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1988 Lockerbie Bomber Al-Megrahi Dies In Tripoli


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1988 Lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi dies in Tripoli < br />

2012-05-20 23:05:37 GMT+7 (ICT)

TRIPOLI, LIBYA (BNO NEWS) -- Abdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi, the only person ever convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing which killed 270 people, died Sunday afternoon at his home in the Libyan capital of Tripoli, his family said. He was 60.

Megrahi was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in 2001 for carrying out the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which crashed in the Scottish town of Lockerbie on December 21, 1988, killing 270 people. He was released in August 2009 from a Scottish prison on 'compassionate grounds' after doctors claimed he had only several months to live.

The decision to release Megrahi was extremely controversial and was met with anger in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries. But the release also divided families as some were convinced Megrahi was behind the attack while others believed he may have been innocent and wrongly convicted. Scenes showing celebrations in Libya when Megrahi returned to live there with his family caused further anger.

Megrahi's sister, Amna, told the state-run Libyan News Agency (WAL) that her brother had lost consciousness on Friday and his condition further worsened on Saturday. She said Megrahi died at around 1 p.m. local time on Sunday and is expected to be buried at Tripoli's main cemetery on Monday, following early afternoon prayers.

The response to Sunday's news was mixed among relatives of Lockerbie victims. "I detest Megrahi, he was monstrous, and I hope his death was extremely painful and horrible," said Susan Cohen, who lost her 20-year-old daughter when Pan Am flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, according to ITV News.

But David Ben-Ayreah, a spokesman for the families of Lockerbie victims, told ITV News that he believes Megrahi was also a victim of the disaster. "His death is to be deeply regretted," he said. "As someone who attended the trial I have never taken the view that Megrahi was guilty. Megrahi is the 271st victim of Lockerbie."

In February, writer John Ashton released a book featuring exclusive interviews with Megrahi in which he protests his innocence and insists he was the victim of dirty politics" and a flawed investigation. "I know that I'm innocent," Megrahi is quoted as saying in the book. "Here, for the first time, is my true story: how I came to be blamed for Britain's worst mass murder, my nightmare decade in prison and the truth about my controversial release. Please read it and decide for yourself."

In August 2011, CNN correspondent Nic Robertson was able to find the home of Megrahi where his family allowed the reporter to see the convicted terrorist. His son, Khaled al-Megrahi, explained only oxygen and fluids had kept him alive, as he stopped eating despite regaining consciousness once in a while. Furthermore, Khaled al-Megrahi said they were not able to see any doctors to check his condition.

"Nobody can know how long he will stay alive, nobody know," Khaled al-Megrahi told Robertson in August 2011.

Earlier in 2011, former Libyan Justice Minister Mustafa Mohamed Abud Al Jeleil told Swedish newspaper Expressen that he had evidence that former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was the person who gave the order to bomb Pan Am Flight 103, which was on a daily scheduled transatlantic flight from London Heathrow Airport to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

"I have evidence that Gaddafi ordered the Lockerbie bombing," Al-Jleil was cited as saying by Expressen in February 2011, without giving other details. "To hide this, he did everything in his power to get Megrahi back from Scotland."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-05-20

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why some people write : rest in peace?

this guy killed 270 people for khadaffi or religious belies

burn in hell would be more appropriate

and to say he was freed 3 years ago... he should have rotten in jail for the 270 death he caused

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why some people write : rest in peace?

this guy killed 270 people for khadaffi or religious belies

That's just it, he didn't. Anyone who's actually followed along all this time knows he didn't.

There's a certain country out there that likes to have its intelligence services stages attacks like this, with the goal of making it appear to be the work of others (who are the real target).

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Scottish politicians will no doubt say "We told you he was dieing"

Some Scottish politicians did not the the conviction was safe.

Jambo Dave,

Saifer than a Hibbie goal line (you'll get part of that, maybe all),

The doubts go beyond the politicians even to residents of Lockerbie who also lost 11 relatives. I know folk from Lockerbie through knowing Maurice Elliot in the sixties when he played at Tynecastle. Maurice married Pam from Lockerbie.

