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That Age Difference Question Again


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never had an issue with the age gap ones in love.

just stated all along that these ones are rare, then the attacks began.

I believe there rare, many here seem to feel every age gap relationship is golden.

to the happy ones go for it, but i dont feel these good ones are common.

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I as a Black Man had enough of Prejudice in my life. When I came to Thailand I promised myself I will not be Prejudice. Now I accepted young beautiful Thai women over 23. Just because they are young I will let have my money as fast as letting a older women.

Let us all live let live You have no right to judge me because my wife is 37 years younger than me.

Why she has been staying with me for 17 years already is nobodies business but hers not even mine.

I stay with her because she is beautiful not to old and yes good in bed.

I, as a white man, agree. It reminds me of the 90 year old man who is at a party when a young, beautiful women walks in, and he says 'Ah, to be 72 again."

True story...

I was chatting to an old Welsh guy in a Bkk bar...he was 86 and had a late 20 something Thai bird on his lap...His advice to me...

"I wished I'd come here ten years ago!" blink.pnglaugh.png


Edited by RAZZELL
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If a younger woman says to an older man (20 to 30 year difference) that age is just a number. she a ho.

The only saving grace for older men is that they cannot endure the extra stress brought on by living with a younger woman. Girls just wanna have fun. The only thing about younger women is they like younger men.

There's always the possibility that what starts as a monetary affair can turn real after getting to know each other. That possibility is slim, and slim left town.

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its ok to be a house wife, but why do it without kids, get her ass to work.

robblocks refering not to house wives who fell in love with an elder man, but to those hunting elderly men for a $.

The woman is still looking for security whether it's falangland or here. She doesn't become a house wife until after she's married, if that's what she chooses to do. You think rich guys in the UK or USA attract beautiful women because of their looks? The women are looking for financial security, same everywhere.

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If a younger woman says to an older man (20 to 30 year difference) that age is just a number. she a ho.

The only saving grace for older men is that they cannot endure the extra stress brought on by living with a younger woman. Girls just wanna have fun. The only thing about younger women is they like younger men.

There's always the possibility that what starts as a monetary affair can turn real after getting to know each other. That possibility is slim, and slim left town.

So whats your opinion on a 70 year old farang marrying a fifty year old Thai lady. ?

Twenty year gap. smile.png

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if a girl was far younger then me, and i am only 36 i would wonder what the hell she wanted, i would be so paranoid.

not only that i would feel a little foolish with a young girl on my arm but each to there own, i would think somethings wrong with the girl, why cant she get a nice young man her own age.

often girls going for older men have many mental issues and baggage.

When you get a little.....erm...older, you will probably, if you're lucky, discover that there are surprisingly large numbers of young women who like to try out relations with old geezers. Like me. I was between 58 and 67 when I had three relationships of three years each with young sweethearts of approx 19-23. In Canada, though, where every one is a little bit oversexed, believe it or not.

And I was the one who had to end the relationships, since , biologically, they do not work. That is, a young woman is eventually going to want a baby. And most old geezers rightly shy away from that.

Please forgive this meander from the old folks' home.

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never had an issue with the age gap ones in love.

just stated all along that these ones are rare, then the attacks began.

I believe there rare, many here seem to feel every age gap relationship is golden.

to the happy ones go for it, but i dont feel these good ones are common.

Don't bother they have you and robblok targeted as you are letting down your guards. Don't battle them at their terms

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If all the old codgers come to Thailand to get a young wife/gf that they would have no hope of getting in their own country, please tell me why the young guys come here? The fact of the matter is that most of you are here for exactly the same reason. The difference is us old guys are restricted because of our age in our own countries, what's the young guys excuse? Let me guess, lack of social skills, ugly as a hatful, dumb as a post? Judging by the young guys responses to some of these posts, it's pretty obvious that at least two out of those three apply.

The best post I have read so far.

Well said sir!!

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Why is it so difficult to understand that in this modern day and age the elderly don't want to play the role imposed on them by a society so focused on youth, and are refusing to just wither away.

We have a zest for life that you fail to comprehend by your limited life experience.

If the elderly cannot find their slice of happiness in their home countries what for crying out loud is wrong with looking for it in faraway places.

I agree that many fail and that many are misguided but more than TV members realize succeed.

Don't be jealous ! Hopefully your time will come.


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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

If the truth were known they need exactly the same inducements as the older guys. I really don't understand the mentality. If a 50 year old guy in Australia marries a 22 year old and she's happy staying home and being a housewife and mother, what's the difference? It's still about money and security if he's the breadwinner.

