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nah i don't want england anywhere near the final. the hype and bullshit would be unbearable. quarter-final ignominy as per usual please.

What nationality are you stevie ? You can't be English because what you are saying is tantamount to treason :)

half irish half english bojangles.

that aside though, asking me to get behind a team in the world cup which features ferdinand, terry, cole, lampard and rooney is just silly. i can't stand any one of the fuc_kers so why would i cheer on a team they're playing for?

I'm not a million miles behind you Steve, but i feel a whole lot better now that piece of sh*t isn't National Captain i'll tell you that much..

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that aside though, asking me to get behind a team in the world cup which features ferdinand, terry, cole, lampard and rooney is just silly. i can't stand any one of the fuc_kers so why would i cheer on a team they're playing for?

Because the other national teams are more than likely full of fuc_kers too. Why would i want to cheer on a foreign fuc_ker? I wouldn't.

Better the fuc_ker you know, than the fuc_ker you don't, i always say. :)

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nah i don't want england anywhere near the final. the hype and bullshit would be unbearable. quarter-final ignominy as per usual please.

What nationality are you stevie ? You can't be English because what you are saying is tantamount to treason :)

half irish half english bojangles.

that aside though, asking me to get behind a team in the world cup which features ferdinand, terry, cole, lampard and rooney is just silly. i can't stand any one of the fuc_kers so why would i cheer on a team they're playing for?

I'm not a million miles behind you Steve, but i feel a whole lot better now that piece of sh*t isn't National Captain i'll tell you that much..

Conveniently left out Gerrard.. on purpose Stevie?

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nah i don't want england anywhere near the final. the hype and bullshit would be unbearable. quarter-final ignominy as per usual please.

What nationality are you stevie ? You can't be English because what you are saying is tantamount to treason :)

half irish half english bojangles.

that aside though, asking me to get behind a team in the world cup which features ferdinand, terry, cole, lampard and rooney is just silly. i can't stand any one of the fuc_kers so why would i cheer on a team they're playing for?

You could always just cheer on Gerrard and pretend the others aren't there :D

Seriously though. I don't understand your traine of thought. Once they don an England shirt they are no longer your enemy. If Liverpool bought one of those players, no matter what you say, you would be behind him once he pulled on a Liverpool shirt.

P.S. I was born and bred in England and have a UK passport but I also have an Irish passport :D

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nah i don't want england anywhere near the final. the hype and bullshit would be unbearable. quarter-final ignominy as per usual please.

What nationality are you stevie ? You can't be English because what you are saying is tantamount to treason :D

He claims to be half English and half irish, which presumably means born in England of irish or mixed parentage, from memory I think he has previously stated one parent was irish, this makes him predominantly English and his anti-English stance most puzzling. Of course he also supports Celtic because they are a fenian/catholic team, and is against all forms of bigotry. :)

How would such comments be treated in Canada or the USA? I think we know the answer to that one.

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nah i don't want england anywhere near the final. the hype and bullshit would be unbearable. quarter-final ignominy as per usual please.

What nationality are you stevie ? You can't be English because what you are saying is tantamount to treason :D

He claims to be half English and half irish, which presumably means born in England of irish or mixed parentage, from memory I think he has previously stated one parent was irish, this makes him predominantly English and his anti-English stance most puzzling. Of course he also supports Celtic because they are a fenian/catholic team, and is against all forms of bigotry. :)

How would such comments be treated in Canada or the USA? I think we know the answer to that one.

Ah so refreshing to see one's nationality being used against someone besides me. :D

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nah i don't want england anywhere near the final. the hype and bullshit would be unbearable. quarter-final ignominy as per usual please.

What nationality are you stevie ? You can't be English because what you are saying is tantamount to treason :D

He claims to be half English and half irish, which presumably means born in England of irish or mixed parentage, from memory I think he has previously stated one parent was irish, this makes him predominantly English and his anti-English stance most puzzling. Of course he also supports Celtic because they are a fenian/catholic team, and is against all forms of bigotry. :)

How would such comments be treated in Canada or the USA? I think we know the answer to that one.

if you're going to put words in my mouth rott at least read the whole back story eh? rixalex has brought up another thread where i've made clear my disdain for patriotism and my dislike for nationalism. i'm born in england of an irish mother and an english-scots-french father, why does that make me 'english'? why should i get behind a team where i don't like most of its supporters (especially around world cup time) and half of whose players i think are cun_ts? it's a ludicrous notion.

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nah i don't want england anywhere near the final. the hype and bullshit would be unbearable. quarter-final ignominy as per usual please.

What nationality are you stevie ? You can't be English because what you are saying is tantamount to treason :D

He claims to be half English and half irish, which presumably means born in England of irish or mixed parentage, from memory I think he has previously stated one parent was irish, this makes him predominantly English and his anti-English stance most puzzling. Of course he also supports Celtic because they are a fenian/catholic team, and is against all forms of bigotry. :)

How would such comments be treated in Canada or the USA? I think we know the answer to that one.

Ah so refreshing to see one's nationality being used against someone besides me. :D

I will get around to you when I am good and ready. :D

I was in the Soi 8 pub last Friday about 5ish and it seemed a lot quiter than usual, are you still a regular there?

