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What'S With Farangs & Their Thai Gfs Holding Hands All The Time


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So many generalisations going on here.

I think we should consider all as individuals, BG's and Falangs alike.

I was lucky enough to find a non BG lady who had 2 children to her past useless Thai boy - I am not obese but I am far older than her.

Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

Just after my wife was half foisted on me by her cousin I was concerned for her health and so took her for a complete medical check up at one of the local private hospitals. The doctor gave her a life expectancy of three months and insisted that she be admitted immediately for intensive treatment. I knew that my wife had been abandoned by her incorrigible husband when she announced that a second child was on the way, and that she had struggled to clothe and feed her kids, mainly unaided, for 10 years. All that she had known was working long hours in somebody else's fields and doing part time jobs. I was asked if I was going to pay the hospital bill, but this at a time when I was unsure whether I had a 'keeper' or not, mainly through language and cultural difficulties. I asked what would happen if I declined and the doctor appalled me by saying that they would immediately discharge her.

I was facing a moral dilemma. Should I walk away and leave her to die in poor circumstances and leave two young orphan children in Buriram, often going hungry and not properly cared for? If they survived what sort of life could they look forward to? I decided that I could not live comfortably with that image burned into my brain and agreed to pay. I comforted myself that I being the last resort, this was the right and Christian thing to do. When she had gathered enough strength to cope and I knew that I had bagged a 'keeper', we brought the children to join us in Pattaya. I am pleased to say that my wife, 11 years on, now glows with health, physically, mentally and emotionally.

We had our problems with the two children along the way mainly through them having to get used to strict parental discipline and adopting a new way of life, but on the whole bringing them up has been a rewarding experience for all of us. The eldest, our daughter is now very happily married and 18 months ago made my wife and I proud grandparents. Our son diligently works on our farms and supports his aunt who takes care of the children of other family members while they work in Bangkok and who send money each month to support their children. Rather than feeling unlucky I feel blessed. Both of my wife's children can read and write and speak English to a passable standard. When I visit the upcountry farms I sit the kids down and give them lessons so that they are far in advance at their contemporaries at school, in fact the eldest is far in advance of her school teacher. I cannot describe the joy that I feel when on arrival the kids rush to jump all over me and have friendly quarrels about who is going to hold my hand. On school days they rouse me from my pit at an hour that I consider in the middle of the night, and pile into the truck for me to take them to school; when not attending school they take turns in bringing me my early morning coffee and then they snuggle up to me in bed and listen as I tell them fairy tales. They know the story of the Three Bears better than I do now. smile.png

I cannot entertain the notion that I have been unlucky by taking on the responsibility of kids and consider myself the most fortunate of men to have the opportunity to help them grow and develop into rounded, intelligent and considerate adults. This is what real life is about, not sitting in some sleazy bar consuming excessive amounts of poison and paying well over the odds for it, being half deafened by a cacophony masquerading as music, being regaled by improbable stories of derring do which are probably the product of an over active imagination, being pestered to buy a load of trash every two minutes by an itinerant hawker and subject to the predations of an uneducated and desperate lady of uncertain age desperately trying to keep body and soul together. I can only conclude that you are looking at life through a very dark mirror.

If ever you find yourself down near Trang or Krabi it would be a pleasure to buy you a beer and chew the fat.

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Yes usually new couples do hold hands; In my country anyway

it's called RO-MANCE

does not last unfortunately sad.png

I never see real, respectable Thai women holding hands with their Thai boyfriends/husbands... Only Falangs. Are Falangs the only ones making new relationships?

Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

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You know, here in Thailand Thais are generally pretty reserved when it comes to public displays of affection, so it stands out when Falangs and their significant others walk around constantly holding hands. To me, it also looks rather childish, especially in the case of elderly men holding hands with middle-aged or younger women.

Well, seems you're very much in the minority of those responding here, I'd say you're just weird.

I understand older, more conservative Thais thinking this way about the hand-holding, but it's definitely not an issue among younger people these days.

And the age gap, or beauty-and-the-beast aspect, well as usual most of us say live and let live as long as they're getting what they want and no one's getting hurt let it be.

Why is that Johnny ?...are they taller than you without their high heels on or something...inferiority complex or something.... hence having to name yourself "big" to make yourself feel better...?

No I honestly don't find light-skinned girls at all attractive, and I enjoy being able to get athletic during my play sessions, I can toss and spin smaller girls around easily, not so strong anymore in my old age.

