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Uk: Seven Held In Anti-Terror Raids After Weapons Found In Car


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UK: Seven held in anti-terror raids after weapons found in car < br />

2012-07-07 00:10:22 GMT+7 (ICT)

BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND (BNO NEWS) -- Police in northern England arrested seven men during anti-terrorism raids this week after weapons were found during a routine vehicle search last week, officials said on Friday. The arrests are not connected to terror arrests in London this week.

Six men from the West Midlands and one man from West Yorkshire were detained between Tuesday and Thursday under the Terrorism Act 2000 on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. Six are in their twenties while the suspect from West Yorkshire is 43 years old.

West Midlands Police said the anti-terrorism raids followed the routine stop of a vehicle on the M1 motorway in South Yorkshire on Saturday. The car was impounded on suspicion of having no insurance, but a subsequent search turned up two firearms, "offensive weapons" and other material which had been hidden inside the vehicle.

"As soon as the items were discovered in the impounded vehicle, our priority was to protect the public by pursuing and arresting those we believed to be involved," said Detective Chief Superintendent Kenny Bell, the head of the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit. "Our inquiries are ongoing."

Police said the firearms are not automatic and were not loaded, but a small amount of ammunition was found. Other details were not immediately released, but officials said the arrests are not related to the upcoming Olympics or the arrests of six terrorism suspects in London on Thursday.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-07-07

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The denizens of Birmingham are going to be rather surprised that it's in northern England.

Some of the denizens of Birmingham may be surprised it's in England full stop.

P.S These arrests are not to be confused with the ones made in London, also under prevention of terrorism act.

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I'm going to make a few rash assumptions as to guilt, but I find it absolutely delicious that years of training and possibly thousands of quid to finance a terrorist plot, it all goes down the drain because some idiot didn't pay the insurance on their vehicle. I hope after a couple of decades to think about it, they get deported back to whichever shit-hole they come from, even if it's Birmingham.

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I'm going to make a few rash assumptions as to guilt, but I find it absolutely delicious that years of training and possibly thousands of quid to finance a terrorist plot, it all goes down the drain because some idiot didn't pay the insurance on their vehicle. I hope after a couple of decades to think about it, they get deported back to whichever shit-hole they come from, even if it's Birmingham.

More than likely UK citizens.

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I'm going to make a few rash assumptions as to guilt, but I find it absolutely delicious that years of training and possibly thousands of quid to finance a terrorist plot, it all goes down the drain because some idiot didn't pay the insurance on their vehicle. I hope after a couple of decades to think about it, they get deported back to whichever shit-hole they come from, even if it's Birmingham.

Watch the film four lions to understand how.

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I'm going to make a few rash assumptions as to guilt, but I find it absolutely delicious that years of training and possibly thousands of quid to finance a terrorist plot, it all goes down the drain because some idiot didn't pay the insurance on their vehicle. I hope after a couple of decades to think about it, they get deported back to whichever shit-hole they come from, even if it's Birmingham.

More than likely UK citizens.

I agree, but they are probably offsprings of people from abroad who came to settle in this country, remember the London bombings in 2005? One of the reasons why Enoch Powell was right what he said about "rivers of blood"
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Six men from the West Midlands and one man from West Yorkshire were detained between Tuesday and Thursday under the Terrorism Act 2000 on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. Six are in their twenties while the suspect from West Yorkshire is 43 years old.

As far as I know Birmingham is in the West Midlands from where 6 men came and the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit is based.

....Detective Chief Superintendent Kenny Bell, the head of the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit. "Our inquiries are ongoing."

.... so now I now why I live in TH and not Brummagem aah kid.

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but officials said the arrests are not related to the upcoming Olympics or the arrests of six terrorism suspects in London on Thursday

Good to hear that 2 potential terror cells have been taken out of play before the games. But one can't help but have a bad feeling about this.

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Six British citizens arrested in possession of arms/ammo. No mention of course if they're anglo saxon or radical muslims born in Birmingham , Leicester or Under Wigan Pier.

The fact they were pulled over in an un-taxed car suggests a level of stupidity usually associated with muslims.

Most of Englands local idiots are now living in Thailand, Portugal and Spain.

Obviously it has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming "peace on earth" Olympics. perish the thought !!!

