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U.S. President Barack Obama Says 'Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legal'


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Those seedy parades are a turnoff for most solid citizens for sure, but the "Dykes on Bikes" at the beginning of the San Francisco one are kind of fun.

UG As stated previously I have no problem with Gays whatsoever ,but I do think that they do their "Crusade" a slight injustice by these Parades and "gay pride" etc, I cannot think of any similar sort of parades world wide to signify or glorify straight sex , <deleted> if thats what they want get on with it but don't try and ram into my face by all this exhibitionism ,also reading Dans excellent link in his post #291 leads me rightly or wrongly to one conclusion and that is Obama's decision was made purely on political expediency . Edited by Colin Yai
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I did not read all of the comments but just want to mention one thing,what Obama said may be a big boost for the gay people out there and help a lot of people to finally take the step to act the way they really feel!No need to hide anymore?

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http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/12/nyregion/12paladino.html In the closet Scott?, no way , billions enjoy sexual relationships with their wifes ,but do not make a point of having parades to signify this ,MILLIONS find these parades OTT as I do , this is my prerogative to say so and that does not make me some kind of bigot , for me Dan's link in his post 291 just about says it all, and my link proves that it could well be a vote loser for Obama , especially bearing in mind that many think its just political expediences ,that this all came out .
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And billions enjoy the right to marry.

It's interesting that you find the parades so offensive and you provide a link that describes one as 'disgusting'. I lived in San Francisco for a time. I've never been to a gay parade, I never had one rammed down my throat. I have seen parts of them on television, but like most parades--including Macy's Thanksgiving Parade--they get a little boring after a while.

So it's OK to be gay as long as you don't act gay?

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And billions enjoy the right to marry.

It's interesting that you find the parades so offensive and you provide a link that describes one as 'disgusting'. I lived in San Francisco for a time. I've never been to a gay parade, I never had one rammed down my throat. I have seen parts of them on television, but like most parades--including Macy's Thanksgiving Parade--they get a little boring after a while.

So it's OK to be gay as long as you don't act gay?

Pray tell me just how do you "act gay" ?? and were did I ever write that they was "offensive" they word I used was OTT. Edited by Colin Yai
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Just a further piece to this topic , I have never ever wrote I disagree with gay marriages ,in fact it could well be an inspiration to all the one parent families ,as stated I have no problem whatsoever with gays apart from I think that their parades are OTT ,and that the I think that Obama brought this matter up as a matter of political expediencie ,born out by the link which Dan produced in his post #291 , what its all about is free speech pure and simple ,with out being accused of what ever simply because my opinion just happens to clash with others .

Edited by Colin Yai
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The reason the impulse for the pro same sex civil rights movement is to wait is because the political makeup of the court is well known and understood. Too many right wingers.

I think it is obvious that "right wingers" aren't the problem here. Prejudice is and prejudice is not determined by one's political leanings.

I'm right wing and I don't care if two guys want to get married. Being right wing might be why I don't think government should be wasting time on the issue, that doesn't make me against it. I'm sure there are other right wingers on this forum who feel the same way.

There are plenty of Obama supporters who are very against gay marriage. They specifically contributed to defeat the California referendum in 2008. When Obama lost 25% support in a recent New York poll because of his stance on same sex marriage, that loss wasn't among right wingers who weren't going to vote for him anyway. Can they be considered right wing?

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http://www.nationmul...y-30183177.html Interesting link ,but free speech should apply to everything ,JT ,any one ?

Kind of useless, dude, because we don't see the source writing that prompted some people to criticize this guy in the first place. Only the rebuttal.

I was actually referring to the guys opinion on Gay parades which is in tandem with mine ,I have no objection what so ever with Gay people but I find sometimes the flamboyant exhibitionism in these parades is sometimes a bit OTT .

I've had gay friends who also didn't like the "flamboyant exhibitionism" and believed the same as the letter writer that they hurt "the cause".