Personally, I believe there is a "not proven" verdict in Scots Law. To my satisfaction it is proven that al-Megrahi was at least a close associate of the guilty parties.

He was freed on compassionate grounds. Scots compassion was stretched too far in my opinion to the point that one may reasonably wonder if there were other considerations. We'll never know.

Grieve for the victims. al-Megrahi chose his friends and wisnae a victim.

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The edge of one of the North bound tracks goes more or less over where I worked. A (then) large chemical sight in Huddersfield. If the debris had hit that site, the death toll could have been in the thousands,

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There's a fair amount of evidence that suggests the bombing was initiated by Iran in revenge for a US attack which brought down a civilian airliner. And that the Libyans were not involved. American officers involved were awarded medals shortly afterwards, though not specifically cited for this incident.

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I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories but why doesn't the US and the UK tell the current Libyan government to hand the captured sons of Kaddafi over to some International Court ? Surely, the US and the UK still have enough leverage there to make Libyans agree to that.

I am sure the sons of Kaddafi have substantial info about the Lockerbie bombing. So, here is my question again : Why don't these 2 countries go for a legal offensive ?

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I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories but why doesn't the US and the UK tell the current Libyan government to hand the captured sons of Kaddafi over to some International Court ? Surely, the US and the UK still have enough leverage there to make Libyans agree to that.

I am sure the sons of Kaddafi have substantial info about the Lockerbie bombing. So, here is my question again : Why don't these 2 countries go for a legal offensive ?

The last thing the US and the UK want is for Gadaffi's son to stand trial in an international court. Just as the last thing they wanted was for Al-Megrahi's appeal to take place, which was why the deal was done to release him from prison in Scotland.
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I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories but why doesn't the US and the UK tell the current Libyan government to hand the captured sons of Kaddafi over to some International Court ? Surely, the US and the UK still have enough leverage there to make Libyans agree to that.

I am sure the sons of Kaddafi have substantial info about the Lockerbie bombing. So, here is my question again : Why don't these 2 countries go for a legal offensive ?

The last thing the US and the UK want is for Gadaffi's son to stand trial in an international court. Just as the last thing they wanted was for Al-Megrahi's appeal to take place, which was why the deal was done to release him from prison in Scotland.

And it just so happens that BP signed a huge contract with Gaddafi the very day after he arrived in Libya !

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And it just so happens that BP signed a huge contract with Gaddafi the very day after he arrived in Libya !

Basically Qaddafi gave Megrahi up to reenter the international community (plus paying a fat cheque to the Lockerbie families), and he got sent home to do UK plc a few favours in the oil, gas and bombs industries.

The joys of realpolitik. Not pretty but hardly uncommon.

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I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories but why doesn't the US and the UK tell the current Libyan government to hand the captured sons of Kaddafi over to some International Court ? Surely, the US and the UK still have enough leverage there to make Libyans agree to that.

I am sure the sons of Kaddafi have substantial info about the Lockerbie bombing. So, here is my question again : Why don't these 2 countries go for a legal offensive ?

The last thing the US and the UK want is for Gadaffi's son to stand trial in an international court. Just as the last thing they wanted was for Al-Megrahi's appeal to take place, which was why the deal was done to release him from prison in Scotland.

And it just so happens that BP signed a huge contract with Gaddafi the very day after he arrived in Libya !

