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Lady Gaga Fans Gush, Critics Blast Fake-Watch Tweet: Bangkok


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Lady Gaga is a very young person without any important background of studies at university. She does not know Thailand, she does not care, she did not intend to be offensive. She is an excellent professional making a poor joke, that's it. She just repeats what she heard. Within 3 days, she'll have forgotten all about Thailand.

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'Manufactured outrage to create stories and hype and website traffic. A handful of people made comments on twitter, oh noes! 99% of Thais don't give a $%#@ what she said. No one is boycotting. No one is protesting her like they did in other countries. No one cares. The only thing most Thais would think is that it is very strange for a rich celebrity to want to buy a fake watch, as that is something for poor people. Most Thais wouldn't understand how it could be a novelty item for a rich foreigner.'

Couldn't have put it better myself. It's actually quite amusing (if a little tirmsome) to watch all the usual suspects (the bitter twisted folk that hate living here but haven't got the balls to leave) react to the Thai Visa spin. Good for generating web traffic but making the site's content very predictable these days.

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Maybe Lady Gaga was being sarcastic in light of the deep root thievery of people who steal everything they can get their hands on - particularly copyrighted music. Maybe she was mocking Thailand. Maybe she has a darn good point. Maybe if more Thais mocked Thailand, Thailand wouldn't be mocked by the rest of the world as a cheap place to vacation, a cheap place to get laid, a cheap place to buy illegal stuff, just a plain cheap place.

Oh come on, we should "admire" Thailand don't you know.

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Former singer and university lecturer Kalyakorn Naksompop had a different view, saying on Twitter: "If Gaga supports fake Rolex in Thailand, I bet she also supports the illegal copies of her album. Such an ignorant comment!"

In a country filled with illegal copies including Gaga's albums on every single corner, and over 50% of computers running on illegal software, who is the ignorant onewhistling.gif

I find it rather fascinating with Thai mentality, after all they have no problem insulting Westerners in more ways than one, no problem being racist, no problem being totally contradicting and yet get offended by the comments which are not only humorous but in fact a reality and facts.

Fake goods are sold on every corner with no problems at all, so which part of that truth they find offensive?

More sophisticated in what? in some areas sure, but in most its nothing but copy cats

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Maybe Lady Gaga was being sarcastic in light of the deep root thievery of people who steal everything they can get their hands on - particularly copyrighted music. Maybe she was mocking Thailand. Maybe she has a darn good point. Maybe if more Thais mocked Thailand, Thailand wouldn't be mocked by the rest of the world as a cheap place to vacation, a cheap place to get laid, a cheap place to buy illegal stuff, just a plain cheap place.

As was equally the case with anyone who took offense at Lady GaGa's comment, you're reading far too much into this. P.S. isn't 'the rest of the world' somewhat of a generalisation................whistling.gif

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Lady gaga is smart and provacative also fron New York if you want nice and sweet donot invite her for a visit. At least the Thais are not as insulted as the phillipinos and are demonstrateing

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Her career is based on controversy but then the Thais complain when she is! Go figure.

This Thai quote says it ALLwhistling.gif

"She came to our home, but instead of admiring us she insulted us," a commentator on the Pantip.com Web forum said."wink.pngbiggrin.png

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She tweaks a nose or two and gets more press from it.

The boycotters just make more room for those who know she was just joking.

She can easily afford to buy a dozen REAL ROLEXES, why would she

seriously want a fake, except possibly to smash as part of the show.

In this DJ's case he seems to be just using it to make himself better known.

A tempest in a teapot, and hypocrisy reeks from most of the negative comments.

If you want a good image, project a good image with a good reality,

not reality papered over with your preferences.

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Lady Gaga is a very young person without any important background of studies at university. She does not know Thailand, she does not care, she did not intend to be offensive. She is an excellent professional making a poor joke, that's it. She just repeats what she heard. Within 3 days, she'll have forgotten all about Thailand.

IF you going to make comments on someone's education and background, may i suggest you get your grammar and language skills to a higher level.