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You have made assumption that the women I described originate from up-country (which is where by the way?)

Who’s despicable ?... (Oh, and what is a NES ?).

You have fallen foul of your own stereotyping….

OK, fair enough, so why not just say unattractive older women? I agree, I also can't believe some of the women I see even not-so-old and obviously-have-money farang with.

But if that's what he wants, all fine and good, even if he wants to hold hands with her.

NES = Native English Speaker

I too know a number of Thai couples whereby the man has married or is dating a lady who has children from a previous marriage.

However, the ladies in question are from what may be considered in Thailand a desirable social background (i.e. well educated and financially independent). The guys in question are in a mutually agreeable and respectful relationship rather than one of a requirement for financial security on the part of the lady.

Lots of mutually agreeable and respectful relationships come out of relationships that start off purely transactional. Honesty and sincerity are not in my experience found more in the "socially desirable" echelons, and believe it or not can sometimes even be found among bar girls and street whores.

And once the bona fides of the genuine relationship has been established, absolutely nothing wrong with the guy taking on responsibility for her kids or parents or whatever as long as he's doing it voluntarily, can afford to, and is getting good value back on his "investments".

So, good luck to all the hand-holders, whatever age. But, don't pretend its normal, or the social norm, or that Thai's won't pass comment 'in the case of elderly men holding hands with middle-aged or younger women'... They do, I've heard it and seen it enough times...

When I'm 95 and proudly strutting down the street with my 18-year-old stunner - assuming I can afford the old-guy surcharge by then - I think I'll be just as aware as I am know that many people are looking at us with negative judgements in their heart.

Whether we're holding hands or walking arm in arm, or she's pushing my wheelchair or I'm giving her a piggy-back, I'm very sure I won't give a stuff what **anyone** else is thinking, much less the conservative Thais in the ogling crowd.

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Is this OK?


Personally even something like this would be just fine:


I guess that's why he's not wearing his glasses


Needs a Chang / Singha vest on...big buddha medallion, his hair dyed and a big fat belly and we are getting close to Pattaya's finest geriatrics....thumbsup.gif

Oh yeah and the earring and newly painted tattoo's

Edited by Soutpeel
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A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture

Sounds like a true pain and an awful bore to be with. Luckily they're snapped up by the Hi-So bigwigs so us sleazy farangs can do the dirty hand-in-hand thingy with 'em splayfoots.

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also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

Yeah I always ask folks who were in their youth 60-70 years ago what's pertinent in 2012.

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Yes usually new couples do hold hands; In my country anyway

it's called RO-MANCE

does not last unfortunately sad.png

I never see real, respectable Thai women holding hands with their Thai boyfriends/husbands... Only Falangs. Are Falangs the only ones making new relationships?

Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

Are you Thai by any chance ?

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A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture

Sounds like a true pain and an awful bore to be with. Luckily they're snapped up by the Hi-So bigwigs so us sleazy farangs can do the dirty hand-in-hand thingy with 'em splayfoots.

I thought we weren’t allowed to use the word splay-foot, toed or whatever….

‘splay legged’ could be more appropriate and perhaps the leading factor in desirability anyway…

Good on those silly hi-so big wigs for leaving those who resemble ‘A pitbull licking the piss of a nettle’ for the common riff-raff.... what’oh.

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Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

I see respectable Thai girls in extremely short skirts/shorts all the time, shopping malls, nightclubs, restaurants, weddings, Lakorn Tv, etc. Respectable Thai girls with naked shoulders or cleavage never in public places.

As for holding my hand in public, not my wife, she is an 'arm clutcher' or 'shoulder holder', but my daughter is a 'hand holder' and at 14yo as respectable as you can get (she also hugs, cuddles, sits on my lap and kisses me in public, and no Thai has ever thought it improper).

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I hold my Wifes hand but its stone cold since she caught it as a child in the mincer and cleaved it straight off. Mai pen rai

Aint you got nothing better to do, who cares if they hold hands arms legs nipples noses <deleted>, let them get on with their lives and u get on with yours.

Im so tired of seeing these sad ole farangs not holding hands with their g/f, obviously not really in love.

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I see respectable Thai girls in extremely short skirts/shorts all the time, shopping malls, nightclubs, restaurants, weddings, Lakorn Tv, etc. Respectable Thai girls with naked shoulders or cleavage never in public places.

but how many are hanging all over a geriatic falang ?.....whistling.gif

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So many generalisations going on here.

