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Chuwit: PM Yingluck Should Ask Family About Gambling Den


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An interview with your hero...

Thanks for the links. From what I was reading there, they were upmarket massage parlours, with full contact and optional sex. Its still a world away from most prostitutes who get paid less and work in rough neighbourhoods and get beaten etc. Without seeing it myself I can't possibly say if the girls working at these upmarket parlours were unhappy or not. I would say having the option to leave of your own free will and not being unhappy at work are relevant and impossible to gauge from web links. I will concede that there was paid sex though. My freind (a Thai woman) runs a Thai massage parlour without the mutual nakedness or the full body stuff, just muscle-rubs etc. for people after work.

Anyway, so he used to have upmarket knocking-shop massage parlours. And he quit. I watched him a few months back he was campaigning against criminals who were stealing flood-equipment etc. I think that is really admirable of him. And I'll take his side over Thaksin and Yingluck any day if it comes to it.

No problem, I don't pretend to understand the full complexities of Thai politics or the extent of the activities that the various "politicians" engage in... the more I dig the more preposterous the whole topic gets!

I do understand that you are trying to put your faith in certain Thai politicians at least, rightly or wrongly, and that it's far easier to sit on the fence, as I try to do, in stunned amazement as events unfold, trying to decipher fact from fiction...

As far as prostitution goes my own opinion on the subject is that any woman or man that enters into prostitution of their own free will is doing nothing wrong in my eyes. I have no issue with the "trade" but I do have issue with those seeking to profit from it indirectly, that's where the exploitation comes into it and how this turns from a free will choice into an organised racket. It's illegality does wonders for those who seek to profit off the backs of others, much the same as we see in the drug trade.

If it were legal the world over it would be far easier to control and ensure fair treatment, safety etc. As it is families are paid money by those in control to provide girls to work in this industry, that takes the free will out of the equation and it pressures the girl to do what is "necessary" to provide for the family. Enough said for now, this is a complicated topic in itself and has many sub-topics and debates to be thought through.

On the face of it Chuwit does appear to have done a full 180, from corrupt "Massage Parlour" Tycoon to Anti-corruption Activist but for me it's all a bit too convenient. Had perhaps he been stripped of all his ill gotten gains and actually been held accountable for his past actions I might have more faith in him. As it is I think this transformation is far too deliberate and contrived, much like the way he announced it... bath smashing, lying in a coffin etc. I can't help but think that perhaps acting would be a more suitable career path for Chuwit than politics...

I suggest looking at the motivation behind this transformation is key and I would caution that selective revealing of corruption is not the same as tirelessly campaigning against it. Each time one of these illegal operations are "exposed" someone stands to lose, others stand to gain. It's a common trait amongst criminals to point the fingers at others, distracting attention from what they themselves are doing. Quite telling that this method seems to be at the very heart of Thai politics... it's all about mudslinging and very few are coming up clean and smelling of roses.

It's no doubt that Thailand needs someone to come in and clean house, stand up to the corruption and point fingers, I guess only time will tell if Chuwit is the man for that job... personally I think the problems are too far reaching and the current political climate and "power distribution" in Thailand will prevent this from happening.

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Chuwit risking libel for linking Thaksin's sister to gambling den

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Rak Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit will be targetted for libel if he continues to link a gambling den to a younger sister of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said on Wednesday.

Chuwit earlier mentioned the initials of individuals close to Thaksin and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra for involving in the gambling den located in Soi Kingphet 5, off New Phetchaburi Road.

Noppadon said Yaowaret Shinawatra, a Thaksin's sibling and elder sister to Yingluck, had no linkage to any illegal venue as alleged.

Yaowaret had divorced Weerachai Wongnapachant for about 20 years, he said.

According to Chuwit, the man with Wrch initials had the control over the gambling den.

Yaowaret is presently a businesswoman and involved in the Pheu Thai Party overseeing the southern consituencies. She served as the president of the National Council of Women of Thailand when Thaksin was in power.


-- The Nation 2012-07-04

Well, this is pretty much a straight admission of guilt.

