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What'S With Farangs & Their Thai Gfs Holding Hands All The Time


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Yes usually new couples do hold hands; In my country anyway

it's called RO-MANCE

does not last unfortunately sad.png

I never see real, respectable Thai women holding hands with their Thai boyfriends/husbands... Only Falangs. Are Falangs the only ones making new relationships?

Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

The part about only BG's hold hands in public is utter <deleted>. I have never dated a BG in thailand yet each and every Thai woman I have dated has held my hand in public.

Kissing and cuddling in public is frowned upon. In many cases outside your house and in view of others it is frowned upon too. I do not disagree with that part.

Ask any grandmother about etiquette? Naturally she will say it is not the done thing here in Thailand but many grandmothers are not 'with it' and have very different standards, so what would you expect a grandmother to say?

Out and about in nightclubs in smaller provincial cities I have seen many Thai / Thai cuddling up together (not grannies though, they tend to be in bed) whistling.gif Many a time I have been kissed and cuddled in nightclubs too and no-one has ever batted an eyelid. The same with sexy dancing - yeah, I still do that too.

I also see many women dressed in short skirts and skimpy shorts in restaurants and clubs and most of them are not BG's either. very beautiful to look at.

In restaurants I have been fed food in a rather provocative way too. Also given food mouth to mouth - very sexy as your lips touch as each takes a bite!! w00t.gif

Ah, wait ..... maybe that is far too pornographic for some of you prudes out there.

Tough cheesy.gif

edit to add and I have not dated one woman under 30 here.

Edited by pattayadingo
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It becomes more apparent as I see this thread progress posters have opened up from the slightly couched comments earlier in the thread

There is obviously an element who find the idea of the old farang and young Thai girl distasteful, the hand holding and kissing in public just aggravates their sense of indignation to the point where they seek to deride and stereotype all people in such a relationship, to rationalise their thoughts.....it is not about hand holding for them

This thread has contained so much tosh that I have to admit I couldn’t help myself in having a little fun with it….

Saying that – if someone has paid to parade around with a female resembling a pug chewing a wasp I really can’t blame onlookers for passing some form of negative judgment as to a: their level of desperation and b: their more than obvious lack of choice…

As Big J mentioned – at 95 he hopes he has sufficient funds to net a stunner... Good luck to him.

In restaurants I have been fed food in a rather provocative way too. Also given food mouth to mouth - very sexy as your lips touch as each takes a bite!! w00t.gif

Ah, wait ..... maybe that is far too pornographic for some of you prudes out there.

Tough cheesy.gif

This level of flagrant disregard for others is distasteful to the extreme.

How do you expect those around you to enjoy a relaxing meal when instead they are rolling around the floor laughing at you?

Edited by richard_smith237
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So many generalisations going on here.

I think we should consider all as individuals, BG's and Falangs alike.

I was lucky enough to find a non BG lady who had 2 children to her past useless Thai boy - I am not obese but I am far older than her.

Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

Just after my wife was half foisted on me by her cousin I was concerned for her health and so took her for a complete medical check up at one of the local private hospitals. The doctor gave her a life expectancy of three months and insisted that she be admitted immediately for intensive treatment. I knew that my wife had been abandoned by her incorrigible husband when she announced that a second child was on the way, and that she had struggled to clothe and feed her kids, mainly unaided, for 10 years. All that she had known was working long hours in somebody else's fields and doing part time jobs. I was asked if I was going to pay the hospital bill, but this at a time when I was unsure whether I had a 'keeper' or not, mainly through language and cultural difficulties. I asked what would happen if I declined and the doctor appalled me by saying that they would immediately discharge her.

I was facing a moral dilemma. Should I walk away and leave her to die in poor circumstances and leave two young orphan children in Buriram, often going hungry and not properly cared for? If they survived what sort of life could they look forward to? I decided that I could not live comfortably with that image burned into my brain and agreed to pay. I comforted myself that I being the last resort, this was the right and Christian thing to do. When she had gathered enough strength to cope and I knew that I had bagged a 'keeper', we brought the children to join us in Pattaya. I am pleased to say that my wife, 11 years on, now glows with health, physically, mentally and emotionally.

