get 50 baht a kilo for Nong faa and 70 baht for Khon Kao.

I wish the collective lots of luck, they can earn money. We began making money as soon as we got started. This year is proving more difficult so far then in the past. Oh well farming is farming. lots to learn. But that is what makes it fun.

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for a while? i telling you that we have Nong Rong, and how much happier i am with them than Nong Fa, regarding production.

In fact, we cut Nang Fa this season, and only have the Nang Rong and Khon Kao.

You obviously have a buyer, as you keep telling you can sell all what you produce :)

But -again- not the first time telling you that you are selling out cheap. too cheap in fact.

here i hear that the night/dawn market to resellers Nang fa goes 60thb/kg, Khon Kao 80thb.

I dont yet bother with it, we put some extra effort into things, and sell our Nang Rong at about 75thb/kg, and Khon Kao at 100thb/kg.

Demand keep changing for each, right now it is Khon Kao what they want more, 3 weeks ago was the other way around...

As for profit, this round seem to be real good, Nang Rong covered all expense in less than 1 month...now it is all profit from here.

I think there is 3 factors this time that contribute:

1. could pass on the rising cost of bags, we raised per kg prices about 10%, to cover this.

2. locals now know my wife more, and that she sells freshly picked mushrooms ever day

3. wife learned finally how to use the humidity meter i bought...so, now the watering is closer to ideal...thus production is better

we dont have worker, but also it is only 2000 bags producing...right now around 4-6kg/day....the peak was 22kg from 1000 bags (Nang Rong)

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From what I'm seeing certianly worth a change, we stay pretty much in our own little area. So we don't see waht happens in the morning and night market. But I haven't seem Nong Rom sold in our area. Keep in mind we sale to resellers in our own area along with some private sales. They have to have some room to make money as well. I don't want to sit up a direct marketing operation in a Talot. I still have room for expansion in our area without doing that.

I have lots of room to go right now, so adding a 1,000 for a trial wouldn't be a big deal. To me they are beautiful compared to Nong Faa. But, I'm not Thai. That was the first time I ever saw them.

We will ask around to make sure that is a good direction for us.

Thanks for the reminder

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the dawn market ( where we dont go, but know the prices) selling almost exclusively to resellers here. So, if they sell the Khon Kao for 80thb there, that is similar situation that you sell yours for 70....

Yes, resellers have to make money, but since Khon Kao retails in the market for 100thb/kg ( saw for 120/kg too before), they still be able to make 20thb/kg for them, that is 25%.

Most thai here not even sure Nong Rong is not Nang Fa...some things it is white Nang Fa. Either way, it is as popular in our neighborhood now as Nang Rong.

The positive for the buyers that it is soft, softer than Nang Fa.

The positive for me, that the Nang Rong produce usually bigger, heavier bunch of mushrooms than Nang Fa.

They sell for similar price. Cost per bag similar too.

We dont have any permanent market stand set up.

Sell direct to villagers, either my wife and son get on the bicycle or scooter, and sell door to door.

Work well to sell 3-5 kg a day, within 1-2 hours....a good part of that socializing in the village, i suspect, so, the speed is somewhat relaxed smile.png

while the extra gain of 60-100thb/day doesnt sound a whole lot ( 1800-3000thb/month) in our little operation that adds a lot to the bottom line, as well, as other benefits of my wife having time to socialise, and my son out on the air bicycle.

a photo of my son and Nong Rong


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Well our little nitch people don't want them. Dug a little further. Remember getting striaght answers is not always easy. I'm now being told they are selling to resturants, to be cooked. Hence the 70 Baht., for Khon Khao. Beyond individuals for the same purposes. The People we are selling to donlt see the morning market nor the night market.

If i could get production up, I would like to try door to door.

Now that is waht I'm being told, is it accurate I don't know.. We don't do te selling and I try to stay a far away as I can form the public eye as I can. People will always take the road of least resistance. At one point they were selling Khon Khao at 50 baht as they were to big. I slammed the breaks in that one in a heart beat. Told them plain and simple them to the fish first before I would take that for them. Why would they do something like that because it was easy for them to do and she was a hero in the village. No one thinks we do anything to make money. The truth is I don't need it. But, my wife will when I check out. Even she can't envision that. so it;s an uphill battle.

