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The Real Price For Baht Bus Ride

Ling Kae

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I live in North Pattaya (soi 1) and often need to go to South Pattaya. Most songthaews will go straight down Beach Road to my destination, and of course I pay 10 baht. However the occasional songthaew will turn left onto Pattaya Klang. If it does I ring the bell, and pay the driver 5 baht, saying "Haa Baht" as I do so. Never had any problems with this, as the drivers know they are going off the normal route.

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You could probably get away with paying the ten baht for a flagged down baht bus but some drivers will object.

I use the bahtbus virtually every day to get to Pattaya from Jomtien and back. Mostly daytime, sometimes evenings, sometimes at midnight.

I never queue. I only flag them down and I never have any trouble doing so, except perhaps when they are chock-a-block with Russians in high season, and even then it isnt usually too long until one comes by with space.

I have never paid more than 10B and no one has ever asked for more, apart from occasionally to Central. If asked for 20B to Central I still pay 10B. I would only pay 20B if I went further towards Naklua.

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A local "legend" was that a Bath bus ride goes from 10 baht up to 20 baht once it passes Pattaya South. So when I take a PUBLIC baht bus from Jomtien and then I get off at Central on 2nd RD, I pay 20 baht. Makes sense to me.

To me too. IFAIK there are 3 major zones: Jomtien, Naklua and Pattaya.

Moving around in one zone is 10 baht and if you cross over to another zone it is 20 baht.

Example: From Jomtien Soi 12 to Naklua Road Soi 33 would cost THB 30.

I have never heard of this "local legend" that you refer to concerning zones. The fare is 10 bhat. If you want to pay them more then that's your business.

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I have long wondered about the economics of the baht bus and at the same time hoping they never go away. I figure at least for one example, if they get 500 rides in a day, that's 5000 baht. Probably takes all day like 10 or 12 hours. Also 500 may be overly optimistic. For gas, driving all day, probably costs at least 2000, maybe more, all that stop and go. But even so they still make 2000 or more a day which is a good wage. Of course it's all assuming around 500 rides.

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500 may be right. Who knows?

But diesel costs wont be as high as 2000B round town, even if they are driving all day.

And most of the downtown bahtbuses will also get several special trips, especially in the evening, and these could easily be 200B for a 10-minute jaunt carrying Russians to Pratumnak.

I dont think the downtown Pattaya bahtbus drivers do at all badly compared to people who work in chicken factories or building sites for 250B a day.

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OMG. If an empty bus doesn't pick you up (especially in Jomtien) it is because they are looking for CHARTER FARE (or have some private business/other agenda for example needing a toilet). If they think you're a bus fare (10 baht) they won't even stop. Sometimes they will slow down to test whether you approach the window (charter fare) or the rear (bus fare). The story that they won't stop for certain people is just a silly coincidence/urban legend. Not saying it could never happen, but rare.

The pass you by behavior happens a lot more in HIGH SEASON in Jomtien. That's because they want to maximize their charter fares and there are so many mostly Russians happy to pay them. It can seem personal. It is NOT. It's just business and greed. Some public bus system, huh?

Again the fare from Jomtien to Pattaya Klang is ... 10 baht.

The fare from Dolphin to South Pattaya is ... 10 baht.

Edited by Jingthing
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I only pay 10 Baht from Jomtien to as far as Central but to North Pattaya & as mentioned to Naklua the drivers want more.

They are not all bad ; recently three of us wanted to go to the end of Jomtien beach road where the usual busses do not go, when we got past Chaiyapruk the driver stopped and asked where we were going , when we told him he drove all the way& we were ready to pay more but this driver didn't ask for anything & wouldn't even accept a tip.smile.png

Nice story but in my experience of the bus stopping going far out Jomtien, if you say end of beach road, they ALWAYS demand a conversion to charter. You got lucky.
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One day I caught one from the school to the turn right bend towards Jomtien, I was going to Immigration and I didn't have a 10 baht coin. The lady driver refused to give me change of 20.