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if you're going to put words in my mouth rott at least read the whole back story eh? rixalex has brought up another thread where i've made clear my disdain for patriotism and my dislike for nationalism. i'm born in england of an irish mother and an english-scots-french father, why does that make me 'english'? why should i get behind a team where i don't like most of its supporters (especially around world cup time) and half of whose players i think are cun_ts? it's a ludicrous notion.

Stevie why get so excited ? You were born in England so like it or not your ENGLISH. full stop. My mother was English my brother was born in England so he is English, My dad was Scottish and I was born in Scotland so a no brainer says I am Scottish and proud of it even if we Are not in the World Cup as my Brother keeps telling me....

Why are you excited on the Man Utd Forum ???? go back to The Liverpool one they are at least half Irish.. :D

Have a good day and MAN UTD for a great win on Saturday .... :D

BT :D ps if you wish a meet be in Crossbar Friday or Sat Night I am the ONLY Man Utd fan there :D BUT we will win through. ps Crosbar now a NO SMOKING BAR :D:)

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I will get around to you when I am good and ready. :)

I was in the Soi 8 pub last Friday about 5ish and it seemed a lot quiter than usual, are you still a regular there?

yea mate I usually hit there around 530-630 for a few primers before heading out to play pool, drink more and other assorted activities.

let me know if you are dropping by and we can catch up.

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I will get around to you when I am good and ready. :D

I was in the Soi 8 pub last Friday about 5ish and it seemed a lot quiter than usual, are you still a regular there?

yea mate I usually hit there around 530-630 for a few primers before heading out to play pool, drink more and other assorted activities.

let me know if you are dropping by and we can catch up.

dam_n civil of you James, but sadly leaving this weekend for a stint in the UK. :)

Will continue to hurl abuse from a distance. :D

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I will get around to you when I am good and ready. :D

I was in the Soi 8 pub last Friday about 5ish and it seemed a lot quiter than usual, are you still a regular there?

yea mate I usually hit there around 530-630 for a few primers before heading out to play pool, drink more and other assorted activities.

let me know if you are dropping by and we can catch up.

dam_n civil of you James, but sadly leaving this weekend for a stint in the UK. :)

Will continue to hurl abuse from a distance. :D

Ok mate, sitting here enjoying a cool one thinking of you and not this fine heineken girl who keeps pushing me for more more....not.

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Ok mate, sitting here enjoying a cool one thinking of you and not this fine heineken girl who keeps pushing me for more more....not.

Off topic........... :)



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Ok mate, sitting here enjoying a cool one thinking of you and not this fine heineken girl who keeps pushing me for more more....not.

Off topic........... :)



Oh I don't know Red as she is wearing a green outfit (just) she only needs yellow scarf :D


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Ok mate, sitting here enjoying a cool one thinking of you and not this fine heineken girl who keeps pushing me for more more....not.

Off topic........... :)



Oh I don't know Red as she is wearing a green outfit (just) she only needs yellow scarf :D


On topic.............., Carry On.... :D


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I will get around to you when I am good and ready. :)

I was in the Soi 8 pub last Friday about 5ish and it seemed a lot quiter than usual, are you still a regular there?

yea mate I usually hit there around 530-630 for a few primers before heading out to play pool, drink more and other assorted activities.

let me know if you are dropping by and we can catch up.

A wise choice Jimmy boy, get the heck out of dodge before the herd of teachers arrive.

One of the reasons I stopped going there on a Friday, like a plauge of locusts for the buffet.

There was a particularly obnoxious fat Scottish cow used to hold court there, I hope your "other assorted activities" didnt include giving her one.

If so you are more of a man than I will ever be.

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There was a particularly obnoxious fat Scottish cow used to hold court there, I hope your "other assorted activities" didnt include giving her one.

If so you are more of a man than I will ever be.

Not worthy of a reply :)


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Couple of hours to kick off.Lets hope Berbatov and Co can do the business up front and the crowd get behind then. I feel reasonably confident the back 4 can hold it together with, for me ,Malouda the new danger man. Could we see the return of young Macheda to partner Berbatov or will it be the 5 man midfield again.I hope not.Fortune ,sometimes , follows the brave !

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Fortune ,sometimes , follows the brave !

I think you mean "favours" mate, and i completely agree. My worst fear is we play Berba up front alone. Really hope we take the game to them and that Rooney's absense means everyone in the team really raises themselves more than ever to show unity and strength in adversity.

(Failing that a draw would be ok :) )

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Regarding the thread on TV decisions maybe a few more Mun U fans will be in favour after this result. :)

Oh I don't know about that smokie. Even though Drogba was a mile offside, Macheda handballed it in the net and Chelsea's penalty shout was definate.

Although, Fergie's first words were about the quality of the officials cost him the game. :D

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Regarding the thread on TV decisions maybe a few more Mun U fans will be in favour after this result. :D

Oh I don't know about that smokie. Even though Drogba was a mile offside, Macheda handballed it in the net and Chelsea's penalty shout was definate.

Although, Fergie's first words were about the quality of the officials cost him the game. :D

You're quite right. Thanks for reminding me! :)

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I can't help thinking the sale of Tevez was a disaster and a terrible management mistake by Ferguson, to let matters get to the point where he wanted to go.

With him you would have won the title this year, I am sure of it. And I wonder if Fergie regrets putting so much faith in Owen, who has not been there for you at the critical juncture, but who always looks more dangerous than Berbatov -when he's not injured.

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