We had our problems with the two children along the way mainly through them having to get used to strict parental discipline and adopting a new way of life, but on the whole bringing them up has been a rewarding experience for all of us. The eldest, our daughter is now very happily married and 18 months ago made my wife and I proud grandparents. Our son diligently works on our farms and supports his aunt who takes care of the children of other family members while they work in Bangkok and who send money each month to support their children. Rather than feeling unlucky I feel blessed. Both of my wife's children can read and write and speak English to a passable standard. When I visit the upcountry farms I sit the kids down and give them lessons so that they are far in advance at their contemporaries at school, in fact the eldest is far in advance of her school teacher. I cannot describe the joy that I feel when on arrival the kids rush to jump all over me and have friendly quarrels about who is going to hold my hand. On school days they rouse me from my pit at an hour that I consider in the middle of the night, and pile into the truck for me to take them to school; when not attending school they take turns in bringing me my early morning coffee and then they snuggle up to me in bed and listen as I tell them fairy tales. They know the story of the Three Bears better than I do now. smile.png

I cannot entertain the notion that I have been unlucky by taking on the responsibility of kids and consider myself the most fortunate of men to have the opportunity to help them grow and develop into rounded, intelligent and considerate adults. This is what real life is about, not sitting in some sleazy bar consuming excessive amounts of poison and paying well over the odds for it, being half deafened by a cacophony masquerading as music, being regaled by improbable stories of derring do which are probably the product of an over active imagination, being pestered to buy a load of trash every two minutes by an itinerant hawker and subject to the predations of an uneducated and desperate lady of uncertain age desperately trying to keep body and soul together. I can only conclude that you are looking at life through a very dark mirror.

Sweet man. They are lucky to have you.

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Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

Just after my wife was half foisted on me by her cousin I was concerned for her health and so took her for a complete medical check up at one of the local private hospitals. The doctor gave her a life expectancy of three months and insisted that she be admitted immediately for intensive treatment. I knew that my wife had been abandoned by her incorrigible husband when she announced that a second child was on the way, and that she had struggled to clothe and feed her kids, mainly unaided, for 10 years. All that she had known was working long hours in somebody else's fields and doing part time jobs. I was asked if I was going to pay the hospital bill, but this at a time when I was unsure whether I had a 'keeper' or not, mainly through language and cultural difficulties. I asked what would happen if I declined and the doctor appalled me by saying that they would immediately discharge her.

I was facing a moral dilemma. Should I walk away and leave her to die in poor circumstances and leave two young orphan children in Buriram, often going hungry and not properly cared for? If they survived what sort of life could they look forward to? I decided that I could not live comfortably with that image burned into my brain and agreed to pay. I comforted myself that I being the last resort, this was the right and Christian thing to do. When she had gathered enough strength to cope and I knew that I had bagged a 'keeper', we brought the children to join us in Pattaya. I am pleased to say that my wife, 11 years on, now glows with health, physically, mentally and emotionally.

We had our problems with the two children along the way mainly through them having to get used to strict parental discipline and adopting a new way of life, but on the whole bringing them up has been a rewarding experience for all of us. The eldest, our daughter is now very happily married and 18 months ago made my wife and I proud grandparents. Our son diligently works on our farms and supports his aunt who takes care of the children of other family members while they work in Bangkok and who send money each month to support their children. Rather than feeling unlucky I feel blessed. Both of my wife's children can read and write and speak English to a passable standard. When I visit the upcountry farms I sit the kids down and give them lessons so that they are far in advance at their contemporaries at school, in fact the eldest is far in advance of her school teacher. I cannot describe the joy that I feel when on arrival the kids rush to jump all over me and have friendly quarrels about who is going to hold my hand. On school days they rouse me from my pit at an hour that I consider in the middle of the night, and pile into the truck for me to take them to school; when not attending school they take turns in bringing me my early morning coffee and then they snuggle up to me in bed and listen as I tell them fairy tales. They know the story of the Three Bears better than I do now. smile.png