Those naughty little Shinawatras. If you dig deep enough you could quite possibly find their greasy little fingers in all sorts of dodgy enterprises.

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You obviously have good taste in women, she was probably so clean and sweet smelling because he provided daily soapy bubble baths to all his employees. He's a caring and conscientious guy.rolleyes.gif

Maybe that is why he has Yingluck in his sights, maybe she is dirty in more than just the obvious political and legal ways.

I was wondering when we were going to get down to criticizing the personal hygiene of the Prime Minister of Thailand on Thai Visa. Good joy Yunia. Class act all around.

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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

Why why why. Who knows if its true. But nothing can be closed down unless the police close it and on past experience they don't want to as it upsets their income stream.

It's like in Pattaya were the Navy do more drug and gambling busts than the police blink.png

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No they don't. The Pattaya newspapers report the busts in Sattahip which is controlled by the Navy.

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There is no more casino in Phet Soi 5.

Those are old photo during Mark's time.

Since Yingluck took over, the casino was closed due to lack of politician protection.


And of course there was no casino during Thaksins time cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Can you point out a PM who has been in charge of Thailand where there were not casinos? Of course not.clap2.gifclap2.gif

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It seems that Chuwit is the Hero of the month (at least on Thai Visa) or are his heroic motives a bit more basic than closing down Gambling dens in Bangkok. i.e he has had his Massage Parlours closed down,so now it's Payback time for the owners of the Gambling Dens?

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[You are hilarious Yunla. So now Thai soapies and the exploitation of poor rural women is an ancient Thai way above outside criticism, a profession that should be revered and accepted as an ancient Thai way of life?! Thai massage is indeed an ancient part of Thai culture, clearly quite different to the modern massage parlours and soapies acting as fronts for brothels.

I would agree in so far as prostitution is certainly the oldest profession in the book. Exploiting the female members of poor, rural families to amass a great fortune however is not a profession that I see as an ancient, revered and integral part of Thai culture above outside criticism. I'll leave that for those with selective reasoning and a specific agenda to push...

Paint it however you like Yunla, Chuwit made billions of baht off the backs of the daughters of farmers, sold into prostitution. In the past he professed he had no idea what really went on in his "massage parlours", since he has admitted that they were in the business of prostitution and regularly gave out freebies to secure police favours.

Your comments about Medusa and wizards lost me somewhat, I can't see the relevance when discussing the utter hypocrisy of someone that promotes a pimp as some sort of national hero and purveyor of ancient Thai wares but is so vehement in their criticism of others engaging in what most would consider far less damaging crimes.

I understand that gambling is illegal in Thailand but then so is prostitution and both are rife here. Mind you only one of these illegal activities has a government run legal version for the masses to enjoy... that too smacks of utter hypocrisy.

Do you have any proof that his Thai massage parlours were brothels, and they had forced prostitution and that girls were mistreated there. You know that if you don't have that proof you have just slandered him in public.

I don't visit them and I don't have any research into these places. I was addressing the original point you made about "his massage parlours". I have a Thai lady friend who runs a Thai massage parlour in Bangkok, where they do massage to mainly Thais on low-budget. I know they have happy girls who are grateful for the work and are not exploited and I was wondering if you had proof that Mr. Chuwit's employees are different.

You went all-out attack on me and all I said was that his actions of facing government corruption were courageous.


My girlfriend used to work for him at one of the named places. Yup they were brothels. Since we can't discuss the specifics of prostitution on Thai Visa I can't tell you more than that. Clean women though. I liked them. Nothing to do with work of course because I am really not an expert but the ladies I met socially seemed happy.

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First off, Taksin tried very hard to legalise gambling during his tenure. After scarpering (with the assistance of the corrupt 'get out of Dodge' enablers, acting under the then coup makers' watch - amazing how this pertinent point is very rarely cited), one of his potential new business partners was Cambodia's Hun Sen. who'd agreed to Taksin setting up a Vegas style city on his turf until the deal went sour. What short/selective memories people have.

And, quote: "Gambling dens are a major source of income of policemen. Everyone knows it," he added.

