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My neighbor Urinated In My Garden...


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[Taking tthis kind of action (electric fence) seems like a recipe for disaster, especially as you are the only falang in the village. It appears you already have a few locals offside, I think you might exacerbate the situation.

Thanks for the suggestion, i know what you mean.

There is a problem on how a "logic" discussion would go on between the locals, they regularly do meetings between the households (obviously i am never been invited to it, or made aware where or when they would take place, strangely everybody else always seems to knows everything, and i only observed them by chance in the past).

For instance, they would claim on how bad i am to not allow anyone into my land....but nobody mention the thefts i had, nobody out there that see or know anything about it (but they always knows whatever is happening into my home), if you put the question they either tell you that can't be a thai but someone coming from abroad (cambodian, burmese) and in this place they are all totally honest, or they don't seen it as a theft but as something they are magically entitled to.

I do offer what someone might need if they just ASK for it, but maybe "asking" is a way to losing face for a local and eventually take away all the fun of some bragging rights on how did they takes(steal) something, no jokes (unfortunately).

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I don't think I have seen any Thais urinating in my garden... Maybe they're just trying to tell you something? wink.png To be fair, if I was Thai and you went around calling Thai people 'scummy individuals' I would sure as hell piss in your garden too! Psh! whistling.gif


I dont know where you all come up with these Threads, in all my six years of visiting and living in Thailand, no one has ever urinated in my garden, (that I know of) , my fence, or street. nor I am aware of having ever happen at any one that I know. I have seen people doing it in the woods on the side of the highway, but I must admit I have done it my self, and dont think there is anything wrong with it.

Are we scrapping the bottom of the barrel for threads?

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Seems like you have a rabbit farm in the garden and they're shooting them. I'm pretty sure some minivan has stickers depicting the act being forbidden, keep your eyes open, find the right illustration and make a big sign.

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I have seen many Brits pissing in the streets back home but I don't infer from this that British people are scum.

It is not nationality, but rather a person's personal beliefs / behaviour, that determines if they are scum.

Based on the OP's derogatory stereotyping of Thai people in the intro to this thread, I think he is scum.

Surayu seems to have neverending issues with the Thais. And now, he's getting pissed on (literally) by a Thai. Either he's the unluckiest man alive, or he brings it upon himself. Either way, it must suck to be him.

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Where do you live and is the wife an outcast like you ?

(i mean shunned in the village)

biggrin.png .....Robblok, i admit i am not out to make friends, especially if becoming friend of someone involve being a victim or making one, with that being said, if having some manners and respect/help others, without being afraid to tell whom is wrong that he's wrong, makes you a "outcast" as you wrote, well, be it.

I want no part in this krapp and doing what i believe it's right, if you or anybody else thinks i am wrong, please say so.

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Where do you live and is the wife an outcast like you ?

(i mean shunned in the village)

biggrin.png .....Robblok, i admit i am not out to make friends, especially if becoming friend of someone involve being a victim or making one, with that being said, if having some manners and respect/help others, without being afraid to tell whom is wrong that he's wrong, makes you a "outcast" as you wrote, well, be it.

I want no part in this krapp and doing what i believe it's right, if you or anybody else thinks i am wrong, please say so.

I was not trying to insult you. I mean more like i would imagine your wife would be a go between. Or as a result she might be out of the loop too. Just curious where you live.

I am not going to give my stuff to my neighbors to please them. There are a few that like me and a few that i like others are <deleted>. Maybe they think the same about me. But i think its the same all over the world.

But the way you told your story sounded like you were not wanted in the village.

I also do what i want and don't care what my neighbors thing (within limits)

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Surayu seems to have neverending issues with the Thais.

Berkshire, here you are again with your very local savviness! biggrin.png

What can i do about it? I just have an impelling feeling that tell me to act in a certain way rather than another, i am sure you would have gone hand in hand with them....

Don't be so negative toward life, it's bad for you, see any given new day as a gift and i am sure you will feel better too

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Looking at your posting history, I'm guessing they're doing it completely on purpose, making a political statement wrt their personal opinion of you as a person.

I think the only solution is for you to move away to someplace where no one has every heard of you and get a clean start, trying to act nice and get along with the locals this time. Never mind about principles or manners, no idealistic abstract crap, just try to be a nice fellow, reach out and be friendly, it'll go a long way.

Or just put up with being pissed upon by your neighbors.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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But the way you told your story sounded like you were not wanted in the village.

I believe, as a foreigner, they tolerates me, but that's all.

What many people find unacceptable, is probably how i can manage to still be living here without having been relieved of all my belonging, this might be another loss of face for the locals.

The fact that i am aware of when someone try to put a scam on me (almost any time there is a deal taking place), i do behave myself and not put myself in a position of weakness (as getting drunk for example), i can see it really piss some of them off.

It's really easy to demolish any of the crazy and childish stuff they make up as soon as a conversation is engaged, that's why they do avoid it too and keep those nasty fables all inside their closed circles, for what they can.