I cannot entertain the notion that I have been unlucky by taking on the responsibility of kids and consider myself the most fortunate of men to have the opportunity to help them grow and develop into rounded, intelligent and considerate adults. This is what real life is about, not sitting in some sleazy bar consuming excessive amounts of poison and paying well over the odds for it, being half deafened by a cacophony masquerading as music, being regaled by improbable stories of derring do which are probably the product of an over active imagination, being pestered to buy a load of trash every two minutes by an itinerant hawker and subject to the predations of an uneducated and desperate lady of uncertain age desperately trying to keep body and soul together. I can only conclude that you are looking at life through a very dark mirror.

Sweet man. They are lucky to have you.

Nothing sweet about it. Just a good man.

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but how many are hanging all over a geriatic falang ?.....whistling.gif

The specific point being discussed was holding hands.

That some people put an extra judgement on that because it's an old farang and a young thai (whatever sexes) is irrelevant, they'd think the same thing no matter what signals they were giving that they are a couple.

Actually the specific point to quote the OP was,"Falangs with their BG-looking GFs/wives?"So not really holding hands specifically only holding hands with a woman who looks like a BG. BTW I didn't make up the wording BG. That would be the OP. I of course consider the wording crass, crude and distasteful. But if the thread has run 240 some posts it must be acceptable.

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Yes usually new couples do hold hands; In my country anyway

it's called RO-MANCE

does not last unfortunately sad.png

I never see real, respectable Thai women holding hands with their Thai boyfriends/husbands... Only Falangs. Are Falangs the only ones making new relationships?

Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

You never answered my question as to whether you are a man or a woman = one post saying you were a respectable Thai woman and another saying you had a wife - how can I take anything you say as truthful?

BYW there are surely some respectable Bar Ptostitutes that don't hold hands.

I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

When I said holding hands in public it is not polite or correct culture I am very right, I guess it is all how and to what standard people are rised.

If you have seen, meet with, or even marry a "respectable B/G then you have a very diferent take on what is the meaning of "respectable", up to you.

also why do you get defencive if i make a negative comment about a B/G, is it a little to close to home for you???

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My Thai GF likes blues music. I don't much care for it but last weekend we went to the Blues Factory off of Walking Street in Pattaya. Walking Street used to be OK with Thai women helping the older drunken punters walk along the street. No trouble but now. Wow. Pattaya is turning into a family resort. The GF grabbed hold of my hand and didn't let go till we were in the club. I don't know if she was scared and grabbed my hand because of that or she figured I was scared and grabbed my hand to comfort me.

Apologies for posting off topic as my GF is not a BG.

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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

When I said holding hands in public it is not polite or correct culture I am very right, I guess it is all how and to what standard people are rised.

If you have seen, meet with, or even marry a "respectable B/G then you have a very diferent take on what is the meaning of "respectable", up to you.

also why do you get defencive if i make a negative comment about a B/G, is it a little to close to home for you???

Of course, you are correct. It's a matter of "community standards," and you would know. But it's tough educating some of these foreigners. Some of them are pretty stubborn. The other word would be ignorant.

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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

When I said holding hands in public it is not polite or correct culture I am very right, I guess it is all how and to what standard people are rised.    

If you have seen, meet with, or even marry a "respectable B/G then you have a very diferent take on what is the meaning of "respectable", up to you.

also why do you get defencive if i make a negative comment about a B/G, is it a little to close to home for you???

Of course, you are correct. It's a matter of "community standards," and you would know. But it's tough educating some of these foreigners. Some of them are pretty stubborn. The other word would be ignorant.

So are you saying that a Thai woman who holds hands in public is ignorant?

