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Why Are There Proportionately So Many More Brits Than Americans In Thailand?


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So....Why are there proportionately so many more Brits than Americans in Thailand? That is the question.

I'm certain this has been discussed before, but I have been unable to locate a thread dedicated to it. It's a question that I've never been able to figure out for myself honestly. I also don't mean to leave out other countries and their tendencies to settle here in comparison to other countries, so feel free to jump in.

Is it because it is cheaper for a Brit than an American to get here? Is it because Americans have less vacation time and thus are much less likely to have an opportunity for a trip here? Are Americans just happier where they are? Americans don't have the "bad weather" excuse because we can find whatever kind of weather we prefer by merely moving to the correct state. Is weather a factor in the difference?

Just curious to read other opinions. Have at it.

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I reckon because in America if you get fed up with where you are then you can move to another state and it's like being in a completely different country but with all the advantages of a common language and currency.

Whereas everywhere is the same in England and although we have freedom of movement throughout the EU they talk funny and have a worthless currency.

So we Brits tend to move overseas but you Yanks tend to move within USA.

Edited by PattayaParent
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For vacationers, Brits (and then Germans) are the most likely to take a holiday outside of their own country rather than internally - could be something to do with the weather and the cuisine...and the package holiday thing started in Britain.

A lot more people, proportionally, take a foreign holiday than US people.

As to ex-pats, the Brits have always been a globe-trotting nation, willing to go to new places, and SE Asia has always been an area of interest. More than 25% of British passport holders live outside Britain, a higher proportion than the US.

The US does, however, have more ex-pats in the Philippines.

For instance, the Brits were always the second highest foreign born population in the US (after Mexican), but go largely unmentioned.

It is the same in Thailand, you notice the falang, but the highest proportion of foreigners is actually the Japanese - they account for more than the Europeans combined - but you probably do not notice it as much being a westerner.


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For vacationers, Brits (and then Germans) are the most likely to take a holiday outside of their own country rather than internally - could be something to do with the weather and the cuisine...and the package holiday thing started in Britain.

A lot more people, proportionally, take a foreign holiday than US people.

As to ex-pats, the Brits have always been a globe-trotting nation, willing to go to new places, and SE Asia has always been an area of interest. More than 25% of British passport holders live outside Britain, a higher proportion than the US.

The US does, however, have more ex-pats in the Philippines.

For instance, the Brits were always the second highest foreign born population in the US (after Mexican), but go largely unmentioned.

It is the same in Thailand, you notice the falang, but the highest proportion of foreigners is actually the Japanese - they account for more than the Europeans combined - but you probably do not notice it as much being a westerner.


definitely the cuisine!

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As mentioned, Brits are far more likely to travel internationally by % of the population than the Americans.

I know a lot of Americans who are delighted to see as much of that cast country as possible and don't see the need to travel overseas and I understand that. I think it's a badge of honour to be able to say you have visited all 50 states.

One of the primary drivers for Brits is the weather, our winters can be atrocious, and we along with a lot of other Northern Europeans need to know that we are getting good weather when we are on holiday. Hence the reason why so many of us arrive in the Winter........anything to avoid the -15 temps.

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Is it because, as Brits our school system teaches us that places other than Britain exist and we can get a passport and go look at them ?

Just wondering tongue.png

Along the lines I was thinking. I'm sure I read some time ago that 85% of Americans don't have a passport.

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There are more Brits coming to Thailand every year in absolute numbers than Americans too, not just proportional. Heck, more people from the Nordic countries come to Thailand every year than from the US, and combined they have less than 10% of our population. Considering how big the US is, hardly any Americans come here.

So the real question isn't why there are so many Brits, but so few Americans. In my experience a lot of people back home think Thailand is super dangerous and undeveloped and don't even consider it an option.

Edited by DP25
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The british have always been world travelers and explorers due I think to the small size of their country and yes bad weather whereas americans have a much larger area with many different and diverse places to explore inside their borders making travel outside the country much less attractive to us. Its def not due in any part to education as the two posters above have proven with their stupid comments.

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Why are there proportionately so many more Brits than Americans in Thailand?

Because it is closer! Duh.

Probably more Merkins in Brazil for the same reason.

On holiday? Brits get 4 weeks a year basic , Americans 2 weeks?

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In the US our Vacation days on average suck.

If we want beaches we have lots of nice beaches on the continental 48, have Hawaii, the Caribbean, Central and south America which are far closer than SE Asia and offer a lot of the same geography.

There are TONS of cheap package tours to any of the places mentioned as well. When I lived in the US I predominantly saw adverts for the Caribbean and Central America as well as other states, I rarely saw adverts for anywhere else.

Kinda upset I didn't end up taking that road trip when gas was under $2 a gallon, still need to sleep under the stars in the middle of nowhere South West.

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Mexico is why.

Actually, this very short reply is probably the most pertinent. In North America, we have our Thailand right to the south. Indeed the women are much sexier (and better in bed), the weather is nice (Mexico, Costa Rica, Columbia, etc), and the food is also among the most diverse in the world. Oh, it's also cheap. Oh, the beer is better, too. Oh, the locals speak more English, too. It is probably less safe, though (in many of the countries to the south of the border).

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Because most British people

a) realise that there is more than one country in the world

B) have passports (or even know what one is)

.... oh and yes, they have Mexico to go for their sex tours which is closer and cheaper when all told.

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It's not just Thailand. I have heard many time that the MAJORITY of British adults desire to live abroad. Of course the majority never do live abroad, but a large percentage do in their lives at some time. I think among Americans, I would be surprised if it's five percent.

Edited by Jingthing
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Its because American's don't want to go to China. :P jk

Nah they have very cheap and nice holidat destinations like Mexico, and it id HEAVILY advertised in the US for a nice cheap holiday. Plus a lot of them travel within the country as they also heavily promote places to visit in the US much more than anywhere else.

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British weather can be depressing.

Can be? It is. I'm stuck in England again. When people say it's hot here they have no idea what they are talking about. The last time I saw the sun was 2 weeks ago and it's June 22nd! Right now it's a scorching 14 degrees outside and raining again. Did I mention it is June!??? Somebody kill me now. beatdeadhorse.gif

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