She sure has more talent and education to have reached the four million mark in digital sales and have a second world tour

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If they are that embarrassed about counterfeit goods being famously available on the black market in Thailand why do they not do something about it, instead of getting offended when someone mentions it?

Easier to get offended then do something about it.
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These comments would tend to come from two kinds of Thai people.

1) the moneyed, English-speaking, partially foreign educated Thais who MUST refuse to believe that Thailand is still in the dark ages so that they can justify their position in what they want to believe is a modern, fair, competitive and open society. They certainly do live in a Thailand completely different form most of the other population.

2) the terribly educated but deeply nationalistic Somchai who probably can't tell you one important recent event about any country outside of Thailand that doesn't involve consumerism. This Somchai is very deeply proud of most anything Thai and seems to find it very difficult to find anything in the Kingdom to criticize.

Extremely well put. We see these two attitudes each and every day.

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Fake watches are sold here in Thailand and that's a fact. Maybe if DJ Suharit Siamwalla feels so strongly about this, he should campaign to stop fake merchandise being sold in Thailand. He is a DJ after all, so he would have a lot of clout and influence.

How brave and loyal some of these nationalists are when it comes to sticking up for their country and people. Just say good things all the time, and never address the real issues which would actually help this country and these people you love so much. Hypocrisy and ignorance and its very best.

Agree entirely. Thai hypocrisy at it's best best.

These numbskulls should be flattered that their copying skills are so internationally recognised.

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Her career is based on controversy but then the Thais complain when she is! Go figure.

This Thai quote says it ALLwhistling.gif

"She came to our home, but instead of admiring us she insulted us," a commentator on the Pantip.com Web forum said."wink.pngbiggrin.png

Pride comes before a fall.........

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Why are so many celebrities—and politicians, come to that—such arrogant idiots? Ms. Germanotta certainly lives up to her stage name. Let's all surf and download her albums for free. Not that I'd want to listen to them.

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Why are so many celebrities—and politicians, come to that—such arrogant idiots? Ms. Germanotta certainly lives up to her stage name. Let's all surf and download her albums for free. Not that I'd want to listen to them.

i guess lucky for her, she has enough fans without your input, as i am sure there are enough illegal downloads of her albums again without your input.

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LMAO!! Score one for the home team. Great comment. I'm starting to admire Gaga now.

Many were angered by the singer's remark on Twitter, where she has 24 million followers. Some fans called it offensive, insulting and bad for the Thailand's image.

What is worse for Thailand's image is ... all the stuff that happens in Thailand like the sizzling illegal goods trade that has been going on long enough (say the past 2 decades) that it is world renowned. Thank goodness she didn't mention anything about the sex trade or this little country would have been up in arms. They are so overly sensitive here about image. Here's a tip: if you are worried about your image, then CLEAN IT UP.

These comments would tend to come from two kinds of Thai people.

1) the moneyed, English-speaking, partially foreign educated Thais who MUST refuse to believe that Thailand is still in the dark ages so that they can justify their position in what they want to believe is a modern, fair, competitive and open society. They certainly do live in a Thailand completely different form most of the other population.

2) the terribly educated but deeply nationalistic Somchai who probably can't tell you one important recent event about any country outside of Thailand that doesn't involve consumerism. This Somchai is very deeply proud of most anything Thai and seems to find it very difficult to find anything in the Kingdom to criticize.

"We are more civilised than you think," tweeted DJ Suharit Siamwalla

Actually, no, you are not, and, if you actually knew what most of the world thinks of you, you might REALLY be upset.

"She came to our home, but instead of admiring us she insulted us,"

Well, it is what it is.

I could not agree more. Very concise analysis. First of all, why do these people have such fabulously thin skin? Who cares about a tweet by a pop star? Why does that even mean anything at all? How do they know it was not said in jest? And why not just admit that your country is one of the world capitals for fake goods? Look, most of us that live here know how many wonderful qualities Thailand has. All of our countries have many faults. So, why be so sensitive about this, unless this sensitivity if a reflection of inner insecurity about something?

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Geesh..no matter what she says they will find fault in what she says.

Talk about taking a simple statement and twisting the comment into something that it was not even close to meaning what she was thinking about.