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It becomes more apparent as I see this thread progress posters have opened up from the slightly couched comments earlier in the thread

There is obviously an element who find the idea of the old farang and young Thai girl distasteful, the hand holding and kissing in public just aggravates their sense of indignation to the point where they seek to deride and stereotype all people in such a relationship, to rationalise their thoughts.....it is not about hand holding for them

This thread has contained so much tosh that I have to admit I couldn’t help myself in having a little fun with it….

Saying that – if someone has paid to parade around with a female resembling a pug chewing a wasp I really can’t blame onlookers for passing some form of negative judgment as to a: their level of desperation and b: their more than obvious lack of choice…

As Big J mentioned – at 95 he hopes he has sufficient funds to net a stunner... Good luck to him.

In restaurants I have been fed food in a rather provocative way too. Also given food mouth to mouth - very sexy as your lips touch as each takes a bite!! w00t.gif

Ah, wait ..... maybe that is far too pornographic for some of you prudes out there.

Tough cheesy.gif

This level of flagrant disregard for others is distasteful to the extreme.

How do you expect those around you to enjoy a relaxing meal when instead they are rolling around the floor laughing at you?

And I have at least one photo of Thai on Thai doing that too. laugh.png

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Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

Tell me wildorchid just out of interest, how is internet dating, sending messages to foreign men, viewed by your grandparents?

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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

Congratulations for your clever husband!

Me too, I prefer a Mia Noi over BGs or prostitutes!

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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

When I said holding hands in public it is not polite or correct culture I am very right, I guess it is all how and to what standard people are rised.

If you have seen, meet with, or even marry a "respectable B/G then you have a very diferent take on what is the meaning of "respectable", up to you.

also why do you get defencive if i make a negative comment about a B/G, is it a little to close to home for you???

Well we can all be who we want on the internet can't we. What does respectable mean? I would consider my wife very respectable with impeccable manners and able to hold her own when in discussion with people at all levels of society. I love her, Thailand, the culture and our family, and interestingly they reciprocate all those feelings about me, my country and my culture. She is a professional woman, a successful large company owner and we always hold hands. My Mother in law is absolute salt of the Earth and if I am traveling away she will come up to me and give me a big hug and a kiss, even if she comes to meet me at the airport with my wife. Those of you getting hung up on all of this need to get a life.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Thanks to this thread I had a revelation, I now know why ladies walk behind men here. The men ain't going to get any action anyway, so could just as well power on, the sooner one gets out of sight the sooner the real action can begin. Hence the "Loooove Inn"-shorttimehotels that can be found all around. There'll be some serious high fiving in there, I'm willing to bet. The wealth of cultural insights on this forum is beyond belief.

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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

Congratulations for your clever husband!

Me too, I prefer a Mia Noi over BGs or prostitutes!

What about the threats from the Mia Noi to call the wife and spill the beans? You know that's her ace in the hole, right?

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Wow, the OP probably didn't have a clue that his troll post would evoke such a response. 250+ posts and still going strong.

You guys are just way too easy when poked with a stick.

A pointy stick or a shitty stick?


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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

Congratulations for your clever husband!

Me too, I prefer a Mia Noi over BGs or prostitutes!

What about the threats from the Mia Noi to call the wife and spill the beans? You know that's her ace in the hole, right?

You are under the impression that the mia noi wants to be the first wife?

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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

Congratulations for your clever husband!

Me too, I prefer a Mia Noi over BGs or prostitutes!

What about the threats from the Mia Noi to call the wife and spill the beans? You know that's her ace in the hole, right?

You are under the impression that the mia noi wants to be the first wife?

Presumably not his, though...

Have you been on holiday, Kerry? I thought I'd not seen you about. Not even a postcard for the lads down the pub?


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I thought mia luangs are the ones that don't hold hands and mia nois are the ones that do, the original reason for mia nois being lack of proper handling from mia luang. Them dirty little handholders them giggle.gif

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Wow, the OP probably didn't have a clue that his troll post would evoke such a response. 250+ posts and still going strong.

You guys are just way too easy when poked with a stick.