Exactly. There is a wealth of evidence that shows Al- Megrahi was completely innocent of this crime. Many of the relatives of the victims know this. Dr Jim Swire who's daughter Flora was a passenger on the flight has devoted his life ever since trying to get at the truth. He attended every day of the 8 month trial, never accepted the blood money either, along with many other relatives. Dr Swire visited Al Megrahi in prison, and in Libya after he was released, and says he considers him a friend. Indeed, after visiting Al- Magrahi in Libya a few months ago he left, visibly upset, as he realised he didn't have long to live. Anybody doing the most cursory research will discover that some very strange things were going on in the days before the flight, and in the immediate aftermath on the ground. A few minutes before the flight took off, assistant director of the FBI Oliver Revell rushed onto the tarmac and pulled his son and daughter in law off the plane. There is a long list of "VIPs" who saw fit to cancel their reservations at the last minute. In the aftermath on the ground, a suitcase full of heroin discovered by a farmer in his field disappeared after being handed over to FBI investigators, a body tagged by a police surgeon mysteriously disappeared. These are established, documented facts, and there are many more. The only "evidence" at the trial of Al-Magrahi was from a Maltese tailor who claimed to have sold him some clothing which was laughably said to have been found wrapped around the remains of the bomb. The tailor was subsequently paid 2 million dollars by the CIA for his testimony and relocated to Australia. Interestingly, despite the Lockerbie atrocity being the largest single act of terrorism on British soil during her tenure as Prime Minister, no mention of it was made in her 800 page memoirs. Not one word. Hopefully one day the truth will come out, and the families of the victims will get the answers they are looking for. To quote the American mother of one of the victims, "Waterboarding Col Oliver North may be a good place to start".
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I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories but why doesn't the US and the UK tell the current Libyan government to hand the captured sons of Kaddafi over to some International Court ? Surely, the US and the UK still have enough leverage there to make Libyans agree to that.

I am sure the sons of Kaddafi have substantial info about the Lockerbie bombing. So, here is my question again : Why don't these 2 countries go for a legal offensive ?

The last thing the US and the UK want is for Gadaffi's son to stand trial in an international court. Just as the last thing they wanted was for Al-Megrahi's appeal to take place, which was why the deal was done to release him from prison in Scotland.

And it just so happens that BP signed a huge contract with Gaddafi the very day after he arrived in Libya !

Exactly. There is a wealth of evidence that shows Al- Megrahi was completely innocent of this crime. Many of the relatives of the victims know this. Dr Jim Swire who's daughter Flora was a passenger on the flight has devoted his life ever since trying to get at the truth. He attended every day of the 8 month trial, never accepted the blood money either, along with many other relatives. Dr Swire visited Al Megrahi in prison, and in Libya after he was released, and says he considers him a friend. Indeed, after visiting Al- Magrahi in Libya a few months ago he left, visibly upset, as he realised he didn't have long to live. Anybody doing the most cursory research will discover that some very strange things were going on in the days before the flight, and in the immediate aftermath on the ground. A few minutes before the flight took off, assistant director of the FBI Oliver Revell rushed onto the tarmac and pulled his son and daughter in law off the plane. There is a long list of "VIPs" who saw fit to cancel their reservations at the last minute. In the aftermath on the ground, a suitcase full of heroin discovered by a farmer in his field disappeared after being handed over to FBI investigators, a body tagged by a police surgeon mysteriously disappeared. These are established, documented facts, and there are many more. The only "evidence" at the trial of Al-Magrahi was from a Maltese tailor who claimed to have sold him some clothing which was laughably said to have been found wrapped around the remains of the bomb. The tailor was subsequently paid 2 million dollars by the CIA for his testimony and relocated to Australia. Interestingly, despite the Lockerbie atrocity being the largest single act of terrorism on British soil during her tenure as Prime Minister, no mention of it was made in her 800 page memoirs. Not one word. Hopefully one day the truth will come out, and the families of the victims will get the answers they are looking for. To quote the American mother of one of the victims, "Waterboarding Col Oliver North may be a good place to start".

I presume you have links to prove these rather interesting claims. Right?

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The last thing the US and the UK want is for Gadaffi's son to stand trial in an international court. Just as the last thing they wanted was for Al-Megrahi's appeal to take place, which was why the deal was done to release him from prison in Scotland.

And it just so happens that BP signed a huge contract with Gaddafi the very day after he arrived in Libya !