Why is it that the weekly criminal stats cite gambling as number one crime every week? As a Chinese friend told me years ago, 'Too easy for them (the police) No! Don't run away, we won't shoot you 'laugh.png

As for Chuwit. Not entirely sure what his motivations are, but well known he has BIG insurance if something were to happen to him whistling.gif

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History is full of heroic massage parlour tycoons? Really?

I love the way you guys will get behind anyone, no matter how dubious their morality, if their agenda fits your own... it shows real...err... what's the word? Moral fibre? No... hypocrisy.

Thai massage is an ancient profession that dates back thousands of years. Its certainly been around these parts a lot longer than you or I have. Hypocrisy is a lot nicer word than what could be used to describe people visiting a foreign land and condemning its ancient ways.

I said history is made of heroic figures, and Chuwit's actions are in my opinion courageous just like slaying Medusa and all her evil little wizards too.

Actually the last time I saw Chuwit he was making public the flood-related crimes of looting and mismanagement of the relief supplies etc. which also put him in the line of fire from the noble souls who steal relief equipment from a flood-stricken country. I immediately decided he was very heroic in his wellington-boots.


You are hilarious Yunla. So now Thai soapies and the exploitation of poor rural women is an ancient Thai way above outside criticism, a profession that should be revered and accepted as an ancient Thai way of life?! Thai massage is indeed an ancient part of Thai culture, clearly quite different to the modern massage parlours and soapies acting as fronts for brothels.

I would agree in so far as prostitution is certainly the oldest profession in the book. Exploiting the female members of poor, rural families to amass a great fortune however is not a profession that I see as an ancient, revered and integral part of Thai culture above outside criticism. I'll leave that for those with selective reasoning and a specific agenda to push...

Paint it however you like Yunla, Chuwit made billions of baht off the backs of the daughters of farmers, sold into prostitution. In the past he professed he had no idea what really went on in his "massage parlours", since he has admitted that they were in the business of prostitution and regularly gave out freebies to secure police favours.

Your comments about Medusa and wizards lost me somewhat, I can't see the relevance when discussing the utter hypocrisy of someone that promotes a pimp as some sort of national hero and purveyor of ancient Thai wares but is so vehement in their criticism of others engaging in what most would consider far less damaging crimes.

I understand that gambling is illegal in Thailand but then so is prostitution and both are rife here. Mind you only one of these illegal activities has a government run legal version for the masses to enjoy... that too smacks of utter hypocrisy.

Unless you're claiming that all the prostitutes who were daughters of poor farmers, were there because they were forced to, your statement is somewhat lacking. Don't you think it's possible that the women were there because being a prostitute earns a lot more money than selling trinkets on the streets? Get back to reality, Thailand is a country where most people strive to get out of being poor through whatever opportunity that presents itself like corruption, drug dealing, prostitution, smuggling animals etc. We're not in fairy tail land where you can picture some rich pimp rounding up poor helpless women into prostitution. There are however, instances of under aged girls being sold for prostitution by their families, but ones that are adult have choices. So how many rampant under age brothels do you see in Thailand?

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But I thought she was hiso ??

You thought wrong. But then again I have had more than one girlfriend. But who is to say people who work for Chuwit are not Hi so? I didn't say she was involved in prostitution. Chuwit ran many large massage parlors. They are businesses with many employees. Not all were prostitutes. Mind in the gutter again Sam? I am sure in Bangkok there are many hi so women involved in the p4p industry especially as it relates to hi so men. People are people anyway. Hi so or lo so and what they do for a living or for fun does not automatically put them in a moral category. I try not to judge people.

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Don't you think it's possible that the women were there because being a prostitute earns a lot more money than selling trinkets on the streets?
Not having a go or anything, but why is it that there are so many Thai women willing to work for less than a prostitute earns [sic]. And I'm not talking about 'selling trinkets on the streets'? Where do you think you are, silly.
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Don't be so arrogant and pretend to know how power structures work in Thailand.

You think really think that Taksin only had power, after he became PM ??

Think again.

