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Found This In The House Last Night ....


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Had a few beers, came home, sat down for a quick coffee before bed and found this wriggling across the floor. Not a pleasant sight at first glance and not knowing where it was heading except further into the house.


I had no idea what it was until now. But it did not look pleasant. Also no idea if it could bite, be poisonous or what as I'd never seen one before.

Thankfully I swept it outside into the street and did not kill it. Giant Centipede. Can Bite. Harmful if allergic. Glad I did not find out if I am allergic or not :P

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those bastids are nasty and I've found a few underneath furniture and etc in the downstairs areas....I always kill them with a strong pesticide 'cause if I don't they'll always find their way back into the house and we got small kids around...

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Yeah, couldn't understand at first why my SOs were so freaked out about anything even looking like these guys, tried to explain farang kids love playing with "woolly bears", they believe me about that as much as I do their ghost stories.

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I was bitten by one of these last year....very nasty. For about four hours, it was like having a knife in my foot with the added pleasure of someone twisting it every five minutes.

And mine was apparently a minor reaction!!

incidentally they are called Tak Khap in Thai

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Pure evil, snakes, spiders and pretty much all other creepy crawlies (except roaches) i remove from the area. these i slaughter on sight with extreme prejudice.

One bite put me in the hospital over night and kept me from wearing a shoe for 3 weeks. never felt greater pain or seen more swelling.

huge risk of infection with their bites a well.

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Nasty nasty, gf's mum was bitten by one last year, took a reaction to it and it was touch and go. We were at Singapore airport when the call came in, gf flew home, I ended up rattling about in a suite in Borneo for a week.

The next time I see one it's getting it!!

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Probably one of the most painful bites in the insect world.....................blink.png

Except that is not an insect. I have been bitten more than a dozen times, 3 different times while sleeping, had one in a shoe, always check your shoes! one in a glove, a few times pulling weeds in a garden. Was bitten on the back of my head while sleeping, my scalp swelled for a few days but the lynmph nodes in my neck were swollen for 6 months. I respect them and leave them alone if seen outside, remember, you are never bitten by the one that you see.
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Horrible nasty vile creatures! I got bitten by one on the top of my thigh once when I was sleeping... It was sore and painful for about 2 weeks and its went horribly swollen and red.

It's probably the only creature I have seen where Thai people turn into ninjas when they see one. ph34r.png

I kill them on sight.

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Probably one of the most painful bites in the insect world.....................blink.png

Except that is not an insect. I have been bitten more than a dozen times, 3 different times while sleeping, had one in a shoe, always check your shoes! one in a glove, a few times pulling weeds in a garden. Was bitten on the back of my head while sleeping, my scalp swelled for a few days but the lynmph nodes in my neck were swollen for 6 months. I respect them and leave them alone if seen outside, remember, you are never bitten by the one that you see.

Granted Daoyal, even though they are indeed arthropods, they still come under creepy-crawlies which I class as insects in my little world........laugh.png

Real nasty little critters though, and should be treated with respect, not like the nutters in the video...............thumbsup.gif !

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Two of my nephews have been bitten and their foot/leg swelled up for 3 days with lots of pain.

They usually come out when we get a heavy downpour and as mentioned before, my thai relatives go ballistic when they see them......even my dog goes crazy when confronted with one.....then it is pulverised.

The really big ones can move surprisingly fast...but not as fast as a crazy farang swinging a big bamboo stick like a 2-iron.angry.png

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plenty about during rainy season,mrs.is terified of them,was one at a large outdoor resturant when somebody shouted tak-karb every one jumped up on the benches,op thats only a small one but gives a big bite.

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Two of my nephews have been bitten and their foot/leg swelled up for 3 days with lots of pain.

They usually come out when we get a heavy downpour and as mentioned before, my thai relatives go ballistic when they see them......even my dog goes crazy when confronted with one.....then it is pulverised.

The really big ones can move surprisingly fast...but not as fast as a crazy farang swinging a big bamboo stick like a 2-iron.angry.png

Or as fast as a sane falang doing billy-big-steps in the opposite direction................thumbsup.gif

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I had no idea the bite is that painful or I would have dispatched the beast to Buddha.

When I looked on the internet to find out what it was and a little more about it, what I read said they bite but gave me the impression the bite is not painful. From the replies above I now know better. That one in the house was a good 8 or 9 inches long and quite broad. It was motoring along at a good speed too.

I always shake clothes before wearing them and tap my shoes on the floor to see if anything is hiding in them too. Better safe than sorry with so many things here that can bite.

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I felt something crawling in my pants last year. I dropped my drawers and was horrified to see a Dakhab scurry out. Lucky escape for the both of us.

I did go to battle with one of these in my garden once. They are as tough as a fanbelt. Your best bet is some kind of blade to chop em down. Smacking them just seems to make them angry.

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I felt something crawling in my pants last year. I dropped my drawers and was horrified to see a Dakhab scurry out. Lucky escape for the both of us.

I did go to battle with one of these in my garden once. They are as tough as a fanbelt. Your best bet is some kind of blade to chop em down. Smacking them just seems to make them angry.

Smacking them makes them angry. That sounds like something out of a horror movie. Being chased around the house with it's jaws snapping at you clap2.gif

A very lucky escape for you to have it escape from your trouser leg with no attack, especially if it had reached a warm snug place to nestle in - as I understand they like warm, snug places w00t.gif

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i was at a barbeque and a massive one of these things walked out from under the table i the garden we were sitting

i jumped up to stamp on it and then i rememberered thai peple dont like to kill things

so ,i thought i better check and they all shouted KILL IT ,KILL IT (vrsy strange for thais )

Im near 100 Kilos and i was wearing size 11 steel toe cap boots and i stamped it once ,heard a bit of a crunch and it keep on motoring :o

had to stamp it about 5 times before i was confident it was dead and finished

if anyone interested theres a video f one on youtube ,killing a tarantula and then a snake

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Creatures like these and others that can be far worse make me realise how lucky I have been in the past with my ignorance.

When I first arrived in Thailand and lived out in the village I used to walk amongst the sugar cane fields and the banana plantations in my flip flops with no regard whatsoever to what might be lurking there, waiting to pounce, bite and / or inflict pain and injury or possibly death.

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i was at a barbeque and a massive one of these things walked out from under the table i the garden we were sitting

i jumped up to stamp on it and then i rememberered thai peple dont like to kill things

so ,i thought i better check and they all shouted KILL IT ,KILL IT (vrsy strange for thais )

Im near 100 Kilos and i was wearing size 11 steel toe cap boots and i stamped it once ,heard a bit of a crunch and it keep on motoring ohmy.png

had to stamp it about 5 times before i was confident it was dead and finished

if anyone interested theres a video f one on youtube ,killing a tarantula and then a snake


Sheesh. Looking at those two video clips I am glad I'd only had a couple of beers when I saw that crawling into the house and heading for the kitchen.

As one poster said earlier about one coming out from beneath the sofa, that could have been me, sat with no lights on and watching the television.

You never know what might be lurking about in the darkness guys ....... laugh.png

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Every year at least one of my rubber tappers spends the night in hospital from a bite. After rains they climb up the trees and are hard to see in the dark. Thankfully never had the pleasure yet, but we live in a open house and get them all the time. TIT. Jim

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