Right now I do the business end of things books and money and research.

Beleive me that is a big jump in price to me and I can see the difference. We sold one time to a vendor in the Morning market. She had to have then at 0530, we are not sit up for that. Then when our guy got there at 0530 product in hand she did nothing but, insult him. Just not interested, in dealing with people like that..

The key right now is getting the production up in what they will buy in our area.

Wish it was different. But, it's not.

Just go our numbers for today 120 baht, yesterday was a perfect Nong Faa day and form 4,000 Nong Faa new plants we got 4 grams. I think we just got a crap product.

There is the possibility since both the Nong Rom and Nong Faa are produced by the same people, they may be putting more interest Nong Rom. With two months lag time the best we have seen is five kilos of Nong Faa and that after a hormone treatment.

We may be forced into making our own before this is over. The brother in law ins a good worker, But, he doens't pay attention to detail and that is what is stopping me.

We met one producer here that will show us where to get everything locally. The Col. has agreed to show the brother in Law he has been a lot of help, so much that I feel like I'm impossing at times.

all I know right now is I have a problem and I'm not sure what it is. We are changing producers maybe that will help we had good luck the times we have used him.

I will take over watering for three days and see if i can get them kick started.

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Well keeping good records does help, we have had one good production day since we put in the news ones last July.

So maybe we will narrow down the problem.

I will try watering myself and if I can't get them going, I know where the problem is. So I will give it five days.

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do you have any way to check humidity, or it is just watering as much as you think right?

there is very cheap humidity meters, about 200thb, can be ordered from the net, delivered.

we bought 2, wife first still didnt understand until i came home and explained again everything in person.

now we dont have 37%, or 41%, or 50% humidity...watered as much as needed to keep the number between 70-90% throughout the day.

i think it helps not to just depend on your feel, but get a confirmation of it too.

all i know, that this time we do very well on the production, and i dont have any hormone treatment ( maybe some point i would like to learn about it though ).

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Does sweating count, just kidding, No we don't, it gets down to experience. I checked them today before I started watering they were very dry. So hit them with more. I know the Khon Khao got happy with my one watering. I'll know in a few days.

We have 1K new ones coming tomorrow from a different distributor. So I should have the answer in the next week or so.

What is supposed to be happening is water on the ground and fine misting three times a day. I would say that has not been happening, But I will know for sure in a few days.

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What is supposed to be happening is water on the ground and fine misting three times a day. I would say that has not been happening, But I will know for sure in a few days.

this 2 sentences might be the key?

if you want to be sure things go on your way...often you have to do it yourself. :)

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Ya I know that is why I took over the watering, Brothers got three months experience not three years as we do. Getting him to listen is the really hard part. First he resents his sister telling what to do, that is the only way I have to pass on information to him.

I do have some problems I just have to work through them. We will know in a few days.

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this is why i suggested a sinplme humidity meter in your mushroom house.

number is there, visual, easy to see if within the desired range or not. i think in your operation 200thb would not kill. on the

other hand the benefits could be nice, both for you, and the workers to understand what you want, ie. say 75% humidity, if less go water it more! less to argue, less to thai way of smile and refusal, straightforward as it comes.

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Well I will look arond and see if I can find one.

Got the other 1K mushrooms today The guy gave us 200 Nong Hun Gry. I;m sure how it is spelled but that is what it sounds like. I saw them in Makro today I donlt know anything about them.

'Placed an order for 2.5 K next month that will take me to 7,5 K Nong Faa and 6 K Khon Khao, wcich will need to be recycled pretty soon.

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do you have any way to check humidity, or it is just watering as much as you think right?

there is very cheap humidity meters, about 200thb, can be ordered from the net, delivered.

we bought 2, wife first still didnt understand until i came home and explained again everything in person.

now we dont have 37%, or 41%, or 50% humidity...watered as much as needed to keep the number between 70-90% throughout the day.

i think it helps not to just depend on your feel, but get a confirmation of it too.

all i know, that this time we do very well on the production, and i dont have any hormone treatment ( maybe some point i would like to learn about it though ).

Can you give us a link where to order the humidity meters. Thanks!

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