I think we should consider all as individuals, BG's and Falangs alike.

I was lucky enough to find a non BG lady who had 2 children to her past useless Thai boy - I am not obese but I am far older than her.

Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

Just after my wife was half foisted on me by her cousin I was concerned for her health and so took her for a complete medical check up at one of the local private hospitals. The doctor gave her a life expectancy of three months and insisted that she be admitted immediately for intensive treatment. I knew that my wife had been abandoned by her incorrigible husband when she announced that a second child was on the way, and that she had struggled to clothe and feed her kids, mainly unaided, for 10 years. All that she had known was working long hours in somebody else's fields and doing part time jobs. I was asked if I was going to pay the hospital bill, but this at a time when I was unsure whether I had a 'keeper' or not, mainly through language and cultural difficulties. I asked what would happen if I declined and the doctor appalled me by saying that they would immediately discharge her.

I was facing a moral dilemma. Should I walk away and leave her to die in poor circumstances and leave two young orphan children in Buriram, often going hungry and not properly cared for? If they survived what sort of life could they look forward to? I decided that I could not live comfortably with that image burned into my brain and agreed to pay. I comforted myself that I being the last resort, this was the right and Christian thing to do. When she had gathered enough strength to cope and I knew that I had bagged a 'keeper', we brought the children to join us in Pattaya. I am pleased to say that my wife, 11 years on, now glows with health, physically, mentally and emotionally.

We had our problems with the two children along the way mainly through them having to get used to strict parental discipline and adopting a new way of life, but on the whole bringing them up has been a rewarding experience for all of us. The eldest, our daughter is now very happily married and 18 months ago made my wife and I proud grandparents. Our son diligently works on our farms and supports his aunt who takes care of the children of other family members while they work in Bangkok and who send money each month to support their children. Rather than feeling unlucky I feel blessed. Both of my wife's children can read and write and speak English to a passable standard. When I visit the upcountry farms I sit the kids down and give them lessons so that they are far in advance at their contemporaries at school, in fact the eldest is far in advance of her school teacher. I cannot describe the joy that I feel when on arrival the kids rush to jump all over me and have friendly quarrels about who is going to hold my hand. On school days they rouse me from my pit at an hour that I consider in the middle of the night, and pile into the truck for me to take them to school; when not attending school they take turns in bringing me my early morning coffee and then they snuggle up to me in bed and listen as I tell them fairy tales. They know the story of the Three Bears better than I do now. smile.png

I cannot entertain the notion that I have been unlucky by taking on the responsibility of kids and consider myself the most fortunate of men to have the opportunity to help them grow and develop into rounded, intelligent and considerate adults. This is what real life is about, not sitting in some sleazy bar consuming excessive amounts of poison and paying well over the odds for it, being half deafened by a cacophony masquerading as music, being regaled by improbable stories of derring do which are probably the product of an over active imagination, being pestered to buy a load of trash every two minutes by an itinerant hawker and subject to the predations of an uneducated and desperate lady of uncertain age desperately trying to keep body and soul together. I can only conclude that you are looking at life through a very dark mirror.

Man what a story - brought a tear to my eye - dying Buriram rice planter saved by farang Pattaya resident.

I say it's better to find a woman who has no kids and have your own real ones. It would be interesting to hear from some of the older guys with both experiences.

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Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

All depends on who's watching.

The kids at my international school have their driver drop them off early and are screwing in the toilets at 6am, come from the top "echelons" of Thai society, families are the owners of major banks and trading companies, but if they think nobody's around go at it like bunnies.

Even the most respectable Thai girl when away from her family and others that might judge her in that way, say studying at uni overseas, will then adapt to the local farang culture there and not just holding hands, or else her friends will laugh at her and she'll lose face. God forbid.

Just depends on who's watching and whether the youngster cares about what they think or not.

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but how many are hanging all over a geriatic falang ?.....whistling.gif

The specific point being discussed was holding hands.

That some people put an extra judgement on that because it's an old farang and a young thai (whatever sexes) is irrelevant, they'd think the same thing no matter what signals they were giving that they are a couple.

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Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

All depends on who's watching.

The kids at my international school have their driver drop them off early and are screwing in the toilets at 6am, come from the top "echelons" of Thai society, families are the owners of major banks and trading companies, but if they think nobody's around go at it like bunnies.