Pretend? 20+ years ago a military junta was in control and then the Democrats for almost 10 years straight. During that era, the Democrats ruled with a firm hand. Mr. Thaksin would neither have been in a political position to run a gambling den, nor have been the least bit interested as he was involved in more lucrative ventures. The arrogance shown is solely from you that seeks to attach every alleged improper act to Mr. Thaksin. Thailand was rife with corruption long before Mr. Thaksin arrived.

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History is full of heroic massage parlour tycoons? Really?

I love the way you guys will get behind anyone, no matter how dubious their morality, if their agenda fits your own... it shows real...err... what's the word? Moral fibre? No... hypocrisy.

Thai massage is an ancient profession that dates back thousands of years. Its certainly been around these parts a lot longer than you or I have. Hypocrisy is a lot nicer word than what could be used to describe people visiting a foreign land and condemning its ancient ways.

I said history is made of heroic figures, and Chuwit's actions are in my opinion courageous just like slaying Medusa and all her evil little wizards too.

Actually the last time I saw Chuwit he was making public the flood-related crimes of looting and mismanagement of the relief supplies etc. which also put him in the line of fire from the noble souls who steal relief equipment from a flood-stricken country. I immediately decided he was very heroic in his wellington-boots.


You are hilarious Yunla. So now Thai soapies and the exploitation of poor rural women is an ancient Thai way above outside criticism, a profession that should be revered and accepted as an ancient Thai way of life?! Thai massage is indeed an ancient part of Thai culture, clearly quite different to the modern massage parlours and soapies acting as fronts for brothels.

I would agree in so far as prostitution is certainly the oldest profession in the book. Exploiting the female members of poor, rural families to amass a great fortune however is not a profession that I see as an ancient, revered and integral part of Thai culture above outside criticism. I'll leave that for those with selective reasoning and a specific agenda to push...

Paint it however you like Yunla, Chuwit made billions of baht off the backs of the daughters of farmers, sold into prostitution. In the past he professed he had no idea what really went on in his "massage parlours", since he has admitted that they were in the business of prostitution and regularly gave out freebies to secure police favours.

Your comments about Medusa and wizards lost me somewhat, I can't see the relevance when discussing the utter hypocrisy of someone that promotes a pimp as some sort of national hero and purveyor of ancient Thai wares but is so vehement in their criticism of others engaging in what most would consider far less damaging crimes.

I understand that gambling is illegal in Thailand but then so is prostitution and both are rife here. Mind you only one of these illegal activities has a government run legal version for the masses to enjoy... that too smacks of utter hypocrisy.

Unless you're claiming that all the prostitutes who were daughters of poor farmers, were there because they were forced to, your statement is somewhat lacking. Don't you think it's possible that the women were there because being a prostitute earns a lot more money than selling trinkets on the streets? Get back to reality, Thailand is a country where most people strive to get out of being poor through whatever opportunity that presents itself like corruption, drug dealing, prostitution, smuggling animals etc. We're not in fairy tail land where you can picture some rich pimp rounding up poor helpless women into prostitution. There are however, instances of under aged girls being sold for prostitution by their families, but ones that are adult have choices. So how many rampant under age brothels do you see in Thailand?

Quite clearly I wasn't but don't let that stop you rant on randomly.

I was pointing out in direct reply that Chuwit's "massage" parlours weren't the honourable Thai massage establishments that Yunla had in mind "Thai massage is an ancient profession that dates back thousands of years" and that in fact he had amassed a fortune off the backs of illegal prostitutes, a great number from the poor, rural north of the country.

I'm not sure where you are going with your under age brothels but I'll have to defer to your evidently superior knowledge on that one. Thanks for your input.

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I was wondering when we were going to get down to criticizing the personal hygiene of the Prime Minister of Thailand on Thai Visa. Good joy Yunia. Class act all around.

You started it , you made two posts in this thread where you rate women by their cleanliness like they are pedigree dogs at a show. You talk about girls as products and rate them by cleanliness. You exhibit sorrowful and prehistoric behaviour. You've got no room to criticise me when you post like you do.


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But I thought she was hiso ??