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I am talking about supreme court makeup. Obviously, if Obama gets picks with a second term they are going to be picks much more likely to vote in favor same sex marriage when they get to rule on such a case, and such as case IS coming, sooner or later. If right winger Romney gets the picks, obviously the contrary.

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The topic here is clearly about same sex marriage in the United States. It's kind of daft to bring up gay parades in that context. But since you went there, you want to see an OTT parade watch the obscene dancing ladies at Rio carnaval. Let's make straight marriage illegal because of flamboyant straight parades that nobody is making anyone watch, yeah, that's the ticket!

That makes no sense. The problem isn't to convince the majority that marriage between a man and woman should be allowed. And the ladies at Carnival are not there to "celebrate" their sexual orientation. In fact, I'm sure some of them like the company of another woman.

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Gay freedom day parades in the U.S. are once a year in many U.S. cities. One day a year. So some people don't fancy them. And that's a reason to deny an entire class of people equal civil rights? Give us a break! I assure you when the historic case comes to the supreme court, nobody is going to be talking about Gay Freedom Day parades. This talk of them here is a typical, tedious, boring, irrelevant distraction.

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So basically what you are saying is that gays should 'get back in the closet where they belong.'

If I saw a parade of straight, white men parading around the streets like idiots I'd want them to <deleted> too. In fact, that's exactly what I think every time I see a stag party roaming the streets.

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I am talking about supreme court makeup. Obviously, if Obama gets picks with a second term they are going to be picks much more likely to vote in favor same sex marriage when they get to rule on such a case, and such as case IS coming, sooner or later. If right winger Romney gets the picks, obviously the contrary.

Hey JT, Whats your take on Dan's link in his post #291 , although I could be wrong it would appear that there are some discrepancies .
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So basically what you are saying is that gays should 'get back in the closet where they belong.'

If I saw a parade of straight, white men parading around the streets like idiots I'd want them to <deleted> too. In fact, that's exactly what I think every time I see a stag party roaming the streets.

So what? Should we strip heterosexual people of their equal civil rights for doing a parade you don't like?
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I am talking about supreme court makeup. Obviously, if Obama gets picks with a second term they are going to be picks much more likely to vote in favor same sex marriage when they get to rule on such a case, and such as case IS coming, sooner or later. If right winger Romney gets the picks, obviously the contrary.

Hey JT, Whats your take on Dan's link in his post #291 , although I could be wrong it would appear that there are some discrepancies .

Be more specific. I'm not a mind reader, dude. Ask me a specific question. Otherwise, please don't ask.
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So it's OK to be gay as long as you don't act gay?

Do you think all gay people want to act flamboyant and that those who want to live a more "normal" life are doing so because of societal pressures, to "stay in the closet"?

Well, "acting straight" by straight people is also a result of societal pressure and a form of their own closet. For example, in their everyday life straight guys will dress and act a certain way in public acceptable in their society and culture. But get them on holiday in Thailand and send them to a red light district then they truly start acting like straight guys because the pressures of society to act a certain, more reserved way are gone. But you don't see straight people having public parades back home to be able to act like they want deep down. Some more vocal gays want to be treated like everyone else, but at the same time be able to act however they want in public. It doesn't work that way.

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I am talking about supreme court makeup. Obviously, if Obama gets picks with a second term they are going to be picks much more likely to vote in favor same sex marriage when they get to rule on such a case, and such as case IS coming, sooner or later. If right winger Romney gets the picks, obviously the contrary.

Picks? Is even one justice expected to retire over the next 4 years?

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So basically what you are saying is that gays should 'get back in the closet where they belong.'

If I saw a parade of straight, white men parading around the streets like idiots I'd want them to <deleted> too. In fact, that's exactly what I think every time I see a stag party roaming the streets.

So what? Should we strip heterosexual people of their equal civil rights for doing a parade you don't like?

Being allowed to marry or not has nothing to do with parading around in public like idiots.