Note the vehicle number and report them.

The fare is 10B. It doesn't matter whether you queue at the school (why?) or flag it down, it's 10B.

Only well beyond Central Rd, or way down towards Na-Jomtien, does the question of 20B arise.

I'm surprised you don't walk everywhere, over the course of a year you might save as much as couple hundred baht, worth thinking about?

Guess it's guys like you who have 'spoilt' the busdrivers with overpaying, because you think 20 baht is nothing in your home country. Why would anyone pay 20 if the fare is 10?

Don't know why anyone would pay 20 if the fare is 10, that's a bit silly. I have never been or never intend to go on a baht bus, they're dreggs of humanity, i'll take my own car or bike thank you very much.

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Don't know why anyone would pay 20 if the fare is 10, that's a bit silly. I have never been or never intend to go on a baht bus, they're dreggs of humanity, i'll take my own car or bike thank you very much.

If you don't ride the baht buses, this topic may not be for you. Many of us very much appreciate the baht bus service in Pattaya, such as it is. It isn't perfect but with some basic information people can learn to ride them more safely and also to pay the actual fares. Speaking of safety, there is no doubt that overall baht bus riders are doing better than motorcyclists. Edited by Jingthing
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Nice story but in my experience of the bus stopping going far out Jomtien, if you say end of beach road, they ALWAYS demand a conversion to charter. You got lucky.

I've taken the bahtbus from Pattaya to the end of Jomtien Beach Rd maybe 10 times. (I've taken it many more times from Jomtien down to the bottom, which of course is the standard 10B.)

I have never been asked for more money for this, but once I did give 20B as I was the only person on the thing all the way from Pattaya and I felt sorry for the driver. He seemed pleased.

Either way, it wouldn't be a conversion to a charter, just a supplement for extra distance like going to Naklua from Jomtien. A charter is when he is asked to leave the normal route to go somewhere else.

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OK, thanks for that. Maybe things have changed. What has happened to me, repeatedly, is that they stop and ask where I'm going, and when I tell them they say 100 baht. So I walk. In my view, that's a conversion to a charter.

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Don't know why anyone would pay 20 if the fare is 10, that's a bit silly. I have never been or never intend to go on a baht bus, they're dreggs of humanity, i'll take my own car or bike thank you very much.

If you don't ride the baht buses, this topic may not be for you. Many of us very much appreciate the baht bus service in Pattaya, such as it is. It isn't perfect but with some basic information people can learn to ride them more safely and also to pay the actual fares. Speaking of safety, there is no doubt that overall baht bus riders are doing better than motorcyclists.

That may be true BUT a high majority of motor bike accidents downtown are caused by the way these morons drive, they are also the root cause many bottle necks throughout the city. On top of all that the majority of them are horrible people.

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If I catch one at the beach road in pattaya and it turns right going to jomtien it's 20 thb (otherwise you had to switch busses) For a ride from jomtien down to central the fare is still 10,- THB. The official fee would be 12,- THB, take a look at the fare tables inside some bath buses. You rarely find 'em nowadays, tough.

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Nice story but in my experience of the bus stopping going far out Jomtien, if you say end of beach road, they ALWAYS demand a conversion to charter. You got lucky.

I have never been asked for more money for this, but once I did give 20B as I was the only person on the thing all the way from Pattaya and I felt sorry for the driver. He seemed pleased.

Nice! i do the same. seconded.

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If I catch one at the beach road in pattaya and it turns right going to jomtien it's 20 thb (otherwise you had to switch busses) For a ride from jomtien down to central the fare is still 10,- THB. The official fee would be 12,- THB, take a look at the fare tables inside some bath buses. You rarely find 'em nowadays, tough.

Going to Jomtien from Pattaya, I always avoid the stop at the school. (I did it once and we sat there in the hot sun until they crammed 25 passengers inside. real jerks.)