You thought wrong. But then again I have had more than one girlfriend. But who is to say people who work for Chuwit are not Hi so? I didn't say she was involved in prostitution. Chuwit ran many large massage parlors. They are businesses with many employees. Not all were prostitutes. Mind in the gutter again Sam? I am sure in Bangkok there are many hi so women involved in the p4p industry especially as it relates to hi so men. People are people anyway. Hi so or lo so and what they do for a living or for fun does not automatically put them in a moral category. I try not to judge people.

But Kerry...you said in another post she is HiSo.....so which is it...she is not...or you lied ??

Don't make me highlight the bit in your post...you know what that does to you.......

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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

You're right that these dens were about during previous administrations and they should have been tackled then. I'm not sure if Abhist could have done much if he was as we are so often told working under military instructions (well until of course in May 2010 when apparently they suddenly started taking orders from him to shoot protesters). The reason coups are done by the military is because they are the ones with the fighting skills and weapons so are difficult to argue with. If this were not the case then Thaksin would never have been ousted. Despite this previous administrations need to accept responsibility for their part in allowing this and other forms of illegality and corruption to take place but it's the current one that has to deal with it now. It has said it doesn't want double standards and has pledges to get rid of corruption. To do a lot of this they need a proper police force which looks a bit unlikely right now. They may need to look to other countries to see how they have tackled similar problems as they will have had them as well. This also looks like a non starter as well.

The Nation could possibly have got pictures and/or video of the parking but I think you're being naive if you think that going up to an illegal gambling den and asking them if there was illegal activity was going on is going to get you an honest answer. It might also be dangerous.

I thought that Chuwit did provide some evidence. Didn't he show a video in parliament of a gambling den and ask the police to investigate which they didn't do until 3 days later by which time the building was empty. He then showed a video of all the equipment being moved out. Seems like reasonable evidence of gambling and police corruption.

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I like Chuwit. He is Chinese/Thai and got a masters in the US.

Really? His Twitter channel of extremely broken English is quite amusing. Wonder what university he could graduate.....

Wiki says he got a masters in San Diego CA but does not say where.

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But I thought she was hiso ??

You thought wrong. But then again I have had more than one girlfriend. But who is to say people who work for Chuwit are not Hi so? I didn't say she was involved in prostitution. Chuwit ran many large massage parlors. They are businesses with many employees. Not all were prostitutes. Mind in the gutter again Sam? I am sure in Bangkok there are many hi so women involved in the p4p industry especially as it relates to hi so men. People are people anyway. Hi so or lo so and what they do for a living or for fun does not automatically put them in a moral category. I try not to judge people.

But Kerry...you said in another post she is HiSo.....so which is it...she is not...or you lied ??

Don't make me highlight the bit in your post...you know what that does to you.......

How many girlfriends do you think I have had in the last 10 years? I am a man. I live in Thailand. Don't be silly.

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I like Chuwit. He is Chinese/Thai and got a masters in the US. He can't be all bad. Plus my old girlfriend used to work for him. She was a clean woman. Always smelled like she just stepped out of the shower.

You obviously have good taste in women, she was probably so clean and sweet smelling because he provided daily soapy bubble baths to all his employees. He's a caring and conscientious guy.rolleyes.gif

Chuwit is not Thai/Chinese.

He is 100% pure Chinese (both parents are 100% pure Chinese).

So are his wives.

So all her children are also 100% pure Chinese.

Yeah, so he's Thai Chinese of 100% pure Chinese ancestry. Hardly uncommon.


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I was wondering when we were going to get down to criticizing the personal hygiene of the Prime Minister of Thailand on Thai Visa. Good joy Yunia. Class act all around.

You started it , you made two posts in this thread where you rate women by their cleanliness like they are pedigree dogs at a show. You talk about girls as products and rate them by cleanliness. You exhibit sorrowful and prehistoric behaviour. You've got no room to criticise me when you post like you do.