Even the most respectable Thai girl when away from her family and others that might judge her in that way, say studying at uni overseas, will then adapt to the local farang culture there and not just holding hands, or else her friends will laugh at her and she'll lose face. God forbid.

Just depends on who's watching and whether the youngster cares about what they think or not.

But are they screwing geriatric falangs in the school toilets at 06:00am ?

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Man what a story - brought a tear to my eye - dying Buriram rice planter saved by farang Pattaya resident.

I say it's better to find a woman who has no kids and have your own real ones. It would be interesting to hear from some of the older guys with both experiences.

I spent 19 years raising my first family, were hers biologically but I took full fatherhood responsibility from the age of 2 up, including being the primary stay-at-home caregiver for many years.

My grandkids by that first set are now grown up.

My current crop are my own and still babies. Yes of course there are qualitative differences in my inner emotional experience of fatherhood, but certainly not in the love and attention and time and energy spent, nor in the fact that either way it's a fantastic very rewarding experience and highly recommended.

One big advantage of caring for hers from a previous mate is that if things go pear-shaped you can choose whether or not you still support them, money time whatever. With your own - at least if you're a decent human being - you've got fewer options.

Any specific questions?

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Yes usually new couples do hold hands; In my country anyway

it's called RO-MANCE

does not last unfortunately sad.png

I never see real, respectable Thai women holding hands with their Thai boyfriends/husbands... Only Falangs. Are Falangs the only ones making new relationships?

Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

You never answered my question as to whether you are a man or a woman = one post saying you were a respectable Thai woman and another saying you had a wife - how can I take anything you say as truthful?

BYW there are surely some respectable Bar Ptostitutes that don't hold hands.

Edited by Johnniey
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Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them,

When I used to travel alone the concierge's of the 5 star joints used to ask me if I wanted some company for the night.

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You never answered my question as to whether you are a man or a woman = one post saying you were a respectable Thai woman and another saying you had a wife - how can I take anything you say as truthful?

It could be truthful...she could be a repsectable thai woman and have a wife as well... if you know what I mean....wink.png

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You know, I read the majority of these posts and I understand why I have no inclination to mix with the Falang community. The majority seem to be bitter, single minded and may I say dropouts from western society. I think I am lucky to settle on a place far away from the southern pits like Pattaya and BKK etc

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But are they screwing geriatric falangs in the school toilets at 06:00am ?

God you're an ornery git aren't you?

What's your point?

No one is claiming that upper-class kids have any need to go with old farang for money.

No one is claiming that gorgeous young stunners from poor backgrounds go with farang for any other reason, at least to start with.

I am claiming that even upper-class kids will "misbehave" according to their elders' standards - a very different culture than that of their peers BTW - if there isn't anyone watching whose opinion they care about.

I am claiming that those very few farang that think there is something inherently wrong with holding hands in public are just plain weird.

I am claiming that those who think it's OK for age-appropriate couples to hold hands but not winter/spring couples, aren't actually saying anything about holding hands itself but would feel the same way about any other explicit signals that they are a couple in public. These IMO repressive judgemental jerks seem to feel that such couples should hide their affection, and most likely feel the same way about homosexuals, body-pierced tattooed punk kids or whoever else you consider beyond the pale.

Just let people be, start learning to deal with reality as it is not as you'd like it to be.

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When I used to travel alone the concierge's of the 5 star joints used to ask me if I wanted some company for the night.

Sure, but then it's an appropriate looking girl, brought to your room discreetly not embarrassing the image of the hotel - **and** of course they get their cut.

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But are they screwing geriatric falangs in the school toilets at 06:00am ?

God you're an ornery git aren't you?

What's your point?

No one is claiming that upper-class kids have any need to go with old farang for money.

No one is claiming that gorgeous young stunners from poor backgrounds go with farang for any other reason, at least to start with.

I am claiming that even upper-class kids will "misbehave" according to their elders' standards - a very different culture than that of their peers BTW - if there isn't anyone watching whose opinion they care about.

I am claiming that those very few farang that think there is something inherently wrong with holding hands in public are just plain weird.

I am claiming that those who think it's OK for age-appropriate couples to hold hands but not winter/spring couples, aren't actually saying anything about holding hands itself but would feel the same way about any other explicit signals that they are a couple in public. These IMO repressive judgemental jerks seem to feel that such couples should hide their affection, and most likely feel the same way about homosexuals, body-pierced tattooed punk kids or whoever else you consider beyond the pale.

Just let people be, start learning to deal with reality as it is not as you'd like it to be.


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