Read my previous post and maybe you will get a hint.

Your mind is closed, nothing I or anyone else can say will change that.

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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

If the truth were known they need exactly the same inducements as the older guys. I really don't understand the mentality. If a 50 year old guy in Australia marries a 22 year old and she's happy staying home and being a housewife and mother, what's the difference? It's still about money and security if he's the breadwinner.

Read my previous post and maybe you will get a hint.

Your mind is closed, nothing I or anyone else can say will change that.

One can always try, only those who cannot defend their own principles will avoid confrontations.

Edited by maxme
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and forget about limited experience, that keeps coming up but many people live a lifetime and experience nothing.

seen more before i was 20 then most care to see in ten lives, so talking about inexperience is laughable.

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Why is it so difficult to understand that in this modern day and age the elderly don't want to play the role imposed on them by a society so focused on youth, and are refusing to just wither away.

We have a zest for life that you fail to comprehend by your limited life experience.

If the elderly cannot find their slice of happiness in their home countries what for crying out loud is wrong with looking for it in faraway places.

I agree that many fail and that many are misguided but more than TV members realize succeed.

Don't be jealous ! Hopefully your time will come.


What nonsense. You know very well it's not really about the age gap. You would if you have followed the conversation so far but I guess it's better to ignore things we don't wanna hear of.

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Why is it so difficult to understand that in this modern day and age the elderly don't want to play the role imposed on them by a society so focused on youth, and are refusing to just wither away.

We have a zest for life that you fail to comprehend by your limited life experience.

If the elderly cannot find their slice of happiness in their home countries what for crying out loud is wrong with looking for it in faraway places.

I agree that many fail and that many are misguided but more than TV members realize succeed.

Don't be jealous ! Hopefully your time will come.


If i don't have a gf at that age i would certainly look for a young one. But i would understand its my wallet what keeps them with me then. Not my charming wrinkles and cane, neither does taking out my teeth at night charm them.

I have nothing against old with young as i told a million times. Just those misguided ones who think they are a chick magnet and believe the handsum man that all the girls sprout while they mean come here big wallet and make me rich.

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I as a Black Man had enough of Prejudice in my life. When I came to Thailand I promised myself I will not be Prejudice. Now I accepted young beautiful Thai women over 23. Just because they are young I will let have my money as fast as letting a older women.

Let us all live let live You have no right to judge me because my wife is 37 years younger than me.

Why she has been staying with me for 17 years already is nobodies business but hers not even mine.

I stay with her because she is beautiful not to old and yes good in bed.

I, as a white man, agree. It reminds me of the 90 year old man who is at a party when a young, beautiful women walks in, and he says 'Ah, to be 72 again."

True story...

I was chatting to an old Welsh guy in a Bkk bar...he was 86 and had a late 20 something Thai bird on his lap...His advice to me...

"I wished I'd come here ten years ago!" blink.pnglaugh.png


When she was 10? rolleyes.gif

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Why is it so difficult to understand that in this modern day and age the elderly don't want to play the role imposed on them by a society so focused on youth, and are refusing to just wither away.

We have a zest for life that you fail to comprehend by your limited life experience.

If the elderly cannot find their slice of happiness in their home countries what for crying out loud is wrong with looking for it in faraway places.

I agree that many fail and that many are misguided but more than TV members realize succeed.

Don't be jealous ! Hopefully your time will come.


What nonsense. You know very well it's not really about the age gap. You would if you have followed the conversation so far but I guess it's better to ignore things we don't wanna hear of.

You're entitled to your opinion off course.

Not that it matters.


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never had an issue with the age gap ones in love.

just stated all along that these ones are rare, then the attacks began.

I believe there rare, many here seem to feel every age gap relationship is golden.

to the happy ones go for it, but i dont feel these good ones are common.

That probably explains why MrHammer's OP (to which he has chipped in only once) has soared to 22 pages of tit-for-tats and personal attacks.

Maybe some of the ones posting here that believe it doesn't make any difference are some of the few that really do have a 'golden' relationship with a much younger partner. And those that claim that such relationships are doomed due to lack of equity, or being based purely on his money and her youth, or his lack of social skills and her poverty, or his ugliness and her ambivalence or anything else beyond love have never personally contemplated, let alone experienced such a relationship much beyond anecdotal tales of older guys losing the plot, or knowing someone who has.

