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When A Speeding Motorcycle Is Coming Straight At You, Can You Hit Him With A Bottle Of Pickles?


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Crossing with my two young kids at a zebra **with** pedestrian crossing lights, not just motos but cars and trucks will often ignore the red light if we're not directly in their path.

I've become famous in the neighborhood for yelling at them, slapping my hand down on the bonnet, kicking their bumpers as they pass. One taxi driver stopped and got out to confront me and the som tam lady started yelling waving her pestle at him and he pissed off all red in the face. I've made it a game with the kids, they join in yelling and the street vendors now cheer us along.

But actually causing an accident, no, you'd quite rightly be given quite a hefty punishment for that.

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Crossing with my two young kids at a zebra **with** pedestrian crossing lights, not just motos but cars and trucks will often ignore the red light if we're not directly in their path.

I've become famous in the neighborhood for yelling at them, slapping my hand down on the bonnet, kicking their bumpers as they pass. One taxi driver stopped and got out to confront me and the som tam lady started yelling waving her pestle at him and he pissed off all red in the face. I've made it a game with the kids, they join in yelling and the street vendors now cheer us along.

But actually causing an accident, no, you'd quite rightly be given quite a hefty punishment for that.

Do you have life insurance? Have you made a will? And who will be booking the funeral? If not I would seriously consider making the arrangements today.

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Crossing with my two young kids at a zebra **with** pedestrian crossing lights, not just motos but cars and trucks will often ignore the red light if we're not directly in their path.

I've become famous in the neighborhood for yelling at them, slapping my hand down on the bonnet, kicking their bumpers as they pass. One taxi driver stopped and got out to confront me and the som tam lady started yelling waving her pestle at him and he pissed off all red in the face. I've made it a game with the kids, they join in yelling and the street vendors now cheer us along.

But actually causing an accident, no, you'd quite rightly be given quite a hefty punishment for that.

Do you have life insurance? Have you made a will? And who will be booking the funeral? If not I would seriously consider making the arrangements today.

Stuff all that, what about the pickled onions. licklips.gif
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If you are so cavalier with your attitude to wasting pickles on a dam_n motorcycle rider.... who has never had the chance to appreciate the flavour of a real pickled onion/beet/assorted veg then you should at least be offering them to the highest bidder ! I propose 10bht (delivered) as opposed to wasted on Somchai the somtam muncher who already has bad breath!!

some people just don't realise how lucky they are... Patong is a pickle desert!!

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If you are so cavalier with your attitude to wasting pickles on a dam_n motorcycle rider.... who has never had the chance to appreciate the flavour of a real pickled onion/beet/assorted veg then you should at least be offering them to the highest bidder ! I propose 10bht (delivered) as opposed to wasted on Somchai the somtam muncher who already has bad breath!!

some people just don't realise how lucky they are... Patong is a pickle desert!!

And pickled Gherkins. Won't sleep tonight. sad.png
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The answer can be found in the legal principle of "what would a reasonable person do or not do" Would a reasonable person about to be hit move out of the way or assult the driver ? I dare say that most Jurys in the world would find a person who took a bag of grocerys or a baseball bat to the driver to have taken an unreasonable course of action. Because a resonable person would simply move out of the way.

In an accident you don't have the right to assult someone just because the accident may lead to harm. I doubt any Jury would find that swinging a bag of grocerys was intended to deflect an oncoming driver as opposed to just being an unreasonable act. The Jury question would be would a reasonable person is the same or similar circumstance try and deflect 150+ pounds going X miles per hour with a hard object or would a resonable person try and get out of the way.

The reason it's unreasonable is that it would be demmed an unreasonable expectation that hitting a moving object with that amount of force with a bottle of pickes would have a reasonable chance of reducing the harm to the pickle bottle thrower because as a point of fact it would not, and a reasonable person would understand that ..... which is why as a reasonable person you didn't do it !

When this flips on it's head is when the driver is assulting you intentionally, if a driver was attempting to run you over or assult you a reasonable person would try to use any force within their means to stay alive and as ineffective as a bottle of pickles might be it would not be unreasonable to try and use it to defend yourself. Then the jury question becomes, would a reasonable person is the same or similar circumstance believe the driver was attempting to assult them or would a reasonable person think it was just an unintentional accident. It really wouldn't matter if it was or was not what would matter is if it was reasonable to think it was an assult not if it was an actual assult.