Exactly. There is a wealth of evidence that shows Al- Megrahi was completely innocent of this crime. Many of the relatives of the victims know this. Dr Jim Swire who's daughter Flora was a passenger on the flight has devoted his life ever since trying to get at the truth. He attended every day of the 8 month trial, never accepted the blood money either, along with many other relatives. Dr Swire visited Al Megrahi in prison, and in Libya after he was released, and says he considers him a friend. Indeed, after visiting Al- Magrahi in Libya a few months ago he left, visibly upset, as he realised he didn't have long to live. Anybody doing the most cursory research will discover that some very strange things were going on in the days before the flight, and in the immediate aftermath on the ground. A few minutes before the flight took off, assistant director of the FBI Oliver Revell rushed onto the tarmac and pulled his son and daughter in law off the plane. There is a long list of "VIPs" who saw fit to cancel their reservations at the last minute. In the aftermath on the ground, a suitcase full of heroin discovered by a farmer in his field disappeared after being handed over to FBI investigators, a body tagged by a police surgeon mysteriously disappeared. These are established, documented facts, and there are many more. The only "evidence" at the trial of Al-Magrahi was from a Maltese tailor who claimed to have sold him some clothing which was laughably said to have been found wrapped around the remains of the bomb. The tailor was subsequently paid 2 million dollars by the CIA for his testimony and relocated to Australia. Interestingly, despite the Lockerbie atrocity being the largest single act of terrorism on British soil during her tenure as Prime Minister, no mention of it was made in her 800 page memoirs. Not one word. Hopefully one day the truth will come out, and the families of the victims will get the answers they are looking for. To quote the American mother of one of the victims, "Waterboarding Col Oliver North may be a good place to start".

I presume you have links to prove these rather interesting claims. Right?


No links required. Anyone that has followed the entire trial and the evidence surrounding it is fully aware of the facts stated above. I am fully aware of them. Start by Googling Dr Jim Swire and follow the long sorry saga from there. Happy reading.

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And it just so happens that BP signed a huge contract with Gaddafi the very day after he arrived in Libya !

Exactly. There is a wealth of evidence that shows Al- Megrahi was completely innocent of this crime. Many of the relatives of the victims know this. Dr Jim Swire who's daughter Flora was a passenger on the flight has devoted his life ever since trying to get at the truth. He attended every day of the 8 month trial, never accepted the blood money either, along with many other relatives. Dr Swire visited Al Megrahi in prison, and in Libya after he was released, and says he considers him a friend. Indeed, after visiting Al- Magrahi in Libya a few months ago he left, visibly upset, as he realised he didn't have long to live. Anybody doing the most cursory research will discover that some very strange things were going on in the days before the flight, and in the immediate aftermath on the ground. A few minutes before the flight took off, assistant director of the FBI Oliver Revell rushed onto the tarmac and pulled his son and daughter in law off the plane. There is a long list of "VIPs" who saw fit to cancel their reservations at the last minute. In the aftermath on the ground, a suitcase full of heroin discovered by a farmer in his field disappeared after being handed over to FBI investigators, a body tagged by a police surgeon mysteriously disappeared. These are established, documented facts, and there are many more. The only "evidence" at the trial of Al-Magrahi was from a Maltese tailor who claimed to have sold him some clothing which was laughably said to have been found wrapped around the remains of the bomb. The tailor was subsequently paid 2 million dollars by the CIA for his testimony and relocated to Australia. Interestingly, despite the Lockerbie atrocity being the largest single act of terrorism on British soil during her tenure as Prime Minister, no mention of it was made in her 800 page memoirs. Not one word. Hopefully one day the truth will come out, and the families of the victims will get the answers they are looking for. To quote the American mother of one of the victims, "Waterboarding Col Oliver North may be a good place to start".

I presume you have links to prove these rather interesting claims. Right?


No links required. Anyone that has followed the entire trial and the evidence surrounding it is fully aware of the facts stated above. I am fully aware of them. Start by Googling Dr Jim Swire and follow the long sorry saga from there. Happy reading.

Unfortunately if a poster comes up with a theory that can be thought of as a conspiracy, they should support that with links. Links should be required to support one's position.

If I claim there was definitely a shooter on the grassy knoll I would support it with some proof, or I would keep it to myself.

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This is gives a pretty comprehensive account of events. Plenty more out there including from The Times, The Guardian, various eyewitness accounts on the ground at Lockerbie including police officers, a Scottish law professor who attended every day of the 8 month trial, etc etc. Al Megrahi was a patsy for out of control security services and lying politicians.