Those that have experienced it and lost the plot should just get over it and refrain from posting assuming their bad luck or poor judgement is universal. It may be par for the Thai course but there's always the chance of a birdie or even a 'golden' eagle.

Anyone out there get an albatross yet?

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Why is it so difficult to understand that in this modern day and age the elderly don't want to play the role imposed on them by a society so focused on youth, and are refusing to just wither away.

We have a zest for life that you fail to comprehend by your limited life experience.

If the elderly cannot find their slice of happiness in their home countries what for crying out loud is wrong with looking for it in faraway places.

I agree that many fail and that many are misguided but more than TV members realize succeed.

Don't be jealous ! Hopefully your time will come.


What nonsense. You know very well it's not really about the age gap. You would if you have followed the conversation so far but I guess it's better to ignore things we don't wanna hear of.

You're entitled to your opinion off course.

Not that it matters.


Neither does defending inhumane behavior rolleyes.gif

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never had an issue with the age gap ones in love.

just stated all along that these ones are rare, then the attacks began.

I believe there rare, many here seem to feel every age gap relationship is golden.

to the happy ones go for it, but i dont feel these good ones are common.

That probably explains why MrHammer's OP (to which he has chipped in only once) has soared to 22 pages of tit-for-tats and personal attacks.

Maybe some of the ones posting here that believe it doesn't make any difference are some of the few that really do have a 'golden' relationship with a much younger partner. And those that claim that such relationships are doomed due to lack of equity, or being based purely on his money and her youth, or his lack of social skills and her poverty, or his ugliness and her ambivalence or anything else beyond love have never personally contemplated, let alone experienced such a relationship much beyond anecdotal tales of older guys losing the plot, or knowing someone who has.

Those that have experienced it and lost the plot should just get over it and refrain from posting assuming their bad luck or poor judgement is universal. It may be par for the Thai course but there's always the chance of a birdie or even a 'golden' eagle.

Anyone out there get an albatross yet?

You say that like you know each and every member here. How do you know what they have experienced and not have?

The thread was about age gap but in the end it's not the issue now is it? It's not about attacking old people, personally I have nothing against it and at some point I as well will get old but that's not what the problem is.

Evidently some of the members here who defend the vast age gap that occurs here in Thailand get the points some of the younger members try to present but afraid of getting an uncomfortable question or a punchline, they make it an age issue to mask their real motives AND that's what got some here angered.

Edited by maxme
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Why is it so difficult to understand that in this modern day and age the elderly don't want to play the role imposed on them by a society so focused on youth, and are refusing to just wither away.

We have a zest for life that you fail to comprehend by your limited life experience.

If the elderly cannot find their slice of happiness in their home countries what for crying out loud is wrong with looking for it in faraway places.

I agree that many fail and that many are misguided but more than TV members realize succeed.

Don't be jealous ! Hopefully your time will come.


What nonsense. You know very well it's not really about the age gap. You would if you have followed the conversation so far but I guess it's better to ignore things we don't wanna hear of.

You're entitled to your opinion off course.

Not that it matters.


Neither does defending inhumane behavior rolleyes.gif

OK I'll bite.

I know my English is not as good as I would like it to be, but pray tell where have I promoted or defended inhumane behavior ?


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I remember walking down Soi Cowboy with a client and there was this dude who looks about 90 years old who could barely walk, had a hunch back and was struggling on his walking stick.

A few ladies came to his assistance to help he walk into the bar, everyone was pissing themselves laughing, but what a trooper.

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I remember walking down Soi Cowboy with a client and there was this dude who looks about 90 years old who could barely walk, had a hunch back and was struggling on his walking stick.

A few ladies came to his assistance to help he walk into the bar, everyone was pissing themselves laughing, but what a trooper.

Im sure he was pulling the ladies on his looks and wit.

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I remember walking down Soi Cowboy with a client and there was this dude who looks about 90 years old who could barely walk, had a hunch back and was struggling on his walking stick.

A few ladies came to his assistance to help he walk into the bar, everyone was pissing themselves laughing, but what a trooper.

Im sure he was pulling the ladies on his looks and wit.

Ah... the younger man opines again.

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I remember walking down Soi Cowboy with a client and there was this dude who looks about 90 years old who could barely walk, had a hunch back and was struggling on his walking stick.

A few ladies came to his assistance to help he walk into the bar, everyone was pissing themselves laughing, but what a trooper.

He knew ''you only live once'' thumbsup.gif .
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