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Six British citizens arrested in possession of arms/ammo. No mention of course if they're anglo saxon or radical muslims born in Birmingham , Leicester or Under Wigan Pier.

The fact they were pulled over in an un-taxed car suggests a level of stupidity usually associated with muslims.

Most of Englands local idiots are now living in Thailand, Portugal and Spain.

Obviously it has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming "peace on earth" Olympics. perish the thought !!!

Actually, it's indeed possibly nothing to do with the Olympics as the dates of the arrests were proximate to the anniversary of the 7/7 terror attacks and Islamic terrorists have a habit of trying to strike again on the anniversary of their previous 'successes'.

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Thumbs-up to the police for arresting more potential terrorists before it led to loss of life.

Obviously, in the UK you are more likely statistically to be killed by a car like they were driving than by a bomb like they were building. Drunk drivers kill eleven people per week in the UK, far more than terrorist islamists kill, but you don't see the same raging tabloid news stories about drunk driving generally. Infact premier footballers frequently go drunk-driving in their spoiled bratmobiles, and it is a trivial matter in the tabloids. ( http://www.drinkdriv...landdriving.php )

Keeping terrorism in perspective is important. It is important for the security services to hunt these insane murderers down preemptively, and I congratulate them for doing so in this case, but also it is important to recognise other social factors that literally dwarf the threat from terrorism.

Similarly, more people die globally of diabetes in one year (4.6 million) than have died due to terrorist bombs in all human history, and diabetes and linked obesity, is considered unimportant by many people. In the UK, the 'fattest' country in Europe, there are predictions of a 73% rise in obesity to 26 million obese people by 2030, (http://www.diabetes.co.uk/ ) with resulting catastrophic diabetes rates.


Edited by Yunla
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Thumbs-up to the police for arresting more potential terrorists before it led to loss of life.

Obviously, in the UK you are more likely statistically to be killed by a car like they were driving than by a bomb like they were building. Drunk drivers kill eleven people per week in the UK, far more than terrorist islamists kill, but you don't see the same raging tabloid news stories about drunk driving generally. Infact premier footballers frequently go drunk-driving in their spoiled bratmobiles, and it is a trivial matter in the tabloids. ( http://www.drinkdriv...landdriving.php )

Keeping terrorism in perspective is important. It is important for the security services to hunt these insane murderers down preemptively, and I congratulate them for doing so in this case, but also it is important to recognise other social factors that literally dwarf the threat from terrorism.

Similarly, more people die globally of diabetes in one year (4.6 million) than have died due to terrorist bombs in all human history, and diabetes and linked obesity etc. is considered unimportant by many people in the UK. In the UK, the 'fattest' country in Europe, there are predictions of a 73% rise in obesity to 26 million obese people by 2030, (http://www.diabetes.co.uk/ ) with resulting catastrophic diabetes rates.


It will be interesting to see the responses you get to this post.

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The problem with "Terrorists" is that those whose job it is to stop them "Have to get lucky every day" in order to keep the country safe, but the Terrorist only has to "Get lucky once" in order to succeed..

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Thumbs-up to the police for arresting more potential terrorists before it led to loss of life.

Obviously, in the UK you are more likely statistically to be killed by a car like they were driving than by a bomb like they were building. Drunk drivers kill eleven people per week in the UK, far more than terrorist islamists kill, but you don't see the same raging tabloid news stories about drunk driving generally. Infact premier footballers frequently go drunk-driving in their spoiled bratmobiles, and it is a trivial matter in the tabloids. ( http://www.drinkdriv...landdriving.php )

Keeping terrorism in perspective is important. It is important for the security services to hunt these insane murderers down preemptively, and I congratulate them for doing so in this case, but also it is important to recognise other social factors that literally dwarf the threat from terrorism.

Similarly, more people die globally of diabetes in one year (4.6 million) than have died due to terrorist bombs in all human history, and diabetes and linked obesity, is considered unimportant by many people. In the UK, the 'fattest' country in Europe, there are predictions of a 73% rise in obesity to 26 million obese people by 2030, (http://www.diabetes.co.uk/ ) with resulting catastrophic diabetes rates.


Your observations are perfectly valid, however it is not just the high profile terrorist attacks which are of concern, indeed they are a small tip of a very large iceberg.

