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There are a few threads that have been locked after only a few replies; in one case after just a single reply. One of them is an interesting topic and I wanted to join in with some related questions, but I can't of course now that the thread is locked. Should I just open a new thread? Seems like a waste when there was a perfectly good thread I could have joined.

In the half-dozen or so different internet forums I participate in, I have never seen so many locked threads. Why not just leave the thread open and let it die a natural death (i.e. sink to the bottom and eventually fall off to page 2)?

And making it more puzzling, the threads are locked without moderator comment. It would be nice to post a note when locking a thread, indicating the reason.

And making it more puzzling, the threads are locked without moderator comment. It would be nice to post a note when locking a thread, indicating the reason.

Policy is that a topic that has been locked the moderator/admin is supposed to leave a note as to why to prevent this type of confusion. However, the OP may have also received a PM directly informing them of why. Opening another topic based on a closed one is also not allowed as it is directly going against a moderator's decision. Some topics are locked as duplicate of already running topics and believe that is where a large percentage of it occurs.

Not sure how long to let this topic run before being locked as it is running afoul of discussing moderation policy. wink.png Will give it a little leeway to answer the questions.


Wait, what? Not allowed to discuss moderation? Seriously? I think I need to go read the rules again. Must have missed that one when signing up.

So what is the best way to get the answer to a question such as "what is the reason for rule x"? Should I PM a moderator instead of making a thread?

The situation: there is a rule that exists. I understand the rule. I follow the rule. My question is why does the rule exist? What is the basis or reasoning behind it?

That's the kind of thing I'm getting at. But how to properly ask so as not to run afoul of some other rule that says we mustn't seek enlightenment about such things?

I'm getting all twisted up in knots.


ok guys I am closing this thread because intelligent questions have been posed.

In the future, only threads where long quotes followed by one line responses insulting other members are cropping up (otherwise known as intelligent discussions being taken over by idiots and going to the dogs) will be allowed to go on for ever and ever, greatly increasing the good reputation of this forum.

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Now don't you go and get my thread in trouble!

Anyway I found that rule #21 about not discussing moderation. Can't believe I missed that when signing up. Maybe I just clicked on "agree" without reading the terms? Nah, nobody ever does that :-)

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The situation: there is a rule that exists. I understand the rule. I follow the rule. My question is why does the rule exist? What is the basis or reasoning behind it?

Previous bitter experience.

In the half-dozen or so different internet forums I participate in, I have never seen so many locked threads.

I also belong to many other forums, most though are technology, engineering, photography or similar where they are very specific fields and members actually respect and behave themselves. This forum is so wide in subject matters and multitude of sub-forums and as such a very wide range of personalities and differences the forum would turn into anarchy without these rules being in place.

As for the 'why for each rule', just read them and I would say the vast majority are self explanatory and necessary to keep some semblance of order in the chaos that some members are happy to create.

But as these are my answers and past experiences of topics of this nature that given an opening members will take advantage of it and ultimately go down hill quickly, so ...


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