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Paypal, Thaiepay - Receiving Credit Card Payments?

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Another PP pitfall to be aware off. When you reach a certain amount of transaction value, about £5K you will be sent an email requiring you to verify your account via your registered phone number so if you registered in Aus or UKetc thats where it has to be done from. Wrote full details on an earlier thread if you do a search. useing a proxy server or cloaking service to access your PP account is an excellent way to get it frozen. They don't perform random checks, their software picks it up. But as stated ealier you can get around that one by maintaining a basic dial up account back home that you log into.

Sometimes I often feel this is looked at from the wrong angle, look at it from the customers point of view, wonder how many will go to a payment gateway they have never heard of? Pay pal is a big bonus there and certainly 2CO are as well, Worldpay good but the monthly paypout might hurt you....

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  • 2 months later...

I would be interested to use something locally based, but the rate of Asianpay seems too high.How do they determine there exchange rate? Thaiepay was calculating at the end of each month using the BOT monthly average, then they switched to calculating daily. They informed customers they'd switched to daily calculations, but didn't inform them they had switched to USB bank rates for $1 - $5 notes.

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Be aware that if you follow goshinguy's link and sign up he will get a percentage of all your future transactions through Asianpay. In that case, not sure that we can call his opinion unbiased. In fact, it smells like spam to me. If you are interested in this product just type the address in yourself. www.asianpay.com (no referrer id).

See this on their site. Asian Pay Affiliate Program

Yes, smart spam, but spam!

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I think PayPal SUCKS! I used it with no problems in the US. After I moved to Thailand I had a trip back to the states planned. I got on Ebay and bought a computer. PayPal would not authorize the purchase because I was in Thailand. The billing address, shipping address and my bank had not changed and all were still in the US. Because my bid came from Thailand they limited my account. NOTE that limited is the same as frozen, period. I NEVER received a reply from a person. It was always a canned reply from a computer. It would be a better company if it actually had people working there. I was not even permitted to close the account because it was "limited". I eventually cancelled the credit card and notified my bank to cancel anything that came from them. After three years my account is STILL limited. They SUCK! :o

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  • 3 years later...

Wanted to resurrect this thread because of problems with Thaiepay which I have used on one website for about a year now.

On the whole find them good but had a case of multiple payments to one customer :) not good!

And then their hold function because of unmatching IP addresses. Basically card issued in country A, customer paying from a computer in country B. Well with so many people who work abroad, expats, travelling that one is providing a real pain in the a...

Just wanted to know other peoples experiences and better options for merchant banking.

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  • 10 months later...


Is there any new Credit card payment system in Thailand ? Or is Thaiepay still the only one reliable ?

Does a Thai need a company registration to open account on Thaiepay ?

Also need to know if it's easy to use the credit card payment system on many websites once registered with them or if you need to apply for any new website you do ?

Thanks for all your help.

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As for people saying you cannot take money out of paypal to a thai bank account that is wrong you can but you have to have a thai Paypal account and then you can withdraw to a Thai bank but your cant fund the account from your thai bank only withdraw to it, you fund it using your Thai credit card (kasikorn web shopping card works as a credit card)

I have had no problem with paypal I even contacted them to offer to supply my details and advised them I wanted to do so as I had heard lots of bad things about accounts frozen etc they said no problem we dont need it only if we see unusual activity on the account we will ask for it.

If you not doing something dodgy you wont have your account frozen if it is frozen just provide the info they request and they will open it up, most that are mouthing off about there account being frozen could not produce what they wanted which normally is call you on your registered tel number provide a recent utility bill, provide copy of passport..

So if you want to use PayPal open a thai bank account get a thai kasikorn web shopping card, make sure you have a proper address and can get utility bills at least one in your name and then sign up for a THAI Paypal account

Edited by FarangCravings
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Yup ^^^ things have changed somewhat since this thread was started. Withdrawing to a Thai account from PayPal works just fine (at least to Bangkok Bank).

You need a proper Thai credit card in order to fund though, don't seem to be able to fund directly from a bank account.

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Yup ^^^ things have changed somewhat since this thread was started. Withdrawing to a Thai account from PayPal works just fine (at least to Bangkok Bank).

You need a proper Thai credit card in order to fund though, don't seem to be able to fund directly from a bank account.

Thai credit card will work of course but most ex pats cant get a proper credit card so a B1st will work and also a Kasikorn web shopping card works fine

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Yup ^^^ things have changed somewhat since this thread was started. Withdrawing to a Thai account from PayPal works just fine (at least to Bangkok Bank).

You need a proper Thai credit card in order to fund though, don't seem to be able to fund directly from a bank account.

Thai credit card will work of course but most ex pats cant get a proper credit card so a B1st will work and also a Kasikorn web shopping card works fine

How would this work with a business account? Can a Thai Limited Company be issued a K-bank web shopping card? Similar to the original poster, I'm faced with having to cough up 200,000 THB to K-bank in order to be able to accept reservation deposits or payments thru Visa or MC. This is only when I don't actually have the customer's card in hand. I have a Paypal account which i was considering using, but now that I've read this thread, I can see that's not recommended, as the Paypal account has been set up in Canada, where I still live part of the year.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yup ^^^ things have changed somewhat since this thread was started. Withdrawing to a Thai account from PayPal works just fine (at least to Bangkok Bank).

You need a proper Thai credit card in order to fund though, don't seem to be able to fund directly from a bank account.

Thai credit card will work of course but most ex pats cant get a proper credit card so a B1st will work and also a Kasikorn web shopping card works fine

Yeah, after some mucking about trying to get the reference number attached to the test debit all is working with my B1st card (new type with a CVV on the signature strip).

EDIT. After spending an inordinate time talking to our very cute BB assistant manager to get the reference I discovered it's actually available on the (rather less cute) iBanking site.

Edited by Crossy
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  • 7 months later...

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