When people get into trouble in this fairly common situation it's bacause Jurys find their actions were unreasonable based on the circumstances. So .... yes throwing a bottle of pickles at bad drivers is againt the law as fun as it might be to do , because throwing a bottle at a motorcyclist has no reasonable expectation of reducing the harm to yourself.

What would probabbly happen is the driver would sue you because it's not unreasonable at all to convience a Jury that getting smashed in the face with a bottle was what caused the accident in the first place, a reasonable Jury would find that smashing someone in the face would keep them from reducing the harm to you and themselves as they would further lose control , stop applying the brake ect, what you would find is that the act of throwing the bottle would be deemed as adding to the problem and make you liable for a part or perhaps all of the damage of the accident. Because the smash to the face would have happened before the accident making the accident worse in the mind of any reasonable person listening to the average lawyer pointing that out.

sounds reasonable

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The answer can be found in the legal principle of "what would a reasonable person do or not do" Would a reasonable person about to be hit move out of the way or assult the driver ? I dare say that most Jurys in the world would find a person who took a bag of grocerys or a baseball bat to the driver to have taken an unreasonable course of action. Because a resonable person would simply move out of the way.

In an accident you don't have the right to assult someone just because the accident may lead to harm. I doubt any Jury would find that swinging a bag of grocerys was intended to deflect an oncoming driver as opposed to just being an unreasonable act. The Jury question would be would a reasonable person is the same or similar circumstance try and deflect 150+ pounds going X miles per hour with a hard object or would a resonable person try and get out of the way.

The reason it's unreasonable is that it would be demmed an unreasonable expectation that hitting a moving object with that amount of force with a bottle of pickes would have a reasonable chance of reducing the harm to the pickle bottle thrower because as a point of fact it would not, and a reasonable person would understand that ..... which is why as a reasonable person you didn't do it !

When this flips on it's head is when the driver is assulting you intentionally, if a driver was attempting to run you over or assult you a reasonable person would try to use any force within their means to stay alive and as ineffective as a bottle of pickles might be it would not be unreasonable to try and use it to defend yourself. Then the jury question becomes, would a reasonable person is the same or similar circumstance believe the driver was attempting to assult them or would a reasonable person think it was just an unintentional accident. It really wouldn't matter if it was or was not what would matter is if it was reasonable to think it was an assult not if it was an actual assult.

When people get into trouble in this fairly common situation it's bacause Jurys find their actions were unreasonable based on the circumstances. So .... yes throwing a bottle of pickles at bad drivers is againt the law as fun as it might be to do , because throwing a bottle at a motorcyclist has no reasonable expectation of reducing the harm to yourself.

What would probabbly happen is the driver would sue you because it's not unreasonable at all to convience a Jury that getting smashed in the face with a bottle was what caused the accident in the first place, a reasonable Jury would find that smashing someone in the face would keep them from reducing the harm to you and themselves as they would further lose control , stop applying the brake ect, what you would find is that the act of throwing the bottle would be deemed as adding to the problem and make you liable for a part or perhaps all of the damage of the accident. Because the smash to the face would have happened before the accident making the accident worse in the mind of any reasonable person listening to the average lawyer pointing that out.

sounds reasonable

I think the jury would convict you on the basis of a jarring experience. You should have been more careful crossing and not gherkin around with your groceries.

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Should have employed your old theory of following and old soi dog accross the road, no-one injured, no loss of face or pickles.thumbsup.gif

Seriously though, if pegged flat-footed in the path of one of these guys i find it best to stay still and do nothing, they will then know what direction to take to go around you,

if darting to and fro and fumbling around for bottles of pickles you will be a goner for surewink.png

Reminds me when I was in South Africa on a safari.....our guide told us if the rhino turns and charges, stand perfectly still.

We asked him if he has had a rhino charge at him...he said yes....."and what did you do?"..

.....I ran like bloody hell!blink.png

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