Flag one down on Pattaya Tai that is turning right. 10Bt.

Often there are only a few passengers and sometimes empty all the way to Jomtien.

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It has been 10 baht since Noah was a child. Since then petrol/gas has gone up how many percent? Sure, the laws and enforcement here are patchy and results in bad/greedy/rude baht drivers and it is easy to dismiss the lot as greedy cheats...but sometimes I wonder if they try to charge 20 baht (for an officially 10baht ride) because their fare has not been adjusted since year zero?

Some say why pay 20 baht when the price is 10baht, but in context of the fare being frozen while petrol costs are increasing, I really don't mind giving the extra 10baht when they ask. A bit of goodwill for a service that I do rely on from time to time. Or do we prefer if they officially raised it to 20baht, as they ought to catch up with fuel costs.

Before anyone accuses me of "spoiling the market", please note that I only give the extra 10baht when asked and don't go around throwing 20bahts around! smile.png

Now, whether the baht bus mafia and some of the thugs that drive the buses deserve the fare hike is another story altogether.

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It has been 10 baht since Noah was a child.

Not at all.

I remember when it was 3B for Thais and 5B for farangs. That still covered the whole distance to Jomtien, and was at a time when there were far fewer people around.

You never saw a full bahtbus coming back from Jomtien in those days, but now it's common in high season and/or peak traffic hours.

Drivers dont do at all badly here, by Thai standards. 10B is more than enough for a standard fare.

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Feeling sorry for baht bus driver's economic situation is great folly. Remember most of them are maximizing VERY INFLATED charter fares and there is no competition for them except the fake taxi meters which also are strictly on inflated charter fares. Its no mystery the word mafia is used so often when describing the transport system in Pattaya, but that said, compared to Phuket we are very spoiled.

Edited by Jingthing
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If I catch one at the beach road in pattaya and it turns right going to jomtien it's 20 thb (otherwise you had to switch busses) For a ride from jomtien down to central the fare is still 10,- THB. The official fee would be 12,- THB, take a look at the fare tables inside some bath buses. You rarely find 'em nowadays, tough.

Going to Jomtien from Pattaya, I always avoid the stop at the school. (I did it once and we sat there in the hot sun until they crammed 25 passengers inside. real jerks.)

Flag one down on Pattaya Tai that is turning right. 10Bt.

Often there are only a few passengers and sometimes empty all the way to Jomtien.

Surely if you flagged one down on Pattaya Thai that was turning right, you would end up in North Pattaya!
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Fullack. JT. , the metered taxis have become a menace. Seen their new “depo” at 3. road? Now the parking all over the city... Tukcom, central,royal garden, etc. I tried just for fun to get a metered ride from royal garden.... bloody impossible!

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... the fake taxi meters which also are strictly on inflated charter fares.

We took a taxi not long ago in front of The Avenue after a night movie.

A Thai friend talked to the driver and he used the meter. No problem.

About 50 baht to her place on Pattaya Klang.

If you have a problem, please note the number on the taxi side and report it at 1337. The only way to stop abuses.

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It has been 10 baht since Noah was a child. Since then petrol/gas has gone up how many percent? Sure, the laws and enforcement here are patchy and results in bad/greedy/rude baht drivers and it is easy to dismiss the lot as greedy cheats...but sometimes I wonder if they try to charge 20 baht (for an officially 10baht ride) because their fare has not been adjusted since year zero?

Some say why pay 20 baht when the price is 10baht, but in context of the fare being frozen while petrol costs are increasing, I really don't mind giving the extra 10baht when they ask. A bit of goodwill for a service that I do rely on from time to time. Or do we prefer if they officially raised it to 20baht, as they ought to catch up with fuel costs.

Before anyone accuses me of "spoiling the market", please note that I only give the extra 10baht when asked and don't go around throwing 20bahts around! smile.png

Now, whether the baht bus mafia and some of the thugs that drive the buses deserve the fare hike is another story altogether.