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I am talking about supreme court makeup. Obviously, if Obama gets picks with a second term they are going to be picks much more likely to vote in favor same sex marriage when they get to rule on such a case, and such as case IS coming, sooner or later. If right winger Romney gets the picks, obviously the contrary.

Hey JT, Whats your take on Dan's link in his post #291 , although I could be wrong it would appear that there are some discrepancies .

Be more specific. I'm not a mind reader, dude. Ask me a specific question. Otherwise, please don't ask.

You do not have to be a mind reader ,just read the link and give me your opinion on it, and with respect my name is not "dude" laugh.png
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I did not read all of the comments but just want to mention one thing,what Obama said may be a big boost for the gay people out there and help a lot of people to finally take the step to act the way they really feel!No need to hide anymore?

"No need to hide anymore" ?,are you really serious ?cheesy.gif Edited by Colin Yai
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You do not have to be a mind reader ,just read the link and give me your opinion on it, and with respect my name is not "dude" laugh.png

I read it. It's a right wing hit piece. What specifically about it do you have a question about?
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Being allowed to marry or not has nothing to do with parading around in public like idiots.

Agreed. They are not related. So why this obsession with sensationalizing once a year gay parties when the TOPIC is about same sex marriage equality under the law? Edited by Jingthing
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I did not read all of the comments but just want to mention one thing,what Obama said may be a big boost for the gay people out there and help a lot of people to finally take the step to act the way they really feel!No need to hide anymore?

"No need to hide anymore" ?,are you really serious ?cheesy.gif

What you don't realize is that in many parts of the US, gay people still need to be deep in the closet just to avoid physical violence and/or being totally stigmatized socially.
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The reason the impulse for the pro same sex civil rights movement is to wait is because the political makeup of the court is well known and understood. Too many right wingers.

I think it is obvious that "right wingers" aren't the problem here. Prejudice is and prejudice is not determined by one's political leanings.

I'm right wing and I don't care if two guys want to get married. Being right wing might be why I don't think government should be wasting time on the issue, that doesn't make me against it. I'm sure there are other right wingers on this forum who feel the same way.

There are plenty of Obama supporters who are very against gay marriage. They specifically contributed to defeat the California referendum in 2008. When Obama lost 25% support in a recent New York poll because of his stance on same sex marriage, that loss wasn't among right wingers who weren't going to vote for him anyway. Can they be considered right wing?

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/david-cameron-to-offer-mps-free-vote-on-gay-marriage-plans-7784873.html Right wingers against Gay marriage Eh ,,well this link blows a hole in that theory ,as Maggie Thatchers blue eyed boy,s Opinion on it will testify .
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This is about U.S. politics! The UK is way ahead of the U.S. on gay equality issues. Congrats to them, but back to the topic. Yes obviously the vast majority of American right wingers are against same sex marriage equality and even same sex civil unions with the same rights as marriage.

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You do not have to be a mind reader ,just read the link and give me your opinion on it, and with respect my name is not "dude" laugh.png

I read it. It's a right wing hit piece. What specifically about it do you have a question about?

Thats all I want to know ,your opinion of it thats it a right wing hit piece ,and of course Obama's earlier words were taken completely out of contextlaugh.png
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You do not have to be a mind reader ,just read the link and give me your opinion on it, and with respect my name is not "dude" laugh.png

I read it. It's a right wing hit piece. What specifically about it do you have a question about?

Thats all I want to know ,your opinion of it thats it a right wing hit piece ,and of course Obama's earlier words were taken completely out of contextlaugh.png

Please be more specific with your points. Otherwise, this is a total waste of time. If you imagined I support everything Obama has done and said on this issue, you imagined incorrectly. He's a politician. Yes I have always believed he completely supports same sex marriage equality, DOES believe it is civil rights issues, and DOES know this needs to be fixed at the federal, supreme court level. No, he doesn't say that. He doesn't feel that he can. I sympathize and understand that. His opponents will not.
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