Thailand...Land of Illusion ...and now Thailand has, on hand, the Thai nations version of numerous respected international critics that defend Thailand while representing the mood of the nation at any given time.

Lady Gaga....."My Dee" ...Thai People.... "dee muck loy"

Former singer and university lecturer Kalyakorn Naksompop had a different view, saying on Twitter: "If Gaga supports fake Rolex in Thailand, I bet she also supports the illegal copies of her album. Such an ignorant comment!"

Where did lady Gaga says she supports fake rolex watches in Thailand and or supports illegal copies of her albums.

** Is Former singer and university lecturer Kalyakorn Naksompop admitting that many Thai People "also" steal lady gaga music and illegally sell copies of Lady Gaga music on the steets in Thailand.

Hmmmm...who listens to the Thais anyhow???

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Perhaps I'm mistaken but I suspect her publicity machine has generated this somewhat ironic comment with a deeper and clever message regarding the abundance of pirated goods (also pirated copies of her music) - A clever and publicity drawing attack on the authorities for permitting counterfeit and copy rights infringement to exist to such a degree.

If some people are getting offended by this then they really need to learn to accept criticism and the realities of Thailand's tolerance of illegal activity.

Maybe the message is deeper and more clever, knowing the irresistability of the scam gene, and is designed to drive folks to sell her an authentic Rolex just to take advantage of her. After all, if she really wanted a fake all she has to do is stop her car on Western Ave. or Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles, or maybe a hundred other places.

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This made me crack up! :D But yeah, The way some Thais react is no different from westerners biatching and moaning about being called "farung" and such. Human nature I guess, though some (Thais and farungs) do have a sense of humor and find can have a good laugh.

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The problem is caused by Thais not understand farang. Since Gaga is rich, they do not understand why she would want to buy a fake rolex. In Thailand, celebs are all supposed to be hisos with their nose in the air and model citizens, super polite, etc... .So the notion that Gaga could be entertained by a lady market with fake rolexs is impossible, thus she was making a cryptic criticism of Thailand.

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Lady Gaga is a very young person without any important background of studies at university. She does not know Thailand, she does not care, she did not intend to be offensive. She is an excellent professional making a poor joke, that's it. She just repeats what she heard. Within 3 days, she'll have forgotten all about Thailand.

IF you (you are) going to make comments on someone's education and background, may i (I) suggest you get your grammar and language skills to a higher level.

She sure has more (enough) talent and education to have reached the four million mark in digital sales and have a second world tour

Maybe you should get your writing abilities up to par before you comment on another person's effort. "More", in your usage, is comparative. You didn't compare it to anything. You should have written "more than enough" or simply "enough", as I have indicated in parenthesis.

Thanks for your time.

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This made me crack up! biggrin.png But yeah, The way some Thais react is no different from westerners biatching and moaning about being called "farung" and such. Human nature I guess, though some (Thais and farungs) do have a sense of humor and find can have a good laugh.

they should be bitching about being called "farung" since the correct word is "farang"

Do you think Thai's would be upset if she twitted something like "hello asians" or "hello chings"???

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I guess these hypersensitive Thais would have been more upset if she Tweeted she was off to watch a pingpong ball and bottle opening show in Patpong. It's a pitty Thais don't have any idea of how this country is perceived internationally and instead cling to their outdated and illinformed home-grown perceptions - much like the history they are taught at school.

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Lady Gaga is a very young person without any important background of studies at university. She does not know Thailand, she does not care, she did not intend to be offensive. She is an excellent professional making a poor joke, that's it. She just repeats what she heard. Within 3 days, she'll have forgotten all about Thailand.

IF you (you are) going to make comments on someone's education and background, may i (I) suggest you get your grammar and language skills to a higher level.

She sure has more (enough) talent and education to have reached the four million mark in digital sales and have a second world tour

Maybe you should get your writing abilities up to par before you comment on another person's effort. "More", in your usage, is comparative. You didn't compare it to anything. You should have written "more than enough" or simply "enough", as I have indicated in parenthesis.

Thanks for your time.

good to see yet another "qualified" teacherthumbsup.gif got a job yet?

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