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Have you thought about providing hot towels and neck massages while they go about their business? rolleyes.gif


Yes but:

1) That wouldn't be me, a bit like asking you to go for a romantic date with a gekko

2) I thought some of the aficionados here were already providing that service and even more, i mean, much more...laugh.png

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Have you thought about providing hot towels and neck massages while they go about their business? rolleyes.gif


Yes but:

1) That wouldn't be me, a bit like asking you to go for a romantic date with a gekko

2) I thought some of the aficionados here were already providing that service and even more, i mean, much more...laugh.png

You know you should be doing that to blend in - otherwise you'd be advised to leave the place. :rolleyes:

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My wee boy (excuse the pun, he's only 4) likes to piss off the patio onto the yard below. It's a deeply Thai cultural thing in a land where toilets are an elaborate western affectation. I consider that when he enrolls in Gordonstoun next year, they will nip the habit in the bud so there's absolutely no need for me to try and break his bonding with Thai tradition while he is in Thailand. The upside will be when he is in his 20's and on the pish with his mates in Aberdeen on a Friday night, he will remember his 'traditional' ways and use the entrance to C&A's appropriately.

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I think the only solution is for you to move away to someplace where no one has every heard of you and get a clean start, trying to act nice and get along with the locals

Or just put up with being pissed upon by your neighbors.

Move away?? In a place where no one has every heard of me???? Are you kidding me??

C'mon, tell me what i did wrong that i shouldn't have done, as far as i know i am been more than reasonable, what is wrong in making understand somebody that want to takes all your money/belonging away from you that he can't?

And in this particular case, what is wrong in telling this sev/wage that he can use your toilet for free if he really have to relieve himself in such a (no)manner?

I don't know if any of you watch the "Myth Busters" on tv, there was a scene where they tested if someone pissing on a high voltage rail could be electrocutted in doing so, unfortunately it's not possible, right, i am switching to plan "B"....biggrin.png

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I presume they urinate on your fence and not actually enter the garden. Get it wired up with some electricity (not too much) . Make a video, post it on youtube and share the link.

We do not have this in our hood.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

No sorry, he went deep into the garden, made sure he was in full view and despite being asked what he wanted and told to leave, offered a toilet, etc....he declined and showed a clear will to start a fight, he wasn't drunk and had many of his fellows primates looking at him on the neighbour land, they had something in mind methinks


Been thinking about an electric fence for a while now and did some research into it, too busy with other stuff lately but that's something i will have to go for.

There is a video already, you can see from the body language that he's there to fight (quick movements, facial expression, etc)

so post the video already

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StefanBBK, on Today, 03:13 , said:

I presume they urinate on your fence and not actually enter the garden. Get it wired up with some electricity (not too much) . Make a video, post it on youtube and share the link.

We do not have this in our hood.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

No sorry, he went deep into the garden, made sure he was in full view and despite being asked what he wanted and told to leave, offered a toilet, etc....he declined and showed a clear will to start a fight, he wasn't drunk and had many of his fellows primates looking at him on the neighbour land, they had something in mind methinks


Been thinking about an electric fence for a while now and did some research into it, too busy with other stuff lately but that's something i will have to go for.

There is a video already, you can see from the body language that he's there to fight (quick movements, facial expression, etc)

Please share the link.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

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To whom is asking for pic/video, there was a picture of this beauty posted originally, but has been removed because apparently it's not allowed, but i can guarantee you, that if you had just a quick look at it, you wouldn't want to see any further....

Obviously i can't be sure about each one's personal preferences, however, i guess statistics will prove me right on this.

There is a CCTV footage but it hasn't been uploaded to the net, all in all, it's less than 2 minutes long.

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Cant see what the problem is I have p*ssed on mummy and daddies daffodills and roses on more than one occassion as well as making many deposits in friends gardens over the years...

If your neighbor if flashing his willy to you while doing this, just make a comment about the small size of his willy and pretty sure he will not be back...or alternatively go and take a dump in his garden...see how he likes it..whistling.gif

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I have seen many Brits pissing in the streets back home but I don't infer from this that British people are scum.

It is not nationality, but rather a person's personal beliefs / behaviour, that determines if they are scum.

Based on the OP's derogatory stereotyping of Thai people in the intro to this thread, I think he is scum.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Any Brit who pisses in the street IS scum whatever you think.

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What can i do about it? I just have an impelling feeling that tell me to act in a certain way rather than another...

Do you mean "the voices"? biggrin.png

The fact that i am aware of when someone try to put a scam on me (almost any time there is a deal taking place), i do behave myself and not put myself in a position of weakness (as getting drunk for example), i can see it really piss some of them off.

It's really easy to demolish any of the crazy and childish stuff they make up as soon as a conversation is engaged, that's why they do avoid it too and keep those nasty fables all inside their closed circles, for what they can.


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I quickly scanned your posts on this thread, and read the title again

I suggest you read the forum rules and observe them. If you are having problem with one (or some) of your neighbor, then sure go ahead get some advice from people here.

But, try make this into a generalised derogatory against all Thais again, veiled or otherwise, and I will not be this tolerant.

In fact that's a reminder to everyone.

Your topic title has been changed to be more reflective of the situation.

By the way, I'm a Thai, and certainly have no desire to do anything in your garden!! Neither do millions of other Thais. :rolleyes:

Everytime the OP refers to Thais as 'the natives' a part of me cringes and feels ashamed to be white and living in this wonderful welcoming country where we get away with so much.

I feel sad.

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Yes Besth, the voice of conscience, or the disgracefull lack of it in many souls nowadays.

With that been said, i would like this topic to be closed as i have just been put in a position in which a free exchange of opinions can't be made and even more, but we can't discuss it, so, don't make sense to continue, thanks all for partecipating, whatever your ideas were....

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