A pointy stick or a shitty stick?


Maybe an ugly one..

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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

When I said holding hands in public it is not polite or correct culture I am very right, I guess it is all how and to what standard people are rised.

If you have seen, meet with, or even marry a "respectable B/G then you have a very diferent take on what is the meaning of "respectable", up to you.

also why do you get defencive if i make a negative comment about a B/G, is it a little to close to home for you???

Of course, you are correct. It's a matter of "community standards," and you would know. But it's tough educating some of these foreigners. Some of them are pretty stubborn. The other word would be ignorant.

So are you saying that a Thai woman who holds hands in public is ignorant?

I think she is saying that any thai woman who holds hands in public is probably a bar Girl. I really have to take serious exception to this. My wife is a successful business woman with a degree, well travelled and speaks Thai, English, Dutch and Mandarin. My wife enjoys buying clothes that I am sure "Wildorchid', would find inappropriate, and I know for a fact her very traditional mother and father find them so, But i would say that they are certainly not worn by the average thai Bar-Girl, I know this because I often buy them and have to settle the credit card bill at the end of the month. My wife also enjoys holding my hand in public, as does my 13 year old daughter, perhaps "wildorchid" and "berkshire' would like to now accuse my 13 year old daughter of Ignorance or some more serious impropriety.

I first arrived in this country in 1981, and while i will allow that throughout the 80's there were few Thai's seen holding hands, I submit that today, it is (in bangkok at least) virtually commonplace, and, to suggest that because Thai tradition states that showing affection in public is frowned upon, then today this practice is also frowned upon and is only carried out by people with..shall we say looser morals is rediculous demeaning and insulting to me, to my wife and to my daughter. Perhaps "wildorchid" would like to turn the clock back a couple of hundred years to the Thai culture practised then, in which case, she would have no problem exposing her breasts in public as was the Thai culture of the time??.

That must save you a fortune in motors. Or gardeners.

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Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

Tell me wildorchid just out of interest, how is internet dating, sending messages to foreign men, viewed by your grandparents?

I can not answer for my grandperants because they do not know about the internet.

But one time they did see a thai lady wearing bikini and kiss falang on the beach, they said take me back home they can not accept this, as i said it depends on the way we are raised and the standard we hold ourselves in.

why all this? All i did was answer a question at the start of this, Why falang hold hands with B/G's? and respectable thai ladys do not? my answer is as correct to the best of my limitted knowege of thai custum and culture such as it is only a little more than 30 years, but if you claim to know more then please enlighten us all.

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I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

When I said holding hands in public it is not polite or correct culture I am very right, I guess it is all how and to what standard people are rised.

If you have seen, meet with, or even marry a "respectable B/G then you have a very diferent take on what is the meaning of "respectable", up to you.

also why do you get defencive if i make a negative comment about a B/G, is it a little to close to home for you???

Well we can all be who we want on the internet can't we. What does respectable mean? I would consider my wife very respectable with impeccable manners and able to hold her own when in discussion with people at all levels of society. I love her, Thailand, the culture and our family, and interestingly they reciprocate all those feelings about me, my country and my culture. She is a professional woman, a successful large company owner and we always hold hands. My Mother in law is absolute salt of the Earth and if I am traveling away she will come up to me and give me a big hug and a kiss, even if she comes to meet me at the airport with my wife. Those of you getting hung up on all of this need to get a life.

happy for yousmile.png
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Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

Tell me wildorchid just out of interest, how is internet dating, sending messages to foreign men, viewed by your grandparents?


And how would they view same sex marriage?


Can any one tell me why nothing is being done with the power lines in thailand (visual pollution) not only is it ugly to see in such a beautiful country but it's dangerous as in the province i live it hangs down and blocks walk ways and often roads, My wife saw the power companys truck blocked by fallen cabels and they just move the cable over the truck and kepped going without fixing the probblem, WHAT THE?????

Why don't thailand look at another country's underground power supplyor at least a properly installed power pole system?

Edited by Johnniey
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