You are posting a porky. Saying, "she was a clean woman." Is not ranking anyone. Did I mention two women? Did I mention dirty women? Rank means one has to assign a level. Stop putting your naming the Prime minister of Thailand and questioning her hygiene on me. I am not that crude. My girlfriend ran the cleaning service at one of Chuwit's massage parlors and she was a very clean woman. You are beyond the polite pale to question the hygiene of the PM of Thailand.

In the future if you want to quote me quote my posts instead of making up lies I did not say.

Edited by kerryk
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Chuvit said he would lodge this issue as an agenda item in any future no-confidence debate against the Yingluck government.

It takes some real minerals to campaign like Chuwit does in this political climate and background corruption. He understands that to kill the Hydra there is no point kicking it in the knees, you have to cut off its heads to stop it. History is made of heroic individuals like that. Good luck to him. thumbsup.gif

History is full of heroic massage parlour tycoons? Really?

I love the way you guys will get behind anyone, no matter how dubious their morality, if their agenda fits your own... it shows real...err... what's the word? Moral fibre? No... hypocrisy.

Don't just shoot the messenger, shoot anybody that has read the messenger, why not go postal while your at it? Meanwhile the rest of us will discuss the message and it possible value.


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Don't you think it's possible that the women were there because being a prostitute earns a lot more money than selling trinkets on the streets?
Not having a go or anything, but why is it that there are so many Thai women willing to work for less than a prostitute earns [sic]. And I'm not talking about 'selling trinkets on the streets'? Where do you think you are, silly.

Thanks for snipping off the rest of the reply in regards to Ferangled's idea that Thai prostitutes, who were poor, must be forced to be a prostitute and that Chuwit were taking advantage of them. If you want to ask me personally, I don't really agree with the idea of legal prostitution but it's their CHOICE. I'm happy that all these other Thai women are willing to work for less than a prostitute, there's some hope left.

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I was wondering when we were going to get down to criticizing the personal hygiene of the Prime Minister of Thailand on Thai Visa. Good joy Yunia. Class act all around.

You started it , you made two posts in this thread where you rate women by their cleanliness like they are pedigree dogs at a show. You talk about girls as products and rate them by cleanliness. You exhibit sorrowful and prehistoric behaviour. You've got no room to criticise me when you post like you do.


Perhaps if you desisted with the inuendoes about the Thai PM and then claiming faux innocence you might not attract the opprobrium that you do.

Edited by phiphidon
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Unless you're claiming that all the prostitutes who were daughters of poor farmers, were there because they were forced to, your statement is somewhat lacking. Don't you think it's possible that the women were there because being a prostitute earns a lot more money than selling trinkets on the streets? Get back to reality, Thailand is a country where most people strive to get out of being poor through whatever opportunity that presents itself like corruption, drug dealing, prostitution, smuggling animals etc. We're not in fairy tail land where you can picture some rich pimp rounding up poor helpless women into prostitution. There are however, instances of under aged girls being sold for prostitution by their families, but ones that are adult have choices. So how many rampant under age brothels do you see in Thailand?

Quite clearly I wasn't but don't let that stop you rant on randomly.

I was pointing out in direct reply that Chuwit's "massage" parlours weren't the honourable Thai massage establishments that Yunla had in mind "Thai massage is an ancient profession that dates back thousands of years" and that in fact he had amassed a fortune off the backs of illegal prostitutes, a great number from the poor, rural north of the country.

I'm not sure where you are going with your under age brothels but I'll have to defer to your evidently superior knowledge on that one. Thanks for your input.

Yea if you watched the news, you might be enlightened some time, just passing on my superior knowledge to you, no need to thank me.

"Paint it however you like Yunla, Chuwit made billions of baht off the backs of the daughters of farmers, sold into prostitution."

You self righteous view that prostitutes are being exploited instead of them choosing to be there is what I'm arguing against. Chuwit was a business man, he set up a "massage" parlor because it was a big business. He opened up a place for women to work at. I don't agree with it and neither do you but don't fool yourself into thinking that they were there against their will.

As for Chuwit, one way Thai people can repent is to do good for society and his way of doing this is to reveal illegal casinos. Whether or not he's truly practicing this, you'd have to get into his head but I don't see why you would condemn him forever.

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