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I have a very short fuse for conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated facts. I also have a short fuse for links to blogs which present unsubstantiated facts.

Posts deleted.

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Your first line seems to be a contribution to the discussion, so I need to seek to clarify some questions it raises. What is exactly is your definition of a conspiracy theory? I have not seen the post that was deleted but it would be helpful to know your stance. Because you disagree with a verdict and because you agree with overwhelming evidence that contradicts a verdict does that then mean you are believing in a conspiracy theory? I don't think so. A conspiracy theory is something based on outlandish claims with no evidence to support those claims. In the Pan Am 103 tragedy, there is overwhelming evidence to clearly display that the verdict on Al Megrahi was extremely unsafe. Even the man who has been fighting for the truth for so long, Dr Jim Swire, father of one of the young ladies on the aircraft has stated that he believes Al Megrahi had nothing to do with it. Rather than looking at the wreckage and the bodies, in order to find the truth it is imperative to look at the chain of events leading to that point. For the relatives of the victims to receive justice then no stone should be left unturned. Had Megrahi not been released on compassionate grounds there was to be a full appeal process carried out, which would have disclosed some very inconvenient truths that were not permitted as evidence at the first trial. Megrahi's release saved the UK and US Governments much embarrassment and also sealed some very lucrative energy deals.

This situation is very very different to the 'grassy knoll' concept. There is hard evidence in the Lockerbie case to raise some very serious questions that need answering by the UK and US Governments AND the judiciary. I truly hope that Dr Swire has the energy and fortitude to continue his fight for an independent public enquiry. Most people on TV seem to be particularly lazy in that they want everything spoon fed to them. We are not permitted to quote information under the 'unfair use policy' and no matter what links are provided by people there will be those that always find fault with them. It is easy as an adult to make a rational judgement on a comment and decide whether you wish to research a concept or not. A google of the Times and Guardian will lead to identical conclusions raised in the posts above, if they have more credibility than other sites then fine. If I state that the moon is made of cheese, a quick google will disclose that I am talking rubbish. If I state that the Lockerbie verdict is unsafe and that there was a conspiracy within Government to with hold evidence then a quick google will show a gazillion pages with hard supportive evidence of that concept. The pursuit of the truth when their is hard evidence to support it should not lead to intelligent people being labelled as those who don tin foil hats.

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This is gives a pretty comprehensive account of events. Plenty more out there including from The Times, The Guardian, various eyewitness accounts on the ground at Lockerbie including police officers, a Scottish law professor who attended every day of the 8 month trial, etc etc. Al Megrahi was a patsy for out of control security services and lying politicians.


I read your link and it fails to support one single alleged fact with an outside link or reference. Even Wikipedia does a better job than this blog. It is all simply a narrative and proves nothing.

The article on PA103 emanates from a site called "wakeupmag.co.uk". When googling this site I find it all comes back to American Buddha but with other articles, such as:

The CIA in Australia, by Wakeupmag.co.uk

Dealing in Death: The CIA and the Drugs Trade -- How the Agency ...

The CIA in Chile

Bolivarian Resistance: Adios US Militarry Bases

etc. etc. ad infinitum

You people can choose to believe them if you wish. I do not choose to do so.

My guess is the American Buddha blog is Soros funded based on who they try and link you to. Please note I said "my guess".

Adbusters.org is there for any of you Occupiers out there.thumbsup.gif

Edit in: I don't want anything spoon fed to me. If somebody makes an allegation they should be able to back it up with facts. If they can't, or refuse to do so, the allegation remains exactly that...merely an allegation.

Edited by chuckd
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Here is your starter for 10.

The only thing that connected Megrahi to Lockerbie was some clothing bought in Malta which was allegedly in the suitcase with the bomb in it. The key witness to the whole case it was found later received a 3 Million USD payout from the US Government. From 'The Guardian' in the UK, not really a newspaper associated with conspiracy. ChuckD it took 30 seconds to find wink.png


And then here, an excellent review from Gareth Pierce a Defence Lawyer concerning a book written on the Pam Am 103 incident. This article is excellent reading for a generic overview of the inconsistencies surrounding the event.


Edited by GentlemanJim
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