The iceberg is Jihad, Islamic supremacism which manifests itself in complaints, threats or indeed any measure to obtain preferential treatment relative to everyone else. The non disclosure by supermarkets in only stocking meat slaughtered according to Halal is one example. Another is hyper-sensitivity to the religious traditions of others leading to schools cancelling nativity plays and things as innocuous as Santa Claus causing offense. Then there is the cynical over use of authorities to complain over the slightest perceived wrong and most damagingly the police have become so politically correct they have failed to pursue major criminal investigations based solely on the perpetrators being Muslim - If anyone is in any doubt google the news of pedophile rape gangs in the UK who were not investigated until recently.

The perception that one group gets favourable treatment under law is deeply damaging for a democracy and liable to lead, if unchecked, to a backlash which would dwarf the terrorism problem.

P.S Watch the video and without obsessing on who the speaker is ask yourself how much of what he says you agree with.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Thumbs-up to the police for arresting more potential terrorists before it led to loss of life.

Obviously, in the UK you are more likely statistically to be killed by a car like they were driving than by a bomb like they were building. Drunk drivers kill eleven people per week in the UK, far more than terrorist islamists kill, but you don't see the same raging tabloid news stories about drunk driving generally. Infact premier footballers frequently go drunk-driving in their spoiled bratmobiles, and it is a trivial matter in the tabloids. ( http://www.drinkdriv...landdriving.php )

Keeping terrorism in perspective is important. It is important for the security services to hunt these insane murderers down preemptively, and I congratulate them for doing so in this case, but also it is important to recognise other social factors that literally dwarf the threat from terrorism.

Similarly, more people die globally of diabetes in one year (4.6 million) than have died due to terrorist bombs in all human history, and diabetes and linked obesity, is considered unimportant by many people. In the UK, the 'fattest' country in Europe, there are predictions of a 73% rise in obesity to 26 million obese people by 2030, (http://www.diabetes.co.uk/ ) with resulting catastrophic diabetes rates.


Diabetes? Great idea. Right now the fight against terrorism is limited almost completely to governments. Whereas diabetes is fought on all levels. How many hundreds of billions are spent every year to battle diabetes worldwide? Much more than is spent to combat terrorists in our own countries. We need to change that. We have many millions of private citizens battling diabetes daily. We should give private citizens the means to combat terrorism as well. We have private corporations coming up with new drugs to fight diabetes. We need to have private corporations to exert the same effort and cost fighting terrorists. Together, we can wipe out or control terrorists just like any other disease!

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Thumbs-up to the police for arresting more potential terrorists before it led to loss of life.

Obviously, in the UK you are more likely statistically to be killed by a car like they were driving than by a bomb like they were building. Drunk drivers kill eleven people per week in the UK, far more than terrorist islamists kill, but you don't see the same raging tabloid news stories about drunk driving generally. Infact premier footballers frequently go drunk-driving in their spoiled bratmobiles, and it is a trivial matter in the tabloids. ( http://www.drinkdriv...landdriving.php )

Keeping terrorism in perspective is important. It is important for the security services to hunt these insane murderers down preemptively, and I congratulate them for doing so in this case, but also it is important to recognise other social factors that literally dwarf the threat from terrorism.

Similarly, more people die globally of diabetes in one year (4.6 million) than have died due to terrorist bombs in all human history, and diabetes and linked obesity, is considered unimportant by many people. In the UK, the 'fattest' country in Europe, there are predictions of a 73% rise in obesity to 26 million obese people by 2030, (http://www.diabetes.co.uk/ ) with resulting catastrophic diabetes rates.


Diabetes? Great idea. Right now the fight against terrorism is limited almost completely to governments. Whereas diabetes is fought on all levels. How many hundreds of billions are spent every year to battle diabetes worldwide? Much more than is spent to combat terrorists in our own countries. We need to change that. We have many millions of private citizens battling diabetes daily. We should give private citizens the means to combat terrorism as well. We have private corporations coming up with new drugs to fight diabetes. We need to have private corporations to exert the same effort and cost fighting terrorists. Together, we can wipe out or control terrorists just like any other disease!

I disagree with government outsourcing any security responsibilities to corporate entities. Sure reporting of questionable purchases/reporting money laundering etc is fine, but not hands on anti terrorist activities. Even outsourcing of supply chain & logistics to support the military has lead to some major tax payer ripoff's by corporations.

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