Me and Noah's Dad used to pay 5 Baht when we first came to Pattaya, it's only been in the last 3 years maybe that it went to 10 Baht.

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... the fake taxi meters which also are strictly on inflated charter fares.

We took a taxi not long ago in front of The Avenue after a night movie.

A Thai friend talked to the driver and he used the meter. No problem.

About 50 baht to her place on Pattaya Klang.

If you have a problem, please note the number on the taxi side and report it at 1337. The only way to stop abuses.

That's a very interesting story. However, don't expect to get a Pattaya taxi METER ride as a westerner.
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Feeling sorry for baht bus driver's economic situation is great folly. Remember most of them are maximizing VERY INFLATED charter fares and there is no competition for them except the fake taxi meters which also are strictly on inflated charter fares. Its no mystery the word mafia is used so often when describing the transport system in Pattaya, but that said, compared to Phuket we are very spoiled.

A mate's missus hired a Baht Bus for a day thinking it would be an easy way to make money, she ended up out of pocket at the end of the day after paying rental and fuel so never bothered again.

I feel there are some regular drivers on the main routes though that are not out touting for charters and are just doing a regular job although I don't use them these days so things may have changed.

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Hallo all TV members!

Have been following the thread for a while. Been staying in Phuket for a couple of months, now Im back in Patts. Actually I have been laughing out loud a couple of times. Of course You're not supposed to pay more than the actual price. If it's 10 baht You pay 10 baht.

In Phuket it's 200 baht for just starting the tuk-tuk! Usually You pay around 400 baht for a ride !! It'd discusting!! It's all run by the mob.

I'm happy to be back in Patts !! I can't recommend anyone going to Phuket by various reason, but these reasons belong to another thread

I'm afraid.

Have a nice day


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I use bahtbuses a fair bit, usually from naklua to Pattaya( central and sometimes south) plus back again.

Always pay 10 baht, and for me it is a convenient and economical way of getting around.

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Don't know why anyone would pay 20 if the fare is 10, that's a bit silly. I have never been or never intend to go on a baht bus, they're dreggs of humanity, i'll take my own car or bike thank you very much.

If you don't ride the baht buses, this topic may not be for you. Many of us very much appreciate the baht bus service in Pattaya, such as it is. It isn't perfect but with some basic information people can learn to ride them more safely and also to pay the actual fares. Speaking of safety, there is no doubt that overall baht bus riders are doing better than motorcyclists.

That may be true BUT a high majority of motor bike accidents downtown are caused by the way these morons drive, they are also the root cause many bottle necks throughout the city. On top of all that the majority of them are horrible people.

How do you know that they are horrible people if you have never taken a baht bus? I have a car and a motorbike and ALWAYS take a baht bus to Pattaya from Jomtien.

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Don't know why anyone would pay 20 if the fare is 10, that's a bit silly. I have never been or never intend to go on a baht bus, they're dreggs of humanity, i'll take my own car or bike thank you very much.

If you don't ride the baht buses, this topic may not be for you. Many of us very much appreciate the baht bus service in Pattaya, such as it is. It isn't perfect but with some basic information people can learn to ride them more safely and also to pay the actual fares. Speaking of safety, there is no doubt that overall baht bus riders are doing better than motorcyclists.

That may be true BUT a high majority of motor bike accidents downtown are caused by the way these morons drive, they are also the root cause many bottle necks throughout the city. On top of all that the majority of them are horrible people.

How do you know that they are horrible people if you have never taken a baht bus? I have a car and a motorbike and ALWAYS take a baht bus to Pattaya from Jomtien.

I have eyes and seen these morons operate, that's how i know. Everyday you see them trying to rip people off and driving like the morons they are.

I stand by my comment - horrible people ( the majority anyway - i am sure some are ok, in the region of 0.00000001% most likely )!

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