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Donations Pour In After Video Of Bullied Ny Bus Monitor Goes Viral


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She should be fired for just sitting there. I've been a public school bus driver, and when you have a problem like that, you go back to school or pull the bus over. Is it her job to just sit there? What the heck is the point of having her on the bus? Typical school district overstaffed with everything but teachers. And of course the students should get their butts beaten.

That's an interesting point. I don't even know what the job functions of a school bus monitor are. I rode an American school bus myself and we never had (needed?) monitors. It's a bus. A driver and passengers.

Those days were different Jingthing! Now in the days of facetube and youbook things are very sadly different!

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She should be fired for just sitting there. I've been a public school bus driver, and when you have a problem like that, you go back to school or pull the bus over. Is it her job to just sit there? What the heck is the point of having her on the bus? Typical school district overstaffed with everything but teachers. And of course the students should get their butts beaten.

That's an interesting point. I don't even know what the job functions of a school bus monitor are. I rode an American school bus myself and we never had (needed?) monitors. It's a bus. A driver and passengers.

The monitor is there in case of a problem, to ensure that children get on and off safely and to keep order.

She failed in her job and should not have been a bus monitor.

The children's behaviour is wrong, but Mrs. Klein's behaviour is also wrong. She demonstrated incompetence and negligence. How hard is it to follow the procedures, call for assistance and pull over, or report the children to the school admin and have a sit down with the parents?

And, she should also say thank you to Max in Canada. I have noticed that none of the US news networks have pointed out that a large portion of the money was raised in Canada. Fox won't mention that, as it goes against the "fair and balanced" bias I suppose. When Mrs. Klein was interviewed, she was unable to say thank you to Max. A little bit of gratitude would have been nice. Is it so hard to say thank you? As well, a donation to a charity from her would be a nice gesture too. Max had only hoped to raise $5,000. He got alot more. Personally, I don't think this woman is all there, which again begs the question as to what she was doing as a bus monitor.

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I kind of agree she has some obvious issues and is probably not competent to handle today's innocent w00t.gif children. However, that kind of makes the bullying even more shocking. These strong young brutes acting all Lord of the Flies on a weak old lady. I hope she is able to take her Canadian bounty and quit work.

Edited by Jingthing
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And here is one of the wonderful things about Thailand. In general all children here have respect for the elderly. This may happen here, but it never has to my knowledge. I just cannot imagine it. Bravo to the parents who offered an apology for the behaviour of their children.

You OBVIOUSLY have never had to deal with any teens here. Some, not all respect the elderly. Some are rude little ba$tards.

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And here is one of the wonderful things about Thailand. In general all children here have respect for the elderly. This may happen here, but it never has to my knowledge. I just cannot imagine it. Bravo to the parents who offered an apology for the behaviour of their children.

You OBVIOUSLY have never had to deal with any teens here. Some, not all respect the elderly. Some are rude little ba$tards.

He said in general and in general he is right. Of course that does not mean all teenagers, but most are much more polite to seniors than the majority of Western youth.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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We weren't angels either, trust me! But no, can't imagine ganging up on an old lady. Other students, you betcha.

Ever cut anyone's hair? ;)

Back to the donations - I wonder what percentage the website takes? Or the guy who set it up? When the money starts getting to over half a million, you can bet some people are going to start sticking their hands in there for a share.

Edited by koheesti
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We weren't angels either, trust me! But no, can't imagine ganging up on an old lady. Other students, you betcha.

Ever cut anyone's hair? wink.png

Back to the donations - I wonder what percentage the website takes? Or the guy who set it up? When the money starts getting to over half a million, you can bet some people are going to start sticking their hands in there for a share.

It was me getting bullied.
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“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”

Same old, same old...

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  • 1 month later...

And if she had given one or all of these kids a well deserved back-hander she would be a monster who abused these innocent angels!!!

At the end of the day, the parents should be held responsible for their role (or lack thereof), as well as the students who obvioulsy have no respect at all.

As for her lacking in her duties i have to agree, she should not have felt unable or unwilling to administer warnings and immediate contact with the relevant school bodies to have them dealt with in a professional manner,

And to the dreamers who think Thai kids are all of one angelic mold, try opening your eyes when you drive past a bus or when you step actually step foot in the city...They carry cleavers & machetes down their trouser legs. Some carry pistols, some carry small knives, but most of them are indeed armed, at the very least to defend themselves from other 'rival' school boys.

ive seen this 1st hand on dozens & dozens of occasions, but then i use the bus whereas i think the majority of posters here either drive everywhere and see nothing or dont come anywhere near the cities preferring to guess and assume and condemn from the distant sidelines.

If you're only referring to preteen kids then pat yourself on the back, you're awesome!

Didnt some teens recently 'pummel' a teacher who was guarding the perimeter of his school, before returning with more 'mature' brothers/fathers/uncles to continue the beating and to verbally attack a female teacher who very un-thai-ly tried to intervene with something that was obviously (to some) WRONG... ?

or was that 'farang' and their stupid(compared to yours) associates?

Now, if we dont appreciate violence and ignorance should we just go 'home'?

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Wow I will have to start one of these myself. Get a couple of mates to tease and film it, post it on Youtube and watch the dollars pour in. Sure beats working for a living.

I have a better idea, post it here and see how many 'likes' you can get--I am guessing none.

Sympathy for bad boys teasing an old lady is one thing. Sympathy for a man being bullied will probably get a lot less sympathy. As for dollars--I am guessing not too many of those either.

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